
年度 計畫名稱_中文 計畫名稱_英文 計畫編號_中文 計畫編號_英文 主辦單位_中文 主辦單位_英文 主辦人_中文 主辦人_英文 中文摘要 英文摘要
60665288 2010 植物種苗團隊-生物技術於植物品種開發及種苗驗證之應用研究-植物種苗認驗證體系建構 Construct the Accreditation system for plant seedlings 99農科-1.1.13-種-X1 99AS -1.1.13-SS -X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 沈翰祖 Han-Tsu Shen 本計劃之執行在於提升病理檢測與隔離溫室效能,本年度計完成提升隔離溫室兩棟,可符合蘭花、馬鈴薯、豇豆…等病毒檢測TAF認證需求。一般基因轉殖大豆均利用PCR進行檢測,故依此建立基因轉殖大豆(Roundup Ready, GTS 40-3-2)定性檢測標準作業流程,並於10月19日通過全國認證基金會(TAF) ISO/IEC 17025測試實驗室認證。十字花科細菌性黑腐病(Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris)的檢測方法主要以選擇性培養基、SDS免疫擴散反應、ELISA、Biolog 快速鑑定系統為主,而瓜類細菌性果斑病(Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli)的檢測方式則以病徵診斷、組織鏡檢、病原菌分離鑑定、專一性引子對PCR反應、血清診斷及選擇性培養基為主。這些檢測方法經測試篩選後,將製訂為標準檢測流程,供未來診斷檢測之用。 The purpose of this plan is to promote the plant pathogens detection and isolation efficiency of the green house.This year we promoted the function of the two plant pathogens detection and isolation green horses to fit in the certification requirements of the virus detection (viruses which infect the crop include orchid, potato and asparagus bean) of the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation. The most common way of Genetically Modified (GM) soybean inspecting method is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) inspecting method, to amplify the sample target DNA fragment.Establish the SOP of GM soybean (Roundup Ready, GTS 40-3-2) qualitative detection method and passed the ISO / IEC 17025 accreditation. The main detection methods of cruciferous black rot bacteria (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) are selective medium culturing, SDS immunodiffusion, ELISA, and Biolog rapid identification system. For watermelon bacterial fruit blotch (Acidovorax avenae subsp. Citrulli),the detection methods are symptoms diagnosis, tissue examination,pathogen isolation and identification, PCR with specific primer sets,serum-based diagnostic, and selective medium culturing. The detection methods will be tested and then developed into a standardized screening process.
60665289 2010 植物種苗團隊-赴荷蘭、法國研習植物品種保護技術 The study of technique for plant variety protection by attending to Nertherlands and France 99農科-4.1.1-種-X1 99AS -4.1.1-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 薛佑光 Yu-Kuang Hsueh 本次研習主要在荷蘭Naktuinbouw與法國CPVO進行。Naktuinbouw為荷蘭植物品種檢定之專責單位,除負責荷蘭國內之植物品種申請案件檢定之外,並負責歐盟申請案件之檢定。Naktuinbouw同時提供各項關於園藝作物繁殖材料品質的檢測服務和發證工作,具有法定效力,各項服務皆有收費標準,部分經費由政府負擔。此次研習實際參與蝴蝶蘭、其他蘭花、鬱金香、百合及甜椒等幾項重要植物之品種檢定技術,包括實務操作、植物檢定方法之開發訂定及更新等。也對品種之影像紀錄及資料庫查詢利用的架構及內容皆有認識及了解。並收集Naktuinbiuw之組織架構、業務、作業流程及品質管控之資訊,將有助於國內品種檢定經驗及水準之提升。不同國家品種權保護執行機構及管理各有不同,在歐盟各會員國除有獨立之執行機構外,並依歐洲植物品種權規範成立CPVO(Community Plant Variety Office, 歐盟植物品種局),可在各會員國之間快速取得有效的品種權。本次參訪歐盟CPVO及法國Brion/GEVES品種研究機構,了解歐盟在申請新品種保護所需之審核及檢定過程,以及臺歐合作植物品種權蝴蝶蘭相互承認檢定報告書後,檢定案件之情形,藉此模式可加速蝴蝶蘭案件在歐盟審查之時程,並參訪法國國家品種檢定單位。 The study mainly was done on Naktuinbouw, the Netherlands and CPVO,France. Naktuinbouw is the only organisation in the Netherlands authorised to assess varieties of floricultural, arboricultural and vegetable crops for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS testing) for registration purposes and/or granting Plant Breeders' Rights and outside the EU is responsible for applications. Naktuinbouw on horticultural crops while providing the quality of reproductive material testing services and approve certifications with legal effect, the service Jieyou charges, funded in part by the Government. The study actually involved in Phalaenopsis and other orchids, tulips, lilies and sweet pepper varieties of plants, such as verification of several important technologies, including the development of DUS test methods set and updates. Also the image records of the varieties, and the structure and content of database query system were knowledge and understanding.The information of organizational structure, collect, business,operational procedures and quality control of Naktuinbiuw will help thedomestic varieties of experience and level of the test improved.Variety protection in different countries have different implementing agencies and management , inaddition to EU Member States the implementation of independent institutions, and norms established by CPVO (Community Plant Variety Office), available at quickly between the Member States to obtain a valid variety rights. The visiting European Union CPVO and France Brion / GEVES (variety of research institution) can understand the EU's protection of new varieties in the application necessary for audit and certification process. As well as cooperation in Taiwan and the EU mutual recognition of plant variety rights Phalaenopsis test report,by this model the case of Phalaenopsis can accelerate the time of thereview process in the European Union.
