
英文名稱 中文名稱
56759501 supergroup translator 超群轉移器
56759502 superheat steam temperature control system 過熱汽溫度控制系統
56759503 superheated steam 過熱蒸汽
56759504 superheated steam system 過熱蒸汽系統
56759505 superheater 過熱器
56759506 superhigh pressure steam turbine 超高壓汽輪機
56759507 superhigh pressure units 超高壓機組
56759508 superimposed circuit 重疊電路
56759509 superimposed current 重疊電流
56759510 superpose (superimposed) ringing 重疊振鈴
56759511 superposed circuit 重疊電路
56759512 superposition integral 重疊積分
56759513 superposition of potential flow 勢流疊加
56759514 superposition theory 重疊理論
56759515 superrefraction 超折射
56759516 superregeneration 超再生
56759517 superregenerative circuit 超再生電路
56759518 superregenerative receiver 超再生接收機
56759519 superscript 上標
56759520 supersonic boom 超音爆發,音爆
56759521 supersonic light valve 超音光閥
56759522 supersonic speed 超音速率
56759523 supersynchronous speed 超同步速率
56759524 supervised area 監督區
56759525 supervision level 監控級
56759526 supervision system of construction 工程監理制
56759527 supervisory 監視
56759528 supervisory control and data acquisition 監控與資料獲取系統
56759529 supervisory equipment 監視設備
56759530 supervisory information system for plant level, SIS 廠級監控資訊系統
56759531 supervisory institution 監護制度
56759532 supervisory instruction 監視指令
56759533 supervisory lamp 監視燈
56759534 supervisory operation 監視操作
56759535 supervisory program 監視程式
56759536 supervisory routine 監視常式
56759537 supervisory system 監視系統
56759538 supplemental facilities 電話附件
56759539 supplementary buildings of thermal power plant 火力發電廠附屬建築物
56759540 supplementary equal potential bonding 輔助等電位連接
56759541 supplementary fired combined cycle unit 補燃式聯合迴圈機組
56759542 supplementary insulation 附加絕緣
56759543 supplementary load loss 附加損耗
56759544 supplementary peg count 補充統計
56759545 supplementray maintenance 輔助維護
56759546 supply continuity criterion 供電連續性判據
56759547 supply interruption costs 停電費用
56759548 supply point 供電點
56759549 supply service 接戶線路
56759550 supply system in service 供電狀態
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 25851 到第 25900 筆