
英文名稱 中文名稱
56758751 sponge ball cleaning device of condenser 凝汽器膠球清洗裝置
56758752 spontaneous combustion of coal 煤自燃
56758753 spontaneous emission 自(發)發射
56758754 spontaneous motion 自發運動
56758755 spontaneous radioactive disintegration 自然放射蛻變
56758756 spontaneous transmission 自發傳輸
56758757 spontaneously deposited film 自積膜(層)
56758758 spool insulator 圓柱形絕緣子,直腳絕緣子
56758759 sporadic E layer 散亂E層
56758760 sporadic reflection 散亂反射,不規則反射
56758761 spot carbon 點碳
56758762 spot distribution 斑點分布
56758763 spot price 現貨價格
56758764 spot projection 斑光投影
56758765 spot punch 點打孔
56758766 spot size 斑點大小,光點大小
56758767 spot speed 點速
56758768 spot trading 現貨交易
56758769 spot welder 點熔接器
56758770 spray drying FGD 噴霧乾燥法煙氣脫硫
56758771 spray jet 發散噴射
56758772 spray stuffing type deaerator 噴霧填料式除氧器
56758773 spray type attemperator; spray type desuperheater 噴水減溫器
56758774 spray-bubbling [without deaerating head] type deaerator 無除氧頭噴霧沸騰式除氧器
56758775 spread control (信號)展闊控制
56758776 spreading of picture element 圖素之擴展
56758777 spreading resistance 展佈電阻,散佈電阻
56758778 spreading waveform 散布波形
56758779 spreading waveform generator 展波形產生器
56758780 spreading waveform insertion 展波形插入
56758781 spreading waveform removal 展波形清除
56758782 spring combination 簧組合
56758783 spring contact 彈簧接觸,彈簧觸點
56758784 spring jack 有簧插口
56758785 spring-finger action 簧觸作用
56758786 sprocket tuning (magnetron) 齒輪調諧(磁控管)
56758787 sprocket-worm gear type turning gear 鏈輪 - 蝸輪蝸杆盤車裝置
56758788 spurious emission 混附發射
56758789 square inch 平方吋
56758790 square law 平方定律
56758791 square law condenser 平方律電容器
56758792 square law detection 平方律檢測
56758793 square law detector 平方律檢波器
56758794 square law device 平方律裝置,平方律設備
56758795 square mil 方密耳
56758796 square paper 方格紙
56758797 square wave voltage generator 方波電壓產生器
56758798 squirrel cage induction motor 鼠籠感應電動機
56758799 squirrel cage rotor 鼠籠轉子
56758800 squirrel cage winding 鼠籠繞組
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 25101 到第 25150 筆