
英文名稱 中文名稱
56757951 short circuit duty 短路任務
56757952 short circuit key 短路電鍵
56757953 short circuit ratio 短路比
56757954 short circuit switch 短路開關
56757955 short circuit test 短路試驗
56757956 short duration power frequency voltage withstand test 短時電力頻率耐壓試驗
56757957 short pitch factor 短節距因數
56757958 short shunt compound winding 內分複繞
56757959 short shunt winding 內分繞組
56757960 short time interruption of voltage 短時間電壓中斷
56757961 short time over-current test 短時過電流試驗
56757962 short time voltage rising test 短時電壓升高試驗
56757963 short wave antenna 短波天線
56757964 short wave condenser 短波電容器
56757965 short wave cut-off filter 短波截止濾波器
56757966 short wave oscillator 短波振盪器
56757967 short wave receiver 短波接收機,短波收音機
56757968 short wave transmitter 短波送發機
56757969 short-circuit 短接,短路
56757970 short-circuit capacity 短路容量
56757971 short-circuit characteristics 短路特性
56757972 short-circuit current capability 短路電流承受能力
56757973 short-circuit generator circuit test [of breaking and making capacity] (開斷和關合能力的)短路發電機回路試驗
56757974 short-circuit ratio 短路比
56757975 short-circuiting device 短路裝置
56757976 short-run marginal cost 短期邊際成本
56757977 short-run marginal cost pricing 短期邊際成本定價
56757978 short-term economical operation among the units at hydropower station 水力電廠內短期經濟運轉
56757979 short-term trade subsystem 短期交易子系統
56757980 short-time correlation 短時相關
56757981 shorthole blasting; chip blasting 淺孔爆破
56757982 shot noise 射雜訊
56757983 shot-effect noise 散彈效應雜訊
56757984 shotcrete 噴射混凝土
56757985 shoulder load 肩部負載
56757986 shrunk-on rotor 套裝轉子
56757987 shuffling 倒料
56757988 shunt admittance of transmission line 輸電緣(之)分路導納
56757989 shunt box 分流器箱,分路箱
56757990 shunt cam 分路凸輪
56757991 shunt capacitive compensator 並聯電容補償器
56757992 shunt capacitor 並聯電容器
56757993 shunt excitation 分激,並激
56757994 shunt fault; short-circuit fault 短路故障
56757995 shunt fed vertical antenna 並聯饋電垂直天線
56757996 shunt field 分激磁場,並激磁場
56757997 shunt field coil 分激線圈,並激線圈
56757998 shunt generator 分激發電機,並激發電機
56757999 shunt motor 分激電動機,並激電動機
56758000 shunt peaking method 分路升高法
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 24301 到第 24350 筆