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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 赴荷蘭建置雙方蝴蝶蘭DNA資料庫
計畫名稱_英文 Established the Phalaenopsis DNA database of both sides in Netherlands
計畫編號_中文 103農科-4.2.1-種-X2
計畫編號_英文 103AS -4.2.1-SS-X2
主辦單位_中文 生物技術課
主辦單位_英文 Biotechnology Section
主辦人_中文 張惠如
主辦人_英文 Hui-Ju Chang
中文摘要 Naktuinbouw為荷蘭執行植物品種檢定的專責機構,亦負責歐盟成員國數種作物品種申請案件之檢定工作,具相當豐富的品種檢定業務經驗及人力。本計畫前往Naktuinbouw進行14天的研習,主要的研習內容為利用BioNumerics分析軟體進行蝴蝶蘭品種基因型分析,建立蝴蝶蘭DNA資料庫。經過多次演練並和Naktuinbouw技術人員的經驗交流後,協助我方建立蝴蝶蘭DNA資料庫時需注意的參數設定及資料格式,並且解決未來雙方合作所需交換的資料內容等問題。為有效辦理第14屆臺荷農業合作會議之決議事項,針對雙方技術合作案,在交換蝴蝶蘭DNA材料與基因型分析資料的工作上,雙方取得共識並撰寫相關細節內容文件一份。除此之外,在研習期間也參加了Naktuinbouw針對育種者及業者所舉辦的說明會,會中共有四個議題,內容主要講述有關DNA分子標誌使用於性狀檢定及侵權鑑定工作上所扮演的角色。在這次研習後,雙方基於這些討論與交流,在建立蝴蝶蘭品種DNA資料庫這項工作上,將在技術操作的細節上更加留意。未來工作將著重在加強與性狀檢定技術人員、育種者及業者溝通交流。另外,進一步將DNA資料庫與性狀資料庫及影像資料庫進行連結,以提升分子鑑別技術及DNA資料庫於蝴蝶蘭性狀檢定作業上的輔助性。
英文摘要 Naktuinbouw in the Netherlands is the organization authorized to assess varieties of agricultural, floricultural, arboricultural and vegetable crops for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS testing) for registration purposes and/or granting Plant Breeders' Rights, both on Dutch an EU level. The objectives of this study within 2 weeks in Naktuinbouw were to learn genotyping on Phalaenopsis varieties by BioNumerics software and to establish the DNA database of Phalaenopsis varieties. Both techniques and experiences through this study could not only establish the methods (such as parameter data, file format ... etc),but also solve problems of both sides cooperation. To effectively handle the issues of both sides cooperation in 14th Taiwan-Netherlands Agricultural Working Group Meeting, the researchers of Taiwan TSIPS and Naktuinbouw had written the document “Proposal of the cooperation between TSIPS and Naktuinbouw” including exchange works of DNA materials and analysis results. Meanwhile, I also attended the information meeting for breeder and seed company during this study. Four programs were conducted in this meeting, mainly focusing on the role of DNA makers in the DUS testing and against infringement on Plant Breeders’ rights.After this study, both sides pay more attention on detail technical operations of DNA database of Phalaenopsis species based on those discussions and experiences. In the future works, how to communicate with technical staff of DUS testing, breeder and seed company is very important issue. Besides, the DNA database will make connections between characteristic database and image database. This harmonization will enhance the standardization and authority of the molecular testing technologies and using the DNA database as support to the DUS testing of Phalaenopsis.