
年度 計畫名稱_中文 計畫名稱_英文 計畫編號_中文 計畫編號_英文 主辦單位_中文 主辦單位_英文 主辦人_中文 主辦人_英文 中文摘要 英文摘要
60665138 2014 生技種苗檢測服務建置與產業推動 Industry extension and establishment ofbiotech seedling detection serviceplant seed/seedling team 103農科-1.1.2-種-X1 103AS -1.1.2-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 鍾文全 Wen-Chuan Chung 利用已開發共顯性分子標誌(Ty1, Ty2及Ty3),檢測種苗業界所提供的番茄種苗是否具有抗黃化捲葉病毒植株,得知三家種苗業者所育出的番茄種苗主要以抗Ty2為主。文心蘭檸檬綠組培苗依株高等級分為小苗、中苗、大苗等三級,評估小瓶苗要達到出貨標準(株高達7.4cm以上 )約需培養55天,大瓶苗培養30天即可出貨。拜訪6家仙履蘭組培場,與經營者訪談組培設備、生產流程及瓶苗出貨標準,目前仙履蘭組培瓶苗大多為實生苗,由栽培者提供種子交由專業組培場代工。以栽培場自行雜交之綠Maudiae 品種,無菌播種之實生瓶苗為試驗材料,培養3、4、6個月後,得知仙履蘭瓶苗應以培養4個月後為出瓶最佳時機。本年度蒐集四個流通品種(Phal. TailinRed Angle ‘V31’、Phal. I-Hsin White Swan、Dtps. Tinny Honey、Dtsp. IHsin Yellow Tris)之蝴蝶蘭組培瓶苗,進行生長指數調查與植體營養成分分析,並將蝴蝶蘭瓶苗依102年計畫建立之瓶苗品質鑑定指標進行分級種植,四個流通品種進行瓶苗形態調查及植體分析,並發育到中苗,調查花形間品質指標之結果驗證,結果顯示 5個月後植株之乾鮮重、乾物重、葉幅、葉數、根數等四個品種各級間皆無顯著性差異,若從元素分析來看,各級間元素佔植株乾重的百分比亦並無顯著性差異,但不合苗之單株全可溶性糖含量之表現與合格苗差異較其他元素更為明顯。以去病毒技術篩選蘭園蝴蝶蘭無病毒之母本,共篩選500件瓶苗樣品,結果得知獲得去病毒的比率會隨寄主種類與感染病毒嚴重度有所差異,獲得去病毒的健康蝴蝶蘭種苗比例介於0-15.3%之間。 Tomato seedlings provided by seed industry were detected through molecular markers (Ty-1, Ty-2 and Ty-3 developed by TSIP) for identifying TYLCV-ressitant line or variety. Results showed that all tested belong to TY-2 line. Oncidium plants are classified into three levels. To reach standard shipping for small seedling, it could grow up to 55 days,whereas large seedlings only were 30 days. To understand the company profile, production processes and plantlets standards in this year, we visit six paphiopedilum tissue culture factories. Leave number, root number, plant height, root length, fresh/dry weight of paphiopedilum TCplantlets were studied 3, 4, and 6 months after cultivation. Results showed that 4 months was the best time for shipping. Four circulating cultivars (Phal. Tailin Red Angle 'V31', Phal.I-Hsin White Swan, Dtps.Tinny Honey, Dtsp. I-Hsin Yellow Tris) of Phalaenopsis were collected from orchid nursery. The Phalaenopsis plantlets, the growth index survey conducted with explants important component of the analysis, and Phalaenopsis plantlets were identified in accordance with quality indicators established 102 years. Four cultivars of circulation were investigated and analyzed after 5 months cultivation. Results showed that growth rate of Phalaenopsis plantlets with 2 roots was not slower than plants with 3 roots after 5 months cultivation. Leaf span, flesh weight,dry weight, leaf number, and root number are not significant differencesin all levels tested. In element analysis, the element concentrations in each level were not significant differences. The total soluble sugar (TSS) and starch of bad plants are significant lower than good plants.Combination of physical method and tissue culture was applied to obtain virus-free Phalaenopsis seedlings. Results showed that percentage of virus-free Phalaenopsis seedlings was varied with the sensitivity of virus and host species, 0-15.3% of virus-free Phalaenopsis seedlings
60665139 2014 種子檢查技術研習 Study on seed testing technology 103農科-4.2.1-種-X1 103AS -4.2.1-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 本年度參與ISTA於2014年06月23~26日在英國愛丁堡(Edinburgh, Scotland U K ) 舉行由蘇格蘭農業科學策進會( S c i e n c e a n d A d v i c e f o r S c o t t i s h Agriculture, SASA)所承辦種子取樣及品質保證研習(Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling)。參與研習的學員各來自法國、拉脫維亞、瑞典、德 國、荷蘭、南韓、中國大陸、波蘭、美國、丹麥、比利時及台灣等12個國家。研習課程內容主要包含:種子取樣的原理及方法、取樣儀器介紹、取樣的品質保證及取樣員的監測等,同時並參訪ISTA認證的實驗室。在報告中也提出改善建議,如:改正取樣技術、建立取樣員的訓練方法及考核、取樣品質管理的改善等。 In 2014, one staff of TSS attended the ISTA workshop on seed sampling and quality assurance of seed sampling on 23-26 June, 2014 in United Kingdom . The workshop was hold by Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA) (ISTA Accredited Code: GB04) in Edinburgh. The participators in this workshop came from France, Latvia, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Korea, China, Poland, U.S.A., Denmark, Belgium and Taiwan. The programs in this workshop included the general principles and methods of seed sampling, introduction to sampling instruments, quality assurance of seed sampling, monitoring of seed samplers, and visiting the ISTA certificated seed laboratory. In this report, it also provided recommendations for improving seed sampling, such as correcting the seed sampling methods,establishing the training and audit method for seed samplers, and improving quality assurance in seed sampling, etc.
60665140 2014 赴荷蘭建置雙方蝴蝶蘭DNA資料庫 Established the Phalaenopsis DNA database of both sides in Netherlands 103農科-4.2.1-種-X2 103AS -4.2.1-SS-X2 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang Naktuinbouw為荷蘭執行植物品種檢定的專責機構,亦負責歐盟成員國數種作物品種申請案件之檢定工作,具相當豐富的品種檢定業務經驗及人力。本計畫前往Naktuinbouw進行14天的研習,主要的研習內容為利用BioNumerics分析軟體進行蝴蝶蘭品種基因型分析,建立蝴蝶蘭DNA資料庫。經過多次演練並和Naktuinbouw技術人員的經驗交流後,協助我方建立蝴蝶蘭DNA資料庫時需注意的參數設定及資料格式,並且解決未來雙方合作所需交換的資料內容等問題。為有效辦理第14屆臺荷農業合作會議之決議事項,針對雙方技術合作案,在交換蝴蝶蘭DNA材料與基因型分析資料的工作上,雙方取得共識並撰寫相關細節內容文件一份。除此之外,在研習期間也參加了Naktuinbouw針對育種者及業者所舉辦的說明會,會中共有四個議題,內容主要講述有關DNA分子標誌使用於性狀檢定及侵權鑑定工作上所扮演的角色。在這次研習後,雙方基於這些討論與交流,在建立蝴蝶蘭品種DNA資料庫這項工作上,將在技術操作的細節上更加留意。未來工作將著重在加強與性狀檢定技術人員、育種者及業者溝通交流。另外,進一步將DNA資料庫與性狀資料庫及影像資料庫進行連結,以提升分子鑑別技術及DNA資料庫於蝴蝶蘭性狀檢定作業上的輔助性。 Naktuinbouw in the Netherlands is the organization authorized to assess varieties of agricultural, floricultural, arboricultural and vegetable crops for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS testing) for registration purposes and/or granting Plant Breeders' Rights, both on Dutch an EU level. The objectives of this study within 2 weeks in Naktuinbouw were to learn genotyping on Phalaenopsis varieties by BioNumerics software and to establish the DNA database of Phalaenopsis varieties. Both techniques and experiences through this study could not only establish the methods (such as parameter data, file format ... etc),but also solve problems of both sides cooperation. To effectively handle the issues of both sides cooperation in 14th Taiwan-Netherlands Agricultural Working Group Meeting, the researchers of Taiwan TSIPS and Naktuinbouw had written the document “Proposal of the cooperation between TSIPS and Naktuinbouw” including exchange works of DNA materials and analysis results. Meanwhile, I also attended the information meeting for breeder and seed company during this study. Four programs were conducted in this meeting, mainly focusing on the role of DNA makers in the DUS testing and against infringement on Plant Breeders’ rights.After this study, both sides pay more attention on detail technical operations of DNA database of Phalaenopsis species based on those discussions and experiences. In the future works, how to communicate with technical staff of DUS testing, breeder and seed company is very important issue. Besides, the DNA database will make connections between characteristic database and image database. This harmonization will enhance the standardization and authority of the molecular testing technologies and using the DNA database as support to the DUS testing of Phalaenopsis.
60665141 2014 活化農地計畫之重要農產品供應鏈加值整合策略研究(種子供應鏈研究) A Study on Value-added Strategies of Supply Chain of Important Agricultural Products Base on Arable Land Activation Program. 103農科-5.1.6-種-X1 103AS -5.1.6-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 周明燕 Ming-Yenn Chou 蔬菜種子產業供應鏈包含種原、育種、採種、銷售及生產栽培。規模較大的農企業已有能力自行建構完整供應鏈,而供應鏈中的各環節也可透過小型農戶所自營的種苗圃、育苗場、種子行等進行委外採種、育苗、銷售等工作。此外,國際種子公司也透過代理、經銷模式進入我國市場。種苗產業供應鏈中核心關鍵在研發端及通路端。因此,蔬菜種子產業供應鏈加值改善可以從幾個點作提升:在研發端,建議由產學研籌組共同研發平台,共享資源;在種子生產部份,宜提升種子生產效能,導入精準生產管理模式以克服生產成本高漲困境;在中間物流部分,宜積極與通路業者建立夥伴關係,提高彼此互信及依存黏度,共榮共享;消費端則可以透過共同參展行銷,互相拉抬,建立臺灣優質品牌形象。蔬菜種子外銷前景廣受看好,受限於採種大環境,在國內設置採種基地的可行性並不高。但業者為了避免親本外流,研發工作及親本採種作業仍傾向於在臺灣進行,研發及親本乃是種子公司的核心資產,雖然需要的土地不高,卻能創造高額利潤,因此,政府應積極協助業者取得適當的休耕農地,建置研發中心,讓臺灣成為國際蔬菜品種研發重鎮,對整體產業發展的助益將是迅速且直接。 Vegetable seed industry supply chain that contains the collection of the original species, breeding, seed production, sale and production of cultivation. Large-scale agricultural enterprises have the ability to self-construct the complete supply chain. Each link in the supply chain can also be carried out through the link to complete outsourcing seed,breeding, sales and so on. In addition, international seed companies have entered the Taiwan market through an agent, distribution patterns. R & D and critical path is the core plant seed industry supply chain. Improve value-added vegetable seed industry can improve supply chain bonus from several points: In the R & D side, it is recommended by industry,academia and research departments jointly developed platform to share resources; Part in seed production, improve production efficiency seeds imported by the quasi-production management, to overcome the high cost of production difficulties; In the logistics part, should actively establish partnerships with the channel industry, enhance mutual trust and interdependence viscosity, shared prosperity; In the consumer side, you can co-exhibitor marketing through the establishment of Taiwan's highquality brand image. Export prospects for vegetable seeds widely optimistic. Limited to seed production environment, set up seed base in the country is not feasible. However, seed industry in order to avoid the outflow of parental varieties, breeding research and seed production operations parents still tend to be carried out in Taiwan. Breeding and originally species is the company's core assets, Although the land needed is not great, but it can create high profits. Therefore, the government should actively assist the industry to obtain adequate fallow agricultural land, build R & D center to develop Taiwan into an international city of vegetable varieties, the overall industrial development will be helpful quickly and directly
60665142 2014 青年農民植物種苗類別訓練成效追蹤評核之研究 The effectiveness assessment researchof category training in seedling for young farmers 103農科-5.2.1-種-X1 103AS -5.2.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 鍾依萍 I-Ping Chung 「國家發展計畫(102-105年度)有關農業政策的施政重點之一「調整農業結構,培育農業人才,整合資源加值發展」,農業的未來須朝向人力年輕化、休耕農地活化、推動農業教育訓練與後續輔導服務。種苗改良繁殖場加入農委會輔導處「提升青年農民訓練成效之研究」共同研究主題計畫,針對農民學院植物種苗類別訓練課程進行結訓學員的訓練成效追縱評核,藉以了解學員參加農民學院後之效果或變化,並建構適合青年從農訓練模式。 The aim of the investigation is to evaluate the trainees who and had completed the plant seeding training courses from the level of basic and the level of intermediate(plant tissue culture technology training) in the farmers’ academy during the years 2011 to 2013. Investigation 1.Basic information 2. Training performance evaluation through mailed questionnaires.
60665143 2014 木瓜種子檢查技術產業連結與國際接軌 Seed Testing, Industry Connection and International Corparation of Papaya Seed 103農科-6.2.3-種-X1 103AS -6.2.3-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 沈翰祖 Han-Tsu Shen 不公開 Not public
60665144 2014 基因轉殖棉花、番茄、小麥檢測技術之研究 Studies of transgenic cotton, tomato and wheat detection echnology 103農科-6.2.3-種-X2 103AS -6.2.3-SS-X2 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang 為建立轉殖基因棉花的檢測作業標準流程,先進行不同核酸萃取方法及棉花種子萃取前處裡的試驗,依結果並考量檢測流程的效率與成本,採用先利用均質機將棉花種子處理15秒後,再將種殼與種仁一起以自動萃取方式來進行棉花種子樣品之核酸萃取方法。透過此方法獲得的DNA溶液以歐盟公告之檢測方法進行轉殖品項PCR定性檢測試驗,結果顯示在不同轉殖品項LLCOTTON 25、GHB614、GHB119、T304-40中,可各自得到預期79 bp、119 bp、90 bp、78 bp大小的目標片段。經過多次確認試驗後,完成建立檢測轉殖品項LLCOTTON 25及GHB614之標準作業流程。 In this study, we used different methods for transgenic cotton seed DNA extraction. According to DNA quality and considered the efficiency and cost of testing process, we selected the homogenizer to pretreatment 15 seconds then extracted DNA from cotton seed by automated method (Smart LabAsist-16). DNA solution is obtained by this method and used as template DNA in PCR reaction for qualitative detection. The PCR condition was follow the European Union reference reports. Results are displayed in different specific transgenic event consist of LLCOTTON 25, GHB614,GHB119, T304-40, each of them can be get the expected target fragment size as 79 bp, 119 bp, 90 bp, 78 bp. After several confirm tests, we established the standard operating procedures for the quality testing of cotton LLCOTTON 25 and GHB614
60665145 2014 國外農企業基因轉殖作物商業品種檢測技術之建立 Establishment of GM crops detection technology for foreign commercial varieties 103農科-6.2.3-種-X3 103AS -6.2.3-SS-X3 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 陳哲仁 Jen-Ren Chen 基因轉殖作物在國際市場上規模日益增加的情形,帶動建立相應檢測評估基因轉殖作物存在技術的強烈需求,本計畫的主要目的是建立一套基因轉殖作物標準檢測技術,完成玉米19項、大豆9項以及油菜3項基改品項檢測技術,提供主管機關執行進口飼料基因轉殖作物邊境查驗與管理。 The increasing presence of transgenic plant in the international markets has provoked a strong demand for appropriate detection methods to evaluate the existence of transgenic plants in the field and feed ingredients. The major objective of this study was to establish a detection technique in GM maize, soybean and rapeseed. We were established 19 mazie, 9 soybean, and 3 rapeseed GM event detection methods and would achieve border control and inspection of imported GM feed ingredients for administration office.
