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講者姓名 Mark Diesendorf
服務機構 professor of Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW, AU
演講時間 2010-11-12
演講題目 How to Bust Myths about Greenhouse Science and Renewable Energy Solutions
摘要 Global climate change, resulting from the emission of greenhouse gases by human activities, is arguably one of the biggest threats to human civilization and biological diversity in the 21st century. Its impacts include sea-level rise, the loss of many species of plants and animals, and increased frequencies of droughts, heat waves, wild fires, floods and possibly strong hurricanes. Most of these impacts are already being experienced to some degree. The poor, who have least responsibility for causing climate change, will suffer most from its impacts.<br /> <br /> Citizens who care about the environment and social justice are recognizing the threat, acting to reduce their own emissions and demanding that their governments take strong action. On the other hand, representatives of the greenhouse polluting industries are denying or minimizing the scientific evidence, denigrating the technological solutions and working actively to stop or weaken government policies to cut emissions. These industries include coal, oil, electricity generation, motor vehicles, aluminium, steel, cement, forestry and agriculture.<br /> <br /> Climate change deniers take a range of positions. Some select small atypical bits of the scientific data and, ignoring the clear overall trend, use these bits to argue that Earth is not warming. Others accept the scientific evidence that global warming is occurring, but deny that human activities are responsible. Another group accepts the warming trend and its human cause, but denies it matters and claims that mitigation would be worse than inaction or adaptation. All these positions have been shown to be invalid.<br /> <br /> Potentially a major part of the solution to global warming is renewable energy, comprising solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydro and marine sources. These technologies have advanced rapidly over the past 20 years and some are already mainstream industries in Europe and PR China. Scenarios have been developed in several countries for transitions to future global energy systems based predominantly or entirely upon renewable sources. This is threatening to greenhouse polluting industries, which are now supporting renewable energy deniers as well as climate change deniers.<br /> <br /> Renewable energy deniers claim incorrectly that renewable energy is too unreliable to replace fossil fuels; that renewable energy cannot supply base-load (24-hour) power; that renewable energy could not power an industrial society; and that renewable energy would be more expensive than other possible solutions to climate change. All of these claims are wrong. Renewable energies, together with efficient energy use, are the only zero-emission energy technologies and measures that could achieve large cuts in greenhouse gas emissions before 2020.<br /> <br /> This lecture will explain and refute some of the principal myths and fallacies being disseminated by both climate deniers and renewable energy deniers.