為拓展我國學生科學研究視野、加強國際科技教育的交流,自民國91年起辦理,除受理國內對科學研究有興趣之國三至高三學生報名參賽外,亦邀請國外師生來台參展。 為達相互觀摩學習之效,本館蒐集並彙編今(2014)年臺灣國際科展各學科之優勝作品及評語,以及出國代表優秀作品,上傳至本館「科展群傑廳」網站,供全國師生及民眾上網查閱。

Name User2 User3 User4 User5 User6 User7 User8 User9 Detail User34 User35 User38 User10 User11 User39 User31(同USER3) User32(同USER4) User37(NAME)
60600428 乒乓球彈跳運動研究 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 物理與天文學 大會獎:一等獎;美國ISEF正選代表:美國第65屆國際科技展覽會 高雄市立前金國民中學 殷宏良 曾少茵 彈跳次數,彈跳高度,接觸時間 為了測量測量乒乓球彈跳,設計了測量的方法,基本構想是將乒乓球在木板上的彈跳(接觸與離開)視為開關的ON與OFF,將訊號產生器所產生的電訊號接到乒乓球上,木板接到電腦錄音輸入端,當乒乓球與木板接觸時,形成通路訊號進入電腦,由錄音程式加以記錄,反之為斷路,記錄停止。 但如何將乒乓球、木板由不能導電的絕緣體轉換成可以導電的導體,而又不能影響乒乓球原本彈跳性質?想出了用2B鉛筆(含石墨)將乒乓球、木板塗黑轉變為導體的方法,解決這個問題後,成功測量出以下乒乓球彈跳時各項的記錄:1.彈跳次數2.碰撞作用力3.接觸時間4.飛行時間。 最後以力感測器直接測量碰撞作用力,來驗正此實驗正確性。 臺灣 160027.pdf 2014年 物理與天文學
60600429 反轉式風力發電之磁浮轉子研究之探討 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 物理與天文學 大會獎:三等獎;候補作品:1 臺北市立麗山高級中學 吳明德;徐志成 邱嵩庭;廖卉馨;梁晉維 風力旋翼機(Wind turbine),功率(Power),磁浮原理(Maglev) 本研究的風力發電裝置除了在轉子裝上旋翼外,再將定子裝上另外反轉旋翼,並分析單雙組旋翼在不同電阻、風速等變因下所受的影響,以及磁浮軸承的擺動軌跡。 以QBLADE軟體設計旋翼,並以飛機木製作。利用送風機產生風能,以自耦變壓器控制風速、可變電阻改變電阻並進行單雙組旋翼測量;用不同水平力施於磁浮軸承,觀察其擺動。最後將測得數據製成Excel圖表,分析趨勢。 臺灣 160029.pdf 2014年 物理與天文學
60600430 滄海桑田-草漯砂丘沉積、侵蝕探討 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 地球與行星科學 大會獎:四等獎;女性地質學家協會獎 國立內壢高級中學 潘建熾;陳怡秀 林韋宏;詹雨儒;馬瑄璟 草漯砂丘,粒度,磁鐵礦 草漯砂丘位於臺灣西北部沿海,為風成砂丘。本研究選擇此區高度最高的沙丘,藉由長期砂丘地形監測、砂丘表層及垂直方向沉積物取樣進行粒度及磁鐵礦砂含量分析,試圖了解草漯砂丘沉積及侵蝕狀況。 監測砂丘自2011年9月中至2012年1月底間發現受風力侵蝕可達3公尺,侵蝕速率平均達8公分/天以上,2011年10月30日此沙丘進行固砂工程前後砂丘外形、侵蝕速率發生明顯變化,足見固砂工程對砂丘環境影響。垂直採樣分析9管沉積物粒度及磁鐵礦砂含量,發現四個特殊層,繪製成立體層面圖,發現類似沙丘滑落面地形,且藉由粒度及磁鐵礦砂分析也間接證明沙丘滑落面沉積現象。最後利用沉積物各層粗顆粒、磁鐵礦砂含量與中央氣象局提供之日均風速進行對比,推測9管沉積物應為2011年5月至9月間堆積。 臺灣 170002.pdf 2014年 地球與行星科學
60600431 以HHT探討311日本海嘯對台灣各港的影響 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 地球與行星科學 大會獎:四等獎 高雄市立高雄女子高級中學 陳建宏;梁育儒 郭子華 HHT,311海嘯 本研究以希爾伯特-黃轉換 (Hilbert Huang Transform, HHT),來分析311日本海嘯對台灣各港的水位變動影響。利用HHT將各港驗潮站資料分解成數個本質模態函數 (Intrinsic Mode Functions, IMF),從中找出天文潮和海嘯影響的IMF。將主要的天文潮及趨勢線濾除後,可清楚看出海嘯影響水位的成份,進而分析各港口海嘯波抵達時間、振幅大小和主要頻率等。由 IMF 中可發現海嘯波來臨前海水水位退潮及急升狀況。 此外,東部各港呈現出較為明顯的地震前導波(P波)所引起的高頻震盪波,與地震發生時間、P波傳遞速度、海水傳遞延遲及各港水位抬升時間都大致吻合,但較海嘯波到達時間大幅提前。上述研究結果,對瞭解海嘯波特性,將有所助益。 臺灣 170004.pdf 2014年 地球與行星科學
60600432 平流層瞬時暖化與北極震盪之長期關係 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 地球與行星科學 大會獎:三等獎;候補作品:1 國立嘉義高級工業職業學校 張敦程;呂明欣 蔡明叡;劉長生 行星波,平流層瞬時暖化,北極震盪 近年來氣候變遷的加劇使生活於地球的人類面臨了空前的挑戰,此次研究將以長期觀測數據深入探討近年受到科學家重視的「平流層瞬時暖化(SSW)」對於大氣的影響性,及與「北極震盪(AO)」的相關性。在此次研究利用NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis資料,分析了1991~2012年間發生SSW期間的大氣參數。我們從資料中發現自2000年起至2010年,緯向平均風場於SSW期間皆發生代表主要暖化的方向反轉,打破以往每2~3年發生一次主要暖化的頻率,顯示近年來主要暖化發生的頻率增加。另外,我們發現SSW對於對流層及地面皆有一定影響程度,從垂直風場的分析中發現SSW高峰日後,北美地區東岸垂直氣流連續一週皆呈現向下,導致溫度因為絕熱壓縮而增加,而地面的緯流指數(Zonal Index)也在此時呈現下降趨勢,表示此時緯向環流的強度正在減弱(即為北極震盪負相位),最後將出現極區氣溫上升、中低緯度氣溫下降的現象。 臺灣 170005.pdf 2014年 地球與行星科學
60600433 臺灣地區50年來海陸風與降雨日夜變化在不同地區與季節的差異 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 地球與行星科學 大會獎:二等獎;候補作品:1 臺北市立第一女子高級中學 金若蘭;郭鴻基 蕭于君;康菀秦 海陸風,雨量日夜變化,臺灣各區域降雨統計分析 本研究從1960年到2010年間臺北、臺中、日月潭、阿里山、玉山、臺南、花蓮、成功和恆春測站的時雨量資料中,發現東部測站的夜晚累積雨量多過白天,與其他測站相反,於是進一步挑選臺北、臺南和花蓮測站以探討不同地區海陸風環流對降雨量的影響。經過統計發現,花蓮測站降雨日週期的極值發生在海陸風環流發展後六小時發生,進而造成東部夜晚降雨量比白天多;而臺北測站是在二小時後發生;臺南測站則無時間落後現象。北部地區海陸風與日夜降雨變化沒有顯著的年代際變化,而東部與南部地區則可能因為地表使用改變而有變化。在季節分析方面,我們發現各地主要以夏季的海陸風與日夜降雨變化有明顯的關係。 臺灣 170007.pdf 2014年 地球與行星科學
60600434 西北太平洋颱風增強與上層海洋熱力結構關係之長期變化 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 地球與行星科學 大會獎:一等獎;美國ISEF正選代表:美國第65屆國際科技展覽會 臺北市立第一女子高級中學 金若蘭;林依依 陳郁欣 颱風強度,上層海洋熱力結構,垂直風切 近年來的研究(Pun et al.2013)指出,西北太平洋颱風主要發展區的海洋熱力條件有越來越溫暖的趨勢。本研究透過分析1993-2011年7-10月,在120-170°E北部 (19-26°N )及南部 (10-19°N)颱風主要發展區增強的category1-5颱風,觀察並分析其長期以來所行經之海表面溫度、海洋暖水層熱力狀況及垂直風切與颱風強度的關係。 比較後發現,長期以來,北部海域颱風的強度受風切影響較大,呈現減弱的趨勢;而南部海域颱風的強度則受海洋熱力條件影響較大,呈現增強的趨勢。根據擴大分析熱力條件影響較大的南部颱風主要發展區(1993-2012,4-21°N)的結果顯示,生成於此海域的颱風個案,長期以來所行經海洋的暖水層有增厚的現象,研判其為造成本區域颱風增強的重要因素。 臺灣 170008.pdf 2014年 地球與行星科學