60665146 2014 中藥材流蘇石斛及種苗金童一號石斛組織培養健康種苗生產技術開發 Study on in vitro mass production technology of Dendrobium fimbriatum,medicinal functions of Dendrobium Cassiope Taiseed Golden Boy No.1 103農科-6.2.3-種-X4 103AS -6.2.3-SS-X4 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 張珈錡 Jia-Ci Chang 1.本計畫嘗試建立流蘇石斛(Dendrobium fimbriatum)之組織培養繁殖技術、種苗生產模式,經試驗顯示流蘇石斛組培苗消毒以使用1%、0.5%次氯酸鈉進行2階段消毒,培植體之存活率最高達50%。芽體增殖階段以培養於DF2培養基2個月,植株之株高可達3.43cm、每芽有4.4片葉、每培殖體形成2.4芽、叢芽率34.68%為最低、培殖體褐化率僅3.00%較佳。發根階段則以培養於1402培養基,可獲得地上部和地下部表現較佳之植株。在種苗生產模式方面,初步探討不同種植芽數、出瓶時間對流蘇石斛組培苗生長之影響,由試驗結果得知,不同種植芽數與出瓶時間對於栽培4個月內之種苗並無顯著之影響。另外,本試驗觀察流蘇石斛在1年的栽培期間之生育變化,將有助於後續調整種苗栽培管理之模式。2.金童石斛(Dendrobium Cassiope‘Taiseed Golden boy No.1’)為蘭科(Orchidaceae)植物。金童石斛花開花時期為每年的2-4月,我們先前的研究發現金童石斛萃取物有豐富的酚類化合物,且展現優異的抗氧化效果。因此,本研究進一步以脂多醣 (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) 誘發RAW264.7細胞株之發炎模式探討金童石斛乙醇萃取物的抗發炎功效,研究結果發現此萃取物具有抑制RAW264.7細胞發炎之抑制白細胞介素-6 (interleukin-6, IL-6)及腫瘤致死因子(tumor necrosis factor-α, TNF-α)生成,進而抑制一氧化氮 (nitric oxide,NO)和前列腺素E2 (prostagladin E2, PGE2)的生 1. This study attempts to establish a micropropagation method and seedlingproduction model of Dendrobium fimbriatum, the test showed explants disinfected with 1% and 0.5% sodium hypochlorite twice, the survival rate achieve 50 %. An shoot proliferation medium with code name DF2 was the best for shoot proliferation,the plant height up to 3.43 cm, formed 2.4 buds per explants, and each buds with 4.4 leaves. After two months rooting in the rooting medium with code name 1402, the plantlets can grows well and the rooting rate achieve 100%. In seedling production,we evaluated the effect of different numbers of planting buds and planting timing on the growth of Dendrobium fimbriatum plantlets.Results showed that the different number of planting buds and planting timing have no significant influence on seedling growth in four months test. In addition, we observation the cultivation increment changes of seedling in the period of a year, will help to adjust the method of seedling cultivation and management of Dendrobium fimbriatum.2. Dendrobium Cassiope‘Taiseed Golden boy No.1’ belonging to Orchidaceae family is one of the new medicinal dendrobium in Taiwan, which blooms in late february and fruit matures in late April. Our pervious study found that D. Cassiope stem extract had a notable amount of phenol and also exhibited good antioxidant capacity. In this study, antiinflammation effect of ethanol extract of D. Cassiope stem was evaluated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW264.7 cell lines further. Results show that the ethanol extract could reduce interleukin-6 (IL-6) and , tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)release, and lower nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) secretion in LPSactivated RAW264.7 cells.
60665147 2014 提升種子檢查量能模式之建立 Establishment of the testing system to promote seed test capacity 103農科-6.2.3-種-X5 103AS -6.2.3-SS-X5 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃崧銘 Sung-Ming Huang 種子品質檢查除仰賴檢查人員專業知識與豐富經驗外,完善的儀器設備亦有助於確保種子品質並提升檢查效率,進而降低農作物生產風險。本計畫採購立體顯微鏡、分樣器、電子天平、鏡檢台、防潮箱、實驗桌,建立細小種子潔淨度檢測流程,並經兩位新進同仁進行盲樣測試,結果顯示,對於缺乏分析經驗的同仁,可遵循新建立之檢測流程快速上手,大幅縮短水稻室內檢查時間。 The quality of seed testing is based on not only well-experienced professional inspectors to ensure the seed quality, but also well-found equipment which improve efficiency of testing to reduce the risk of crop production. In order to establish the seed purity testing procedure and shorten the examining time, the equipmen of stereoscopic microscopes, sub sampler, electronic scales, microscopic units, cabinets and benches were purchased in this project. A preliminary test procedure has been built and prove by two colleagues using blind sample test. The result indicated that follow the improved process of seed testing can greatly reduced the test time, even for Inexperienced colleagues
60665148 2014 水稻種子影像辨識輔助系統之研究與開發 A study and development of inspection system for rice seeds with image processing 103農科-7.1.1-種-X1 103AS -7.1.1-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 不公開 Not public
60665149 2014 建構亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台 Construction for Asia Pacific Seedlings Industry Services Platform 103農科-7.1.1-種-X2 103AS -7.1.1-SS-X2 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 蔡瑜卿 Yu-Ching Tsai 亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台目前共累積512,663筆資料,瀏覽人次866,103人次。本年度配合本場辦理教育訓練、展示會、觀摩會等各項活動積極宣傳行銷本平台,增加本平台曝光率;使用者意見回饋分析顯示功能使用上多集中在最新消息與最新科技成果兩大單元。透過技術盤點與文獻分析了解目前國內外相關種苗知識缺口與技術重點,其分析結果除可供國內相關技術研發考量外,現以「產業分析專欄」與「重要專利情報」兩種形式,供亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台會員市場面之參考。蝴蝶蘭品種性狀影像辨識系統為協助提升植物品種智慧財產權性狀檢定效能之輔助工具,目前已輸入約400筆以上品種影像資料,隨著資料量越多,系統之辨識效能也會隨之提升,對業務效能之協助提升也更具助益。 Pacific plant seed industry information platform for a cumulative total of 512,663 documents , visits 204,238 people in 2014. Function uses the latest news and more concentrated in two industrial services unit,which shows the current platform is still aware of the low, should take a more active growth platform for exposure. Inventory through technical understanding and knowledge gaps in the current focus on domestic and foreign technology, in addition to its analysis of the results of research and development of related technologies available for domestic considerations, the present in two forms, \"industry analysis column\"and \"important patent information\" for the Asia-Pacific plant seed industry market information platform serving member of the reference plane. Future technologies are expected to be applied to the theme of the series of textbooks, social networks and text mining platforms such as value-added services. Phalaenopsis species traits image recognition system to help enhance the intellectual property rights of plant species traits test the effectiveness of aid, Currently 400 species have entered the image data, With more data volume, identification systems will also enhance the effectiveness of assistance to improve business effectiveness is also more useful
60665150 2014 番茄抗萎凋病與菸草嵌紋病毒分子標誌建立與應用 The establishment and application of specific molecular markers for TMV and fusarium wilt resistance in tomato 103農科-9.1.1-種-X1 103AS -9.1.1-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 孫永偉 Yung-Wei Sun 1. 番茄抗萎凋病基因型之分子鑑定:番茄萎凋病為重要真菌性病害,本試驗建立抗萎凋病基因I-1及I-3之分子標誌。利用I1-At2引子組可同時擴增番茄抗病(I-1)與感病(i-1)基因150 bp之DNA條帶,將抗感病品種進行PCR產物解序後,於序列位置80出現差異點,該位置感病核苷酸序列為C,抗病核苷酸序列為G,應可作為判斷番茄抗感萎凋病基因I-1之SNP標誌。利用I3-P7-CAPS引子組配合限制酶NsiI酶切反應,可擴增抗病基因(I-3) 380 bp之DNA條帶,感病基因(i-3)無DNA條帶出現。此分子標誌檢測結果與亞洲蔬菜中心及國內育種者或種子公司已知抗感性品種吻合。2. 番茄抗菸草嵌紋病毒分子標誌之建立:菸草嵌紋病毒為菸草鑲嵌病毒屬(Tobamovirus),為番茄三大病毒之一。本研究利用亞洲蔬菜中心提供番茄抗感病品種進行研究,本試驗針對抗病基因(Tm-1及Tm-22)與TMV病毒各篩選專一性分子標誌(Tm1-CAPS、Tm22-SCAR與TMV-012)。利用Tm1-CAPS分子標誌配合HaeIII限制酶反應後,可擴增抗病基因550 bp之DNA條帶、擴增感病基因350 bp之DNA條帶。利用Tm22-SCAR分子標誌,可擴增Tm-2抗病基因255 bp之DNA條帶、擴增Tm-22抗病基因214 bp之DNA條帶,感病品種無DNA條帶出現。TMV-012分子標誌可擴增嵌紋病毒株(TMV-0、TMV-1、TMV-2) 2.2 kb之DNA條帶。上述分子標誌可協助育種者早期篩選抗病植株、確認抗感病基因型及病毒感染情形,提高育種效率。 The projects of this program have ttwo components including:1.Molecular identification of tomato genotype resistant to Fusarium oxysporum: tomato fusarium wilt is one of the important fungal disease.The molecular markers linked to fusarium wilt resistant genes I-1 and I-3 have been developed. Specific primer pair I1-A2 was developed to amplify DNA fragment from vary allelic at I-1 locus. A 150 bp DNA fragment was amplified from both resistant and susceptible tomato accessions that corresponding to the presence of I-1 and i-1 alleles.After sequencing of PCR products, G is determined at the nucleotide sequence position no. 80 in resistance tomato accession, where as C is determined in the susceptible tomato accession. The different nucleotide sequence between both of resistance and susceptible tomato accession provide the possibility for development of SNP marker. In addition, the I3-P7-CAPS marker was also developed PCR following restriction enzyme (NsiI) digestion. The 380 bp DNA band was obtained from the tomato accession with resistance genes I-3, however, the susceptible tomato accession with gene i-3 was none band. The results are also confirming the previously study of AVRDC- The World Vegetable Center and other seed companies.2.Development of molecular marker linked to tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)resistance: ToMV, a member of Tobamovirus, is one of the important tomato viruses, and ToMV-0, ToMV-1, ToMV-2 are three major ToMV strains. The Tm-1, Tm-2 and Tm-22 genes were also identified for ToMV resistance. In the project, we selected the molecular markers Tm1-CAPS and Tm22-SCAR for Tm-1 and Tm-22 based on AVRDC provided tomato lines,and developed a method for specific detection of ToMV-0, 1, and 2. The results showed that a 550 bp DNA band was obtained of PCR product amplified by molecular marker Tm1-CAPS from resistance genes Tm-1 following restriction enzyme (HaeIII) digestion, however 350 bp DNA band was obtained from susceptibility gene tm-1. The Tm22-SCAR could amplify DNA products 255 bp and 214 bp in length from resistance genes Tm-2 and Tm-22, respectively, however, no product was amplified from the susceptible lines. We has also been established molecular marker could be amplified a 2.2 kb of DNA product from ToMV-0, 1, and 2. Those developed molecular markers could help breeder screening and confirmation disease resistant genotypes in early stage to accelerate the breeding and promotion of disease-resistant tomato lines.
60665151 2014 作物種苗微體繁殖技術之開發與改進-綠竹、鳳梨、春石斛及中草藥繁殖開發利用 The study of healthy seedling production by tissue culture 103農科-9.1.1-種-X2 103AS -9.1.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 張珈錡 Jia-Ci Chang 1.綠竹組織培養芽體形成於MS+0.1 mg/l NAA+3 mg/l of BAP,發根的誘導採用以2芽為一芽團培養於MS+0.01 BAP mg/L + 2.0 mg/L NAA,發根芽體於溫室中進行2週的馴化再移植至塑膠容器中培養,最後移至田間栽培,成活率100%。2.鳳梨組織培養可使用冠芽分生組織大量繁殖,試驗結果利用BAP及NAA不同組合在誘導芽體的增殖,最優化的培養基為MS培養基添加2.0 mg/L BAP。3.板藍根組織培養,以側芽為培植體進行增殖培養,其中培養三週後以1/2MS+2mg/L BAP+0.1 mg/L IAA,叢生芽體形成率高達95.2%,在1/2MS+4 mg/L BAP+0.1 mg/L IAA最高芽體形成率最高(98.5%)。4.地黃的根改改善便秘之動物模式評估,本研究以每日餵食地黃的根可否改善大鼠的便秘。結果顯示,餵食Loperamide 1% 及5% TP的處理對緩解大鼠便秘對糞便的乾重及其中水分含量並無影響。5.春石斛組培苗出瓶種植後之植株後續生長表現仍受到增殖階段培養基成分之影響,以低濃度MS基礎鹽類培養基(1/4MS)、高濃度馬鈴薯粉(2-4g/L)和蔗糖(20-30g/L)所增殖培養之組培苗,其植株後續生長表現較佳,顯示組培瓶苗之品質於栽培初期顯著的影響植株之生長表現。6.春石斛組培苗於不同月份種植,初步觀察對植株之成活率無顯著之影響。7.金童石斛萃取物緩解第二型糖尿病試驗中,因誘導小鼠產生病徵不穩定,,故無法作為給藥後觀察 。然另經動物細胞試驗,結果顯示金童石斛萃取物具有調節免疫系統,、抗發炎的功能。 1.In Bamboo (Bambusa oldhami Munro.), In vitro axillary shoot formation was successfully made in MS basal medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l NAA and 1.5 mg/l of BAP. Clamps of at least 2 shoots were used for root induction in MS medium with 0.01BAP mg/L and 2.0 mg/L NAA. Rooted plantlets were successfully acclimatized in green house for 2 weeks and then were transferred to the plastic container. 100% survival rate was recorded after field transfer.2.In vitro mass-propagation of Ananas comosus L. (pineapple) in tissue culture system was carried out using crown tip meristem. The result shows that the crown tip managed to induce shoots in different concentrations of BAP.3.Optimum shoot proiferation was obtained onto MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L BAP and MS medium containing 1.0 mg/L BAP/0.5 mg/L NAA.In vitro Isatis tinctoria L., Treatment of 1/2MS+2 mg/L BAP+0.1 mg/L IAA was found best in multiple shoots induction from lateral bud explants, induction percentage reached 95.2% , shoots were formed after culture for 3 weeks. The highest percent shoot formation which is 98.5% was found in the treatment of 1/2MS+4 mg/L BAP+0.1 mg/L IAA.4.Roots of Rehmannia glutinosa as a Diet for Improvement of Constipation in Rats. This study was conducted to determine effects of Rehmannia glutinosa roots (TP) as a diet for improvement of constipation in rats.Results showed that the rats treated with Loperamide and fed with 1% or 5% TP had no significant in fecal weight, dry stool weight and water content (%) of feces (P < 0.05) compared to the negative control.5.The growth performance of Dendrobium after planting in greenhouse still affected by shoot proliferation medium components in the tissue culture stage. The the plantlets cultured from shoot proliferation medium supplement with a low concentration MS basic medium (1 / 4MS), high concentrations of potato (2-4g / L) and sucrose (20-30g / L), its subsequent growth performed better, results showed the quality of tissue culture plants will significant effects on the growth performance in the early cultivation.6.There is no significant effect on the survival rate of Dendrobium plantlets that planting in different months.7.In this study, antiinflammation effect of ethanol extract of Den.Cassiope stem was evaluated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW264.7 cell lines further. Results show that the ethanol extract could reduce interleukin-6 (IL-6) and , tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)release, and lower nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) secretion in LPSactivated RAW264.7 cells.