60665290 2010 植物種苗團隊-基因轉殖、非基因轉殖及有機農業共存模式之建立 Establishment of GM and Non-GM crop coexistence model 99農科-4.1.1-種-X2 99AS-4.1.1-SS-X2 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張珈錡 Jia-Ci Chang 農委會國際處於本年3月25日安排加拿大農業部國際科技合作局周堅強副局長至種苗場參訪,並討論至加拿大進行基因轉殖作物檢測與生物安全等相關內容研習與參訪事宜。研習參訪單位為加拿大Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ( AAFC)位於Saskatoon與Ottawa的研究中心、位於Ottawa的農業部與我國駐加拿大台北經濟文化代表處等,日期為9月11日至20日共10天,本次團員包括中興大學農藝系郭寶錚教授、台南區農業改良場楊藹華研究員、農試所鳳山分所李文立主任、種苗改良繁殖場沈翰祖副研究員等,並由團員共推郭寶錚教授為團長。目的與加拿大AAFC 研究人員進行基因轉殖作物檢測與生物安全科技交流。與加拿大農業部達成未來基因轉殖作物檢測與生物安全等科技人員互訪、我國派農業科系博士班或博士後研究生至加拿大進行相關科技研究等共識。我國駐加拿大台北經濟文化代表處科技組亦同意協助未來台加合作事宜。 For study the biosafety management of genetically modify crops in North America. So, the COA combine the Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station , Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute , Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station and college of agriculture and national resources of national Chung Hsing University tovisit the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ( AAFC) at Canada. The study project include the GM and Non-GM crops co-existence, and the traceability and detection of GM crops
60665291 2010 植物種苗團隊-推動亞太植物種苗交易中心與國際行銷策略研習 Plant nursery research group-The trainning for promoting Asia-Pacific plant nursery trading center and establishing international markrting policy 99農科-4.1.1-種-X3 99AS -4.1.1-SS-X3 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 李美娟 Mei-Jiuan Lee 期望以國際合作尋求荷蘭花卉拍賣市場將供需的資訊整合,以供我國建置建構亞太植物種苗網路資訊交易服務平臺之參考。希望透過此資訊整合的方式,以預約交易模式協助台灣種苗產業的銷售。 The aim of this project is to seek the help of the Netherlands to support the flower auction market supply and demand information by international cooperation for constructing the Asia-Pacific Network Information Plant Seed trading services platform in Taiwan. Through this information integrated approach to promote the reserved trading of Taiwan seeds and seedlings industry.
60665292 2010 休耕田綠肥開發與利用 The exploitation of green manure crop for fallow field 99農科-4.2.1-種-X1 99AS -4.2.1-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 鄭梨櫻 Lee-Ying Cheng 一、綠肥種類與輪作模式對休耕田生態維護之效益評估為評估不同綠肥種類與輪作模式對休耕田生態維護之效益,應用4種綠肥於4項休耕田輪作模式並以全年休耕及一及二期皆種水稻為對照進行2年1輪試驗,調查各模式田區雜草量消長與病蟲害情形。99年進行第2年試驗,試驗結果,連續種植綠肥區之豆科綠肥有連作障礙現象,其中又以太陽麻最嚴重。各項綠肥以青皮豆及田菁可以前作綠肥自播方式進行一期作綠肥栽培。二、景觀綠肥油菊採種試驗為評估油菊於臺灣採種之可行性,本年度進行播種密度(每公頃15公斤、20公斤及25公斤)試驗。於9月播種,試驗結果各播種密度之開花期無明顯差異。 一、The evaluation of green manure crop for environment conservation on fallow field To evaluate the effects of green manure crop for environment conservation on fallow field,there are six different fallow system on paddy field were conducted and four green manure crops (Sesbania、Soybean、Sun hemp、Niger)were planted while field was fallow.The growth and decline of field were investigated.The results indicated that planting green manure or rice can repress weed growth and planting rice is more effective.Among the green manure crops,Niger had the best performance regarding the weed repression effect.二、Study of seed production of NigerThe aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility of seed production of Niger in Taiwan in order to solve the shortage of Niger seed due to unqualified seed(always mixed with weed seed)from overseas.This year, we are going to decide the accurate planting density for seed production of Niger in Taiwan.