60600435 First photochromic diarylethenes with cyclohexenone ethene "bridge" 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 化學 一等獎 Moscow Chemical Lyceum Alexey Kavun Photochromism is determined as reversible transformation between two chemical species, induced by action of light [1]. Herewith, initial form and photoinduced isomer have different properties, first of all, spectral. The phenomenon is attractive for the design of hi-tech materials for different applications, including optical memory elements and molecular switches. Diarylethenes are the most promising class of organic photochromic compounds due to outstanding thermal stability of both isomers and high photostability [2, 3]. Photochromism of diarylethenes explained by reversible electrocyclic reaction of hexatriene system, provoked by UV light, back reaction is induced by visible light. In this work we have proposed a new class of photochromic diarylethenes with cyclohexenone ethene “bridge” 4. The key stage of the synthesis is “one-pot” reaction of ketoesters 1 and chalkones 2 in ethanol in the presence of sodium ethoxide that includes Michael reaction and subsequent intramolecular condensation of the resulting product. The final decarboxylation of semi-product 3 results in target diarylethenes 4. We have prepared a wide range of photochromic diarylethenes with thiophene, oxazole, imidazole and benzene derivatives as aryl moieties. The spectral characteristics of compounds obtained have also been discussed. 一等獎 俄羅斯 030032.pdf 2014年 化學
60600436 Development of a Method for Measuring the Ozone Concentration in the Atmosphere Using Passive Method 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 化學 二等獎 Osaka Prefectural Senri Senior High School Tetsuhiro Ichimura;Hiroya Okubo 1. Introduction Passive method is widely used for measuring air pollutant for one day to several weeks. This method can be used easily and doesn’t need electricity, but expensive devices are needed for measuring substances, so this is not suitable for high school students for measuring or investigating. Then, we focused on the reaction, in which Indigo, the blue pigment, is discolored by ozone, and we built up a hypothesis, that indigo is suitable for measuring ozone concentration. 2. Experimental Section We soaked a 10 mm×20 mm filter paper in an indigo solution, including hosphoric acid. Then, they were dried in an automatic oven. 5.5 cm×10 cm PTFE sheet was fold in two and five sheets of indigo filters were fixed inside (passive sampler). The passive samplers were fixed on a stand and exposed to ozone in the atmosphere. After a few days, we collected the samplers and put each indigo filter and 4.0 mL of ion-exchange water into sample tubes. Then we shook this and extracted the color pigment. We had the average value of 600 nm from the five sheets as a measure value. 3. Results and Discussion The total amount of ozone for one to seven days measured in the experiment was directly proportional to the amount of ozone measured by Osaka Prefecture. We found that we can measure ozone in atmosphere using our method. Passive method has an advantage: it can be carried out easily. We employed this trait and measured ozone concentration at 23 points simultaneously in the north of Osaka for 48 hours. We made the map of ozone concentration by marking on a blank map. The map we made was just like the map published by Osaka Prefecture. We expect that this method will be useful in measuring ozone, where measuring devices are not available. 4. Conclusion We succeeded developing new method for measuring ozone in the atmosphere by passive method using indigo, the blue pigment. 二等獎 日本 030030.pdf 2014年 化學
60600437 Going Dotty: The Distribution and Effects of Rust on Highbush Cranberry 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 植物學 二等獎 Smithers Secondary Kiri Daust Purpose Every fall, I collect highbush cranberries (Viburnum edule) to make jelly. In 2012, for the first time, I observed highbush cranberry leaves covered in striking patterns of raised purple dots (telia) caused by the pathogenic rust fungus Puccinia linkii. I investigated the distribution and effects of this rust for several reasons: little is known about P. linkii, highbush cranberries are an important food source for wildlife and people, and foliar pathogens may increase with climate change in sub-boreal forests. First, I investigated the patterns of telia within plants. Second, I compared the variation in infection severity among plants, hypothesising that younger plants, those in dense