60665152 2014 仙履蘭產業技術開發及應用 Development and application of Paphiopedilum industry technology 103農科-9.1.1-種-X3 103AS -9.1.1-SS-X3 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 廖玉珠 Yu-Ju Liao 1.建立仙履蘭maudiae type 品系之微體繁殖體系,以仙履蘭開花株之分蘗芽或花苞等部位誘導出之芽體探討繼代增殖及發根之最佳培養條件 。以綠maudiae typy 'The Queen'之分生苗增殖階段每代培養時間對增殖倍率之影響—培養時間長增殖倍數有較高之趨勢,以每次繼代培養時間為2.5、3、4、4.5個月,結果顯示:以培養4個月之增殖倍數最高,分別為1.93、1.51、2.83、2.4。另於發根階段培養於含鉀濃度20mM之培養基中,不論在株高、葉幅、根數、根長表現最佳。若鉀濃度提高至40mM根長明顯下降顯示根的生長受到抑制。2.以Comple type 4266及Maudiae type 4321為材料於不同溫控溫室栽培1年後,以栽培於一般溫室的對照組生長稍佳。在高溫30/28的處理下生長狀況最差,而Maudiae type 4321較能耐受高溫的處理,Complex type則相對較適應大溫差環境。在不同溫控溫室及海拔栽培下,Complex type 4518開花率可達76.7%且開花較整齊,高溫差或較涼溫的環境下,有加速開花之作用,但相對栽培於梅峰、春陽其敗育率也較高,而Maudiae type-4321則開花較不具一致性,二者之開花與溫度處理似乎無直接關聯性。分析其糖類成分與開花的關係,可觀察在9月花苞形成的月分,會消耗大量性可溶性糖類,但是C/N易受環境影響,因此目前並不適用為仙履蘭花朵誘導指標。3.以葉面施肥方式每週施用不同濃度之N(0、50、100、200、400 mg.L-1)、P(0、25、50、75、100 mg.L-1)、K(0、50、100、200、400 mg.L-1)營養液,評估對仙履蘭maudiae type 9905品系植株初期生長(1-6個月)之影響。試驗顯示,仙履蘭初期生長仍以低肥料濃度為佳(50 mg.L-1N、25 mg.L-1P和0 mg.L-1K),但較高之肥料濃度(400mg.L-1N、100 mg.L-1K以下)對植株之地上部和地下部之生長亦無顯著的抑制作用。因此,採用葉面噴施低濃度營養液之肥料施用方法,應可作為仙履蘭種苗栽培初期肥培管理之參考。 According former researches, It is difficult in vitro propagation between Interspecies of slipper orchids. To establish in vitro propagation for subgenus of Paphiopedilum will be done.To improvement Paphiopedilum in vitro propagation system.Complex type 4266 and Maudiae type 4321 seedlings cultured in different day-night temperature after 1 year, the result indicate that the growth coefficient of control group is better and cultured in 30/28 day-night temperature, made both of two type growth worse.In the result,Maudiae type4321 also showed a better tolerence to high temperature,while Complex 4266 could adapted large temperature variation than Maudiae. In addition, cultured under different day/nigh temperature and high altitude, the flowering rate of Complex type 4266 could up to 76.7%,and with a better uniformity. The flower of Complex type 4266 also developed more quickly under larger temperature variation or cooler temperature but aborted more easily (in Mei-feng and ChunYang).Meanwhile, Maudiae type 4321 has a ununiformed flowering habit. Due to the result, seems both of their flowering habit do not have directly relationship with temperature. As to the testing of total soluble sugar,the result indicates that flowering in september may raise sugar consumption. From now on, the data showed that the C/N is not sutible for using as Paphiopedilum (plants from seed) flower initiation index.In this study, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were tested in separate experiments, nitrogen and potassium rates were 0, 50, 100, 200,and 400 mg.L-1, phosphorus rates were 0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg.L-1. To evaluate its effect on seedling growth (1-6 months) of Paphiopedilum maudiae type (line:9905). Results showed that lower nutrient solution concentration (50 mg.L-1 N, 25 mg.L-1 P and 0 mg.L-1 K) for seedling growth of Paphiopedilum is better, but a higher concentration of nutrient solution (400 mg.L-1 N , 100 mg.L-1 K below) have no significance inhibitory effect on the growth of aboveground and underground parts of plant. Therefore, using a foliar spray fertilizer application methods and lower nutrient solution concentration could be used in the seedling cultivation of Paphiopedilum maudiae type
60665153 2014 建立硬質玉米種子籌供體系 Establishment of hybrid corn production and supplying system 103農科-9.2.2-種-X1 103AS -9.2.2-SS-X1 農場 Research Farm 陳學文 Hsueh-Wen Chen 計畫於台中市新社地區,以台農1號及台南24號玉米兩品種,進行秋季栽培,並以不同去雄方式及保留穗上節位數處理,調查對環境適應性、生育特性及產量之影響,以作未來量產模式之參考。尋找參試品種新採種栽培及調整採種適期以適應氣候變遷,建立量產模式,穩定生產種子,以配合政府政策,生產所需種子。搜集國際商用飼料玉米品種,評估各品種於台灣之適應性,建立適宜台灣種植之國際飼料玉米品種資料庫,期能提供農民多樣選擇並穩定飼料玉米種子供應。調查及紀錄調製過程中,外界氣候條件對穗倉中倉溫及相對濕度之影響,以及利用不同乾燥處理方式探討對玉米種子水分變化、種子發芽率、發芽勢等之影響,期能達最佳能源利用效率及品質兼顧。 We conducted different planting dates for Tainan no.24 parents in Taichung area for autumn corp. To discuss the influence for number of leaves on the ear of corn after detasseling on seed production of c o r n . I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f a d a p t a b i l i t y t o e n v i r o n m e n t a n d g r o w t h characteristics and yield, as reference for future production models.This year we introduced three new varieties including S11, S12, and 102.According to the first-year observation, the heading stage of S11 is similar to Tainan No.24 and TNG1, and has the best yield performance in the spring.S11 is evaluated to be a early maturing commercial variety but further observation are needed.This research investigated the effects of climate conditions on the temperature and the relative humidity in storehouses of corncobs, and used different drying methods to discuss the influence on the variation of corn seed moisture content, germination rate and viability. The object of the research was to achieve both the best energy-using efficiency and the seed quality in storage. The data from the experiment showed that temperature in storehouses of corncobs was mainly affected by the moisture content of corncobs at earlier stage of drying process, but varied with the atmosphere temperature at middle and later stage. On the other hand, the effect of environments on the temperature in storehouses of corn seeds was unapparent, because the drying time in storehouses of seeds was short, not longer than one day.The drying time for seed processing is significantly different between three drying methods, but the moisture content, germination rate and viability of processed seeds and stored seeds are not
60665154 2014 優質番木瓜品種選育 Good quality varieties selection on papaya 103農科-9.2.3-種-X1 103AS -9.2.3-SS-X1 屏東種苗研究中心 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center 邱展台 Chan-Tai Chiu 本年度進行優良耐儲運品系f7選拔,並進行雜交,供選拔優良組合進行後續試驗。果皮光滑品系選育,係以Golden為親本之雜交第四代,進行選拔。其雜交後代的果皮生理性斑點仍相當多,經第3代分離,共選出14株果皮較光滑特性的單株。其著果數65-142粒果重314-890公克,總可溶性固形物11.5-15 %Brix,果實品質優良。耐儲運品系選育,以引進自東南亞的品系與本場育成之品系為雜交,經7代選拔之選拔純化,共選出12個品系,12個品系均為紅色果肉,果重327-1226公克,果實數目58-123果,多為西洋梨形之中小型果,果實總可溶性物11.5-15.4 % Brix ,採收5天後之果肉硬度以103- P16及103-O38之硬度最高。觀察14個耐儲運之新組合雜交一代其果實品質及儲運性均優於台農二號,但產量則低於台農二號,各項性狀仍需進一步觀察。 The resistant character of storage and transportation were selected.Hybrid combinations for subsequent comparison test had been done. Peel smooth, less flecks of strain providing isolation and selection for next year. Peel smooth breeding program utilize Golden variety for the parents, after separation of the fourth generation, were selected. The flecks of third generation were still severe. Fourteen lines with Peel smooth characteristic were selected. The fruits number are 6 5 to 142 per plant and fruit weight are 314 to 890 grams, total soluble solid are 11.5~15 Brix, good fruit quality. Breeding program of tolerant to storage and transportation was conducted, utilizing introduced strains from Southeast Asia. Through 7 generations, segregation and purification,12 lines were obtained. All 12 strains are red pulp, medium sized fruit of the pear-shaped, high sweetness. All twelve lines’ fruit have higher firmness and the flesh softens speed slower than the Tainoun No2.Observes 14 to tolerant the storage and transport the new combination.The fruit quality and the storage and transport character surpasses Tainoun no.2, but the yield is lower than Tainoun no.2, each character still had further to be observed
60665155 2014 仙履蘭及熱帶球根花卉品種改良與種苗生產技術開發 Improvement on slipper orchid and tropic bulb flowers breeding and establishment the seedling production 103農科-9.2.5-種-X1 103AS -9.2.5-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 劉明宗 Ming-Chung Liu 依照仙履蘭育種四大目標進行雜交授粉工作,103年篩選優良雜交後裔PA95110及PA95008組合,PA95110雜交後裔組合為綠葉中型植株,於唇瓣會有鮮豔的紫紅色特徵,翼瓣邊緣波浪,適合單花或組合盆觀賞;PA95008雜交後裔組合為綠葉單花、綠紅花及上萼瓣渾圓特性,可作為組合盆觀賞。孤挺花已選拔出具潛力單株3株,香氣育種方面,以氣相層析-質譜儀(GCMS QP-2010 Shimadza, Tokyo, Japan)分析香氣成分,從親本圃中篩選出具香氣親本分別是 ‘Estella’的主要香氣成分有羅勒烯、芳樟醇、金合歡烯及反式-橙花叔醇等; ‘Trendsetter’ 主要香氣成分為β-芳樟醇、桉油醇、羅勒烯、α-松油醇及金合歡烯等;‘Blossom Peacock’之主要香氣成分是桉油醇、β-芳樟醇、羅勒烯、環己烯甲醇及金合歡烯等,可作為育種親本。目前已選拔出‘種苗一號粉珍珠’新品種。其花朵會散發出輕微香氣。其香氣主要成分是桉油醇、β-芳樟醇、羅勒烯、Linalool oxide、環己烯甲醇 及金合歡烯等。在彩色海芋方面,103年雜交組合共30組合,以金黃色系與紫黑色系為主;94及95年雜交後裔中已篩選具潛力彩色海芋單株3株,為金黃色、紅色及紫黑色。花朵數2-3朵,其中紫色單株花莖較短,可為盆花,其餘為切花用途。在宮燈百合利用不同切球方式對於宮燈百合種球養成之影響,在地上部生育部分,植株最大葉長、花朵數、結束開花節間位數之性狀上均為顯著性差異,以不切球方式之生育性狀綜合表現為最好,但萌芽總數則以切球處理表現最佳。金花石算部分則是利用GA3浸漬種球可促進種球萌芽天數縮短,大球比小球的50%萌芽日數及萌芽終止日數較短。 According to four goals in slipper orchids breeding, we have selected superior progenies ‘PA95110’ and ’PA95008’ with multi-flowers, good flower shape and color characteristics. Bulbous of amaryllis breeding, we have selected 3 potential hybrid progenies of double-flower type and selected 3 cultivars with fragrance for fragrance breeding. In fragrance amaryllis breeding, we have bred new variety‘T.S.S. No.1-Pink Pearl’which flowers emit a light fragrance. The aroma composition is Cineole,beta-Linalool, 1.3.6-Octatriene, Linalool oxide, 3-Cyclohexene-1-methanol and alpha-Farnesene. Calla lilies breeding, we have selected 3 potential progenies with good horticultural characteristics. Their colors are golden, red and dark purple. They will be used as cut flower or pot flower. Sandersonia tubers were cut two different ways for propagation testing. Uncut tubers are better than cut tubers on plant growth characteristics. But the daughter tubers numbers are less than cut tubers. Bulbs soaked in GA3 solution of spider lily (Lycoris aurea Herb.) enhanced bulbs germinated and shorten germinated days. Large bulbs test results are better than small bulbs
60665156 2014 春石斛開花株生理指標及花期調節管理體系之建立 Set up nobile-type dendrobium mature index and flowering regulation systerm 103農科-9.2.5-種-X2 103AS -9.2.5-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭孄婷 Lan-Ting Kuo 不公開 Not public
60665157 2014 植物品種檢定流程分析、人員訓練及分子標誌開發 Analyzing the examining process flow,training faculty members and developing molecular marker of plant variety right 103農科-9.2.6-種-X1 103AS -9.2.6-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang 不公開 Not public
60665158 2014 植物品種開發及種苗驗證之應用研究-植物種苗認驗證體系建立 Construct the accreditation system for plant seedlings 103農科-9.2.6-種-X2 103AS -9.2.6-SS-X2 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 周佳霖 Chia-Lin Chou 一、健康種苗之母本檢測與母本園建構及維護:本年度完成馬鈴薯12品種(系)及鳳梨3品種病毒檢測,所測樣品皆無血清反應。並完成母本園設施改善與建置,可供健康種苗母本保存及檢測研發利用。另外,利用實驗室可取得之8種不同材質吸附膜,進行馬鈴薯病毒 Y 之汁液印漬捕捉反轉錄聚合酶鏈鎖反應(Print Capture RT-PCR, PC-RT-PCR)檢測技術測試,以建立可縮短抽取核酸的人力物力之檢測技術,試驗結果以CALBIOCHEM公司產品Miracloth為最佳。二、ISTA豆類種子健康檢查驗證體系之建立:為建立種子檢查室之豌豆葉斑病菌與菜豆炭疽病菌檢測作業流程,本年度依國際種子檢查協會公告之檢測方式建立檢測流程,並實際測試檢測流程的穩定性。三、種子(苗)品質純度分子檢測技術研發及標準化:本年度以葫蘆科西瓜為基礎,開發20組SSR與16組SNP品種檢定分子標誌,經篩選後計有14組SSR與13組SNP標誌可檢定計22個不同的西瓜雜交組合,且計有至少93個多型性表現。 In this study, virus diseases in 12 varieties of potato and 3 varieties of pineapple were tested, and all samples would have produced negative results. In addition, facilities of mother-stock house had been improved,that would benefit healthy seedling conservation and development. The 8 different kinds absorbent membranes were test to instead the RNA extraction protocol before RT-PCR for PVY detection. The most efficient material was Miracloth which was production by CALBIOCHEM. For establishment the health check of the seed beans verification system by ISTA, the objective of this program is to establish the seed testing procedures on Ascochyta pinodes and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. The procedure in coincidence with ISTA rules has been established and confirmed the stability. To increase industrial competitiveness, 20 SSR and 16 SNP markers had been developed in this project for testing hybridization seeds based on cucurbitaceae. Results showed that 14 SSR and 13 SNP markers distinguish the hybridization purity in 22 watermelon hybrids and represent at least 93 polymorfics.
60665159 2014 種子品質及處理技術研發 Developement for the seed processing techniques to promoting seed quality 103農科-9.2.6-種-X3 103AS -9.2.6-SS-X3 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃玉梅 Yu-Mei Huang 不公開 Not public
60665160 2014 植物新品種檢定技術之開發與執行 Plant Seed Group-The Technical Development and DUS Test Execution of Plant Variety Protection System 103農科-9.2.6-種-X4 103AS -9.2.6-SS-X4 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 安志豪 Chih-Hao An 本(103)年度已完成草擬狐狸尾蘭及合果芋並修訂文心蘭與彩葉芋品種性狀表與試驗檢定方法,透過增修訂品種性狀表及試驗檢定方法,擴增國內植物品種權受保護之植物種類。關於蝴蝶蘭及玫瑰等作物資料庫建立方面,已收集15個蝴蝶蘭、5個玫瑰商業品種並完成品種性狀調查及資料庫建置,透過資料庫建置,以利未來對照品種之資料比對搜尋。本年度受理新品種性狀檢定工作計蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭85件、文心蘭5件、玫瑰20件及桂花5件;正進行性狀檢定中之案件為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭30件、文心蘭6件及玫瑰8件;檢定完成資料整理中為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭35件、文心蘭4件及蕙蘭1件;檢定完成且審查結束為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭80件、文心蘭8件及玫瑰1件,透過植物品種權制度,確保植物育種者權利及品種保護之效力,同時也提升農業產值之提升。 The purpose of this project is to establish the test guidelines and execute DUS tests. We modified the test guideline and table of characteristics of rhynchostylis, araceae, Caladium × hortulanum and oncidium. We also collected 15 commercial varieties of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, and 5 commercial varieties of rose, and investigated their characteristics for establishing variety database. We accepted 85 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 5 cases of oncidium, 20 cases of rose and 5 cases of osmanthus to execute DUS tests for protecting the breeder’s rights this year. 30 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis,6 cases of oncidium, 8 cases of rose have been executing DUS tests. 80 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 8 cases of oncidium and 2 cases of roses have been granted to be new varieties.