60665293 2010 因應氣候變遷建立玉米採種體系 Setting up F1 seeds production system of feed corn for coping with climate change 99農科-4.2.1-種-X2 99AS-4.2.1-SS-X2 農場 Research Farm 陳學文 Hsueh-Wen Chen 不公開 Not public
60665294 2010 優質番木瓜品種選育、採種及栽培技術改進 Good quality varieties selection and improvement the technology of cultivation and seed production on papaya 99農科-4.2.2-種-X1 99AS -4.2.2-SS-X1 屏東種苗中心 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center 邱展台 Chan-Tai Chiu 不公開 Not public
60665295 2010 植物種苗團隊-蔬菜品種改良及採種技術研究 Study on improvement of vegetable varieties and technology of seed production 99農科-4.2.2-種-X2 99AS-4.2.2-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 不公開 Not public
60665296 2010 花卉團隊-蘭花及球根花卉品種改良與種苗生產技術開發 Improvement on orchids and bulb flowers breeding and establishment the seedling production technique 99農科-4.2.2-種-X3 99AS-4.2.2-SS-X3 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 劉明宗 Ming-Chung Liu 球根花卉品種選育在彩色海芋方面,94及95年雜交後裔中已選出具潛力單株30株。孤挺花方面,從10個單株中獲得具潛力單株4株,分別是H911002、H912002、H922005及H921001,經量化繁殖比較試驗則以H911002繁殖倍率較高。蘭花品種選育方面,以蝴蝶蘭雜交後裔之小苗出瓶數量、死亡數、葉幅、葉片數等,作為初步篩選優良雜交組合之依據,共調查22個雜交組合,以P96057雜交組合最佳。在耐寒試驗篩選方面四個蝴蝶蘭雜交組合中。以P95040之雜交組合較具耐寒性。拖鞋蘭選育中,以短梗亞屬及多花亞屬當父本雜交各個不同亞屬種類當母本之拖鞋蘭雜交後裔比較,結果以P .bellatulum當父本,P. henryanum及P. liemianum當母本之平均葉片數及葉寬較多。在建立蕙蘭健康種苗驗證體系試驗方面,調查南投地區7家蕙蘭栽培業者,採樣12品種計119株,在嘉義地區調查5家業者,採樣6品種計46株,發現以錦旗、瑞梅跟大勳3品種之病毒發生率較高,為23.08%、50%及33.33%;其餘品種如玉花、太平洋、神童等,則無病毒檢出。利用培養基法測試七種精油對木黴菌與蝴蝶蘭黃葉病菌生長之影響,得知草果與冬青兩精油,可有效抑制蝴蝶蘭黃葉病菌的生長,但不會抑制木黴菌的生長。將上述具有抑菌的精油,依不同的比例混合成精油配方,然後進行培養基法測試不同經油配方對蝴蝶蘭黃葉病菌生長之影響,結果顯示AF1-99配方使蝴蝶蘭黃葉病菌的生長明顯受抑制。網室評估不同精油配方防治黃葉病菌的效果,結果顯示施用AF1-99配方配合撲克拉錳的防治的效果比單獨施用AF1-99配方或撲克拉錳的防治效果較佳。網室評估木黴菌防治黃葉病菌的效果,結果顯示木黴菌混拌至水草的防治的效果比覆蓋木黴菌的防治效果較佳。 We have selected 30 potential hybrid progenies during in 2005 and 2006 hybrid of calla lily, and compared 4 potential hybrid progenies,including H911002, H912002, H922005 and H921001of amaryllis for bulk propagation. H911002 is the best for bulk propagation. We also have evaluated 22 hybrid progenies from the different horticultural characteristics in phalaenopsis. P96057 is the best hybrid combination.P .bellatulum as pollen parent and P. henryanum or P. liemianum as motherparent is the best combination for leaf numbers and leaf width in hybridprogenies.In order to establish the healthy propagation system, we checked seven cymbidium’s farms in Nan-Tao about 119 plants including 12 varieties and 46 plants including 6 varieties in Chai-Yi. We found higher CymMV and ORSV virus infection in ‘Ching-Chi’,’Rei-Mei’ and ’Dai-Hsin’ varities.Seven essential oils were investigated for their antifungal activities on Fusarium solani and Trichoderma spp. Essential oils obtained from Amomum tsao-ko and Ilex suppressed more effective in mycelial growth of F.solani and less in that of Trichoderma spp. Essential oils with antifungal activities were used to develop different formulations to confirm their antifungal activity. AF1-99 formula (1000 times) significantly inhibited mycelial growth of F. solani. Two isolates of Trichoderma were examined for their sensitivity to prochloraz manganese (6000 times) fungicide. Results showed that the response of twoTrichoderma isolates grown on prochloraz manganese-amended