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年度 2013
計畫名稱_中文 植物種苗研究團隊-生技種苗檢測服務建置與產業推動
計畫名稱_英文 Industry extension and establishment ofbiotech seedling detection serviceplant seed/seedling team
計畫編號_中文 102農科-1.1.2-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 102AS -1.1.2-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 生物技術課
主辦單位_英文 Biotechnology Section
主辦人_中文 鍾文全
主辦人_英文 Wen-Chuan Chung
中文摘要 利用multiplex PCR技術進行基因轉殖木瓜檢測,得知Multiplex PCR可取代一般PCR進行基因轉殖木瓜檢測,以達到降低檢測成本,並提升檢測能量之目的。評估SYBR Green、Safe view等2種螢光試劑對基因轉殖大豆與玉米檢測效能,結果顯示SYBR Green分出基因轉殖及非基因轉殖大豆和玉米的能力優於Safe view。訪視6家文心蘭組培場,瞭解其設備規模、生產流程及瓶苗出貨標準,並蒐集市售瓶苗進行調查,探討影響瓶苗品質之外部型態指標,包括葉數、根數、株高、根長、鮮乾重,分析810個樣品發現瓶苗間葉片數並無顯著差異,根數及根長則有較高的變異程度,推測可能是子瓶移植操作的影響,株高仍是較為簡便可靠的分級標準,初步結果建議以區分大中兩級為可出貨品質,小等級植株管理模式還需進一步評估。度拜訪16家蝴蝶蘭組培場,與經營者訪談組培設備、生產流程及瓶苗出貨標準。從11家組培場中蒐集12份蝴蝶蘭V3瓶苗,每份有6瓶子瓶,共計72份樣品。這些瓶苗經合格率調查、莖葉及根的數量與重量調查後,分為4個瓶苗品質等級。取樣品進行植體成份分析,其餘植株上盆栽植,並移到專業的蝴蝶蘭中小苗栽培場栽培到中苗。取中苗再進行合格率、莖葉及根數量與重量調查,並分成4個中苗品質等級,並進行中苗植體分析。優良蝴蠂蘭瓶苗為株型端正、葉型與根正常、三葉以上葉片、二條以上有效根、株重3公克以上。葉的氮素含量中等(乾重1.5-4%),高量的鉀含量(乾重5%以上)、磷含量介於乾重0.4-0.8%之間,鈣含量0.4%以上,鎂的含量在0.15%以上。以逆轉錄聚合酶鏈式反應(revese transcription–PCR,RT-PCR)檢測蘭園蘭花常見病毒齒舌蘭輪斑病毒(Odontoglossum ringspot virus, ORSV)與東亞蘭嵌紋病毒(Cymbidium mosaic virus, CymMV),共檢測1346件瓶苗樣品,檢測結果得知健康種苗比例為92.8%。
英文摘要 Multiplex PCR and PCR was apllied to detect GM papaya seedlings.Multiplex PCR had the same result as general PCR, resulting in cost reduction and enhancing detection capacity. We visit six Oncidium tissue culture factories, to understand the company profile, production processes and plantlets standards in this year. Furthermore, we gather commercially Oncidium TC plantlets to explore the influence of the external traits of plantlets quality, including the number of leaves,root number, plant height, root length, fresh/dry weight. Eight hundred and ten young plantlets were found no significant difference between the number of leaves, root number and root length were have a higher degree of variation, presumably by sub-culture transplant operation. Plant height is still relatively easy and reliable grading standards.Preliminary results suggest that large and medium grades are ready for marketing and management model of the small grade plantlets need further evaluation. On the other hand, we also visited 16 Phalaenopsis tissue culture factories and interviewed with the operators about TC equipment,production processes and plantlets standard shipping. We collected 12 portion of Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidiam ‘V3’ flasks from 11 TC factories,each with 6 flasks, a total of 72 samples. These in vitro plantlets were followed by qualified survey, calculating the numbers and weights of shoots and roots and then divided into four quality levels. We also took some samples to analyze the implant component, and the remaining plants were moved in a professional orchid nursery until they grew to medium size. The medium plants were also measured and analyzed the same item as in vitro plantlets. These medium plants were classified to four grades according to the analysis. Superior Phalaenopsis plantlets have upright type, normal leaf and root shapes, more than three leaves, two or more valid roots and plant weight is higher than 3 grams. These plants also have moderated leaf nitrogen content (1.5-4% dry weight), high levels of potassium (more than 5% dry weight). 04-0.8% phosphorus dry weight content, the calcium content of less than 0.4% and the magnesium content 0.15% or more.1346 samples of Phalaenopsis tissue culture(TC) seedling collected from 3 orchid nurseries were detected by RT-PCR technique for Odontoglossum ringspot virus(ORSV)and Cymbidium mosaic virus(CymMV).Results showed that 92.8% samples were healthy seedlings