60665161 2014 馬鈴薯種薯與藥用植物種苗量產體系建立 Establishment of mass production system of seed potato and medicinal plant seedling 103農科-9.2.6-種-X5 103AS -9.2.6-SS-X5 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 王至正 Jhih-Jheng Wang 不公開 Not public
60665162 2014 作物遺傳種原收集、保存與利用 Preservation, collection and application of germplasm 103農科-9.2.6-種-X6 103AS -9.2.6-SS-X6 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 薛佑光 Yu-Kuang Hsueh 蔬菜種原的收集與繁殖為品種改良之重要來源,為確保種原庫種子活力和繁殖能力,因此有計畫地分年進行繁殖更新是有其必要性,今年度完成102冬-103春年期芥藍26品系、結球白菜40品種、青花菜6品種,夏作10個西瓜種原、12個萵苣品種,秋作2個豇豆地方品種之蔬菜種原栽培管理、性狀調查、授粉採種、種子調製、秤重、包裝及貯藏於種原庫等。並進行103年冬-104年春年期59種蔬菜種原育苗、定植栽培。種原利用先進行西瓜花粉保存技術之研發,以西瓜品系‘402’、‘405’及‘408’為參試材料,採收開花當日之新鮮花藥,經氯化鎂乾燥24小時後,花粉發芽率低於未乾燥及乾燥5小時之處理,但經液態氮保存1個月後,花粉發芽率則相對高於該兩處理。原生綠化苗木103年度收集桃實百日青、蚊母樹、疏脈赤楠、十大功勞、杜虹花、蘭嶼裸實、細葉杜鵑、白木蘇花、大果厚殼桂、細葉蚊母樹、蘭嶼樹杞、風箱樹、莢蒾、台東石楠、壽娘子、恆春楨楠、枯里珍、台灣櫸、水社柳及台灣野牡丹藤等20種原生綠化苗木分別為2種金縷梅科、2種馬鞭草科、2種樟科,紫金牛科、羅漢松科、杜鵑花科、蘇木科、姚金釀科、衛矛科、小蘗科、茜草科、忍冬科、薔薇科、大戟科、榆科、楊柳科、野牡丹科各1種。蜜雪梨品種(農試種苗二號)係農業試驗所早年以高海拔新世紀梨與平地橫山梨雜交之後裔,經本場多年選拔所育成品質優良之梨品種。於民國八十三年七月命名通過,本品種適合海拔400至800公尺左右地區栽培,屬低海拔地區之低溫需求梨,生長勢強、低溫需求少、不需再高接、產量高、果實碩大、果肉雪白、不易褐化、甜脆多汁及清爽可口,甚受消費者喜愛。103年度特定選擇生長較優勢的100植株,進行有系列栽培管理。於102年底進行樹幹修剪整枝建立優良樹型。於修剪後施有機質肥料每棵20公斤。103年起陸續進行病蟲害防治、疏果及果實套袋作業。7月份蜜雪梨果品採收量為2,388公斤,果品糖度平均為11.12Brix。其中選擇3株樹勢較佳樹體進行嫁接,與未嫁接蜜雪梨果品比較,嫁接處理果品重526.3g﹔未嫁接處理果品重540.2g。嫁接處理果品糖度為10.8 Brix﹔未嫁接處理果品糖度為11.2Brix。木蘭科綠美化苗木全年收集11種種原,分別為烏心石、蘭嶼烏心石、白花辛夷、紅花辛夷、粉花辛夷、紫花辛夷、夜合、白玉蘭、黃玉蘭、含笑及紫花含笑。植株生育健壯後,再調查生長狀況及性狀等以待種原保存用。其中以黃玉蘭為試驗材料,利用三種栽培介質作為處理,調查每階段黃玉蘭種苗之生育情形,總體表現看來以泥炭土為育苗介質處理比泥炭土、珍珠石、蛭石介質混合比例1:1:1及田土生育效果佳,將繼續觀察各處理苗株生育表現,期能選出最適景觀綠化容器苗管理模式。台灣本土多樣性資源豊富,利用既有的農業科技基礎,保存植物種原,經濟栽培台灣野生植物及開發利用植物種子種苗有利於生態保育。香藥草植物資源之保存及維護約600種,並進行薑科植物萃取物保濕性測試及利用18種香藥草植物萃取液進行防蚊測試,其中以5種精油配製的複方防蚊膏比市售的產品效果佳。茄科及瓜類蔬菜種原計畫分別收集亞洲地區胡瓜及茄子種原,進行栽培及種原更新,同時調查植株生育特性,初步篩選出20個高雌性胡瓜品系及20個質優耐病的茄子品系,其中20個胡瓜品系皆具有單為結果性特徵,茄子在耐青枯病觀察方面,有5個品系耐病性表現較佳,可作為育種之利用及試驗材料之選擇。 R e n e w e d v e g e t a b l e g e r m p l a s m f o r 9 4 v a r i e t i e s o f c u l t i v a t e d ,investigation, harvesting, packaging and stored seed. Including 12 new lettuce varieties We had renewed 26 species of kale, 40 species of Chinese cabbage, 6 species of broccoli, and 10 species of watermelon in this year. In the meanwhile, we had completed the characteristic investigation of all. Anthers of water melon lines ‘402’、‘405’及‘408’ were used as materials in the pollen preservation experiment.Generally speaking, pollen germination percentage of anthers dehydrated for 24 hours by magnesium chloride was lower than those of non-and 5 hour-desiccation treatments. However, after liquid nitrogen preservation for 1 month, the result was opposite. Collected 20 original species ofnative tree this year. The Pear Tainung TSS No.2 harvesting and the yield was 2,388 kg, the average sugar content of fruit was11.12Brix ° in2014.11 germplasm of Magnoliaceae were collected in 2014, including Formosan michelia、Lanyu Michelia、white flower Lily Magnolia、red flower Lily Magnolia、pink flower Lily Magnolia、purple flower Lily Magnolia、Coco Magnolia、white Michelia、Yellow Michelia、Banana Magnolia、violet flower Banana Magnolia. Plants’ growth habits and traits were investigated after being growing well. Three growing media were tested for Yellow Michelia to investigate growing condition of several stages of seedlings.The performance of Yellow Michelia seedlings was better when growing in peat moss than in soil or peat moss-perlite-vermiculite(1:1:1) mix.Further investigation will continue to screen for an optimum container seedling producing model for landscaping. Biodiversity resources are abundant in Taiwan. We tried to employ the agriculture techniques for germplasm preservation, commercially cultivating wild plants, and producing seeds and seedlings to promote ecological conservation. In this study, we first established and preserved about 650 varieties of Taiwan indigenous plants in demonstration field. Second, Zingiberaceae plant extracts were tested for moisturizer and 18 fragrant herb extracts were tested for anti-mosquito experiments, among which five anti- mosquito creams with essential oil formulated compound had better effects than commercially products available. The object of this plan was collected the cucumber and eggplant of Asian region. We evaluated and selected 20 cucumber varieties of parthenocarpy and gynoecy and 20 eggplant varieties of good sharp and quality, and for eggplant of disease resistance were observed, there are five lines performed better disease resistance, as the use of breeding and selection of test material
60665163 2014 蔬菜有機種衣劑及種子有機處理基準之研究 Establishment of vegetables organic coating material and organic processing benchmark in seedling 103農科-9.2.7-種-X1 103AS -9.2.7-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 蘇士閔 Shih-Min Su 在有機種衣劑部分,本試驗以大豆、毛豆、紅豆、四季豆、花生及玉米為材料進行有機配方的種子披衣試驗,使用底衣粉:高嶺土及滑石1:1及底衣液:10% 阿拉伯膠、2.5%膜衣劑、1%三仙膠皆不影響上述種子發芽率。於大豆及玉米披衣種子中添加500倍辣蒜精、100倍木醋液、500倍苦棟油亦皆不影響種子發芽。大豆披衣種子添加一層100%苦茶粕、菸草粉、辣椒粉、香蒜粉再披衣一層底衣粉及外層加入100%硫磺粉、竹碳粉至不見原披衣層;玉米披衣種子添加一層100% 硫磺粉、竹碳粉、辣椒粉、香蒜粉75%苦茶粕、50%菸草粉後再披衣一層底衣粉之處理與對照組相較下較不影響發芽表現。將添加辣蒜精、木醋液、苦棟油、硫磺粉、竹碳粉、辣椒粉、香蒜粉、金色及桃紅色色粉的玉米披衣種子隨機播種於花蓮農地,第一週發芽率在90-97%之間,第二週後缺株率在1.5 - 3.3株間,各處理無明顯差異。在有益微生物處理部分,叢枝菌根菌及蕈狀芽孢桿菌在不同接菌方式對西瓜種子的發芽率與幼苗的生長均無顯著影響,但對豌豆苗期具有促進生長的效果。 Soybean, green soybean, red bean, string bean, peanut and corn were used for this seed coating experiment. Kaolinite and talc mixed 1:1 and combine with 10% Aracica gum, 2.5% film-coating agent and 1% Xanthan gum did not influence the germination percentage after coating. The coated seeds did not influence the germination percentage compared with control by following treatment: added chili and garlic extract x500, wood vinegar x100, neem oil x500 of soybean and corn seeds; added one layer of 100% tea seed pomace, tobacco powder, chili powder, garlic powder then added one layer of coating powder on the surface; added 100% sulphur powder and biocarbon powder to the surface of coated soybean seeds; added one layer of 100% sulphur powder, biocarbon powder, chili powder, garlic powder,75% tea seed pomace,50% tobacco powder then added one layer of coating powder on the surface of coated corn seeds. The seeds coated with chili and garlic extract, wood vinegar, neem oil, sulphur powder, biocarbon powder,chili powder, garlic powder, golden and fuchsia pigment powder of corn were sowed randomly in the field of Hualian. The germination percentage is between 90-97% in the 1st week after sowed and the vacant percentage of seedling is between 1.5-3.3% in the 2nd week after sowed. There are no significant differences between each treatment. On the treatment of Bacillus mycoides and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), both B.mycoides and AMF did not obviously affect the seed germination and seedling growth of watermelon, but could promote the seedling growth of pea.
60665164 2014 番木瓜有機栽培及有機雜交種子生產研究 Study on organic cultivation and organic papaya seed 103農科-9.2.7-種-X2 103AS -9.2.7-SS-X2 屏東種苗研究中心 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center 邱展台 Chan-Tai Chiu 本試驗擬於春夏季定植木瓜,以植株幼年期度過雨季避開疫病危害,並於冬春季果實炭疽病發生率較低時開始成熟採收。以窄域油及石灰硫礦液防治螨類及秀粉介殼蟲危害,並調查以有機肥料取代化學肥料的效果。試驗結果顯示於植株成活後即開始每週施用窄域油及石灰硫礦液可以抑制螨類及秀粉介殼蟲的發生。木瓜每株分別施用4、8、12公斤有機粒肥等3種施肥量,以施用12公斤之結果數最多,且施肥量與結果數有顯著的線性關係。木瓜果實糖度在有機及慣行栽培間無顯著差異。亞磷酸於雨季無法抑制木瓜成熟果實的病害發生,8月雨季期間,果實的疫病及炭疽病達100%,農藥亦無法抑制。 Papaya were planted on spring and summer respectively , young plant passed the rainy season to plant to avoid disease hazards, and to begin to mature at lower incidence of anthracnose of fruits in winter and spring. By the narrow range oil and lime sulphur fluid preventing and controlling man kind of and the scale insect harm, and investigates the effects of the organic fertilizer substitution chemical fertilizer.Apply employ the narrow range oil and the lime sulphur fluid may suppress mites and the scale insect's occurrence. Papaya plants apply 4, 8, 12 kilogram organic granulated fertilizer respect, apply 12 kilogram result in fruit numbers to be most, also the quantity of fertilizer and the fruits number have the remarkable linear relations.The papaya fruit sugar content in organic and tradition of cultivation do not remarkable difference. The phosphorous acid is unable in the rainy season to suppress the mature papaya fruit disease occurrence, in August rainy season period, fruit epidemic disease and anthrax reach 100%, the agricultural chemicals are also unable to suppress
60665165 2014 提升具競爭力外銷型農糧作物產業價值鏈之研究 Study to make Industrial value chain more competitive for expert in the agricultural seedlings industry 103農科-9.2.9-種-X1 103AS -9.2.9-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 文紀鑾 Chi-Luan Wen 本計畫擬在國內組織培生產設施,首次導入國際品質管理認證(ISO 9001:2008)系統,強化品質管理能力並作為其他組織培養場推動參考,藉此平台與國際接軌,提升產業之國際競爭力。通過TAF(全國認證基金會)驗證稽核,並取得證書。核發領域為彩色海芋組織培養苗之生產。組培專業證照訓練規劃透過「問卷調查」與「實地或電話訪談」兩方式,針對無菌操作台大於50台以上組培廠商其「基層技術人員」,以及「基層管理人員」,調查其職能需求,並將從中獲得之質性與量性調查結果,進一步進行統計分析,再將初步統整之調查結果,提交於內部意見交流會議討論,以凝聚未來組培專業技術士訓練制度規劃共識。運用種子品質快速檢測技術-Q2種子活力測定儀(Q2)進行番茄種子不同活力種子檢測,透過和標準發芽試驗比較,Q2可有效於14天內判別小果番茄’台南亞蔬6號’及大果番茄’花連亞蔬18號’之不同活力種子品質情況,因此Q2種子活力測定儀可有效判定番茄種子活力品質。以‘臺農2號’商業果實之F2種子為材料,先探討番木瓜種子發酵程度對種子儲藏後發芽率之影響。發酵4日內,無論是新鮮種子或調製後種子,種子活力及活勢並未改變;隨著發酵程度提高,種子活力及活勢會下降,隨著發酵時間越長,而下降程度越大。10oC儲藏3個月種子發芽率也沒有明顯變化。關於調製溫度及含水率對種子儲藏後發芽率之影響,預備試驗中,提高種子調製溫度,不影響含水率30%以下種子發芽率,對於調製溫度 (15、25、35℃) 及含水率 (15%、10%、7.5%) 對番木瓜種子發芽率之影響的試驗,仍在進行中。以防雨之設施栽培健康之種苗,並建構無病毒種苗之驗證體系,建立商業量產之草莓無特定病原健康種苗,避免使用非健康種苗造成的損失,進而建立完整的草莓健康種苗生產系統。於葉長、葉寬部分,組培苗及其走莖繁殖苗之葉片大小平均較農民自行留種苗的小,顯示組培苗的生長式較弱,且具有叢生現象。果實之型態與品質方面,農民自行留種苗之果實於結果初期果實較大,畸形果之比率略隨著組培走莖繁殖苗代數而減少,甜度方面則無明顯差異,故在栽培上,以組培走莖繁殖二代苗以上較有利。以ELISA篩選無特定病原芋頭種苗,並以組織培養建立芋頭健康母瓶。比較4種芋頭增殖培養基,不同IAA濃度對芋頭瓶苗增殖倍率與發根情形等影響並不顯著,然以MS培養基添加IAA 0.01 mg/L之芋頭瓶苗根長最短,對於繼代培養快速增殖操作較為便利。本年度協助業者出具ISTA橙色檢驗證種子計有西瓜、南瓜、胡瓜、辣椒類、番茄、甘藍、菜豆、萵苣、玉米、茄子、花椰菜及青花菜等12種作物共66件,總重16,327.5公斤,ISTA藍色檢驗證種子計有有白菜、油菜、莧菜、芹菜、芥菜、玉米及花椰菜等7種,共17件,國內市售種子品質與標示查驗,抽驗322件樣品中達標示之發芽率以上者有305件,未達標示發芽率者計有17件,送檢樣品符合標示發芽率者為95.8%。 The plan proposed tissue culture production facilities in Taiwan,first time into international quality management certification (ISO 9,001:2008) system, strengthening quality management and training as other organizations promoting references, use this platform with international standards, and enhance the international competitiveness of the industry. Through the TAF (National Foundation for authentication) validation audit, and acquired the certificate. Issue areas for the production of micropropagated seedlings of calla lily. Group culture professional certification certificate according to training planning through \\"questionnaire survey\\" and \\"field or phone interview\\",for Laminar Flow is greater than 50 Taiwan above group culture manufacturers its \\"technicians\\", and \\"manager\\".The study is aim to test the different vigor of tomato seeds byQ2 Scanner and try to find rapid seed vigor testing method. Compared to traditional germinations, Q2 scanner can identify the different vigor of cherry tomato seed ’Tainan AVRDC No. 6‘ and tomato seed ‘Hualien AVRDC No. 18‘ in 14 days. Consequently, it’s effective for Q2 Scanner to identify the vigor of tomato seeds.The objective of this study was first focused on the effect of fermentation on seed viability and vigor in F2 papaya seeds of ‘ Tainun No.2’. The seed germination was not affected by 4 days of fermentation regardless the adjustment of water content. For the fermentation exceeded 4 days, the seed germination declined as the fermentation days increased.The seed viability and vigor was not altered by 3 months of storage at 10oC. As for the effect of drying temperature and seed water content on seed germination, the preliminary experiment revealed seed germination was not altered when seed water content was below 30%. The seed germination of 3 water content achieved by 3 drying temperature was under investigation.Planting healthy seedlings in greenhouse and construct the virusfree seeding verification system. Establish commercial production of strawberries specific pathogen free healthy seedlings to avoid the damage by use non- healthy seedlings. Establish a healthy strawberry seedlings production system. The characteristics of plant were measured in different generations. In leaf size part, plant tissue culture and tissue culture propagation of runner seedlings relatively small compared withthe size of the leaf farmers seedlings. The results showed that the growth potential of plant tissue culture is weak. In fruit quality part,seedlings of farmers in the early production of fruit is large, with the increase in plant tissue culture propagation of seedlings generations deformed fruit production ratio has decreased, there was no significant difference in sweetness. In the use of second-generation seedlings cultivated plants produce more than favorable.In this study, we selected Specific-pathogen-free taro plants by ELISA test, and established tissue culture mother stock of taro. We compared 4 medium with different IAA concentration for taro propagation.There is no obvious difference on shoot multiplication rate and rooting.However, taro plantlet has the shortest roots length on MS medium with 0.01 mg/L IAA and it is easy to be operated in subculture.This year to help the industry certificate of inspection issued by ISTA orange seeds namely watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber, peppers class,tomato, cabbage, beans, lettuce, corn, eggplant, cauliflower and broccoli and other 12 kinds of crops, total amount of 66 items and total weight of 16,327.5 kilograms. ISTA blue seed of certificate of inspection has chinese cabbage, rape, chinese spinach,celery, leaf mustard, maize and cauliflower and other seven kinds of total 17 amaount, Domestic commercial seed quality and labeling inspection, sampling and testing up to 322 samples indicated the germination rate that have 305 amounts,marking the germination rate less than 17 amounts namely,and submission of samples labeled germination rates were in line with 95.8%.