populations, and those in low-elevation riparian areas would be most infected. Finally, I studied the effects of P. linkii on its host, hypothesising that highly infected plants would produce fewer berries and produce berries with less sugar, and that infected leaves would die sooner. Procedures This study investigated P. linkii in mixed coniferous-deciduous forest sites near Smithers, British Columbia. I marked a total of 41 randomly-selected focal V. edule plants in four sites. To examine within-plant patterns of infection, I photographed four leaves of each plant and used a graphic analysis program to examine the size, density and coverage of telia. To assess among-plant patterns, I compared infection severity (5 classes of telia coverage), to three ecological variables: host density within 5m, position on a moisture gradient, and plant maturity. To investigate the effects of P. linkii on its host, I compared infection severity to the number of berries produced, the proportion of malformed and infected berries, and the sugar content of mature berries as measured with a handheld refractometer. I measured leaf mortality in fall. Results P. linkii produced a characteristic pattern within each plant: higher leaves consistently had fewer but bigger telia than lower leaves. Across sites, plants were significantly more infected in areas of high host density. Within sites, young plants and plants and in moister ecosystems were significantly more infected (increases of 1.1 ± 0.2; F1,128=44.8, P<0.001 and 1.7 ± 0.5; F1,145=95.9, P<0.001 severity classes respectively). There was no relationship between infection severity and the total number of berries produced. However, highly infected plants produced 20 times more malformed and infected berries than plants with low infection severity. In addition, plants with higher levels of infection produced berries with about 15% less sugar (F1,63 = 19.4, P<0.001). Highly infected leaves had significantly more area of dead tissue (F1,97 = 21.5, P<0.001). Conclusions Although the long-term effects of P. linkii on V. edule are unknown, this study suggests that the pathogen stresses plants. Climate change is projected to lead to moister springs in the study area, potentially increasing infection severity. Increased infection may reduce berry quantity and quality, potentially reducing food availability for over-wintering birds and small mammals, fall food for bears, and jelly for people. 二等獎 加拿大 060012.pdf 2014年 植物學
60600438 Development of Biomimetic Skins 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 醫學與健康科學 一等獎 Raffle Institution P Kishore The objective of the project is to develop a novel biomimetic membrane and/or a scaffold for the said membrane. The approach of the project is to use animal skin from the domesticated pig or fish as a scaffold material for the adherence and growth of human skin fibroblasts to create a biomimetic membrane that can be used in medical applications as an alternative to today’s gold standards of Xenograft, Allograft and Autograft procedures. The biomimetic skin membrane can be used to treat victims of burns or scarring with a natural material that would be eliminated via natural bodily functions while eliminating the side effects and drawbacks such as scarring, secondary infections and tissue damage resulting from the current gold standard graft procedures on donor sites. Pig and fish skins were treated with ethanol and dehydrated followed by perfusion with Phosphate buffer solution and Cell culture media. Human skin fibroblasts (NF3 cells) were seeded on the animal skin scaffold. The human skin fibroblasts were then observed to determine their morphology and membrane formation properties. It was observed that the human skin fibroblasts were able to adhere to the non-human skin scaffolding and proliferate. More research is needed to determine their viability as a biomimetic membrane. 一等獎 新加坡 090024.pdf 2014年 醫學與健康科學
