
年度 計畫名稱_中文 計畫名稱_英文 計畫編號_中文 計畫編號_英文 主辦單位_中文 主辦單位_英文 主辦人_中文 主辦人_英文 中文摘要 英文摘要
60665188 2013 仙履蘭及熱帶球根花卉品種改良與種苗生產技術開發 Improvement on slipper orchid and tropic bulb flowers breeding and establishment the seedling production 102農科-9.2.2-種-X3 102AS -9.2.2-SS-X3 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 劉明宗 Ming-Chung Liu 依照仙履蘭育種四大目標進行雜交授粉工作,102年進行仙履蘭雜交授粉11組合,出瓶約300株瓶苗移苗栽培工作,目前後裔植株栽培生育中。從雜交組合中以PA94002雜交組合後裔之不同單株具有Paph. primulinum品種多花特性,亦有單花的後裔出現,且花朵會同時開放或者接續開放,因此可再從這些後裔中,篩選單花或雙花特性之後裔單株,PA95016雜交後裔組合,花期約3-4月間開花,花朵顏色為粉紅色,單梗雙花、上萼辦呈橢圓形、翼辦長舌渾圓、整體花型優美,易於栽培,可做為組合盆之用。球根花卉品種選育方面,已篩選具潛力孤挺花單株2株,皆為重瓣具雙梗,未來用途為盆花及切花;孤挺花香味育種方面,在未發育完成之胚珠已成功利用胚挽救技術,獲得50株雜交後裔單株,未來將持續觀察後續生育情形。在彩色海芋方面,94及95年雜交後裔中已篩選具潛力彩色海芋單株3株,為金黃色、紫色及紫黑色。花朵數2-3朵,其中紫色單株花莖較短,可為盆花,其餘為切花。在宮燈百合無性繁殖與實生苗種球養球初步試驗結果,利用自然子球與種子播種而得之實生種球進行比較試驗,結果在三種重量分級中,均以自然子球較實生苗種球重量較重,但均能成功養球。金花石蒜利用無菌播種或胚培養皆可使萌芽率達100%,利用一般播種方式萌芽率僅達65.2%,且栽培一年後,地上部之葉片數則以無菌播種移出種植所生長之葉片數較多達2.01片,一般播種僅1.02片葉。以此推估可縮短養成開花球之年限。 According to four goals in slipper orchids breeding, we have selected superior progenies ‘PA94002’ and ’PA95016’ with multifloral, good flower shape and color characteristics. Bulbous flowers in calla lilies breeding, we have selected 3 potential progenies with good horticultural characteristics. They can be used as cut flower or pot flower. In amaryllis, we have selected 2 potential hybrid progenies of doubleflower.Sandersonia tubers from seedling or natural daughter-tuber were planted in mix soilless material under protec ted net greenhouse, which were tested for growing flower tubers. The result is flowering tuber is better which were from natural daughter-tuber. The germination rate of spider lily (Lycoris aurea Herb.) is 100% from aseptic and embryo tissueculture but the germination rate is 65.2% from common sowing. Using embryo tissue culture seedlings will be considerable to shorten flowering tubers grown.
60665189 2013 花卉研究團隊-春石斛開花株生理指標及花期調節管理體系之建立 Set up nobile-type dendrobium mature index and flowering regulation systerm 102農科-9.2.2-種-X4 102AS -9.2.2-SS-X4 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭孄婷 Lan-Ting Kuo 春石斛為國內具經濟栽培及種苗外銷潛力的新興蘭科作物,本試驗擬利用量化之壯苗指數及營養元素測定進行春石斛蘭成熟株生理指標建立,以三個品種根據尾葉及株高區分四組,調查結果顯示,株高、莖節數、葉數、地上部鮮/乾重、壯苗指數與成熟度無明顯關聯,但是地上部含水量在成熟株有增加趨勢,碳/氮含量因氮含量受許多因素影響,不利作為成熟度指標。生長調節劑處理方面,經處理之植株,目前尚未觀察到開花的情形。施用BA有促進葉數增加、腋芽數增加的效果,噴施GA後,有株高增加、腋芽增加及葉片黃化落葉的情形,以品種128最為顯著,若添加BA200ppm,則落葉情形較輕微,有抵消GA效應的作用。本試驗另參試一生長調節劑TDZ, 初步試驗結果顯示,經葉面噴施後,可產生大量的花苞,然而,花苞無法正常開放,濃度越高者,消蕾的情況越嚴重。 Noblie-type Dendrobium is one of the important orchids cultivated in Taiwan. In this project, we will measure the seedling index and nutrient elements of dendrobium seedlings. Three dendrobium cultivars divided into four groups according to maturation stage and plant height. The results indicated that plant height, node number, leaf number, shoot fresh/dry weight, seedling index and maturity were no obvious correlated, but water content was increasing in the mature plants. Nitrogen content was affected by species, organs, and cultivated conditions, hence the carbon/nitrogen ration would not appropriate maturation index. As to PGR treatments, the plants are still not blooming. But the results indicated that the application of BA increased the number of leaves and axillary buds. And the application of GA increased the plant height and axillary buds , but decreased number of leaves, especially in variety 128. BA can neutralize the leaf-falling effect against GA. The TDZ was also tested,the preliminary experimental results indicated TDZ contribute to large amount of flower buds formation. However, the buds had very high rate of deadth and blasting rather than bloom normally. In addition, if the concentration was higher, the rate of blasting was higher.