culture media were resistant. Three essential oil formulations were studied their antifungal activities on C. gloeosporioides in greenhouse. Results showed combination of AF1-99 oil formula and prochloraz manganese (6000 times) was the most effective for controlling the incidence of anthracnose disease, compared with AF1-99 formula alone or prochloraz manganese (6000times) alone. Mixing of Trichoderma inoculation into the sphagnum moss was effective for control of F. solani compared with Trichoderma mulch in greenhouse experiments. richoderma mulch had no negative effect on growth of root of Phalaenopsis, whereas mix of Trichodema into the sphagnum moss did inhibit the growth of root.
60665297 2010 植物種苗團隊-種子品質及種苗繁殖安全模式研發 Developed the seed treatment technologypromoting seed quality and seedlings cultivation in safe mode 99農科-4.2.2-種-X4 99AS-4.2.2-SS-X4 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃玉梅 Yu-Mei Huang 不公開 Not public
60665298 2010 優質植物種苗量產體系建立 Establishment of production system ofhigh quality seedlings 99農科-4.2.2-種-X5 99AS-4.2.2-SS -X5 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 林上湖 Shang-Hu Lin 拖鞋蘭的商業雜交品種PA6466 (Maudiae type)、PA5909 (多花)及PA6394 (Complex type),以不同稀釋倍率、不同頻率施用百得肥(15-20-25)之試驗當中,Maudiae type以2000x/2w之處理有較佳的效果,各生長量達42%以上,;多花雜交品種PA5909之葉片數以2000x/2w之施肥處理較佳,生長量可達79%,平均葉片數達8片;Complex type PA6394葉片數以2000x/2w之施肥處理較佳,生長量可達69.10%。在根系的生長發育上,以2000x的處理對根生長抑制較小 。拖鞋蘭小苗及中苗之植株間差異以葉面積差異最大,預計進一步分析C/N比,以了解各性狀及開花能力間是否具有相關性。蝴蝶蘭白花品種“V3”(Phal . Sogo Yukidian [P . Yukimai × P . Taisuco Kochdian]; 大花)、紅花“KHM0378”(Dtps. Sinica Sunday; 多花性; 大花)及“KHM1269”(多花性; 小花)三個品種為植物材料,以不同鹽類養液,分別為種繁No. 1、種繁No. 2、種繁No. 3、種繁No. 4、種繁No. 5及種繁No. 6進行栽培,並紀錄蝴蝶蘭之生長發育及介質pH值和EC值之變化情形。由試驗結果得知,蝴蝶蘭"KHM1269"品種3寸盆苗以種繁NO.6之營養生長狀況為佳,3.5寸盆苗則以種繁NO.2之營養生長狀況較佳;"KHM.378"品種3寸盆苗以種繁NO.2、NO.4之營養生長狀況為佳,3.5寸盆苗則以種繁NO.2之營養生長狀況較佳;而"V3"品種3寸盆苗之生長發育,則以種繁NO.2、NO.4之狀況為佳,,3.5寸盆苗則以種繁NO.2、NO.3之營養生長狀況較佳。豇豆-三尺青皮品種經過不同有益微生物處理後,植株成活率、地徑生長量、果莢重量及均重表現均以木黴菌處理組之表現最佳,但相對於萎凋病之致死侵襲,致提昇產量之效果並不穩定。而健旺誘導劑等處理(Messenger STS)對豇豆-三尺青皮品種均具有提昇植株生長及果夾產量之效果,但同樣無法排除萎凋病對整體型質及產量之影響。 The plantlets of commercial hybrid of Paphiopedilum , PA6466 (Maudiaetype)、PA5909 (multiflower) and PA6394 (Complex type), were fertilizedwith Peters (15-20-25),with different diluted folds (1000x, 2000x)andfrequency(per week, every 2week and every 4 weeks).The results showedthat 2000x/2w had the best effect on growth of PA6466 (more than 42%) ,PA5909 leaf number (up to 79% and the average leaf number 8) and PA6394(grew more than 69.1%). The growth of roots was also better when fertilized with Peters 2000x/2w. Comparing small plantlets (5 months-old) and medium plantlets (12-18 month-old) of Paphiopedilum Maudiae type and Complex type, the leaf areas were the most different between two size.And have to determine the C/N ratio to associate with the florescenceability.The Phalaenopsis with white flower" V3 " (Phal. Sogo Yukidian [P. Yukimai × P. Taisuco Kochdian]; Big flower)、the Phalaenopsis with red flower " KHM0378 " (Dtps. Sinica Sunday; Flowery; Big flower) and " KHM1269 " (flowery ; Tiny flower) are plant materials by culturing the differently liquid salinely solution, in order to Seed Propagation No.1、Seed