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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 設施苦瓜栽培技術之研究
計畫名稱_英文 Study on cultivation technology of bitter gourd in protected facility
計畫編號_中文 103農科-14.4.1-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 103AS -14.4.1-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 品種改良保護課
主辦單位_英文 Plant Breeding Section
主辦人_中文 郭宏遠
主辦人_英文 Horng-Yeuan Kuo
中文摘要 本年度進行抗萎凋病絲瓜及南瓜根砧評估、萎凋病拮抗微生篩選、設施內苦瓜物候調查、蜜蜂行為及蜂箱降溫研究。在萎凋病接種試驗方面,經剪根接種法汰選出具有優良抗性的絲瓜品系如96-157XL2 與96-111XR3及南瓜品系4與13,可作為萎凋病抗性根砧的汰選參考。嫁接親和試性驗方面,以絲瓜品系嫁接苦瓜’新社自留種-粗米’,顯示以95-153XL2品系具較好之砧穗親和力。以對峙培養篩選出3株拮抗微生物可抑制萎凋病菌落生長,具應用於萎凋病防治之潛力。設施內栽培之苦瓜,雌花產生節位提早7-8節,與露天栽培的果實生育日數相近,但種子量、果寬及單果重量均較少。蜜蜂在溫室內離返巢之趨勢相同,在一天內有兩次之高峰,分別為上午8點及下午2-3點間,當日開花之苦瓜雌花應在上午時段即由蜜蜂完成授粉。降溫處理III可使整天的蜂箱溫濕度均低於對照組。
英文摘要 Evaluation of resistance of sponge gourd and pumpkin rootstocks to Fusarium wilt, selection of antagonistic microorganisms to Fusarium wilt,phenology investigation of bitter gourd, introduction of honey bees to help pollination of bitter gourd production, and the effect of environmental factors and flowering performance on bee pollination behavior in the facilities were conducted this year. In the Fusarium wilt inoculation test, two sponge gourd lines (96-157XL2 and 96-111XR3), and 2 pumpkin lines ( 4 and 13) were chosen for better resistance to Fusarium wilt, which had the potential to be applied as rootstock for controlling Fusarium wilt of bitter gourd. In addition, sponge gourd line-95-153XL2 showed better grafting compatibility. Three antagonists were selected by dual culture. The bacteria showed activities to suppress mycelia growth of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. momordicae. They had the potential to be applied for controlling of Fusarium wilt. Bitter gourd grown in the greenhouse produced female flower at lower nodes than that in the open field for 7-8 nodes. However, with the similar fruit growth period, the fruits produced in the greenhouse were less seeds, thinner and lighter.The trend of honeybee traffic activities was similar, which showed two peaks of leaving and returning hive at 0800 am and 1400 pm, respectively;however, bee foraging for pollination was only effective during the morning. In addition, the cooling treatment III made lower temperature and humidity of one day than those of control.