60665190 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-植物品種檢定流程分析、人員訓練及分子標誌開發 plant seed/seedling team – Analyzing the examining process flow, training faculty members and developing molecular marker of plant variety right 102農科-9.2.3-種-X1 102AS -9.2.3-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang (a) 重要蘭科花卉品種分子標誌技術開發:本年度透過委辦計畫與成功大學生物科學系吳副教授文鑾, 針對蝴蝶蘭(Phalaenopsis spp.)商業品種SSR分子標誌鑑定系統,共同建立一套包含十組SSR分子標誌之試驗方法,並制定標準試驗流程,也選定Dtps. Leopard Prince ‘世芥鑽石F-1138’與P. Zuma’s Pixie ‘台大小可愛’兩個蝴蝶蘭商業品種作為標準試驗流程之參考品種。依據已制定之標準試驗流程,鑑定100個已於台灣取得植物品種權蝴蝶蘭商業品種之基因型並以商業軟體建立DNA資料庫,十組SSR分子標誌可完全鑑別100個蝴蝶蘭商業品種,其PIC (polymorphism information content)值介於0.716 (PHS03)與0.893 (PHS07)之間,平均約0.84。並進行多方實驗室之能力試測試與12個蝴蝶蘭商業品種的盲樣試驗,確認所建立標準試驗流程之結果可再現性與穩定性,顯示此套蝴蝶蘭SSR分子標誌品種鑑定系統可有效率協助鑑別蝴蝶蘭品種與國際間相關技術之應用交流。(b) 檢定人員訓練及植物品種權教育推廣:作物新品種檢定講習會於102年10月30日已辦理訓練講習,上課學員約計60人,本次課程內容有植物品種權申請與審查規範介紹、蘭花、蔬菜及糧食作物性狀開發介紹,另外並加入了蝴蝶蘭及黛粉葉檢定技術實習課程,讓上課的學員實際參與檢定技術的操作,實習課程充實,學員熱烈參與。 (a) To develop the molecular marker technology of important orchidflower varieties:To cooperate with Dr. Wu from NCKU through the commissioned project to establish the standard operation procedure (SOP) of Phalaenopsis variety identification comprising ten SSR markers and two Phalaenopsis varieties,Dtps. Leopard Prince ‘Sogo F-1138’ and P. Zuma’s Pixie ‘Taida Little Cutie’, were selected as reference varieties of this identification system. The genotypes of 100 Phalaenopsis varieties granted PBR in Taiwan were analyzed based on the established SOP and all these 100 PBR varieties could be discriminated by the ten SSR markers. The PIC (polymorphism information content) values of the SSR markers ranged from 0.716 (PHS03) to 0.893 (PHS07), in average of 0.84. The multi-test and blind tests on 12 Phalaenopsis varieties were also conducted to confirm the data reproducibility and stability of this Phalaenopsis variety identification system. These results revealed that the Phalaenopsis variety identification system based on SSR markers can effectively discriminate Phalaenopsis varieties and accelerate the cooperation of using this applicable technique with other international organizations.(b)Personnel training and promotion of plant variety rights education:New crop varieties DUS testing workshop has been held on 30 October 2013.There are about 60 students in this training class. The curriculum included that application of plant variety rights, standard of application form and developed DUS testing of orchids, vegetables and grain crops. In addition, the operation trait program of Phalaenopsis and Dieffenbachia’s DUS testing technology which will let participators to know the relative technologies of DUS testing and system of plant variety protection. The outcomes of this program will provide helpfully information of plant variety protection and enhance credibility of molecular testing system.