60600439 Fabrication of Hydrophobic Coatings Using the Sol-Gel Method 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 工程學 一等獎 River Valley High School Tan Qin Ye The aim of our research is to produce superhydrophobic coatings on both glass and cloth substrates in order to achieve high contact angles and low sliding angles for self-cleaning. In addition, we aim to modify these coatings to be as transparent as possible so as not to interfere with the aesthetics of the objects which will be coated. To achieve this goal, we synthesised a solution using 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane (a type of FAS), silica nanoparticles (SiO2), tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), (3-glycidyloxypropyl) trimethoxysilane (Glymo) and deionised water. Using the convenient sol-gel method, coatings of 20% and 30% by weight of FAS-SiO2 nanoparticles were prepared on glass and cotton substrates. It was found that coatings containing 30% by weight of FAS-modified SiO2 nanoparticles on glass slide produced coatings with water contact angle as high as 162.8° and sliding angle as low as 4°. It can also be seen that for glass substrates, the hydrophobicity increased with an increase in percentage of FAS-modified SiO2 nanoparticles. Although the highest percentage transmittance was about 30%, texts and pictures beneath the coated glass slides were clearly readable. The cotton substrates also exhibited excellent hydrophobicity, with a water contact angle of 150° and sliding angle of 22°. Furthermore, the substrates showed good retention of colour and durability after simulated washing and 72 hours of ultraviolet (UV) weathering chamber test. These results show that the effects of washing and UV on the important properties of the cloth were insignificant. 一等獎 新加坡 100037.pdf 2014年 工程學
60600440 The new engine 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 工程學 二等獎 ATAST Motez EZZI The aim of this project is to eliminate the huge consummation of petrol in the field of transportation. This project will be based on the creation of an engine. It is not only economic but also, it does not pollute the environment. In order to think about the scientific strategy of this engine, I had a look at the work of many previous inventors who worked on a similar engine. But the engine I fabricated has as additions: - The use of clean energies (air, electrical energy and electromagnetic energy) - It is an engine the energy of which is renewable and it does not necessitate the intervention of man to give it energy .THIS MEANS THAT IT WORKS ALONE. 二等獎 突尼西亞 100038.pdf 2014年 工程學
60600441 Robotic Window Cleaner 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 工程學 四等獎 Mount Roskill Grammar Sohail Abdulla My project is a robot designed to clean windows and eliminate the need for human labor. My ultimate aim for this project is to develop my robot to clean high-rise buildings as well as homes. The current version of my robot is designed to clean only house windows. The idea to invent a robot that would automatically clean windows came to me when I arrived home from school one day and found my father struggling to clean the outside of our living room windows because he suffers from back and knee pain. During my research I stumbled upon high-rise window cleaning accidents in which people have lost their lives and this gave my project greater purpose. The major challenge I faced when designing my robot was getting my robot to stick to a vertical window while maneuvering around its surface without falling off. My solution was to use vacuum technologies, suction cups and direct current motors in my design. My robot is made up of a mechanical system, an electronic system and a pneumatic system. The mechanical system consists of direct current motors that drive the two arms of the robot backward and forward through a rack and pinion enabling movement. The pneumatic system provides the vacuum that enables my robot to stick to the window and also consists of pistons that lower the suction cups onto the glass. The electronics system is made up of a microcontroller that uses transistors to control the robots various components. Some key features of my robot include the new split unit design which includes a cleaning unit and a control panel that allows for a decrease in the weight of the device, ultrasonic distance sensors for window edge detection and a self