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年度 2010
計畫名稱_中文 作物種苗知識傳播之執行效益評估
計畫名稱_英文 Benefit appraisal of crops seedling knowledge dissemination
計畫編號_中文 99農科-5.2.1-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 99AS-5.2.1-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 技術服務室
主辦單位_英文 Technical Service Section
主辦人_中文 蔡瑜卿
主辦人_英文 Yu-Ching Tsai
中文摘要 本計畫係針對種苗業者以及農民施以種苗技術之輔導訓練,並對本場辦理之農業技術訓練班在訓及結訓學員實施意見調查。在訓練輔導方面,本年度計辦理植物組織培養技術訓練班4班、專題講座8場、發行種苗科技專訊四期。在訓學員訓練成效反應層次評估,非常好及好者達84.20%,學習層次評估上則由49.17分(100%)進步至72.50分(147%)。學員得知農業訓練相關訊息,以農政單位網站及當地農會為主要訊息來源,兩者佔70.90%。「朋友告知」亦佔有相當之比例(18.66%)。大部分結訓學員(83.58%)在受訓前無組織培養相關經驗。訓練後有26.12%之學員從事組織培養相關工作。有55.55%學員未來有意願投入,不會投入者12.12%,尚未決定者24.23%,亦佔相當之比例。最需要農政單位輔導的項目依序為生產技術、資金融通、行銷管理、財務管理、農地利用管理、人事管理、產銷組織等項目。未來從事農業工作中最迫切需要的資源時,有達80.60%,(108人)的學員對「專業知識與技術」之需求,其次依序為資金(70.15%,94人),土地、加入產銷班及行銷通路。
英文摘要 This plan is serves with counselling training the seedling technology in view of the seedling entrepreneur as well as the farmer, and handles the opinion investigation.The student result to respond level appraised,extremely good and good reaches84.20%, the study level appraised on progresses by 49.17(100%) score to 72.50(147%).The websiteOf politics agricultural station and the local farmer association are the main sourses where student got the training messeges, both account for 70.90%.“ The friend informs ” also holds quite the proportion (18.66%).The majority of the student (83.58%) are non-tissue culture experience before the training, but 26.12% students are engaged in the tissue culture work after the training . 55.55% students will future have the wish investment, but 12.12%will not be, still have 24.23% students are not yet make the decision. Most needs the project which the agricultural politics unit counsels is production technology, funds,marketing,financial control,farmland management,personnel management,in order.