60665191 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-植物品種開發及種苗驗證之應用研究-植物種苗認驗證體系建構 Construct the Accreditation system for plant seedlings 102農科-9.2.3-種-X2 102AS -9.2.3-SS-X2 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 孫永偉 Yung-Wei Sun 1.健康種苗之母本檢測與母本園建構及維護:健康種苗之母本檢測與母本園建構及維護為健康種苗繁殖的基礎,本計畫為落實開發的檢測技術與母本園維護,計畫檢測蒐集保存馬鈴薯、葡萄、草莓以及綠竹等作物母本植株,結果顯示葡萄、草莓以及綠竹皆未特定病原,但馬鈴薯有少數蒐集品種感染單一病毒,且未驗證種薯其帶病風險高,藉由持續的母本園維護、母本檢測及更新,期能支持健康種苗產業化之推動。2.瓜類退綠黃化病毒及草莓潛隱輪斑病毒驗證體系建構:參酌國內外文獻,已完成瓜類退綠黃化病毒(Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus , CCYV)與草莓潛隱輪斑病毒(Strawberry latent ringspot virus, SLRSV)之檢測技術盤點。瓜類退綠黃化病毒目前檢測技術主要有: RT-PCR、Western blotting、ELISA及Immunoelectron microscopy;草莓潛隱輪斑病毒目前檢測技術主要有:RT-PCR、IC-RT-PCR、ELISA與病徵判別。以不同的樣品進行各種檢測方法的方法測試,測試結果瓜類退綠黃化病毒以RT-PCR檢測效果較佳;草莓潛隱輪斑病毒則以ELISA檢測效果較佳,挑選最適合的檢測方法建立標準檢測流程,並通過能力試驗。3.十字花科種子健康檢查驗證體系之建立:本計畫目的係為建立種子檢查室之十字花科種子黑腐病菌檢測作業流程。已依國際種子檢查協會規定之檢測方式建立檢測流程。以人工汙染種子進行檢測流程的測試,可於FS及mCS20ABN兩種選擇性培養基上觀察到測試菌落的標準型態,且靈敏度測試結果可達0.01%的帶菌率。經測試7批不同公司生產的十字花科種子樣品,均未測得Xcc。品質管理所需之表單亦已建置完成。4.種子(苗)品質純度分子檢測技術研發及標準化:番椒利用F2族群及ISSR之DNA片段多型性,建立F1種子純度分子檢測識別標誌,以充實番椒雜交一代種子純度分子檢測之分子標誌資料庫。結果番椒13個多型性ISSRDNA片段成功回收12個,經定序、解序共獲得8個序列,重新設計條帶專一性引子,其中引子組合11組經最適PCR反應捻合温度及配方調整,均具條帶專一性。但以建立之番椒F2材料測試結果均未表現多型性,因此其識別性尚待進一步確認。番茄3個品種9個植體材料(雜交一代及父、母本親),利用ISSR-PCR技術篩選共獲得5個新的識別標誌,其中3組引子表現條帶專一性。經最適PCR反應捻合温度及配方調整,標誌大小分別為385、463及626 bp,電泳圖呈現引子高度的條帶的專一性及識別性。 Virus and pathogen detection and establishment of mother-stock garden is the fundamental of healthy seedling production. In this program, we will implement the developing pathogen validation system and construction mother-stock garden to maintain specific pathogen free mother-stock such as potato, grapes, strawberry and bamboo etc. Our results indicated grapes, strawberry and bamboo kept in mother-stock garden were not infected by specific pathogens. Potato stocks were infected by potato virus S or potato virus Y and using none certification potato seed tube would face higher infection risk. We hope this effort could support healthy seedling production in Taiwan.To refer to the scientific or technical literature, we completed the detection technology inventory of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus, CCYV and Strawberry latent ringspot virus, SLRSV. The main detection technologies of CCYV are RT-PCR,Western blotting,ELISA and Immunoelectron microscopy. The main detection technologies of SLRSV are RT-PCR, IC-RT-PCR, ELISA and pathognomy. By taking different samples to test the detection technology, we choose RT-PCR for CCYV and ELISA for SLRSV to be the most suitable detectoion method. And we establish standard testing process (SOP), and finish the ability to test.The objective of this program is to establish the seed testing procedure on Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) which causes black rot of crucifers. The procedure in coincidence with ISTA rules has been established. Artificial infested seeds were adopted to check