drawing cleaning progress map which the robot displays on the LCD screen on the control panel. Gauges have been added to monitor pressure and vacuum levels in the system so that the user is aware if a problem were to occur. The dual squeegee design includes a squeegee on either end of the horizontal arm which are raised and lowered at certain times while the robot maneuvers across the window to result in the most effective clean. Attached to the squeegees are microfiber cleaning pads that are used to clean the window. I plan to one day develop my robot to clean high-rise buildings so it minimizes the risk of workers losing their lives. 四等獎 紐西蘭 100036.pdf 2014年 工程學
60600442 IlluminaMed: Developing Novel Artificial Intelligence Techniques for the Use In a Biomedical Image Analysis Toolkit and Personalized Medicine Engine 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 電腦科學 一等獎 Canyon Crest Academy Yousuf Soliman Despite the multitude of biomedical scans conducted, there is still relatively low accuracy and standardization of diagnoses from these images. In both the fields of computer science and medicine there is very strong interest in developing personalized treatment policies for patients who have variable responses to treatments. The aim of my research was automatic segmentation of brain MRI scans to better analyze patients with tumors, multiple sclerosis, ALS, or Alzheimer’s. In particular, I aim to use this information, along with novel artificial intelligence algorithms, to find an optimal personalized treatment policy which is a non-deterministic function of the patient specific covariate data that maximizes the expected survival time or clinical outcome. The result of the research was IlluminaMed, a biomedical image analysis toolkit that relies on the development of new artificial neural networks and training algorithms and novel research in fuzzy logic. The networks can detect patterns more complex than humans can identify and create patterns over long periods of time. IlluminaMed was trained by a dataset of professionally and manually segmented MRI scans from several prestigious hospitals and universities. I then developed an algorithmic framework to solve multistage decision problem with a varying number of stages that are subject to censoring in which the “rewards” are expected survival times. In specific, I developed a novel Q-learning algorithm that dynamically adjusts for these parameters. Furthermore, I found finite upper bounds on the generalized error of the treatment paths constructed by this algorithm. I have also shown that when the optimal Q-function is an element of the approximation space, the anticipated survival times for the treatment regime constructed by the algorithm will converge to the optimal treatment path. I demonstrated the performance of the proposed algorithmic framework via simulation studies and through the analysis of chronic depression data and a hypothetical clinical trial. IlluminaMed can automatically segment the scans with 98% accuracy, find tumors with 96% accuracy and approximate their volume within a 2% margin of error. It can also find lesions in MS and ALS, distinguishing them from tumors with 94% accuracy. IlluminaMed can, in addition, determine the tendency of a patient to develop Alzheimer’s several months before patients develop symptoms correlating the brain structure and its fluctuations. Lastly, the censored Q-learning algorithm I developed is more effective than the state of the art clinical decision support systems and is able to operate in environments when many covariate parameters may be unobtainable or censored. IlluminaMed is the only fully automatic biomedical image analysis toolkit and personalized medicine engine. The personalized medicine engine runs at a level that is comparable to the best physicians. It is less computationally complex than similar software and is unique in the fact that it can find new patterns in the brain with possible future diagnoses. IlluminaMed’s implications are not only great in terms of the biomedical field, but also in the field of artificial intelligence with new findings in neural networks and the relationships of fuzzy extensional subsets. 一等獎 美國 110020.pdf 2014年 電腦科學
