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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 應用綠肥營造環境親和型水旱田輪作模式
計畫名稱_英文 The establishment of environment compatible crop rotation model on paddy field using green manure cr
計畫編號_中文 103農科-14.1.3-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 103AS -14.1.3-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 種苗經營課
主辦單位_英文 Seed & Seedling Management Section
主辦人_中文 鄭梨櫻
主辦人_英文 Lee-Ying Cheng
中文摘要 為調整連續二期水稻後再栽培馬鈴薯之耕作制度,設計二項含水稻、綠肥及馬鈴薯之不同輪作制度,利用綠肥效益建立嘉義地區馬鈴薯環境親合型水旱田輪作模式。103年一期及二期作試驗結果,一期作輪作綠肥太陽麻及二期輪作青皮豆皆可增加土壤有效性氮含量。二項輪作綠肥模式以輪作模式B收益較高,惟三項模式之全年收益仍待進一步評估。
英文摘要 To adjust the cropping of rice after two consecutive potato cultivation,design binomial different cropping systems of rice, green manure and potato contain, use of green manure benefits established environment friendly water upland crop rotation patterns. The first year test results, a sun hemp or soybean as green manure crop rotation can increase the effectiveness of the nitrogen content of the soil. Second term green manure crop rotation patterns could had higher rotation benefits, but full-year earnings of the three models have yet to be further evaluated.