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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 種子(苗)有害生物診斷鑑定技術、檢驗技術驗證及防治技術之研究與應用
計畫名稱_英文 Establishment and Research of Seed andSeedling pathogen detection, protection Techniques
計畫編號_中文 103農科-10.2.2-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 103AS -10.2.2-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 繁殖技術課
主辦單位_英文 Propagation Technology Section
主辦人_中文 邱燕欣
主辦人_英文 Yen-Hsin Chiu
中文摘要 a.符合目標市場外銷國之種子苗驗證技術盤點與研發:發展標準化之馬鈴薯種薯病害採樣檢測流程符合健康種薯生產驗證之應用。本年度為發展馬鈴薯軟腐病與青枯病之免疫螢光檢測法。b.豇豆種傳病害滅菌處理技術之研究:開發有效的豇豆種子滅菌處理方法,降低豇豆種子攜帶萎凋病菌之機率,減少田間豇豆萎凋病之傳播與發生。豇豆種子所攜帶之豇豆萎凋病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum(FOT))能藉由污染種子表面或侵入種皮內部而進行傳播。本研究調查結果顯示,分別在屏東白仁白皮、紅花仁淡青皮、紫仁花莢豇豆與黑仁青莢目豆上檢測到FOT的存在,種帶FOT比率為3~25%。其他真菌與細菌的種帶比率也相當高,經表面消毒後雖可有效減少部分真菌與細菌的帶菌率,但仍有存在於種皮內部的可能性。利用殺真菌劑進行種子滅菌處理結果顯示,因種子自然攜帶FOT的比率偏低且不穩定,無法有效確定藥劑的滅菌效果。c.草莓病害非農藥防治技術開發:c.-1 草莓病害非農藥防治技術開發:研發適用於防治草莓炭疽病的非農藥製劑,以減少化學農藥的用量,降低農藥殘留對人體健康與環境生態的危害風險。結果顯示(1)於草莓組培培養基中施用不同濃度甲殼素,出瓶定植於介質後,接種炭疽病原菌,添加甲殼素濃度至100ppm時,炭疽病病斑偏小,而添加甲殼素其他濃度時則無差異。(2)利用不同濃度甲殼素處理草莓走莖苗防治草莓炭疽病的效果,結果顯示處理不同濃度甲殼素之草莓走莖苗初期罹病率較對照組低。比較草莓走莖苗接種炭疽病前摘葉與不摘葉處理,結果顯示接種炭疽病前未處理摘葉較處理摘葉之死亡率低。c-2 自台灣中南部及東部地區田土中分離出26株耐熱微生物,經對峙培養篩選出5株拮抗微生物,於PDA上可抑制草莓炭疽病菌落生長達44.62%以上; 5株拮抗微生物培養24小時的菌液即可抑制病原菌孢子發芽或發芽管生長。在生物防治試驗,刺傷接種炭疽病菌前草莓葉片處理拮抗微生物培養液, 1週後以編號B2014-12與21拮抗微生物可使病斑較對照組略小;刺傷接種後處理拮抗微生物編號B214-12亦可減少16%病斑面積。噴灑炭疽病菌孢子懸浮液接種前連續3天處理拮抗微生物菌液,以B2014-12處理較對照組罹病度減少2.3-4%,市售生物農藥則以Bs最具防治效果,可減少植株罹病度4.3-12.5%。d. 抗病毒血清製備技術之開發與利用:無性繁殖體在進行組織培養大量繁殖前,進行標的病害的檢測可確保繁殖體的健康,為生產健康種苗之基石。組織培養的標的病害包括病毒病、類病毒病以及菌質體病害,多以enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)、PCR(reverse transcription-PCR, RT-PCR),作為檢測植物病毒病之技術,其中ELISA仍是主要檢測植物病毒病之技術,血清為此技術之重要成本,因此本計畫擬以大腸桿菌表現轉殖之重組蛋白,作為生產標的病毒之蛋白來源,生產重要作物之檢測血清,本計畫於完成葡萄病毒A(Grapevine Virus A)之抗血清之生產80ml,力價稀釋可達8000-16,000倍。
英文摘要 a. Development of standardized sampling and testing of the potato disease potato production processes comply with health applications verified.b.The objective of this program is to develop a convenient and effective seed disinfection technique on asparagus bean for decreasing the ratio of seed carrying Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum. This disinfection technique will be helpful for diminishing the transmission and occurrence of the Fusarium wilt of asparagus bean in the fields.The Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum (FOT) carried by asparagus bean seeds could be transmitted by polluting the seed surface or infecting into seeds. The investigation results showed that the FOT was detected on four asparagus bean cultivars with ratio of 3-25%. Other fungi and bacteria were also detected with high seed-carried ratio, but,after surface disinfection, the ratio of some fungi and bacteria decreased effectively. However, it was still possible that the fungi and bacteria existed in seeds. The result of disinfection with fungicides indicated that the effect of chemicals were not able to be confirmed yet owing to FOT-carried ratio on asparagus seeds were low and not stable.c.c-1 Strawberry disease non-pesticide control technology development :research for prevention and treatment of strawberry anthracnose nonpesticide formulations to reduce the amount of chemical pesticides,reducing pesticide residues on human health and the environment and ecology of the risk of harm. (1)Application of different concentrations of chitin in strawberry tissue culture medium. Processing plants 100 ppm concentration of chitin its anthrax lesion smaller and the processing of chitin concentrations no other impact.(2) Strawberry seedlings treated with different concentrations of chitin treatment after picking leaves and do not pick the leaves inoculated with anthrax bacteria. Strawberry seedlings treated with different concentrations of chitin, its initial investigation of anthrax lower disease severity compared to the control .The results showed that treatment plants do not pick off the leaves and leaf compared, the results do not pick leaves treatment had lower mortality. c-2 26 heat-resistant bacteria were isolated from field soil collected in central, southern and eastern Taiwan. By dual culture, five of them showed ability to inhibit the strawberry anthracnose mycelia growth on PDA by more than 44.62% have been selected as antagonists. The 24-hr cell cultures of these 5 antagonists could inhibit germing of pathogen spores or elongating of the germ tubes. While biocontrol trials,cell cultures of t he antagonists were spreaded on strawberry leaves before wounded and inoculated with anthracnose. 1 week later, antagonists No. B2014-12 and B2014-21 made the lesions slightly smaller CK treated.No. B2014-12 could also decrease 16% lesion area when treated after wounding and inoculating. Continuous treatment with antagonists cell culture 3days before inoculating by spray conidia suspension, No. B2014-12 could decrease 2.3-4% disease severity on strawberry than CK. Among commercial biopesticides, Bs was most effective on controlling this disease decrease 4.3-12.5% disease severity on plants.d.Antiviral serum preparation technology development and use:Before enter a large number of plant tissue culture propagation, to detect the plant target disease can ensure a healthy production procedure. The specific pathogen free tissue culture units also are the cornerstone for the production of healthy seedlings. Tissue culture is the subject diseases including viral diseases, viral diseases and class mycoplasma disease. And techniques for detect these pathogen are enzymelinked immuno-sorbent assay, ELISA and Reverse transcription-PCR, RT-PCR.The cost of serum is the highest value of ELISA. This project is intended to express recombinant proteins in transgenic E. coli, the subject of the virus as a source of protein production, the production of important crops of the serum, the plans to complete the production of Grape virus A, GVA of the production each 80ml, diluted potency up to 8000-16,000 times.