60665166 2014 原鄉地區原生種作物選育改良、改進作物栽培技術-原鄉馬鈴薯栽培試作及原生豇豆之應用 Study on improvement of native cropvarieties and crop cultivation technology in indigenous area-Test cultivation of potato and application of native asparagus bean in indigenous area 103農科-9.2.10-種-X1 103AS -9.2.10-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 羅英妃 Ying-Fei Lo 國內8-11月是有機及鮮食馬鈴薯缺貨的季節,原住民部落可利用海拔高度栽培馬鈴薯,以供應夏季的有機鮮食市場。於高海拔設施栽培可以在梅雨季節開始栽種並於8-9月採收,設施栽培薯球產量比露天栽培多一倍,露天栽培則建議於梅雨季節過後,於9-10月採收。中海拔(700m)栽培馬鈴薯比高海拔(2100m)露天栽培產量來得低,於中海拔地區進行不同克尼伯品系營養系的單株產量大約分佈在145-279公克之間,其中以101A、及101G品系之產量表現為最佳,此外,在原鄉部落收集到2個品系,採集後移至本場溫室栽培,在高溫的環境下可以順利產生種薯。原生豇豆以綠皮的品系1產量最高,建議部落種植時將此品系單一種植或混合其他品系種植,可達到較佳的產量。種植原生豇豆品系,期間並無灌溉、施肥及噴化學藥劑,進行粗放栽培即有產量,為省工栽培的有機產品開發,故原生豇豆有機栽培在原鄉部落是具有可行性的。 Market is short of organic and fresh potatoes from August to November in Taiwan. Therefore, some aboriginal people can produce potatoes for fresh organic market in summer by taking advantage of higher altitude where they cultivate. People can plant potato in the facility in high land during the rainy season and harvest in August to September, which produce twice as yield as those grown in the open field. It is recommended to begin to plant potatoes in the open field after the rainy season, and harvest in September to October. Additionally, the yield of potato grown in an altitude of 700m in the open field is lower than that in 2100m above the sea level. In the meanwhile, the yield per plant of different Kennebec clones grown in the elevation of 700mwas different between 145 and 279 grams, which clone 101A and 101G had higher yield. Furthermore,we collected 2 potato clones in the tribal homeland and successfully produced tubers after moving to the greenhouse in our station under high temperature environment. In another experiment, native green-skin cowpea strain 1had the highest yield among test strains, and we recommended to plant the strain singled or mixed to get the higher yield when grown in the indigenous tribe area. Planting native strains of cowpea with no irrigation, fertilization and spraying chemicals could successfully harvest pods, which is low input for organic production. So, organic native cowpea cultivation is feasible in the tribal homeland
60665167 2014 農業副產物應用於仙履蘭、春石斛、國蘭、文心蘭等蘭科作物種苗栽培介質之研發 Use of agricultural byproducts as growing substrates for orchids seedling 103農科-9.2.12-種-X1 103AS -9.2.12-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 張珈錡 Jia-Ci Chang 本試驗利用玉米穗軸、花生殼、香菇廢棄太空包等農業副產物不同比例混合之配方作為替代性栽培介質,評估應用於仙履蘭、春石斛、文心蘭和國蘭4種蘭科作物種苗栽培之可行性。由試驗結果得知,仙履蘭Maudiae Type品系之組培苗適合栽培於玉米穗軸、花生殼、香菇廢棄太空包混合比例為:2:0:1和0:3:1之介質,苗期則以栽培於2:0:1、0:2:1和對照組之植株生育表現較佳。春石斛Dendrobium Lai’s Yukisakura品種,以不同替代性介質配方處理之植株根系於換盆初期褐化,影響後續植株之生長,與對照組相比呈現顯著的生長弱勢。文心蘭Oncidium Wildcat品種以栽培於100%香菇廢棄太空包介質之植株各性狀綜合表現最佳;Oncidium Rosy Sunset品種則以100%玉米穗軸、100%香菇廢棄太空包、2:0:1、1:2:0和對照組5種介質處理較佳。報歲蘭以1:4:2和1:2:4之介質處理對植株生長較佳;四季蘭則以1:2:4之介質處理植株生長較佳。 In order to seek replacement materials for cultivation of orchids seedling, this research uses mixed substrates of different ratio corn cobs, peanut shells and mushroom waste sawdust. Results showed that young plant of Paphiopedilum were planted in mixed substrates at mixing ratio of 2:0:1 and 0:3:1(corn cobs: peanut shells: mushroom waste sawdust,v/v/v) were better than other treatments. The optimal substrates for seedlings of Paphiopedilum planting were controls treatment and mixed substrates at mixing ratio of 2:0:1 and 0:2:1(v/v/v). Using mixed substrates cause root-browning and slow growth of Dendrobium seedlings.Seedlings of Oncidium Wildcat growed well by using 100% mushroom waste sawdust as substrate. Seedlings of Onc. Rosy Sunset were planted in mixed substrates at mixing ratio of 2:0:1, 1:2:0 (v/v/v), 100% corn cobs, 100% mushroom waste sawdust and control treatment were better than other treatments. The optimal substrates for seedlings of Cymbidium sinense were mixing ratio of 1:4:2, 1:2:4 (v/v/v), and the optimal substrates for seedlings of Cymbidium ensifolium were mixing ratio of 1:2:4(v/v/v).According to the results, it is feasible that using corn cobs, peanut shells and mushroom waste sawdust to cultivate Paphiopedilum, Oncidium and Cymbidium, but not for cultivation of Dendrobium.
60665168 2014 種子(苗)有害生物診斷鑑定技術、檢驗技術驗證及防治技術之研究與應用 Establishment and Research of Seed andSeedling pathogen detection, protection Techniques 103農科-10.2.2-種-X1 103AS -10.2.2-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 邱燕欣 Yen-Hsin Chiu a.符合目標市場外銷國之種子苗驗證技術盤點與研發:發展標準化之馬鈴薯種薯病害採樣檢測流程符合健康種薯生產驗證之應用。本年度為發展馬鈴薯軟腐病與青枯病之免疫螢光檢測法。b.豇豆種傳病害滅菌處理技術之研究:開發有效的豇豆種子滅菌處理方法,降低豇豆種子攜帶萎凋病菌之機率,減少田間豇豆萎凋病之傳播與發生。豇豆種子所攜帶之豇豆萎凋病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum(FOT))能藉由污染種子表面或侵入種皮內部而進行傳播。本研究調查結果顯示,分別在屏東白仁白皮、紅花仁淡青皮、紫仁花莢豇豆與黑仁青莢目豆上檢測到FOT的存在,種帶FOT比率為3~25%。其他真菌與細菌的種帶比率也相當高,經表面消毒後雖可有效減少部分真菌與細菌的帶菌率,但仍有存在於種皮內部的可能性。利用殺真菌劑進行種子滅菌處理結果顯示,因種子自然攜帶FOT的比率偏低且不穩定,無法有效確定藥劑的滅菌效果。c.草莓病害非農藥防治技術開發:c.-1 草莓病害非農藥防治技術開發:研發適用於防治草莓炭疽病的非農藥製劑,以減少化學農藥的用量,降低農藥殘留對人體健康與環境生態的危害風險。結果顯示(1)於草莓組培培養基中施用不同濃度甲殼素,出瓶定植於介質後,接種炭疽病原菌,添加甲殼素濃度至100ppm時,炭疽病病斑偏小,而添加甲殼素其他濃度時則無差異。(2)利用不同濃度甲殼素處理草莓走莖苗防治草莓炭疽病的效果,結果顯示處理不同濃度甲殼素之草莓走莖苗初期罹病率較對照組低。比較草莓走莖苗接種炭疽病前摘葉與不摘葉處理,結果顯示接種炭疽病前未處理摘葉較處理摘葉之死亡率低。c-2 自台灣中南部及東部地區田土中分離出26株耐熱微生物,經對峙培養篩選出5株拮抗微生物,於PDA上可抑制草莓炭疽病菌落生長達44.62%以上; 5株拮抗微生物培養24小時的菌液即可抑制病原菌孢子發芽或發芽管生長。在生物防治試驗,刺傷接種炭疽病菌前草莓葉片處理拮抗微生物培養液, 1週後以編號B2014-12與21拮抗微生物可使病斑較對照組略小;刺傷接種後處理拮抗微生物編號B214-12亦可減少16%病斑面積。噴灑炭疽病菌孢子懸浮液接種前連續3天處理拮抗微生物菌液,以B2014-12處理較對照組罹病度減少2.3-4%,市售生物農藥則以Bs最具防治效果,可減少植株罹病度4.3-12.5%。d. 抗病毒血清製備技術之開發與利用:無性繁殖體在進行組織培養大量繁殖前,進行標的病害的檢測可確保繁殖體的健康,為生產健康種苗之基石。組織培養的標的病害包括病毒病、類病毒病以及菌質體病害,多以enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)、PCR(reverse transcription-PCR, RT-PCR),作為檢測植物病毒病之技術,其中ELISA仍是主要檢測植物病毒病之技術,血清為此技術之重要成本,因此本計畫擬以大腸桿菌表現轉殖之重組蛋白,作為生產標的病毒之蛋白來源,生產重要作物之檢測血清,本計畫於完成葡萄病毒A(Grapevine Virus A)之抗血清之生產80ml,力價稀釋可達8000-16,000倍。 a. Development of standardized sampling and testing of the potato disease potato production processes comply with health applications verified.b.The objective of this program is to develop a convenient and effective seed disinfection technique on asparagus bean for decreasing the ratio of seed carrying Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum. This disinfection technique will be helpful for diminishing the transmission and occurrence of the Fusarium wilt of asparagus bean in the fields.The Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum (FOT) carried by asparagus bean seeds could be transmitted by polluting the seed surface or infecting into seeds. The investigation results showed that the FOT was detected on four asparagus bean cultivars with ratio of 3-25%. Other fungi and bacteria were also detected with high seed-carried ratio, but,after surface disinfection, the ratio of some fungi and bacteria decreased effectively. However, it was still possible that the fungi and bacteria existed in seeds. The result of disinfection with fungicides indicated that the effect of chemicals were not able to be confirmed yet owing to FOT-carried ratio on asparagus seeds were low and not stable.c.c-1 Strawberry disease non-pesticide control technology development :research for prevention and treatment of strawberry anthracnose nonpesticide formulations to reduce the amount of chemical pesticides,reducing pesticide residues on human health and the environment and ecology of the risk of harm. (1)Application of different concentrations of chitin in strawberry tissue culture medium. Processing plants 100 ppm concentration of chitin its anthrax lesion smaller and the processing of chitin concentrations no other impact.(2) Strawberry seedlings treated with different concentrations of chitin treatment after picking leaves and do not pick the leaves inoculated with anthrax bacteria. Strawberry seedlings treated with different concentrations of chitin, its initial investigation of anthrax lower disease severity compared to the control .The results showed that treatment plants do not pick off the leaves and leaf compared, the results do not pick leaves treatment had lower mortality. c-2 26 heat-resistant bacteria were isolated from field soil collected in central, southern and eastern Taiwan. By dual culture, five of them showed ability to inhibit the strawberry anthracnose mycelia growth on PDA by more than 44.62% have been selected as antagonists. The 24-hr cell cultures of these 5 antagonists could inhibit germing of pathogen spores or elongating of the germ tubes. While biocontrol trials,cell cultures of t he antagonists were spreaded on strawberry leaves before wounded and inoculated with anthracnose. 1 week later, antagonists No. B2014-12 and B2014-21 made the lesions slightly smaller CK treated.No. B2014-12 could also decrease 16% lesion area when treated after wounding and inoculating. Continuous treatment with antagonists cell culture 3days before inoculating by spray conidia suspension, No. B2014-12 could decrease 2.3-4% disease severity on strawberry than CK. Among commercial biopesticides, Bs was most effective on controlling this disease decrease 4.3-12.5% disease severity on plants.d.Antiviral serum preparation technology development and use:Before enter a large number of plant tissue culture propagation, to detect the plant target disease can ensure a healthy production procedure. The specific pathogen free tissue culture units also are the cornerstone for the production of healthy seedlings. Tissue culture is the subject diseases including viral diseases, viral diseases and class mycoplasma disease. And techniques for detect these pathogen are enzymelinked immuno-sorbent assay, ELISA and Reverse transcription-PCR, RT-PCR.The cost of serum is the highest value of ELISA. This project is intended to express recombinant proteins in transgenic E. coli, the subject of the virus as a source of protein production, the production of important crops of the serum, the plans to complete the production of Grape virus A, GVA of the production each 80ml, diluted potency up to 8000-16,000 times.
