
英文名稱 中文名稱
56762501 [relaying] protection equipment (繼電)保護裝置
56762502 [result of a] measurement 測量結果
56762503 [rotating] frequency convertor (旋轉)變頻機
56762504 [rotating] generator (旋轉)發電機
56762505 [rotating] phase convertor (旋轉)變相機
56762506 [secondary] power control operation of a generating set 發電機組(二次)功率控制
56762507 [self] demagnetizing field (自)退磁場
56762508 [shaver] cutting head (剃鬚刀)切割刀頭
56762509 [signal] converter (信號)轉換器
56762510 [signal] transducer (信號)轉換器
56762511 [siphon] oil filter (虹吸)淨油器
56762512 [spatial] distribution of luminous intensity [of a source] (光源的)發光強度(的空間)分佈
56762513 [speed] detecting element 快速檢測元件
56762514 [stator or rotor] lamination (定子或轉子)疊片
56762515 [steady-state] availability (穩態)可用度
56762516 [steady-state] unavailability 穩態不可用度
56762517 [subcritical] multiplication (次臨界)增殖
56762518 [terminal] lug 接線片;接線柄
56762519 [thermal] storage room heater 貯熱式房間電暖器
56762520 [time] duration 持續(時間]
56762521 [total] conversion time (總)轉換時間
56762522 [track] jumper table (軌道)跨接電纜
56762523 [traction] substation 牽引變電所
56762524 [traffic] bollard (交通)標柱
56762525 [train] heating winding (列車)採暖繞組
56762526 [turbine] start-up (汽輪機)啟動
56762527 [valve device] stack (閥器件)堆
56762528 [valve] arm (閥)臂
56762529 [valve] firing pulse (閥)點火脈衝
56762530 [viscous] damping coefficient (黏性)阻尼係數
56762531 [vision] saturation (視覺)飽和度
56762532 [volume] d.c.resistance (體積)直流電阻
56762533 [volume] d.c.resistivity (體積)直流電阻率
56762534 [von Kries`] persistence law (馮克萊斯)保持定律
56762535 [washing machine] rated washing capacity (洗衣機)額定洗滌容量
56762536 [wave] loop 波腹
56762537 [wave] node 波節
56762538 [wave] rotation circulator (波)旋轉式環行器
56762539 [wave] rotation isolator (波)旋轉式隔離器
56762540 [Weiss] domain 魏斯磁域
56762541 α-bearing waste α 廢棄物;α 廢料
56762542 α-control α 觸發角控制
56762543 β-rays (beta rays) 貝他射線
56762544 Γ-network Γ形網路
56762545 Δ-Y equivalence Δ-Y 等值,三角星形等值
56762546 Δ-Y transformation Δ-Y 變換,三角星形變換
56762547 Π-network Π形網路
56762548 「machine-power supply」interface 「機械-動力供應間」之介面
56762549 「operator-machine」interface 「操作者-機器間」之介面
56762550 兀 network 兀型(電)網路
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 28851 到第 28900 筆