the Xcc testing procedure. Xcc showed pale green and pale yellow mucoid colonies individually on FS and mCS20ABN selective media. And the Xcc-carried ratio of 0.01% could be detected in sensitivity test. No Xcc was detected in 7 lots of crucifer seeds from different producers. The documents forquality management had also been completed.One required index of high quality of seed/seedling is genetic purity,especially for hybrid seed. Genetic purity in a commercial hybrid of solanaceous crops is very important. This year, we setup this quality control mode by using molecular markers in seed production system of the crops of tomato and pepper, last two year we did some part work in tomato and pepper. The year, We obtain six new sets of SCAR primer for three specific DNA fragments in tomato and ten new sets of SCAR primer for six specific DNA fragments in pepper, they can identify hybrid from parents.The SCAR primer can have the sharp and easy-read DNA fragment after PCR amplification and electrophoresis. We will collect these SCAR primers as members of data base for testing F1 hybrid seed purity in tomato and pepper.
60665192 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-種子品質及處理技術研發 Developement for the seed processing techniques to promoting seed quality 102農科-9.2.3-種-X3 102AS -9.2.3-SS-X3 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃玉梅 Yu-Mei Huang 不公開 0
60665193 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-植物新品種檢定技術之開發與執行 Plant Seed Group-The Technical Development and DUS Test Execution of Plant Variety 102農科-9.2.3-種-X4 102AS -9.2.3-SS-X4 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 安志豪 Chih-Hao An 本年度已完成訂定藍眼菊與瓢唇蘭亞族並修訂蝴蝶蘭與茼蒿品種性狀表與試驗檢定方法及草擬合果芋品種性狀表初稿,透過增修訂品種性狀表及試驗檢定方法,擴增國內植物品種權受保護之植物種類。關於蝴蝶蘭、文心蘭及番茄等作物資料庫建立方面,已收集15個蝴蝶蘭、5個文心蘭及番茄商業品種並完成品種性狀調查及資料庫建置,透過資料庫建置,以利未來對照品種之資料比對搜尋。本年度受理新品種性狀檢定工作計蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭99件、文心蘭6件及玫瑰6件;正進行性狀檢定中之案件為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭21件、文心蘭8件及玫瑰8件;檢定完成資料整理中為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭12件;檢定完成且審查結束為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭47件及玫瑰2件,透過植物品種權制度,確保植物育種者權利及品種保護之效力,同時也提升農業產值之提升。 The purpose of this project is to establish the test guidelines and execute DUS tests. We modified the test guideline and table of characteristics of osteospermum, araceae, catasetinae and chrysanthemum.For Cooperation of phalaenopsis plant variety protection technology between Taiwan and European, we revise the test guideline and table of characteristics of phalaenopsis. We also collected 15 commercial varieties of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, and 10 commercial varieties of oncidium and rose, and investigated their characteristics for establishing variety database. We accepted 99 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 6 cases of oncidium, 6 case of rose to execute DUS tests for protecting the breeder’s rights this year. 21 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 8 cases of oncidium, 8 cases of rose have been executing DUS tests. 47 phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis and 2 roses have been granted to be new varieties
