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年度 2010
計畫名稱_中文 台灣植物資源產業化應用
計畫名稱_英文 Application of industry of Taiwan vegetation resources
計畫編號_中文 99農科-4.2.2-種-X6
計畫編號_英文 99AS-4.2.2-SS-X6
主辦單位_中文 繁殖技術課
主辦單位_英文 Propagation Technology Section
主辦人_中文 林上湖
主辦人_英文 Shang-Hu Lin
中文摘要 於3月、6月、9月擷取大葉胡頹子、狹葉羊奶頭頂芽及次節位之插穗,分別處理不同濃度IBA進行扦插試驗;狹葉羊奶頭之扦插較大葉胡頹子易發根,且頂芽插穗有較佳之發根率,春(3月)、夏(6月)二季扦插發根率較秋季(9月)佳;大葉胡頹子則以秋季扦插發根率較佳,不論插穗節位,皆具有良好的發根率,其他季節為則以次節位插穗之發根率為高,因此,依據本試驗結果顯示,春、夏二季為狹葉羊奶頭、秋季為大葉胡頹子較佳之插穗擷取扦插之季節。長萼瞿麥於2月中旬進行種子播種及扦插繁殖時,可得到高發芽率且植株生長良好的基隆蠅子草種苗,為繁殖之最佳適期。利用3吋生物可分解塑料軟盆及相同規格之一般塑膠軟盆之128格櫻花穴盤苗換盆生育試驗結果顯示,溫室內可分解塑料軟盆在地徑、苗高、根重、莖重及葉重表現方面均優於一般塑膠軟盆。而露地試區二者之間差異則並不明顯。
英文摘要 The cuttings of shoot positions (Apical, sub-apical) of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. and Ficus formosana Maxim.that were taken cuttings and IBA treatment in March, June and September. The result showed that the rooting rates of Ficus formosana Maxim. were easier than Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb..The rooting rates of Apical shoot portions were easierthan sub-apical shoots. of regardless of cutting collection season,cutting position and IBA concentrations, The rooting rates of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. were high in September. But the higher rooting rates of Ficus formosana Maxim. were obtained in March and June‘s cuttings.Dianthus superbus L. var. longcalycinus(Maxim) Will could get bettergermination rate and well-performance seedling by seed sowing and cutting in the mid March, when is the best suitable propagation period.Use of 3 inch bioplastic containers and same size plastic containers to conduct survival and growth of 128 cell plug seedlings of Prunus campanulata test results showed that, two kings of containers in stem diameter, shoot height, root weight, leaf weight, and stem weight,bioplastic containers were better than plastic containers and significant differences in house. But two kings of containers were not significant differences in field experiments.