60665169 2014 耐濕冷馬鈴薯品種選育 Wet and cold resistant breeding for potato 103農科-14.1.2-種-X1 103AS -14.1.2-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 張勝智 Sheng-Chih Chang 1. 異常的氣候,常是造成農民栽培作物歉收的主要原因之一。近幾年的氣候變遷,尤其是溫度與雨量的變化,均間接或直接造成生產的損失。馬鈴薯在台灣主要於冬季種植,但近年來的異常氣候,如低溫與多雨的異常氣候,常伴隨發生,導致馬鈴薯植株更易腐敗且多種病害發生嚴重,尤其是大規模晚疫病所造成的減產問題,故栽培者常需噴濕大量農藥防治與增加管理負擔,除影響農民收益外,更造成生產成本增加、食物安全與市場價格波動劇烈等問題,造成嚴重影響。因此為改善低溫高濕造成的多種問題,故以品種改良為目標,針對本場經多年選育具優良生長勢、產量與品質的48個營養系,進行低溫高濕的汰選評估。2. 經100/101年期的汰選,初選出11個具耐濕與高產生育特性的營養系(628、474、470、91A179、320、183、578、91N80、317、T75、462),並於101/102年期持續汰選出5個分別(營養系470、628、91N80、320、462)具耐濕冷、生長勢強與高產,並具有中高耐病性(耐晚疫病)等特性之營養系,於102/103年再汰選評估出最優的3個營養系,分別為628、470與320,準備於103/104年期進行性狀調查,挑選表現最佳的營養系供作未來因應低溫高濕氣候的應用品種,期許能協助種苗業者克服因異常環境造成的減產與過量用藥等,所造成的食物安全與農民健康等問題。 1. Abnormal climate is often one of the main causes of farmers planting the crop failure. In recent years, climate change, the production of crops were especially caused loss by temperature and rainfall changing.Potato was mainly planted in winter in Taiwan. Anomalous Climate in recent years, such as low temperature of climate anomalies was often associated with rainy. Those factors leaded to the potato corruption and induced more diseases. Especially large-scale production problems caused by late blight, so growers often need to spraying pesticides to control and increase the burden. In addition to affecting farm income,it also result in increased production costs, food safety and market price volatility and other issues. Therefore, in order to improve a variety of problems by low temperature and high wet, we have been improved varieties by the goal. We select excellent growth potential,yield and quality of 48 clones after years of breeding, and we select and assess by low temperature and high humidity for 48 clones.2. Those clones were selected on 2009 to 2010, the 11 clones were primaries selected with wet tolerance and high yield characteristics of growth (628、474、470、91A179、320、183、578、91N80、317、T75、462). We continued to select to 5 clones (number of clones: 470、628、91N80、 320、462) on 2010 to 2011. Those clones have wet tolerance, excellent growth, high yields and medium or high disease tolerance characters. We assessed the best of three clone which are 628, 470 and 320. We will prepare to conduct characters of investigations, and select of the best performing clones by overcoming low humidity high temperature. We hope to help the seed industry overcome abnormal environment with reduction of output and excessive using of pesticides, influence food security,farmers' health and other issues
60665170 2014 應用綠肥營造環境親和型水旱田輪作模式 The establishment of environment compatible crop rotation model on paddy field using green manure cr 103農科-14.1.3-種-X1 103AS -14.1.3-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 鄭梨櫻 Lee-Ying Cheng 為調整連續二期水稻後再栽培馬鈴薯之耕作制度,設計二項含水稻、綠肥及馬鈴薯之不同輪作制度,利用綠肥效益建立嘉義地區馬鈴薯環境親合型水旱田輪作模式。103年一期及二期作試驗結果,一期作輪作綠肥太陽麻及二期輪作青皮豆皆可增加土壤有效性氮含量。二項輪作綠肥模式以輪作模式B收益較高,惟三項模式之全年收益仍待進一步評估。 To adjust the cropping of rice after two consecutive potato cultivation,design binomial different cropping systems of rice, green manure and potato contain, use of green manure benefits established environment friendly water upland crop rotation patterns. The first year test results, a sun hemp or soybean as green manure crop rotation can increase the effectiveness of the nitrogen content of the soil. Second term green manure crop rotation patterns could had higher rotation benefits, but full-year earnings of the three models have yet to be further evaluated.
60665171 2014 組織培養節能設備及技術之開發 Energy-saving equipment and technology development for tissue culture 103農科-14.1.3-種-X2 103AS -14.1.3-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 文紀鑾 Chi-Luan Wen 不公開 Not public
60665172 2014 健康種苗生產供應與健康管理體系之建立 Establishment of health seedlings production and health managementsystem 103農科-14.2.2-種-X1 103AS -14.2.2-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 羅英妃 Ying-Fei Lo 本年度進行一般芽菜與安全芽菜生產流程分析、成本分析,並於06月26日舉行安全芽菜生產技術示範觀摩會,經由成本分析及問卷調查顯示,目前安全芽菜售價偏高為反應成本,於各場展覽會場安全芽菜的產品通路詢問度高,顯示消費者對於安全生產的重視性提高。本試驗開發馬鈴薯台農一號種基本種薯與克尼伯種原種薯非農藥防治管理技術,生產之種薯品質與傳統栽培無差異。食用薯生產方面,使用認證健康種薯並以傳統農藥管理產量較佳,單株產量達730 g,但非農藥防治管理可減少化學藥劑使用之風險,提供消費者食用安全。豇豆為台灣夏季重要蔬菜之一,近年受到病毒病及萎凋病影響栽培面積漸漸減少,利用商業品種嫁接耐萎凋病根砧可有效減少萎凋病發生,為了解豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗之最適肥培管理模式及土壤有益微生物對其生育之影響,本年度於栽培期使用不同施肥量及施用不同有益微生物並調查豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗之產量及品質,試驗發現使用N:P2O5:K2O施用量12:10:10公斤/分地時豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗果莢數為594、總產量18.6公斤為最高,且略高於對照組(’三尺青皮’自根苗),使用豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗不需增加施肥量即可提升35%-47%之產量,每公頃可增加新臺幣154,303-207,018元收益;有益微生物部分,枯草桿菌及木黴菌的施用對豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗之果莢數、總產量、單果莢鮮重及果莢長度無顯著影響,可能與處理時期較晚及施用化學肥料有關,試驗結果顯示有益微生物的施用對豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗生產助益較小。 We compared the cost and market sold prices of sprout production procedures between the traditional and safety methods. The meeting of safety sprout production be held on 26th June this year. Participates showed their high interesting to this program. Even the prices of safety sprout products are not as cheap as traditional products. The safety issues of sprout still are concentrated by customers. In this study, we developed the non-pesticidal and non-fungicidial management techniques of ‘Tainon No.1’ basic seed potato (G1) and ‘Kennebec’ elite seed potato (G3). Compared non-pesticidal and non-fungicidial management with traditional management, the quality of seed potato were no significant difference. In table potato production period, there are more yields to select certified seed by traditional management, and the yield of single plant is 730g. However, we can reduce the risk of using chemistry by nonpesticidal and non-fungicidial management, and provide a food safety choice to customer. Asparagus bean is one of the important summer vegetables in Taiwan. Virus and Fusarium wilt result tin decreasing of cultivation area in recent years. Asparagus bean grafting Fusarium wilt resistant seedlings can efficiently reduce Fusarium wilt occurred.In order to study the suitable fertilizer managements and also the effect of effective micro-organisms on Asparagus bean grafting Fusarium wilt resistant seedlings’ development and yield, different fertilizer managements and effective micro-organisms were used in the trails.120:100:100 (N:P2O5:K2O) kg/ha had the highest pod number (594) and total yield (18.6 kg). Compare to the CK, total yield of asparagus bean grafting Fusarium wilt resistant seedlings increased 35%-47%. Effective micro-organisms had no significant effects on pod number, total yield,fresh weight per pod and pod length. It might be related to the treatment timing and using of chemical fertilizers
60665173 2014 設施苦瓜栽培技術之研究 Study on cultivation technology of bitter gourd in protected facility 103農科-14.4.1-種-X1 103AS -14.4.1-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 本年度進行抗萎凋病絲瓜及南瓜根砧評估、萎凋病拮抗微生篩選、設施內苦瓜物候調查、蜜蜂行為及蜂箱降溫研究。在萎凋病接種試驗方面,經剪根接種法汰選出具有優良抗性的絲瓜品系如96-157XL2 與96-111XR3及南瓜品系4與13,可作為萎凋病抗性根砧的汰選參考。嫁接親和試性驗方面,以絲瓜品系嫁接苦瓜’新社自留種-粗米’,顯示以95-153XL2品系具較好之砧穗親和力。以對峙培養篩選出3株拮抗微生物可抑制萎凋病菌落生長,具應用於萎凋病防治之潛力。設施內栽培之苦瓜,雌花產生節位提早7-8節,與露天栽培的果實生育日數相近,但種子量、果寬及單果重量均較少。蜜蜂在溫室內離返巢之趨勢相同,在一天內有兩次之高峰,分別為上午8點及下午2-3點間,當日開花之苦瓜雌花應在上午時段即由蜜蜂完成授粉。降溫處理III可使整天的蜂箱溫濕度均低於對照組。 Evaluation of resistance of sponge gourd and pumpkin rootstocks to Fusarium wilt, selection of antagonistic microorganisms to Fusarium wilt,phenology investigation of bitter gourd, introduction of honey bees to help pollination of bitter gourd production, and the effect of environmental factors and flowering performance on bee pollination behavior in the facilities were conducted this year. In the Fusarium wilt inoculation test, two sponge gourd lines (96-157XL2 and 96-111XR3), and 2 pumpkin lines ( 4 and 13) were chosen for better resistance to Fusarium wilt, which had the potential to be applied as rootstock for controlling Fusarium wilt of bitter gourd. In addition, sponge gourd line-95-153XL2 showed better grafting compatibility. Three antagonists were selected by dual culture. The bacteria showed activities to suppress mycelia growth of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. momordicae. They had the potential to be applied for controlling of Fusarium wilt. Bitter gourd grown in the greenhouse produced female flower at lower nodes than that in the open field for 7-8 nodes. However, with the similar fruit growth period, the fruits produced in the greenhouse were less seeds, thinner and lighter.The trend of honeybee traffic activities was similar, which showed two peaks of leaving and returning hive at 0800 am and 1400 pm, respectively;however, bee foraging for pollination was only effective during the morning. In addition, the cooling treatment III made lower temperature and humidity of one day than those of control.
60665174 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-基因轉殖及非基因轉殖種苗驗證及共存體系之建構-基因轉殖作物認驗證與檢監測模式之建立 Construction of the certification and coexistence system for GM and non-GM seedlings 102農科-1.1.1-種-X1 102AS -1.1.1-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 沈翰祖 Han-Tsu Shen 基因轉殖作物檢監測體系由農糧署委託種苗改良繁殖場邀集農業試驗所、桃園區農業改良場、台南區農業改良場、花蓮區農業改良場、國立中興大學等單位建立「基因轉殖作物檢監測小組」,藉由「檢測技術建立」、「儀器與檢測精準度試驗」、「檢測樣品檢出能力試驗」、「能力試驗」等,已累計建立基因轉殖木瓜2個、玉米10個、大豆3個以及馬鈴薯1個品項之標準化檢測模式,並通過「財團法人全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, TAF)」之實驗室認證。本年度檢監測小組進行基因轉殖大豆、玉米3次能力試驗;並取得基因轉殖植物審議委員會委任為基因轉殖大豆與玉米之檢測機構。建立實驗室定量檢測量測不確定度分析模組,並以top-down策略完成基因轉殖大豆品項305423與基因轉殖玉米品項NK603之量測不確定度分析;以及使用bottom-up策略評估基因轉殖大豆品項305423之量測不確定度。已完成基因轉殖玉米與傳統農業共存栽培建議書與基因轉殖作物標準化取樣及監測模式,並以田間試驗模擬基因轉殖大豆花粉飄散趨勢,本年度春作試驗並未發生花粉污染之情形。已利用衛星定位(GPS)監測台灣水稻29個、油菜10個、馬鈴薯5個、玉米8個、大豆16個栽培區、野生大豆21個生長區等資料,且以地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)分析是否受到基因轉殖作物污染,並完成「基因轉殖作物混雜度調查資料管理系統」。 The detection and monitoring system of transgenic crops in Taiwan was entrusted by the Agriculture and Food Agency (AFA), Council of Agriculture (COA) and the team member is Agricultural Research Institute,Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, National Chung Hsing University and Seed Improvement and Propagation Station (SIPS). Technique for detection of GM crops consists of four distinct steps, including detection capability, proficiency test, the standard detection and monitoring model. The biological area of detection laboratory at SIPS has been accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025. There are several items to be accredited by TAF, including transgenic papaya (Papaya ring spot virus coat protein gene, prsv-cp gene; Papaya ring spot virus coat protein gene, PRSV CP gene;papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus, PLDMV~py16-cp gene), maize (TC1507, BT-176, BT11, MON810, NK603, 3272, MIR604, GA21,59122, MON863) , soybean (GTS 40-3-2, DP-305423-1, DP-356043-5) and potato (Event EH92-527-1). In addition, the literatures of measurement uncertainty (MU), the dispersal of pollen flow for maize and soybean, and the coexistence between conventional and transgenic maize and soybean have been collected and reviewed. The standard sampling and monitoring model was built up and a simulated study of dispersal of transgenic soybean in the field to investigate dispersal tendency. GPS data of maize and soybean production farms in Taiwan was obtained and produced Geographic Information System (GIS) maps to analyze whether those production farms were polluted by transgenic species
60665175 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-生技種苗檢測服務建置與產業推動 Industry extension and establishment ofbiotech seedling detection serviceplant seed/seedling team 102農科-1.1.2-種-X1 102AS -1.1.2-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 鍾文全 Wen-Chuan Chung 利用multiplex PCR技術進行基因轉殖木瓜檢測,得知Multiplex PCR可取代一般PCR進行基因轉殖木瓜檢測,以達到降低檢測成本,並提升檢測能量之目的。評估SYBR Green、Safe view等2種螢光試劑對基因轉殖大豆與玉米檢測效能,結果顯示SYBR Green分出基因轉殖及非基因轉殖大豆和玉米的能力優於Safe view。訪視6家文心蘭組培場,瞭解其設備規模、生產流程及瓶苗出貨標準,並蒐集市售瓶苗進行調查,探討影響瓶苗品質之外部型態指標,包括葉數、根數、株高、根長、鮮乾重,分析810個樣品發現瓶苗間葉片數並無顯著差異,根數及根長則有較高的變異程度,推測可能是子瓶移植操作的影響,株高仍是較為簡便可靠的分級標準,初步結果建議以區分大中兩級為可出貨品質,小等級植株管理模式還需進一步評估。度拜訪16家蝴蝶蘭組培場,與經營者訪談組培設備、生產流程及瓶苗出貨標準。從11家組培場中蒐集12份蝴蝶蘭V3瓶苗,每份有6瓶子瓶,共計72份樣品。這些瓶苗經合格率調查、莖葉及根的數量與重量調查後,分為4個瓶苗品質等級。取樣品進行植體成份分析,其餘植株上盆栽植,並移到專業的蝴蝶蘭中小苗栽培場栽培到中苗。取中苗再進行合格率、莖葉及根數量與重量調查,並分成4個中苗品質等級,並進行中苗植體分析。優良蝴蠂蘭瓶苗為株型端正、葉型與根正常、三葉以上葉片、二條以上有效根、株重3公克以上。葉的氮素含量中等(乾重1.5-4%),高量的鉀含量(乾重5%以上)、磷含量介於乾重0.4-0.8%之間,鈣含量0.4%以上,鎂的含量在0.15%以上。以逆轉錄聚合酶鏈式反應(revese transcription–PCR,RT-PCR)檢測蘭園蘭花常見病毒齒舌蘭輪斑病毒(Odontoglossum ringspot virus, ORSV)與東亞蘭嵌紋病毒(Cymbidium mosaic virus, CymMV),共檢測1346件瓶苗樣品,檢測結果得知健康種苗比例為92.8%。 Multiplex PCR and PCR was apllied to detect GM papaya seedlings.Multiplex PCR had the same result as general PCR, resulting in cost reduction and enhancing detection capacity. We visit six Oncidium tissue culture factories, to understand the company profile, production processes and plantlets standards in this year. Furthermore, we gather commercially Oncidium TC plantlets to explore the influence of the external traits of plantlets quality, including the number of leaves,root number, plant height, root length, fresh/dry weight. Eight hundred and ten young plantlets were found no significant difference between the number of leaves, root number and root length were have a higher degree of variation, presumably by sub-culture transplant operation. Plant height is still relatively easy and reliable grading standards.Preliminary results suggest that large and medium grades are ready for marketing and management model of the small grade plantlets need further evaluation. On the other hand, we also visited 16 Phalaenopsis tissue culture factories and interviewed with the operators about TC equipment,production processes and plantlets standard shipping. We collected 12 portion of Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidiam ‘V3’ flasks from 11 TC factories,each with 6 flasks, a total of 72 samples. These in vitro plantlets were followed by qualified survey, calculating the numbers and weights of shoots and roots and then divided into four quality levels. We also took some samples to analyze the implant component, and the remaining plants were moved in a professional orchid nursery until they grew to medium size. The medium plants were also measured and analyzed the same item as in vitro plantlets. These medium plants were classified to four grades according to the analysis. Superior Phalaenopsis plantlets have upright type, normal leaf and root shapes, more than three leaves, two or more valid roots and plant weight is higher than 3 grams. These plants also have moderated leaf nitrogen content (1.5-4% dry weight), high levels of potassium (more than 5% dry weight). 04-0.8% phosphorus dry weight content, the calcium content of less than 0.4% and the magnesium content 0.15% or more.1346 samples of Phalaenopsis tissue culture(TC) seedling collected from 3 orchid nurseries were detected by RT-PCR technique for Odontoglossum ringspot virus(ORSV)and Cymbidium mosaic virus(CymMV).Results showed that 92.8% samples were healthy seedlings
60665176 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-番木瓜種苗七號全兩性株調控基因分析與產業應用 Analysis of regulation genes of allhermaphrodite papaya cv. TSS No.7 and its application on industry 102農科-1.1.2-種-X2 102AS -1.1.2-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 李美娟 Mei-Jiuan Lee 不公開 Not public
60665177 2013 種子檢查技術研習 Study on seed testing technology 102農科-4.2.1-種-X1 102AS -4.2.1-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 本年度參與ISTA於2013年6月6~9日於土耳其安卡拉(Ankara)舉行,由土耳其國家品種註冊與認證中心(Variety Registration and Certification Center, VRCC)承辦之種子潔淨度(Purity)及發芽(Germination)研習。研習內容包含種子潔淨度與發芽之原理、定義、統計方式、品保管理及實際操作等,同時並參訪土耳其國家品種登記與認證中心之種子實驗室。於2013年6月11~17日至土耳其安塔利亞(Antalya)參加第30屆種子大會之種子研討會(Seed Symposium)及技術委員會年會(Meeting of Technical Committees),除更新種子檢查相關資訊外,並聽取涵蓋五大主題之各國種子研究者成果演講發表及近150篇之海報發表。 In 2013, one staff of TSS attended the ISTA seed purity and germination workshop and the 30th ISTA congress and seed symposium hold in two cities of Turkey. The workshop hold in Ankara included the definition,statistics, quality assurance and practical training of seed purity and germination and visiting the ISTA certificated seed laboratory. After the workshop, attended the ISTA Seed Congress hold in Antalya included the Seed Symposium and Meeting of Technical Committees to update the information of seed testing and hear the posters and oral presentations included 5 subjects.