60600443 New Screening Method for Early Pediatric Cancer Detection Through Automated Handwriting Analysis 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 電腦科學 三等獎 Hoda Sharaway Experimental Language School Abdelrahman Abdelmoniem;Sara Hagras Pediatric cancer has an incidence rate of more than 175,000 per year with a mortality rate of approximately 96,000 per year. One major cause of this problem is late diagnosis. A novel promising way of pediatric cancer screening is handwriting analysis. This method surpasses other methods by detecting pediatric cancer in a very early stage. However, studies are still limited to manual analysis which needs an expert and a long period of time. The aim of this project is to design a computer program to extract handwriting features and build a classification model to classify the user as patient or as control. Dataset was collected from schools and hospitals where all participants could read and write in English. After data cleansing, number of samples was 440 samples. MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) program was used for extracting geometric features in handwriting. Program was validated using a subset of 50 samples of the dataset. WEKA Package was used to test and build the classifier. Experiments were done using classifiers: Logistic, Multilayer Perceptron, J48, LibSVM, AdaBoostM1 and Na?ve Bayes. Best subset of attributes was evaluated and used for each classifier and all calculations were done as the average of cross validation operations of several folds assignments. Best performance was achieved by Logistic classifier with average accuracy of 80.15%, standard deviation of 0.43% and Matthews's correlation coefficient of 0.59. Finally, this project presents a new fast, free, ready, easy and psychologically comfortable method for pediatric cancer detection while keeping suitable accuracy for mass screening. 三等獎 埃及 110021.pdf 2014年 電腦科學
60600444 Antimicrobial and Heavy Metal Sequestration Capacities of Graphene Polymer Nanofilms 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 環境科學 一等獎 DeBakery High School Manvitha Katta Membrane bioreactors (MBR) are important components in the production of effluent in wastewater treatment systems. However, MBR are susceptible to biofouling, a process by which bacteria colonize the surface of the membrane in contact with water. Graphene could be a solution to biofilm formation. In this study, the graphene polymer nanocomposite’s antimicrobial and heavy metal removal properties and the mechanisms behind the properties were investigated. Five different films of nanocomposites with a form of graphene and a polymer were synthesized: Graphene, Graphene Oxide, PVK-GO, PVK-G, PVK. A B?chner funnel and a vacuum pump were used to coat membrane filters with solutions of each nanomaterial. Using the B?chner funnel, E. coli and B. subtilis bacteria were filtered through the filter and both the filtrate and the filter were examined for bacterial content. Similarly, a Pb2+ solution was filtered through the coated filters and percentage removal of the ion was calculated using Atomic Absorbtion Spectrometry. Further analysis from SEM data, ATR-IR, and an Oxidative Stress test revealed that the PVK-GO nanocomposite inactivates bacteria by causing oxidative stress and the carboxyl group binds to lead ions. PVK-GO was most effective at removing the highest percentage of heavy metal and inactivated the most bacteria and displayed the most antimicrobial properties. PVK-GO coatings provide an efficient and economical alternative to the current wastewater industry standard and can save millions of dollars and reduce environmental waste. Also, the coatings have applications in indwelling medical devices and can reduce the risks associated with biofilm formational and bacterial infections. 一等獎 美國 120016.pdf 2014年 環境科學
