
英文名稱 中文名稱
56757901 sheet-iron 鐵片
56757902 shelf 架子,格,層
56757903 shelf-life 擱置壽命,貯藏期限,適用期
56757904 shell gate 薄殼閘門
56757905 shell type transformer 外鐵式變壓器
56757906 shellac varnish 蟲膠清漆
56757907 shelter area [of an overhead line] 架空線路保護區
56757908 sheltering 遮蔽
56757909 shield factor 屏蔽因數,遮蔽因數
56757910 shield plug 防護塞,屏蔽塞,遮蔽塞
56757911 shield ring 屏蔽環,遮蔽環
56757912 shielding cabinet 遮蔽櫃
56757913 shielding cage 遮蔽籠
56757914 shielding efficiency 遮蔽效率
56757915 shielding factor 屏蔽因數
56757916 shielding failure rate due to lightning stroke 雷擊遮蔽效率
56757917 shielding method 屏蔽法
56757918 shielding ring 屏蔽環
56757919 shielding room 屏蔽室
56757920 shift of operating point 操作點轉移
56757921 shift operator 轉移算子
56757922 shift register 移位暫存器
56757923 shift register code 移位記發碼
56757924 shift-in character 移入字元
56757925 shift-lock keyboard 移鎖鍵盤
56757926 shift-out character 移出字元
56757927 shifting magnetic field 移動磁場
56757928 shifting theorem 移動定理
56757929 shim rod 粗控制棒
56757930 shinkolobwite 矽鎂鈾礦
56757931 ship fire control radar 艦射控制雷達
56757932 ship lift 升船機
56757933 ship load 船舶負載
56757934 ship model test 船模試驗
56757935 ship station 船舶電臺
56757936 ship to-surface vessel 海面偵測雷達
56757937 ship-borne radar 艦載雷達
56757938 ship-mounted power plant 船舶發電所
56757939 shock circuit 震動電路
56757940 shock current 衝擊電流
56757941 shock-excited oscillator 震激振盪器
56757942 shoe pole (磁)極掌
56757943 shoegear 觸靴裝置
56757944 shop 工場
56757945 shore effect 海岸效應
56757946 shore-end cable 淺海電纜,海底電纜,近岸電纜
56757947 short circuit 短路
56757948 short circuit brake 短路制動
56757949 short circuit characteristic 短路特性
56757950 short circuit current 短路電流
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 24251 到第 24300 筆