60665178 2013 赴澳大利亞進行檢定技術研習與交流 Study and exchange of DUS test technology with Australia 102農科-4.2.1-種-X2 102AS -4.2.1-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 劉明宗 Ming-Chung Liu 澳大利亞植物品種保護主要是由澳大利亞智慧財產局(IP Australia)下之植物品種保護辦公室辦理。澳大利亞植物品種權架構主要依據1994年所訂定植物育種權利法案,並配合UPOV1991年之國際公約,所有植物種類包括真菌類、藻類、甚至轉基因植物皆在保護範疇內。每年受理案件約300-350件,申請植物品種保護之種類以觀賞植物為主,約佔70%,其次為農藝作物與果樹及蔬菜類。澳大利亞之植物品種保護架構較特別的是利用認證人員(Qualified person:簡稱QP),藉由這些人員進行品種比較試驗、對照品種之選擇、資料收集、數據分析、品種描述等。為了確保認證人員的品質,由植物品種保護辦公室辦理植物品種保護訓練計劃,對植物品種權檢定等相關能力,進行訓練。經由完成訓練課程給予分數或其他報酬之安排,使他們受到認證,並可委任執行新品種檢定工作。Floral International Pty Ltd 位於雪梨,主要生產水耕玫瑰切花、東方型百合、天堂鳥與蝴蝶蘭為主。也是澳洲目前唯一有申請蘭花品種權之私人公司,此公司與台灣世芥蘭園合作,接續生產蝴蝶蘭植株販售。並代理世芥蘭園申請品種權,共申請四個品種權。Queensland Orchid Biotechnology位於凱恩斯,是由台商於10多年前移民開設,主要經營蘭花生產與零售,蘭花種類以蝴蝶蘭為大宗,其他尚有仙履蘭及稀有原生蘭等。由於昆士蘭省氣候以熱帶為主,台灣優良之熱帶水果品種,若欲往澳大利亞種植與生產,則位於北昆士蘭之凱恩斯是不錯選擇,因當地具飛機場且交通便利且氣候適宜。台灣若要發展與台灣氣候相反季節之農業生產地方,澳大利亞之昆士蘭省是不錯之選擇。 Australian Plant Variety Protection of Australian is mainly handled by the PVP office under the Australia Intellectual Property Office (IP Australia). Australian plant variety rights framework set in 1994 based primarily on plant breeders ' Rights and the International Covenant on UPOV1991 years with all kinds of plants , including fungi, algae, and even transgenic plants are within the scope of protection . Accept cases about 300-350 pieces per year , for the type of plant variety protection to ornamental plants , accounting for about 70% , followed by agronomic crops and fruit trees and vegetables . Australia 's plant variety protection structure is more special is the use of certified person (Qualified person: short QP), carried out by these qualified persons Variety Test , control variety of selection, data collection , data analysis, variety characteristics description. To ensure the quality of qualified person handled by the PVP Office of the training program for plant variety rights and other related test capability for training.Through the pay point scale or other remuneration arrangements allowed for in the certified agreement
60665179 2013 青年農民植物種苗類別訓練成效追蹤評核之研究 The effectiveness assessment research of category training in seedling for young farmers 102農科-5.2.2-種-X1 102AS -5.2.2-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 鍾依萍 I-Ping Chung 種苗產業具有技術、資本密集之特性,近年來種苗業者技術層次不一,影響種苗品質、收益與產業發展,辦理種苗技術訓練以提升其技能。本國農民高齡化,需培植年輕人接手投入農業工作,規劃各類種苗業所需之訓練課程,並以參加農民學院植物種苗類別之結訓與在訓學員為對象進行訓練成效考評,建構適合青年從農訓練之模式,以提升從農之經營能力。一、研究方法(一) 結訓學員訓練成效追蹤調查以參與100-101年度農民學院植物種苗類別初階班(含)以上之結訓學員,透過郵寄問卷方式進行1.基本資料、2.訓練績效評估兩部分之調查。目的為瞭解學員經培訓後,目前從農情形及培訓對其生產經營管理能力是否有助益。(二) 在訓學員訓練成效與滿意度調查以參與本(102)年度農民學院植物種苗類別各訓練階段之學員,透過現場發送問卷方式進行1.訓練前測-能力認知調查、2. 訓練後測-能力認知與訓練滿意度調查。目的為瞭解學員經培訓後,各項能力是否有所提升以及其滿意度為何。二、結果與分析(一) 結訓學員訓練成效追蹤調查1. 基本資料108份有效問卷中,男性佔86%;年齡以51~60歲較多佔35%;教育程度以大專(學)院校佔56%;目前有從農者佔90%,從農年資以1~10年最多佔53%;有89%學員持有土地,其土地權屬自有佔76%、租賃佔24%;主要生產作物為其他(景觀苗木、中藥作物、檳榔…等)佔31%、蔬菜佔30%;經營方式主要是獨資佔51%;高達53%有僱工,並以短期僱用為多佔62.5%;有77%尚未通過任何認(驗)證。有關參加農民學院對農產品銷售額是否有增加,48%的學員認為沒有提升,40%認為提昇1-2成;而參加農民學院在農業經營利潤(收入-成本)方面是否增加,49%的學員認為有增加1-2成,42%認為没有增加。2. 訓練績效評估以九大構面進行平均值計算,結果以「農業政策」分數最高為4.06,「人力資源管理」次之為3.99,再者以「研發能力」3.88為第三高,而「社會參與」則為最低分3.44。(二) 在訓學員訓練成效與滿意度調查1. 訓練前、後測之能力認知調查各班別訓練前、後測分數相差最多前三名之項目,發現近9成為「生產管理」構面,相差最少之項目大部分集中在「社會參與」構面。2. 訓練後滿意度調查各班別之訓練後滿意度調查,13個題項各班滿意度平均值皆有4以上。三、結論(一)結訓學員訓練成效追蹤調查青年農民(A)其農場經營方式有35%是家族經營,並有58%是僱用長期工,經營的土地面積有50%是介於0.5-3公頃;與45歲以上農民(B)的經營方式有明顯不同,B是以獨資(62%)、僱用短期工(76%)、土地面積大多為0.5公頃以下(44%)。推論來受訓的青年農民有35%的學員為接手家族企業而投身農業,因家族產業已建置一定規模,故其土地面積較B大,並以長期僱工的方式經營。此外,藉由t test檢驗青年農民(A)與45歲以上農民(B)對於訓練成效之認知,結果發現在「行銷管理」、「財務管理」及「資訊管理」此三構面共5個項目上,A的能力提升認知均顯著低於B(p<0.05),推判A對於農場經營較有整體性的重視。(二) 在訓學員訓練成效與滿意度調查本(102)年度進行在訓學員共調查6班別8梯次之訓練班,在能力認知上訓練前與後分數差異較多的題項,近9成落在「生產管理」構面,而差異較少的題項,則多落於「社會參與」構面。並發現實習或參訪時數較多之課程,學員的認知能力提升亦相對較高。各班別各題項滿意度總平均值皆達4以上,表示本年度的參訓學員對本場所開設之訓練課程感到滿意。 The aim of the investigation is to evaluate the trainees who are participating and had completed the plant seeding training courses in the farmer’s academy for establishing appropriate training pattern of young people from rural and improving operational ability of agriculture.Therefore, we are mainly aimed at the trainees, who graduated in the years 2011 to 2012 and participated in 2013, to be the respondents in this investigation. Furthermore, questionnaire is the primary method of investigation and it divided into two dispatch ways, which are by letter and in person, to the respondents.1. The postal questionnaire is designed for the trainees who had completed the plant seeding training courses from the level of beginners to high-level in the farmer’s academy during the years 2011 to 2012.Moreover, this survey is to understand the situation of working in rural and the training performance evaluation from the respondents.2. Additionally, in the first and the last day of the plant seedingtraining courses in the farmer’s academy 2013, we also prepared and offered questionnaires to each level of trainees in order to perceive any difference in their cognitive ability during the period of training.Besides, the respondents reply comments on the questionnaire so as to realize their opinion about this course. There are 35% of young rural trainees devoting to the farming because of inheriting family business. In addition, according to this investigation outcomes demonstrate that “production management” is the most manifest indication of cognitive ability between before and after training course.It also indicates that the trainees gain more cognitive ability because attend long hours courses, such as enterprise internship and visiting. In the end, according to this investigation results, the approval rating is above 4 in average of all aspects represents that the training courses are approved of the trainees
60665180 2013 建構亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台 Construction for Asia Pacific Seedlings Industry Services Platform 102農科-7.1.1-種-X1 102AS -7.1.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 周明燕 Ming-Yenn Chou 亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台共累積410,137筆資料,瀏覽人次204,238人次,隨本平台之宣傳行銷,呈現現逐月成長趨勢;功能使用上多集中在最新消息與產業服務兩大單元,顯見目前本平台之知悉度仍低,宜更積極增取平台曝光率。透過技術盤點了解目前國內外相關技術之重點與知識缺口,其分析結果除可供國內相關技術研發考量外,現以「產業分析專欄」與「重要專利情報」兩種形式,供亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台會員市場面之參考。未來預計應用於技術主題之系列教材、社會網絡及文字探勘等平台加值服務。蝴蝶蘭品種性狀影像辨識系統為協助提升植物品種智慧財產權性狀檢定效能之輔助工具,目前已輸入350筆品種影像資料,隨著資料量越多,系統之辨識效能也會隨之提升,對業務效能之協助提升也更具助益。 Pacific plant seed industry information platform for a cumulative total of 410,137 documents, visits 204,238 people. Function uses the latest news and more concentrated in two industrial services unit, which shows the current platform is still aware of the low, should take a more active growth platform for exposure.Inventory through technical understanding and knowledge gaps in the current focus on domestic and foreign technology, in addition to its analysis of the results of research and development of related technologies available for domestic considerations, the present in two forms, "industry analysis column" and "important patent information" for the Asia-Pacific plant seed industry market information platform serving member of the reference plane. Future technologies are expected to be applied to the theme of the series of textbooks, social networks and text mining platforms such as value-added services.Phalaenopsis species traits image recognition system to help enhance the intellectual property rights of plant species traits test the effectiveness of aid, Currently 350 species have entered the image data,With more data volume, identification systems will also enhance the effectiveness of assistance to improve business effectiveness is also more useful
60665181 2013 RFID技術應用於種子倉儲管理之研究與開發 Study and development on RFID technology for the seed storage management 102農科-7.3.1-種-X1 102AS -7.3.1-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 種苗產業可包括種子產業及種苗產業,其中種子產業所佔的比值大於種苗產業,且種子的生產銷售亦較鮮果複雜許多。本場擁有9座種子冷藏庫,總計700坪冷藏庫設施,倉儲容量約260萬公斤,長年配合政府政策負責供應全省雜糧、綠肥及蔬菜作物種子,操作從契作生產及外購種子、調製、加工、倉儲、運輸至推廣銷售等一系列種子產銷流程作業。100年度目標針對種子倉儲部分建構「種子倉儲管理系統」部分,並結合無線射頻辨識(RFID)應用,達成種子倉儲流程作業電子化。去(101)年度第二期開發案擬擴大應用層面,於軟體系統方面將第一期開發的系統加以擴充,增加會計(含出納)功能。今(102)年度在種子供銷管理導入二維條碼技術,希冀建立完整二維條碼(QRCode)種子供銷鏈,並擴大系統功能建置,以前兩年系統為基礎,增加銷售管理部分功能。 Taiwan seed improvement and propagation station (TSS) has 9 seedrefrigerated storages and is responsible for the seed production of cereal, green manure and vegetable. Moreover, there are a series of seed producing and marketing procedure operation including producing,purchasing, processing, packaging, storage, transportation and marketing.In 2011, it’s aim to accomplishment of the efficient method of seed storage management by RFID technology in order to maintain the seed of quality, to decrease the waste of manpower and time and to enhance the check time of the inventory in the seed storage effectively. In 2012,it’s important to extend the capability of the system including accounting and cashier. In 2013, one side is to establish seed marketing management by QRCode technology, the other is to combine storage,accounting, cashier with marketing in management system.
60665182 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-番茄抗病與花椰菜自交不親和性分子標誌建立與應用 The establishment and application of specific molecular markers for tomato and cabbage traits 102農科-9.1.1-種-X1 102AS -9.1.1-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 孫永偉 Yung-Wei Sun a.番茄抗萎凋病基因型之分子鑑定:番茄萎凋病為重要真菌性病害,本試驗建立multiplex PCR (含I-2與Fusarium oxysporum)共顯性分子標誌(I2/Fu),可同時檢定番茄抗萎凋病與病原菌基因。利用此分子標誌可擴增抗萎凋病基因700或852 bp之DNA條帶、擴增感病基因2320 bp之DNA條帶、擴增萎凋病(race2)基因1000 bp之DNA條帶。此分子標誌檢測結果與國內育種者或種子公司已知抗感性品種吻合。b.花椰菜自交不親和性基因型之分子鑑定:利用花椰菜常用之7個育種親本品系為試驗材料,以Brace等人在1994年建立之PCR-酶切試驗分類結果為依據,進行具識別性SCAR引子對的篩選,七個品系各6個單株材料先經PCR-酶切檢驗,各品系每個單株間並無差異性,而各品系的自交不親和基因型分類結果僅SP04與SP06為相同類型。而後進行花椰菜SCAR專一性引子的篩選,經PCR試驗結果後發現,有2組SCAR引子:D4-1*D7-2可鑑別品系SP01、SP04/SP06、SP08;K1-2*K4-4可鑑別品系SP07、SP08、SP09、SP10。c.番茄抗菸草嵌紋病毒分子標誌之建立:菸草嵌紋病毒為菸草鑲嵌病毒屬(Tobamovirus),為番茄三大病毒之一。本試驗針對抗病基因(Tm-2)與病毒各開發專一性分子標誌(Tm2與TMV)。目前已開發一組共顯性分子標誌,可同時擴增番茄抗嵌紋病毒基因(Tm-2或Tm-2 2) 650 bp之DNA條帶、擴增感病基因(tm-2) 450 bp之DNA條帶。本研究與亞蔬中心合作開發一組分子標誌可檢測臺灣常見3種嵌紋病毒strains (TMV-0、TMV-1、TMV-2),可擴增3.0 kb之DNA條帶。上述分子標誌可協助育種者早期篩選抗病植株、確認抗病基因型(R/R、R/S、S/S)及病毒感染情形,提高育種效率。 The projects of this program have three components including. The first is the establishment and application molecular markers of the resistance to Fusarium oxysporum in tomato analysis system. Specific markers I2 was developed for differentiating allelic variation at I-2 locus. It amplifies fragments from both resistant and susceptible tomato accessions with different molecular sizes that corresponding to the presence of I-2/I-2, I-2/i-2 and i-2/i-2 alleles. This study we also merged primer set I2/Fu as Multiplex-PCR through once PCR, detecting I-2, i-2 andFusarium oxysporum simultaneously. Primer I2/Fu could amplify resistance genes I-20.7 or 0.8 kb, susceptibility gene i-2 2.2 kb and Fusarium spp. 1.0 kb of DNA bands. The molecular markers could help breeders early screening and confirmation disease resistant plant genotypes, helping to accelerate the breeding and promotion of disease-resistant tomato lines.Using seven cauliflower lines which are commonly used breeding parental as test material. To do SCAR primers screening based on Brace’s PCRrestriction classification test results that established in 1994. The result of PCR-restriction classification in addition to the line SP04 and SP06 are same self-incompatibility genotype, the other are different.Then the SCAR makers screening results showed that there are two sets of SCAR primers: D4-1 * D7-2 can identify lines SP01, SP04/SP06, SP08; K1-2 * K4-4 can identify lines SP07, SP08, SP09, SP10.Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a serious constraint to the production,often causing 100% yield loss. In the world, the disese is caused by three strains, TMV-0, TMV-1, TMV-2. The main disease resistance genes identified include Tm-1, Tm-2 and Tm-2 2. In this study, we have developed the method of molecular markers with AVRDC for specific detection of TMV,and molecular markers for resistance genes Tm-2. The results showed we has been established molecular marker, TMV, could be amplified tobacco mosaic virus 2.2 kb of DNA band. Primer Tm2 could amplify resistance genes Tm-2 650 bp and susceptibility gene tm-2 450 bp of DNA bands. The molecular markers could help breeders early screening and confirmation disease resistant plant genotypes (R / R, R / S, S / S), helping to accelerate the breeding and promotion of disease-resistant tomato lines.