60600445 Reuse Waste and Save the World by Production Fiber Reinforced 'CB' made from Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 環境科學 四等獎 SM Sains Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Nawal Syakirah Ridwan;Nurul Iman Nabilah Mohd Solah Cement board; compressive strength; oil palm empty fruit bunches fibres(EFB) At present Malaysia is the largest exporter of palm oil in the international market. In the process of extraction of palm oil from oil palm fruit, biomass materials such as palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) and palm pressed fibre (PPF) are generated as waste products. Natural fibres reinforced cement-based materials have gain increasing application in residential housing components. One of the natural fibres considered is oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) fibres which offer advantages such as availability, renewability, low cost and the established technology to extract the fibres. This study investigates the properties of cement board incorporated with large amount of oil palm EFB fibres Among the tests conducted was compressive strength, density, water absorption and thickness swelling tests. It was found that high EFB fibres content lead to lower strength and higher absorption . The results also indicate that high EFB fibres contents reduced the self-weight of the blocks and the resulting blocks can be classified as lightweight cement blocks suitable to be used as lightweight walling materials. Our research is to study the production of cement board using Empty fruit bunch(EFB)These board were made from empty fruit bunch, cement and water. Two chemical are added is aluminium sulphate and sodium silicate. Cement : EFB mixture by weight was 2.5:1, 2.75:1 and 3.0:1 used to produces a cement board. 四等獎 馬來西亞 120015.pdf 2014年 環境科學
60600446 The Effect of Hands Free - Cell Phone Conversation on Visual Fields 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 行為與社會科學 四等獎 Herzlia High School Savanna Mendelsohn It is a known fact that using a cell phone while driving can lead to reckless driving. According to research done by the World Health Organisation (2011) thousands of car accidents occur worldwide, each day, due to cell phone use whilst driving. Many of these car accidents result in serious injury or death of drivers, passengers or pedestrians. According to the Automobile Association (2012), cell phones are the number one cause of traffic accidents in South Africa. The high rate of car accidents due to cell phone use has led to legislation being passed, in most countries, banning hand-held cell phone use while driving. Hands-free phone equipment is not prohibited as it is widely regarded as a safe means of making and taking a phone call while behind the wheel. The purpose of this study was to show that the act of talking on a cell phone and not the method of talking (hand-held versus hands-free) increases accident probability. This study used a Friedman Visual field analyser which measures subject’s visual fields with and without engaging in hands-free cellular conversation. The results showed a significant constriction of the visual fields when subjects were conversing on a cell phone. These results were and can be explained by the fact that the test subject experiences cognitive distraction. Cognitive distraction occurs because the driver has to divide his/her attention between the cell phone conversation and the tasks relating to driving. These results have significant ramifications for road safety in a driving environment. 四等獎 南非 130007.pdf 2014年 行為與社會科學
60600447 The Levitating Ball 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 物理與天文學 二等獎 Wellington High School Lily Mason-Mackay This project was inspired by a tournament call the International Young Physicist’ Tournament (IYPT). The problem could be broken into two aims: ‘Investigate the forces that cause a ball to levitate in a titled airstream’ and ‘optimize the system for the maximum angle of tilt that results in a supported ball’. The first stage of the investigation was research and learning. Two fluid mechanics courses online were used to build a basic of knowledge of the subject. Next a force diagram was created to model the forces acting on the ball. The diagram identified a force called the lift force that must be acting on the ball to be supported. There were three contending theories that could explain the lift force: The