Propagation No.2、Seed Propagation No.3、Seed Propagation No.4、Seed Propagation No.5 and Seed Propagation No.6. Record the growth and the change situations of medium pH value and EC value. Result of the experiment, the Phalaenopsis " KHM1269" cultured in 3 inch pot with planting Seed Propagation No.3 was growing as the best state, and in 3.5 inch pot with planting Seed Propagation No.3 was growing as the best state .the Phalaenopsis " KHM1269" cultured in 3 inch pot with planting Seed Propagation No.2、No.4was growing as the best state, and in 3.5 inch pot with planting Seed Propagation No.2 was growing as the best state."V3" cultured in 3 inch pot with planting Seed Propagation No.2、No.4was growing as the best state, and in 3.5 inch pot with planting Seed Propagation No.2、No.3 was growing as the best state.Use of Beneficial microorganisms to conduct survival rate and growth of Vigna unguiculata (L.) plant test results showed that. Trichoderma spp.to Vigna unguiculata (L.) plant survival and fruit production were better than other treatments, but the harm to the Fusarium wilt let result were unstable. Messenger STS to Vigna unguiculata (L.) plant growth and fruit production has a folder of effect, but the same, it cannot prevents theimpact of Fusarium wilt.
60665299 2010 台灣植物資源產業化應用 Application of industry of Taiwan vegetation resources 99農科-4.2.2-種-X6 99AS-4.2.2-SS-X6 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 林上湖 Shang-Hu Lin 於3月、6月、9月擷取大葉胡頹子、狹葉羊奶頭頂芽及次節位之插穗,分別處理不同濃度IBA進行扦插試驗;狹葉羊奶頭之扦插較大葉胡頹子易發根,且頂芽插穗有較佳之發根率,春(3月)、夏(6月)二季扦插發根率較秋季(9月)佳;大葉胡頹子則以秋季扦插發根率較佳,不論插穗節位,皆具有良好的發根率,其他季節為則以次節位插穗之發根率為高,因此,依據本試驗結果顯示,春、夏二季為狹葉羊奶頭、秋季為大葉胡頹子較佳之插穗擷取扦插之季節。長萼瞿麥於2月中旬進行種子播種及扦插繁殖時,可得到高發芽率且植株生長良好的基隆蠅子草種苗,為繁殖之最佳適期。利用3吋生物可分解塑料軟盆及相同規格之一般塑膠軟盆之128格櫻花穴盤苗換盆生育試驗結果顯示,溫室內可分解塑料軟盆在地徑、苗高、根重、莖重及葉重表現方面均優於一般塑膠軟盆。而露地試區二者之間差異則並不明顯。 The cuttings of shoot positions (Apical, sub-apical) of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. and Ficus formosana Maxim.that were taken cuttings and IBA treatment in March, June and September. The result showed that the rooting rates of Ficus formosana Maxim. were easier than Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb..The rooting rates of Apical shoot portions were easierthan sub-apical shoots. of regardless of cutting collection season,cutting position and IBA concentrations, The rooting rates of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. were high in September. But the higher rooting rates of Ficus formosana Maxim. were obtained in March and June‘s cuttings.Dianthus superbus L. var. longcalycinus(Maxim) Will could get bettergermination rate and well-performance seedling by seed sowing and cutting in the mid March, when is the best suitable propagation period.Use of 3 inch bioplastic containers and same size plastic containers to conduct survival and growth of 128 cell plug seedlings of Prunus campanulata test results showed that, two kings of containers in stem diameter, shoot height, root weight, leaf weight, and stem weight,bioplastic containers were better than plastic containers and significant differences in house. But two kings of containers were not significant differences in field experiments.
