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年度 2010
計畫名稱_中文 植物種苗團隊-生物技術於植物品種開發及種苗驗證之應用研究-植物種苗認驗證體系建構
計畫名稱_英文 Construct the Accreditation system for plant seedlings
計畫編號_中文 99農科-1.1.13-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 99AS -1.1.13-SS -X1
主辦單位_中文 生物技術課
主辦單位_英文 Biotechnology Section
主辦人_中文 沈翰祖
主辦人_英文 Han-Tsu Shen
中文摘要 本計劃之執行在於提升病理檢測與隔離溫室效能,本年度計完成提升隔離溫室兩棟,可符合蘭花、馬鈴薯、豇豆…等病毒檢測TAF認證需求。一般基因轉殖大豆均利用PCR進行檢測,故依此建立基因轉殖大豆(Roundup Ready, GTS 40-3-2)定性檢測標準作業流程,並於10月19日通過全國認證基金會(TAF) ISO/IEC 17025測試實驗室認證。十字花科細菌性黑腐病(Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris)的檢測方法主要以選擇性培養基、SDS免疫擴散反應、ELISA、Biolog 快速鑑定系統為主,而瓜類細菌性果斑病(Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli)的檢測方式則以病徵診斷、組織鏡檢、病原菌分離鑑定、專一性引子對PCR反應、血清診斷及選擇性培養基為主。這些檢測方法經測試篩選後,將製訂為標準檢測流程,供未來診斷檢測之用。
英文摘要 The purpose of this plan is to promote the plant pathogens detection and isolation efficiency of the green house.This year we promoted the function of the two plant pathogens detection and isolation green horses to fit in the certification requirements of the virus detection (viruses which infect the crop include orchid, potato and asparagus bean) of the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation. The most common way of Genetically Modified (GM) soybean inspecting method is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) inspecting method, to amplify the sample target DNA fragment.Establish the SOP of GM soybean (Roundup Ready, GTS 40-3-2) qualitative detection method and passed the ISO / IEC 17025 accreditation. The main detection methods of cruciferous black rot bacteria (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) are selective medium culturing, SDS immunodiffusion, ELISA, and Biolog rapid identification system. For watermelon bacterial fruit blotch (Acidovorax avenae subsp. Citrulli),the detection methods are symptoms diagnosis, tissue examination,pathogen isolation and identification, PCR with specific primer sets,serum-based diagnostic, and selective medium culturing. The detection methods will be tested and then developed into a standardized screening process.