Bernoulli theory, the Coanda theory and the Magnus theory. A practical investigation was then instigated to differentiate between these three theories. Since the Magnus theory is only applicable if the ball is spinning in the airstream, this theory was isolated by changing the center of mass of the ball but keep everything else constant (this allowed control of how much the ball spun in the airstream). Changing the center of mass didn’t impact on the maximum angle of tilt at all, proving that the spinning of the ball isn’t producing a significant amount of lift, and therefore the Magnus theory couldn’t be a cause for lift. Because further testing couldn’t isolate the Coanda and Bernoulli theories, a solution was developed to explain why the two remaining theories might co-exist. Further testing methods have been designed to investigate this possibility in more depth. To meet the second aim of this project, an investigation was launched to see how parameters affected the maximum angle that the ball could be supported at. The parameters investigated were: Ball radius, ball mass, ball surface, air speed and airstream diameter. A lot of time was spent creating a reliable experimental method. The method could be used to support a ball in an air stream, slowly tilt the air stream, and then measure the angle of tilt the moment that the ball fell out. After experimentation, a table was created to describe how the listed parameters affect the maximum angle of tilt that a ball can be supported at. Explanations were proposed for why each parameter affected this angle. Future experiments have been devised to build a deeper understanding of the effects of a wider range of parameters. 二等獎 紐西蘭 160036.pdf 2014年 物理與天文學
60600448 Physical Characterization of a Wide Aperture Segmented Reflector Telescope 臺灣國際科展作品 2014 年 物理與天文學 四等獎 Philippine Science High School Lea Monica Alonzo Characterization of telescope lenses using physical optics and selection of the optimal physical parameters of a reflecting telescope’s optical units were done to improve the design, cost-efficiency, and quality of the 64-cm telescope (named Oof) housed at the National Institute of Physics. Characterization has been done through numerical modeling of the point spread function (PSF) in Python. The PSF code was based on the method of getting wave vectors by Richards and Wolf. The optimal PSF was established to be the PSF of a large monolithic mirror. The PSF of a single optical lens was compared to its counterpart segmented lenses. Through the comparison of maximum intensity, the normalized mean square error (NMSE) and the Linfoot’s criteria of correlation quality, fidelity, and relative structural content, the study has produced results which proved that highly segmented optical components produce results with less quality compared to less-segmented optical components. It was found that as the segmentation increases, the maximum intensity decreases. Higher values of maximum intensity denote higher light gathering power. The normalized mean square error of the set-ups having one to seven layers had values greater than zero but less than one. This denotes that the PSF of those set-ups are near the PSF of the optimal set-up. Higher values of correlation quality, fidelity, and relative structural content denote higher correlation, higher signal to noise ratio, higher closeness of correspondence between the optimal set-up and the segmented set-up. The number and the size of the optical components of the segmented mirror were manipulated in order to achieve a negligible difference between that of the optimal PSF and the PSF of a segmented mirror. The equivalent single lens radius in terms of maximum intensity of the current set-up of the telescope was determined to be 234.25 mm. If the optimal PSF is achieved, the physical parameters of the optical components generated may be applied to the optical components of the 64-cm telescope. The design that resulted from the study could be used in the future construction of a wide-aperture telescope, which could aid in the acquisition of knowledge about heavenly bodies. 四等獎 菲律賓 160037.pdf 2014年 物理與天文學
總共 71 筆,顯示第 51 到第 71 筆