
英文名稱 中文名稱
56762451 [magnetic] variability 磁變異性
56762452 [measurable] quantity (可測)量
56762453 [measurement] compatibility (測量)相容性
56762454 [measurement] standard (測量)標準
56762455 [measuring] bridge (測量)電橋
56762456 [measuring] potentiometer (測量)電位計
56762457 [measuring] transmitter (測量)傳輸器
56762458 [mechanical] contactor 接觸器
56762459 [mechanical] switch (機械的)開關
56762460 [meter] constant (電表)常數
56762461 [microwave] isolator (微波)隔離器
56762462 [midspan] clearance between conductors and overhead ground wires 桿距間導線對架空地線間隔;(檔距中間]導線對架空地線淨空距離
56762463 [monochromatic] radiance temperature [of a thermal radiator, for a specified wavelength] (單色光)輻射溫度
56762464 [mono] filament (單)絲
56762465 [motor] combination (電動機)組合調速
56762466 [motor] train-unit (電動)列車單元
56762467 [mower] cutting head (割草機)切割頭
56762468 [mutual] exchange coefficient [between two surfaces S1 and S2] 互換係數
56762469 [navigation] mark (導航)標誌
56762470 [neutron] albedo 中子反照率
56762471 [nominal] range (標稱)範圍
56762472 [non-selective] quantum detector (非選擇性)量子探測器
56762473 [nuclear] fission (核)裂變
56762474 [on state] slope resistance (通態)動態電阻;(通態)斜率電阻
56762475 [on state] threshold voltage (通態)閾值電壓
56762476 [on-off] switch (通-斷)開關
56762477 [particle] fluence rate (粒子)注量率
56762478 [particle] flux (粒子)通量
56762479 [peak] making current (峰值)接通電流
56762480 [perceived] light (知覺的)光
56762481 [plastic] extruding 擠塑
56762482 [polyphase circuit] line current (多相電路)線電流
56762483 [power] loss (功率)損耗
56762484 [power] semiconductor diode (電力)半導體二極體
56762485 [power] system earthing (電力)系統接地
56762486 [power] transmission line 輸電線路
56762487 [power] unipolar transistor (電力)單極電晶體
56762488 [primary] coating (一次)塗層
56762489 [pulse] selector 脈衝選擇器
56762490 [quantity of] heat 熱量
56762491 [radiation] alarm system, [radiation] warning apparatus 輻射報警系統
56762492 [radiation] monitor 輻射監視器
56762493 [radiation] spectrometer 輻射譜儀
56762494 [radiation] test site (輻射)測試場地
56762495 [radiation] thermocouple (輻射)熱電偶
56762496 [radiation] thermopile (輻射)熱電堆
56762497 [radioactive] decay constant (放射性)衰變常數
56762498 [radioactive] waste management (放射性)廢物管理
56762499 [radio] thermoluminescence 熱釋光;熱發光
56762500 [range hood] airflow (吸油煙機)風量
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 28801 到第 28850 筆