
英文名稱 中文名稱
56758801 squoze deck 濃縮卡疊
56758802 stabbing/puncture hazard 刺傷/刺穿危害
56758803 stability determination 穩(定)度決定(性)
56758804 stability locus 穩定度軌跡
56758805 stability margin 穩定性裕度
56758806 stability of high slope 高斜率穩定度
56758807 stabilization by compaction 壓實穩定;壓實加固
56758808 stabilization by freezing 凝固穩定
56758809 stabilization by jet grouting pile 旋噴樁加固
56758810 stabilization by ramming 夯實加固
56758811 stabilization by rotary churning pile 旋噴樁加固
56758812 stabilization by vibrating 振動加固
56758813 stabilization by vibrosinking pile 振沖樁穩定
56758814 stabilization of operating point 操作點穩定
56758815 stabilization of surface 表面穩定
56758816 stabilized synchronization 穩定同步
56758817 stabilizer 穩定器
56758818 stabilizing measure 穩定量測
56758819 stabilizing method 穩定方法
56758820 stabilizing network 穩定網路
56758821 stabilizing winding 穩定繞組
56758822 stable arrangement 穩定排組
56758823 stable atomic nucleus 穩定原子核
56758824 stable control 穩定控制
56758825 stable equilibrium 穩定平衡
56758826 stable flame 穩定火焰
56758827 stable focus 穩定焦點
56758828 stable isotope 穩定同位素
56758829 stable limit cycle 穩定極限週期
56758830 stable node 穩定節點
56758831 stable nucleus 穩定核
56758832 stable oscillation 穩定振盪
56758833 stable temperature of concrete dam 混凝土壩穩定溫度
56758834 stack controller 煙囪控制器
56758835 stack draft ??通風
56758836 stack register 堆式暫存器
56758837 stacked dipole antenna 堆疊雙極天線
56758838 stacked job process 堆疊工作處理
56758839 stacker-reclaimer 堆取料(煤)機
56758840 stacker-reclaimer for circular coal storage 圓形煤場堆取料機
56758841 stacking fault 堆積缺陷
56758842 staff and ticket case 牌卷箱
56758843 staff catcher 路籤受器
56758844 staff crane 路籤受授器
56758845 staff deliverer 路籤授器
56758846 staff system 路籤系統
56758847 stage diversion 分期導流
56758848 staged combustion 分級燃燒
56758849 stagger circuit 錯調電路
56758850 stagger peaking 差調尖峰
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 25151 到第 25200 筆