(計算時間: 0.011秒, 共找到 35674 筆資料,顯示第 7401 到 7500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
concentration method 濃縮法
concentration tower 濃縮塔
concentration-gradient curve 濃度梯度曲線
concentrator 濃縮器
concentric tube 同心管
conceptacle 精胞群
conch 貝類,海螺
conche 巧克力精磨機
conching (巧克力加工中之)混合
conching machine 巧克力捏磨機
conchiolin 貝殼硬蛋白
conchoporphyrin 貝紫質
concoction 消化,成熟,調製,調合
Concord grape 康考特葡萄
concurrent flow dryer 順流式乾燥機
condensary, condensery 煉乳廠
condensate 冷凝物,冷凝液
condensation 冷凝,凝聚,縮合,聚光
condensation polymer 縮聚物
condensation polymerization 縮聚[作用]
condensation reaction 縮合反應
condensation resin 縮合樹脂
condensed butter milk 濃縮白脫乳
condensed egg 濃縮蛋
condensed juice 濃縮果汁
condensed milk flavo(u)r 煉乳味
condensed milk, sweetened condensed milk [加糖]煉乳
condensed phase 凝[聚]相
condensed phosphate 縮合磷酸鹽
condensed seasoning 濃縮調味料
condensed skim milk 脫脂煉乳
condensed soup 濃縮湯
condenser 冷凝器,電容器,聚光器
condensery,condensary 煉乳廠
condensing agent 縮合劑
condensing enzyme 縮合酵素
condiment 調味料
condiment set 調味料套具
conditioning 調節,處理,熟成
conductimetry,conductometry 電導測定法
conduction 傳導
conduction heating 傳導加熱
conductivity 傳導性,傳導度,電導度
conductometric titration 電導滴定[法]
conductometry, conductimetry 電導測定法
conductor 導體
cone 毬果,(霜淇淋)錐杯,錐形體,錐形漏斗,花穗
cone and quartering, conical quartering,coning and quartering 錐形四分法
cone crusher,cone mill (手工)錐形壓碎機
coney,cony 家兔,兔皮
confect(ion) 蜜餞,西點,糖果
confectionary 糖果廠,糖果貯藏室
confectioner 糖果甜點,糖果甜點店,糖果甜點業者,蛋糕裝飾師
confectioner's coating (糖果)糖飾
confectioner's sugar 粉糖
confectionery 糖果甜點,糖果甜點業,糖果甜點店
confidence coefficient 可靠係數
configuration 組態
confirmation 確認
confirmatory reaction 確認反應
confirmatory reagent 確認試劑
confirmatory test 確認試驗
confiture 糖果,果醬,蜜餞
conformation 構形
Conge machine 康吉攪拌機
congee 粥,糜
congelation 凍結
conger(eel) 海白鰻,繁星糯鰻,花點糯鰻
congestin 海葵毒素
conglomerate 晶團
conglutination reaction 膠著反應
conglutinin 共凝集素
Congo coffee 剛果咖啡樹,大葉咖啡樹
congo dye 剛果紅
congo(u) 中國紅茶
congo, congou 中國紅茶
conical ball mill 錐形球磨
conical blender 錐形混合機
conical column 錐形柱
conical dryer 錐形乾燥機
conical flask 錐形燒瓶
conical mixer 錐形混合機
conical quartering, cone and quartering, coning and quartering 錐形四分法
conidendrin 松柏抗氧化酚
conidia 分生孢子(複數)
conidium(pl.conidia) 分生孢子
coning and quartering, conical quartering, cone and quartering 錐形四分法
conjugate acid 共軛酸
conjugate base 共軛鹼
conjugated double bond 共軛雙鍵
conjugated protein 複合蛋白質
conjugation 接合[作用],共軛[作用], 併合[作用]
conjugative lipid, complex lipid, compound lipid 複合脂質
connective tessue 結締組織
consecutive reaction 逐次反應
conservation 保藏,保存
conservative 防腐劑
conservatory 保藏室,溫室
conserves 蜜餞,果醬
consestometer 黏稠度計,黏彈度計