60665300 2010 植物種苗團隊-植物新品種檢定技術之開發與執行 The Technical Development and DUS Test Execution of Plant Variety Protection System 99農科-4.2.2-種-X7 99AS-4.2.2-SS-X7 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 安志豪 Chih-Hao An 本年度已完成訂定夏堇和黛粉葉品種性狀表與試驗檢定方法及草擬仙客萊品種性狀表初稿。關於蝴蝶蘭、文心蘭及番茄等作物資料庫建立方面,已收集15個蝴蝶蘭、5個文心蘭及番茄商業品種並完成品種性狀調查及資料庫建置。本年度受理新品種性狀檢定工作計蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭77件、文心蘭11件、捧心蘭1件及玫瑰3件;正進行性狀檢定中之案件為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭31件、文心蘭4件、石斛蘭1件及玫瑰15件;檢定完成資料整理中為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭15件;已完成品種檢定報告為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭10件、文心蘭2件;檢定完成且審查結束為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭38件、文心蘭4件及玫瑰6件。孤挺花色素分析經初步分析後橘色、紅色、粉紅及紫色系孤挺花花青素影響呈色有色素1與色素2,經由兩種色素含量比例的差異使花朵呈現不同顏色,類黃酮素有別於花青素,其常有共色作用而影響花色素表現,扮演了重要的輔色素作用。 The purpose of this project is to establish the test guidelines and execute DUS tests. We modified the test guideline and table of characteristics of torenia, dieffenbachia and cyclamen. We also collected 15 commercial varieties of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, and 10 commercial varieties of oncidium and tomato, and investigated theircharacteristics for establishing variety database. We accepted 77 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 11 cases of oncidium, 1 cases of lycaste and 3 case of rose to execute DUS tests for protecting the breeder’s rights this year. 31 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis,4 cases of oncidium, 1case of dendrobium and 15 cases of rose have beenexecuting DUS tests. 10 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, and 2 cases of oncidium have been finished DUS reports. 38 phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 4 oncidium and 6 roses have been granted to be new varieties. After Hippeasrum preliminary analysis pigment .The effect petals color of orange, red, pink and purple were pigment 1 and 2.Flowers varying in color result by proportion of two pigment containt.Flavonoids Unlike anthocyanins, which often affect the color performance by copigmentation, and plays an important role of copigmentation.
60665301 2010 植物種苗團隊-亞太地區植物種苗產業研究與應用 Plant nursery research group-Studying and application on plant nursery industry in Asia-Pacific region 99農科-4.2.2-種-X8 99AS-4.2.2-SS-X8 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 李美娟 Mei-Jiuan Lee 1.探討亞太地區種苗產業現況及發展趨勢,盤點台灣植物種苗進入亞太地區市場利基所在。2.篩選臺灣有國際競爭潛力的物種和其在國際種苗分工上最有比較利益的環節。3.從全球植物種苗產業定位,規劃台灣成為亞太植物種苗網路資訊交易中心。 1. To explore the status and the development trends of plant seedling industry in the Asia Pacific region, and inventory Taiwan niches for penetrating into the market of the Asia-Pacific region.2 . To screen the seedlings item of Taiwan with potential for international market competition and the comparative advantage part of plant seedling industry chain.3. To plan Taiwan to be the Asia Pacific Network Information Exchange Center of plant seedlings.
