
英文名稱 中文名稱
56759601 surface recombination 表面復合
56759602 surface recombination velocity 表面復合速度
56759603 surface source 面光源
56759604 surface state 表面狀態
56759605 surface state density 面態密度
56759606 surface state theory 面態理論
56759607 surface temperature 表面溫度
56759608 surface tension 表面張力
56759609 surface trap 表面陷阱
56759610 surface treatment 表面處理
56759611 surface type attemperator 面式減溫器
56759612 surface water intake facilities 取(地表)水設施
56759613 surge absorber 突波吸收器
56759614 surge absorbing capacitor 突波吸收電容器
56759615 surge front recorder 突波面記錄器
56759616 surge impedance 突波阻抗
56759617 surge impedance load 突波阻抗負載
56759618 surge margin 突波裕度
56759619 surge shaft 調壓井
56759620 surge tower 調壓塔
56759621 surge-preventing device 防喘裝置
56759622 surplus energy 剩餘電能
56759623 surplus flow 剩餘電流
56759624 surplus water 剩餘水量
56759625 surrounding rock of chamber 硐室圍岩
56759626 surrounding rock pressure 圍岩壓力
56759627 surrounding temperature 周溫
56759628 surrounding work 外界功
56759629 survey and geological exploration 測量和地質探勘
56759630 survival wind speed 安全風速
56759631 survival wind speed (deprecated) 耐風速
56759632 susceptance 電納
56759633 susceptibility 電納係數
56759634 suspend tube 懸吊管
56759635 suspended boiler structure 懸吊式鍋爐構架
56759636 suspended load 懸浮負載
56759637 suspended substance 懸浮物
56759638 suspense file 追蹤卷
56759639 suspension and support 支吊架
56759640 suspension cable 懸架纜
56759641 suspension combustion 火室燃燒;懸浮燃燒
56759642 suspension fibre 懸絲
56759643 suspension insulator set 懸垂絕緣子串組
56759644 sustained fault 持續故障
56759645 sustained note 持續音
56759646 sustained oscillation 持續振盪
56759647 sustained radiation 持續輻射
56759648 sustained short circuit current 持續短路電流
56759649 sustained sound 持續聲
56759650 sustaining voltage 持續電壓
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 25951 到第 26000 筆