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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 番木瓜有機栽培及有機雜交種子生產研究
計畫名稱_英文 Study on organic cultivation and organic papaya seed
計畫編號_中文 103農科-9.2.7-種-X2
計畫編號_英文 103AS -9.2.7-SS-X2
主辦單位_中文 屏東種苗研究中心
主辦單位_英文 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center
主辦人_中文 邱展台
主辦人_英文 Chan-Tai Chiu
中文摘要 本試驗擬於春夏季定植木瓜,以植株幼年期度過雨季避開疫病危害,並於冬春季果實炭疽病發生率較低時開始成熟採收。以窄域油及石灰硫礦液防治螨類及秀粉介殼蟲危害,並調查以有機肥料取代化學肥料的效果。試驗結果顯示於植株成活後即開始每週施用窄域油及石灰硫礦液可以抑制螨類及秀粉介殼蟲的發生。木瓜每株分別施用4、8、12公斤有機粒肥等3種施肥量,以施用12公斤之結果數最多,且施肥量與結果數有顯著的線性關係。木瓜果實糖度在有機及慣行栽培間無顯著差異。亞磷酸於雨季無法抑制木瓜成熟果實的病害發生,8月雨季期間,果實的疫病及炭疽病達100%,農藥亦無法抑制。
英文摘要 Papaya were planted on spring and summer respectively , young plant passed the rainy season to plant to avoid disease hazards, and to begin to mature at lower incidence of anthracnose of fruits in winter and spring. By the narrow range oil and lime sulphur fluid preventing and controlling man kind of and the scale insect harm, and investigates the effects of the organic fertilizer substitution chemical fertilizer.Apply employ the narrow range oil and the lime sulphur fluid may suppress mites and the scale insect's occurrence. Papaya plants apply 4, 8, 12 kilogram organic granulated fertilizer respect, apply 12 kilogram result in fruit numbers to be most, also the quantity of fertilizer and the fruits number have the remarkable linear relations.The papaya fruit sugar content in organic and tradition of cultivation do not remarkable difference. The phosphorous acid is unable in the rainy season to suppress the mature papaya fruit disease occurrence, in August rainy season period, fruit epidemic disease and anthrax reach 100%, the agricultural chemicals are also unable to suppress