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年度 2010
計畫名稱_中文 植物種苗團隊-植物新品種檢定技術之開發與執行
計畫名稱_英文 The Technical Development and DUS Test Execution of Plant Variety Protection System
計畫編號_中文 99農科-4.2.2-種-X7
計畫編號_英文 99AS-4.2.2-SS-X7
主辦單位_中文 品種改良保護課
主辦單位_英文 Plant Breeding Section
主辦人_中文 安志豪
主辦人_英文 Chih-Hao An
中文摘要 本年度已完成訂定夏堇和黛粉葉品種性狀表與試驗檢定方法及草擬仙客萊品種性狀表初稿。關於蝴蝶蘭、文心蘭及番茄等作物資料庫建立方面,已收集15個蝴蝶蘭、5個文心蘭及番茄商業品種並完成品種性狀調查及資料庫建置。本年度受理新品種性狀檢定工作計蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭77件、文心蘭11件、捧心蘭1件及玫瑰3件;正進行性狀檢定中之案件為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭31件、文心蘭4件、石斛蘭1件及玫瑰15件;檢定完成資料整理中為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭15件;已完成品種檢定報告為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭10件、文心蘭2件;檢定完成且審查結束為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭38件、文心蘭4件及玫瑰6件。孤挺花色素分析經初步分析後橘色、紅色、粉紅及紫色系孤挺花花青素影響呈色有色素1與色素2,經由兩種色素含量比例的差異使花朵呈現不同顏色,類黃酮素有別於花青素,其常有共色作用而影響花色素表現,扮演了重要的輔色素作用。
英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to establish the test guidelines and execute DUS tests. We modified the test guideline and table of characteristics of torenia, dieffenbachia and cyclamen. We also collected 15 commercial varieties of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, and 10 commercial varieties of oncidium and tomato, and investigated theircharacteristics for establishing variety database. We accepted 77 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 11 cases of oncidium, 1 cases of lycaste and 3 case of rose to execute DUS tests for protecting the breeder’s rights this year. 31 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis,4 cases of oncidium, 1case of dendrobium and 15 cases of rose have beenexecuting DUS tests. 10 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, and 2 cases of oncidium have been finished DUS reports. 38 phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 4 oncidium and 6 roses have been granted to be new varieties. After Hippeasrum preliminary analysis pigment .The effect petals color of orange, red, pink and purple were pigment 1 and 2.Flowers varying in color result by proportion of two pigment containt.Flavonoids Unlike anthocyanins, which often affect the color performance by copigmentation, and plays an important role of copigmentation.