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年度 2010
計畫名稱_中文 休耕田綠肥開發與利用
計畫名稱_英文 The exploitation of green manure crop for fallow field
計畫編號_中文 99農科-4.2.1-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 99AS -4.2.1-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 種苗經營課
主辦單位_英文 Seed & Seedling Management Section
主辦人_中文 鄭梨櫻
主辦人_英文 Lee-Ying Cheng
中文摘要 一、綠肥種類與輪作模式對休耕田生態維護之效益評估為評估不同綠肥種類與輪作模式對休耕田生態維護之效益,應用4種綠肥於4項休耕田輪作模式並以全年休耕及一及二期皆種水稻為對照進行2年1輪試驗,調查各模式田區雜草量消長與病蟲害情形。99年進行第2年試驗,試驗結果,連續種植綠肥區之豆科綠肥有連作障礙現象,其中又以太陽麻最嚴重。各項綠肥以青皮豆及田菁可以前作綠肥自播方式進行一期作綠肥栽培。二、景觀綠肥油菊採種試驗為評估油菊於臺灣採種之可行性,本年度進行播種密度(每公頃15公斤、20公斤及25公斤)試驗。於9月播種,試驗結果各播種密度之開花期無明顯差異。
英文摘要 一、The evaluation of green manure crop for environment conservation on fallow field To evaluate the effects of green manure crop for environment conservation on fallow field,there are six different fallow system on paddy field were conducted and four green manure crops (Sesbania、Soybean、Sun hemp、Niger)were planted while field was fallow.The growth and decline of field were investigated.The results indicated that planting green manure or rice can repress weed growth and planting rice is more effective.Among the green manure crops,Niger had the best performance regarding the weed repression effect.二、Study of seed production of NigerThe aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility of seed production of Niger in Taiwan in order to solve the shortage of Niger seed due to unqualified seed(always mixed with weed seed)from overseas.This year, we are going to decide the accurate planting density for seed production of Niger in Taiwan.