60665302 2010 建立有機栽培之種子苗生產管理機制 Study on the management mechanism for organic seeds and seedlings growing 99農科-4.2.2-種-X9 99AS -4.2.2-SS-X9 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 周明燕 Ming-Yenn Chou 不公開 Not public
60665303 2010 種子調製倉儲技術與園藝設施管理研究 The study of seed process/storage techniques and horticulture facilities management 99農科-4.2.3-種-X1 99AS-4.2.3-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 鍾伊婷 I- Ting Chung (一)、以人工手採之成熟大波斯菊(Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.)種子為對照組,比較機械採收處理(1)先機械脫粒後乾燥機乾燥及(2)先乾燥後機械脫粒等二種處理對於種子發芽率之影響。結果顯示,人工採收之成熟種子的發芽率較機械採收處理者高,為87%,具顯著差異。機械脫粒及乾燥之調製次序變動對大波斯菊種子發芽率之影響不顯著。(二)、油菊[Guizotia abyssinica (L. f.) Cass.] 整株採收後,以人工手採成熟種子為對照組;機械採收處理分為(1)先乾燥後脫粒及(2)先脫粒後乾燥二種方式。結果顯示,先乾燥後脫粒處理之發芽率與人工採收之成熟種子的發芽率達90%以上,與先脫粒後乾燥處理之發芽率80.2%,具顯著差異。利用脫穀筒進行機械脫粒之種子發芽率仍可維持80%以上,且較傳統人工脫粒節省人力成本。(三)、於番茄 (Lycopersion esculentum Mill.)“花蓮亞蔬18號”植株始花後,以硫酸銨、磷酸鈣、氯化鉀或硫酸鉀,氮磷鉀比20:20:20之肥料進行試驗。隔週施用一次推薦用量(12 g /per plant )及1.5倍推薦用量(18 g /per plant )之肥料,比較二種鉀肥及二種肥料用量對大果番茄 “花蓮亞蔬18號”果重、錘度、酸度及糖酸比之影響。試驗結果顯示,施用肥料濃度增加,使果重及酸度下降,錘度及糖酸比提高。 1. Garden cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.) seeds mature at different times. Control is the mature seeds harvested by workers, dried by sunshine, treatments are (1) seeds were dried by drying machine first and then threshed by thresher; (2) seeds were threshed by thresher first and then dried by drying machine. The seed germination rate of control is 87% and there are non-significant between two treatments.2.Niger [Guizotia abyssinica (L. f.) Cass.] seeds mature at different times. Control is the mature seeds harvested by workers, dried by sunshine, treatments are (1) seeds were dried by drying machine first and then threshed by thresher; (2) seeds were threshed by thresher first and then dried by drying machine. The seed germination rate between controland treatment (1) are higher than 90% and there are significant between treatment (1) and (2).3. Treating the tomato (Lycopersion esculentum Mill.)“Hualien-Yasu No.18” with two levels (12 g/plant or 18 g/plant) of fertilizers, and two kinds of K-fertilizers (KCl or K2SO4) once every two weeks in the beginning of florescence. By increasing the fertilizers, the fruits weight and acidity decreased, but the soluble solid and soluble solid/acidity ratio increased.
60665304 2010 植物種苗團隊-發展安全作物種苗相關措施之整合研究 Research on the merger of managementprinciples for seeds and seedlings industry development 99農科-5.1.1-種-X1 99AS-5.1.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 周明燕 Ming-Yenn Chou 我國蔬菜種子生產業者85%擁有自有品種,顯見該項產業已在產業鏈中具有核心能力,但對於智財之保護則仍以市場策略及技術性保護為主,僅少數透過法律保護所擁有之智財。我國種子生產業者95%以上在國外設立有採種基地,搶攻國際市場,因此,種子生產技術乃確保競爭優勢的核心能力,也是業者迫切期待自我提升的重要能力;除此業者自身技術及經營管理能力提昇之外,公領域外在環境的配合,如提供病害檢測服務、非基因種子驗證證明、提供產業整合行銷平台,乃至資金、土地、行銷資訊之協助取得等將可作為業者強有力的後盾。 Our vegetable seed production companies have their own varieties of 85%,showing the industry has been in the industry chain has core competencies, but to the rules about intellectual property protection is still a market strategy and technical protection, only a few are owned by legal protection of rules about intellectual property.Our seed production companies more than 95% have established abroad-base,vying for the international market, therefore, the seed production technology is to ensure that the competitive advantage of core competence, but also the industry urgently look forward to the important ability to elevate themselves; in addition to the companies ' own technical and managerial competence, public areas of the external environment, such as providing disease detection services, validation of non-gene-seed, provide industry integrated marketing platform, and even in the capital, land, and marketing information to assist successful companies, will serve as a strong backing.