60665183 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-作物種苗微體繁殖技術之開發與改進 The study of healthy seedling production by tissue culture 102農科-9.1.1-種-X2 102AS -9.1.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 陳哲仁 Jen-Ren Chen 本研究目的為探討綠竹(Bambusa oldhami)芽體形成,以1 mg/L BA+1 mg/L kinetin處理之側芽培植體形成叢生芽體最高約為85.1%,培養3週後已有不定芽形成。而不定芽形成率則以添加1 mg/L BA+3 mg/L kinetin最高約為96.2%。在不定芽誘導發根試驗結果顯示以1.0-2.0 mg/L NAA或IAA之發根率94.1-95.8% 為最佳,平均根長約有1.8cm。透氣式培養容器在組織培養對植物生長與發育是很重要因子,下一個研究為利用三種不同型式之培養容器器對丹蔘發根之影響,使用在MS基本培養基中培養之叢生芽體,培植體來自側芽,在發根培養基中,使用透氣式塑膠培養瓶提高發根率(98.2%)、葉長(5.2 cm)、根數(2.37)、根長(4.1 cm)及最長的根(5.8cm)。本試驗目的在於了解不同培養基成分對春石斛組織培養之芽體增殖階段和根系誘導階段瓶苗品質之影響。由試驗結果得知,增殖階段組培苗之株高、葉數、葉長、葉寬、芽體增殖數和褐化率皆受到培養基中MS培養基、馬鈴薯粉和蔗糖三種成分濃度以及其交感效應之顯著影響。發根階段則主要受到MS培養基、香蕉粉、馬鈴薯粉和蔗糖濃度四種成分之主效應及含NAA在內五種成分彼此間之交感效應所影響。而經分析,於增殖階段以全量MS培養基加上4g/L馬鈴薯粉和20g/L蔗糖之處理組合最佳,根系誘導階段則以1/2MS培養基加上0.1mg/L NAA、30g/L香蕉粉、4g/L馬鈴薯粉和20g/L蔗糖之處理組合最佳。種苗金皇一號石斛冷水萃取物可以活化小鼠肺巨噬細胞(RHS cells)且促進NO的釋放。 The objectives of the present study were to develop culture method for shoot formation in bamboo (Bambusa oldhami). Treatment of 1 mg/L BA+1 mg/L kinetin was found best in multiple shoots induction from lateral bud explants, induction percentage reached 85.1% , shoots were formed after culture for 3 weeks. The highest percent shoot formation which is 96.2% was found in the treatment of 1 mg/L BA+3 mg/L kinetin.In addition, treatment of 1.0-2.0 mg/L NAA or IAA was found best in root formation from shoot, formation percentage reached 94.1-95.8% , the average roots Length formed per shoot were 1.8cm。Vented vessel is an important factor effective on plant growth and development in micropropagation. The next present study describes the effects of different vessel (plastic vented vessel, glass flask sealing with aluminum foil, and glass flask sealing with Rubber stopper) on some rooting characters of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) using multiple shoots cultured on MS basal medium. Explants were lateral shoots. In rooting media with plastic vented vessel was more effective. Maximum percentage of rooting(98.2%), leaf length (5.2 cm), root number (2.37), root length (4.1 cm) and longest root length (5.8cm) were observed in explants treated with plastic vented vessel.We study the effects of additives in vitro culture on quality of plantlets Dendrobium. The results indicated that using MS medium supplemented with 4 g/L potato powder and 20 g/L sucrose are optimal for shoot proliferation. Rooting medium of the best is using 1/2MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L NAA, 30 g/L banana powder, 4 g/L potato powder and 20 g/L sucrose.A water-soluble crude extracts was obtained from Dendrobium Taiseed Tosnobile by cold water extraction (CWDTT). The data was showed the activities to stimulate macrophages and enhanced the release of NO from RHS macrophages
60665184 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-仙履蘭產業技術開發及應用 Paphiopedilum industry technology development and application 102農科-9.1.1-種-X3 102AS -9.1.1-SS-X3 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 廖玉珠 Yu-Ju Liao 不公開 Not public
60665185 2013 建立飼料玉米種子籌供體系 Establishment of hybrid corn production and supplying system 102農科-9.2.1-種-X1 102AS -9.2.1-SS-X1 農場 Research Farm 陳學文 Hsueh-Wen Chen 計畫於台中市新社區及屏東縣麟洛鄉兩地,以台農1號及台南24號玉米兩品種,以不同去雄方式對玉米採種之影響,用採種田春、秋兩季之栽植方式,探討其對玉米穗結實及產量之影響,以作未來量產模式之參考。尋找參試品種新採種栽培及調整採種適期以適應氣候變遷,建立量產模式,穩定生產種子,以配合政府政策,生產所需種子。搜集國際商用飼料玉米品種,評估各品種於台灣之適應性,建立適宜台灣種植之國際飼料玉米品種資料庫,期能提供農民多樣選擇並穩定飼料玉米種子供應。調查雜交玉米F1種穗及種子於乾燥過程中水分含量變化與大氣環境和耗油量之關係對調製作業之影響,掌握調製作業時程,建立雜交玉米種穗在不同乾燥環境之調製作業模式,因應環境氣候變化,適時調整乾燥作業模式,提高調製作業效率,達到節省能源目標。 We conducted different planting dates for Taichung area for spring and autumn corp. Influence by different detasseling methods on seed production of corn.Investigation of adaptability to environment and growth characteristics and yield, as reference for future production models. Introduction of international commercial corn varieties will be evaluated the adaptability and appropriate corn variety databases in order to provide diverse selection and stability in feed corn seed supply. Investigation of hybrid corn F1 seed and moisture content during the seeds in a dry atmosphere environment and the relationship between fuel consumption and the changes to modulation effect of job and control different drying operation mode of environment and climate . We hope that can improve efficiency to save the energy.
60665186 2013 果樹研究團隊-優質番木瓜品種選育、採種及栽培技術改進 Good quality varieties selection and improvement the technology ofcultivation and seed production on papaya 102農科-9.2.2-種-X1 102AS -9.2.2-SS-X1 屏東種苗中心 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center 邱展台 Chan-Tai Chiu 本年度擬進行優良耐儲運品系f6選拔,進行雜交,供選拔優良組合進行後續品系比較試驗。另種植果皮光滑,生理性斑點少之品系與全兩性株品系之雜交第三代,供下年度分離選拔具全兩特果皮光滑品系。以優良純系利用秋水仙素誘導產生四倍體品系,再與2倍體雜交產生3倍體雜教交一代品系,供後續觀察,藉以育成雜交一代無子籽的番木瓜品種。耐儲運品系選育,以引進自東南亞的品系與本場育成之品系為雜交,經6代選拔之選拔純化,共選出14個品系,14個品系均為紅色果肉,果重412-758公克,果長13-18.8公分,多為西洋梨形之中小型果,果實總可溶性物11.9-14 % Brix ,以102-I-31、102-I-44、102-I-51等3品系之果肉硬度較高,102-I-18、102-I-28、102-I-36品系之果肉較軟。果皮光滑品系選育系以Golden為親本,其雜交一代的果皮生理性斑點仍相當多,經第3代分離,共選出12株果皮較光滑的特性。著果數47-141粒果重302-951公克,總可溶性固形物10.9-14.5 % % rix,果實品質優良。4倍體的植株,無法產生花粉,雜交只收穫1果實,但無種子,經自交授粉亦只收穫1果,獲得少許種子,這些種子已完成播種,在檢查染色體數目後,再行定植。 The objectives of this study are planting good resistance to storage and transportation lines, hybrids, for selecting good combinations for subsequent .comparison test. Plant Peel smooth, physiological spotted little of all hermaphrodite strain providing isolation and selection for next year. Tetraploid plants were induced by colchicines, then crossed with diploid plant to produce hybrid triploid plants. Charactersof F1 hybrid variety triploid plants will be observed.Breeding program of resistance to storage and transportation was conducted with introduce strains from Southeast Asia. Through 6 generations,segregation and purification, 14 lines were obtained. All 14 strains are red pulp, medium sized fruit of the pear-shaped, high sweetness. Four lines’s fruit have higher firmness and the flesh softens speed slower than the sunrise and the Tainoun No2. Peel smooth breeding utilize Golden for the parents, after separation of the 3nd generation, were elected the 12 line of Peel smooth characteristic, 6 5 to103 fruit per plant and fruit weighing 302 to 951grams, total soluble solid 10.9~14.5%Brix, fruit quality. tetraploid plants was planted in field, crossing by selfing or hybrid propagation, last is not as expected of obtained many tetraploid seeds or triploid seeds.
60665187 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-果菜類作物品種改良及採種技術改進 Study on improvement of fruit vegetable varieties and seed production technology 102農科-9.2.2-種-X2 102AS -9.2.2-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 本計畫之目的在育出高產量、高品質、耐熱和抗病之胡瓜、南瓜、苦瓜、番椒及茄子之新品種,並進行具番茄花粉保存及克服彩色甜椒高溫採種問題之研究。胡瓜育種目標為鮮食品質佳,高雌性及單為結果性穩定,主要病害露菌病、白粉病、病毒病等抗性基因導入等,育成適合設施栽培之F1品種。本年度進行高雌性雜交後裔F2~F3世代選育,並完成20個東南亞品系供選育自交之材料。另育成13個雜交組合進行品系比較試驗,經果品評估選拔出6個具高雌性及單為結果性之雜交新品系,將於下年度繼續評估。苦瓜為全球重要的葫蘆科蔬菜,在臺灣亦為常見的夏季果菜,主要產區為臺灣中南部地區,本場因地處苦瓜重要產區,為改善苦瓜果實品質與產量,增進農民收益積極進行苦瓜品種改良與栽培技術改進。本場於今年度完成130個苦瓜品系的性狀調查與自交純化,並參考苦瓜品系純化過程的生育特性與果實表現進行評估選拔。針對國內消費市場偏好以選出較優的自交系進行試交, 取得3 0 個試交組(101H01~101H30,其中包含100年評估之優良組合),於本年度定植評估,其中以101H05、101H06、101H16表現最佳。進行引種收集到4個南瓜商業品種,完成試種栽培性狀調查及自交留種。101冬-102早春栽培西洋南瓜201個自交系、102年春作栽培西洋、美國及中國南瓜157個自交系,秋作栽培121個西洋南瓜等F2-F8世代之品種及單果種子品系,進行性狀調查及自交純化。經評估選出西洋南瓜性狀較佳的56個品系繼續篩選後裔,增進世代。春作並選擇優良自交系進行試交組合24個品系,以及繁殖3個已評估為優良試交品系之種子。秋作栽培品系陸續進行栽培比較與性狀評估,選優留種於下一季種植增進世代。茄子育種目標以提高茄子產量和品質為主,期望選出豐產、抗病蟲、果型長直、品質優良且耐熱性強之品種。本年度將茄子12個自交系,其果實性狀為平均果長27~35公分,果徑25~38mm,果肉白色及淡綠色,果型介於中短胖至中長型,因品系尚未純化完全,持續進行單株選拔,挑選具優良性狀之品系純化。同時蒐集10個茄子新品種進行雜交後裔選拔,進行品種特性調查及雜交後裔選拔。本年度番椒春作進行15個品系、秋作進行48個品系之純化與性狀調查、選拔、留種。春作完成進行11個低辣辣椒新雜交組合進行比較試驗,篩選出102hp5、102hp6、102hp8、102hp12及102hp13等5個組合較佳,秋作完成新雜交組合及其親本種子之量產。彩色甜椒品系11077022-2、11077022-2×sp21及11077022-2×7510於採種期遇升溫時,以10 ppm GA3噴施父母本植株兩次後進行母本或雜交種子生產,提升優良種子數達16.5%以上。番茄雜交組合‘100ht23’父本於25/20℃下,以開花當日之花粉活力最佳,採種品質亦佳,而在較不適合之開花期溫度下,以液態氮保存後之花粉,其發芽率及授粉後之種子量與品質,均有優於新鮮花粉之趨勢。 The main purpose of this project is to breed for promising varieties with desirable characteristic, such as high yield ,superior quality, heat tolerance and diseases resistance, and to do the seed production tests for the potential new hybrids of cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, pepper and eggplant.The object of this breeding plan is to improve quality of cucumber. We will breed good quality F1 hybrid variety suit for cultivation in subtropical area. The method of breeding is to introduce gynoecious gene into monoecious cultivars and select plants resistant to downy mildew,powdery mildew and virus diseases. We evaluated and selected 13 lines for test crosses for breeding in the spring and combination ability. And through the mouth-feel evaluation, we selected 6 lines for test crosses for breeding in the fall and combination ability in next year. This year, we also bred 20 inbred lines and investigated 29 lines of Southeast Asia at the same time, asthe basisoftheimproved varieties.Bitter gourd are important vegetables in Taiwan. Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station (TSIPS) has bitter gourd inbred lines with good quality and high yield. For the collection and evaluation of germplasms ,130 lines accession of them were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of Bitter gourd. It showed significant difference among the gerplasms which revealed that the breeding program could be performed. We planted 30 test crosses in the farm this year. We compared those test crosses which are three lines(101H05、101H06、101H16) better than other lines.The collected 4 squash local and commercial varieties, cultivated and characters complete surveyed and produce inbred Seeds. Winter of 2012 to early spring 2013 cultivation pumpkin 201 inbred lines, in the spring of 2012 planting of 157 inbred lines , and in fall planting of 121 pumpkin varieties and single-fruit strains on F2-F8 generations, cultivated and characters complete surveyed and produce inbred Seeds. And 24 test cross lines are made in spring.Assessment of the spring cultivated selected 56 strains by the good performance and to enhance generation in next planting season. Fall planting for cultivar comparison and character will be surveyed. To complete the trial of best pollination time with 3 different female parent lines.The object of this breeding plan is to improve quality of eggplant. We will breed good quality F1 hybrid variety suit for cultivation in tropical and subtropical area. The method of breeding is introduce resistant disease-resistant gene and selected plants resistant to bacterial wilt and virus disease.This year, we bred 12 inbred lines of eggplant and investigated the fruit characters. The results were that the fruit lengths were between 27 to 35 cm, fruit diameters were between 25 ~38mm, white and light green flesh, fruit shape between the short to medium long. We will continue to breed high inbred lines and in the same time we also collected 10 new varieties of hybrid seed of eggplant.Fifteen lines (varieties) in the spring crop and forty eight lines (varieties) in the fall crop were evaluated and selected this year. 11 low-pungent hybrids selected last crop were also tested for field trial in the spring crop, and 5 (102hp5、102hp6、102hp8、102hp12及102hp13) among them were selected. In addition, new hybrids were crossed and the parental seeds were produced in fall crop. The results for seed production of sweet pepper lines 11077022-2、11077022-2×sp21 and 11077022-2×7510 in suitable season suffering suddenly high temperature showed that 10 ppm GA3 sprayed on parental plants twice could improve good seed number at least up to 16.5 % for mother plant and hybrid seed production. The pollen germination and seed quality of pollen parent and hybrid of tomato line ‘100ht23’ were better under 25/20℃ condition.The pollen germination percentage and seed number and quality were also better while using the pollen preserved in liquid nitrogen for pollination than fresh pollen during unsuitable temperature
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