
英文名稱 中文名稱
56755901 rated maximum supply current 額定最大供電電流
56755902 rated maximum welding current 額定最大焊接電流
56755903 rated minimum welding current 額定最小焊接電流
56755904 rated no-load speed 額定空載轉速
56755905 rated operating voltage 額定運轉電壓
56755906 rated output of gas turbine 氣輪機額定輸出
56755907 rated output of humidity 額定加濕量
56755908 rated output [of an instrument transformer] (儀用變比器的)額定輸出
56755909 rated power (for WTGS) 額定功率(風力發電機組)
56755910 rated power input 額定輸入功率
56755911 rated power input range 額定輸入功率範圍
56755912 rated power of an energizing circuit 激勵電路額定功率
56755913 rated power of the input circuit 輸入電路額定功率
56755914 rated power [for WTGS] (風電機組)額定功率
56755915 rated power [of a type of lamp] [一種型號燈的]額定功率
56755916 rated power, rated output 額定功率;額定輸出
56755917 rated primary current [of a current transformer] (比流器的)額定一次電流
56755918 rated primary voltage [of a voltage transformer] (比壓器的)額定一次電壓
56755919 rated range 額定範圍
56755920 rated range of use 額定使用範圍
56755921 rated recurring peak voltage 額定經常性峰值電壓
56755922 rated residual non-operating current 額定剩餘不動作電流
56755923 rated residual operating current 額定剩餘動作電流
56755924 rated secondary current [of a current transformer] (比流器的)額定二次電流
56755925 rated secondary voltage [of a voltage transformer] (比壓器的)額定二次電壓
56755926 rated short time thermal current 額定短時熱電流
56755927 rated short-time current 額定短時電流
56755928 rated short-time thermal current 額定短時發熱電流
56755929 rated speed 額定速率,額定轉速
56755930 rated speed range 額定速度範圍
56755931 rated spinning capacity 額定脫水容量
56755932 rated stand-by losses [in electroheat] [電熱的]額定保溫損失
56755933 rated steam condition 額定蒸汽條件
56755934 rated steam pressure 額定蒸汽壓力
56755935 rated steam temperature 額定蒸汽溫度
56755936 rated step voltage 額定級電壓
56755937 rated storage volume 額定有效容積
56755938 rated temporary overvoltage 額定暫時過電壓
56755939 rated tensile strength 額定拉斷力
56755940 rated through-current 額定通過電流
56755941 rated transformation ratio of a current transformer (比流器的)額定電流比
56755942 rated transformation ratio of a voltage transformer (比壓器的)額定電壓比
56755943 rated useful output power 額定有用輸出功率
56755944 rated vacuum 額定真空度
56755945 rated value of an energizing quantity 激勵量額定值
56755946 rated voltage 額定電壓
56755947 rated voltage factor 額定電壓因數
56755948 rated voltage of arrester 避雷器額定電壓
56755949 rated voltage range 額定電壓範圍
56755950 rated voltage ratio 額定電壓比
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 22251 到第 22300 筆