60665305 2010 作物種苗知識傳播之執行效益評估 Benefit appraisal of crops seedling knowledge dissemination 99農科-5.2.1-種-X1 99AS-5.2.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 蔡瑜卿 Yu-Ching Tsai 本計畫係針對種苗業者以及農民施以種苗技術之輔導訓練,並對本場辦理之農業技術訓練班在訓及結訓學員實施意見調查。在訓練輔導方面,本年度計辦理植物組織培養技術訓練班4班、專題講座8場、發行種苗科技專訊四期。在訓學員訓練成效反應層次評估,非常好及好者達84.20%,學習層次評估上則由49.17分(100%)進步至72.50分(147%)。學員得知農業訓練相關訊息,以農政單位網站及當地農會為主要訊息來源,兩者佔70.90%。「朋友告知」亦佔有相當之比例(18.66%)。大部分結訓學員(83.58%)在受訓前無組織培養相關經驗。訓練後有26.12%之學員從事組織培養相關工作。有55.55%學員未來有意願投入,不會投入者12.12%,尚未決定者24.23%,亦佔相當之比例。最需要農政單位輔導的項目依序為生產技術、資金融通、行銷管理、財務管理、農地利用管理、人事管理、產銷組織等項目。未來從事農業工作中最迫切需要的資源時,有達80.60%,(108人)的學員對「專業知識與技術」之需求,其次依序為資金(70.15%,94人),土地、加入產銷班及行銷通路。 This plan is serves with counselling training the seedling technology in view of the seedling entrepreneur as well as the farmer, and handles the opinion investigation.The student result to respond level appraised,extremely good and good reaches84.20%, the study level appraised on progresses by 49.17(100%) score to 72.50(147%).The websiteOf politics agricultural station and the local farmer association are the main sourses where student got the training messeges, both account for 70.90%.“ The friend informs ” also holds quite the proportion (18.66%).The majority of the student (83.58%) are non-tissue culture experience before the training, but 26.12% students are engaged in the tissue culture work after the training . 55.55% students will future have the wish investment, but 12.12%will not be, still have 24.23% students are not yet make the decision. Most needs the project which the agricultural politics unit counsels is production technology, funds,marketing,financial control,farmland management,personnel management,in order.
60665306 2010 植物種苗團隊-植物育種研發成果移轉機制建構及媒合平台建置 Construction of a platform for matching and transfer of COA's plant breeding results 99農科-5.3.2-種-X1 99AS-5.3.2-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 本計畫辦理「99年公部門蔬菜育種成果展示會」乙場與建置「植物育種半成品媒合平台及資料庫」,將增加公部門育成新品種或半成品之能見度與轉移成功之機會,加速品種育成速度與國內種苗業競爭力。 A exhibbition of vegetable breeding achievementsin public sectors,and a platform for transfering of semi-products of plant breeding were conducted this year. The main purposes of the plan are to increase opportunities showing the public sector’s vegetable breedingachievements, speed up the cooperation between the public sectors and the industries in order to match and apply the breeding achievements, and finally looking forward to promoting the competitiveness of the domestic seed industries effectively.
60665307 2010 番茄種子披衣處理商品化技術研究(98-99產學合作) Study on seed coated treatments of tomato in commerical production 99農科-5.4.2-種-X1 99AS-5.4.2-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃玉梅 Yu-Mei Huang 不公開 Not public
60665308 2010 草莓健康種苗產程管理技術開發(98-99產學合作) Healthy strawberry seedling productionand management for year -round 99農科-5.4.2-種-X2 99AS-5.4.2-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 文紀鑾 Chi-Luan Wen 不公開 Not public
60665309 2010 植物種苗團隊-以知識密集服務為導向之種苗產業服務網站建置研究 Establishment of the knowledgeintensive service website for seedling industry 99農科-6.1.1-種-X1 99AS-6.1.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 蔡瑜卿 Yu-Ching Tsai 不公開 Not public
60665310 2010 蔬菜專業育苗場經營及產苗安全預警資訊系統開發 Production, Management and Development Security Production System For Vegetable Seedling 99農科-6.1.2-種-X1 99AS-6.1.2-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 黃少鵬 Shao-Peng Huang 不公開 Not public
60665311 2010 馬鈴薯健康種薯繁殖供應體系應用無線射頻辨識技術之研究 Studies on the Application Healthy Seed Potatoes Supply System by RFID Technology 99農科-6.1.3-種-X1 99AS-6.1.3-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 黃少鵬 Shao-Peng Huang 不公開 Not public
60665312 2010 作物種原保存利用與品種資訊體系之建立 The collection and regeneration of germplasm in crops 99農科-8.1.1-種-X1 99AS-8.1.1-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 林正雄 Cheng-Hsiung Lin 不公開 Not public
60665313 2010 台灣香藥草植物資源開發利用 Development and utilization of indigenous aromatic herbs resources in Taiwan 99農科-8.4.1-種-X1 99AS-8.4.1-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 羅英妃 Ying-Fei Lo 不公開 Not public
60665314 2010 作物種苗病害檢測、驗證及防治技術之開發與應用 Application and development of detection, certification and control of crop diseases 99農科-9.2.1-種-X1 99AS-9.2.1-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 鍾文全 Wen-Chuan Chung 不公開 Not public
60665315 2010 植物種苗團隊-符合外銷國之種子苗驗證技術研發、制度研究與建置 Establishment and Research of Seed andSeedling Certification Techniques and Regulations 99農科-9.2.1-種-X2 99AS-9.2.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 鍾文全 Wen-Chuan Chung 不公開 Not public
總共 178 筆,顯示第 151 到第 178 筆