60665194 2013 植物種苗量產體系建立 Establishment of mass production system of plant seedlings 102農科-9.2.3-種-X5 102AS -9.2.3-SS-X5 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 王至正 Jhih-Jheng Wang 不公開 Not public
60665195 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-亞太地區植物種苗產業研究與應用 Plant nursery research group-Studying and application on plant seed industry in Asia-Pacicic region 102農科-9.2.3-種-X6 102AS -9.2.3-SS-X6 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 周明燕 Ming-Yenn Chou 不公開 Not public
60665196 2013 作物遺傳種原收集、保存與利用 Preservation, collection and application of germplasm 102農科-9.2.3-種-X7 102AS -9.2.3-SS-X7 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 薛佑光 Yu-Kuang Hsueh 1.蔬菜種原收集、保存及利用更新蔬菜種原庫完成63個品種之栽培、調查及種子繁殖採收,調製包裝貯藏於種原庫。其中包括新收集的30 個萵苣品種種原繁殖,並進行萵苣之硝酸鹽累積之檢測,結果顯示品種間對硝酸鹽的累積具顯著差異,比對歐盟的規定(種植在遮蓋下),僅024、026、027及038合乎規定,大部份都超過容許範圍,推測應與田間肥力有關。2.臺農種苗2號梨母本園管理與保存梨臺農種苗二號 (蜜雪梨)種原於101年12月底進行樹幹深剪枝,建立優良樹型。陸續進行灑施有機質肥料,病蟲害防治,主要防治項目為介殼蟲、赤星病、黑星病、梨綠蚜、黑斑病與白粉病。為使樹體健壯,於3月20日再施放43號肥料,每株20公斤。4月底陸續開始疏果作業、套袋作業開始, 7月16日起開始進行採收作業。蜜雪梨收穫量為2314.5公斤,果品糖度平均為10.12Brix,較歷年來偏低,推測原因為今年前半年數個颱風、豪雨及採收前颱風及豪大雨所致造成蜜雪梨果品糖度及品質不如歷年來的好。3.本土綠化種苗種原收集及保存102年已收集本省原生綠化苗木,計台灣樹蘭、台灣山桂花、黃皮、白水木、鐵色、長葉紫珠、霧社櫻、楊梅、杜英、五掌楠、朱砂根、台東火刺木、穗花棋盤腳、椬梧、蘭嶼羅漢松、台灣油杉、珊瑚樹、台灣扁柏、石斑木及淡綠葉衛矛等20種。除了朱砂根因發育緩慢及鐵色生育不佳重新扦插處理(目前還在24格穴盤中持續生育),其餘18種原生綠化苗木都已移植入6吋盆中。此20種原生綠化苗木為楝科、芸香科、楊梅科、樟科、紫草科、大戟科、馬鞭草科、杜英科、玉蕊科、胡頹子科、羅漢松科、松科、忍冬科、柏木科、衛矛科、2種紫金牛科及3種薔薇科。4.綠美化苗木種原保存蒐集--殼斗科全年收集13種殼斗科種原,分別為青剛櫟、小西氏石櫟、槲樹、短柄枹櫟、後大埔石櫟、鬼櫟、阿里山三斗石櫟、大葉石櫟、捲斗櫟、高山櫟、狹葉櫟、太魯閣櫟、栓皮櫟。植株生育健壯後,再調查生長狀況及性狀等以待種原保存用。以青剛櫟為試驗材料,利用兩種栽培介質及四種育苗容器作為處理,調查每階段青剛櫟種苗之生育情形,總體表現看來兩種育苗介質處理(有機介質、田土與有機介質混合比例1:1)之間無明顯差異,育苗容器處理上,目前以6吋硬塑膠盆、6吋黑寬軟盆植株表現較好,將繼續觀察各處理苗株生育表現,期能選出最適景觀綠化容器苗管理模式。5.台灣香藥草植物資源開發利用台灣本土多樣性資源豊富,利用既有的農業科技基礎,保存植物種原,經濟栽培台灣野生植物及開發利用植物種子種苗有利於生態保育。本計畫建立及保存香藥草資源650種並進行9種香藥草植物抗氧化分析,以月季及大風草之抗氧化能力最佳。 1. Renewed vegetable germplasm for 63 varieties of cultivated, investigation, harvesting, packaging and stored seed. Including 30 new lettuce varieties collected and nitrate accumulation for testing, the results showed that nitrate accumulation between varieties with significant differences, compared to the EU regulations (grown under cover), only 024 , 026,027 and 038 compliance, most of them are over the allowable range, suggesting that the field should be related to fertility.2. Pear Tainung TSS No.2 (Honey Snow) plants were deep pruning on end of December in 101, to develop an excellent tree type. And applied organic fertilizer, pest and disease control in following. By the end of April is beginning scattered and bagged for fruits. From July 16, to begin harvesting and the yield was 2314.5 kg, the average sugar content of fruit was 10.12Brix, compared with over the years is low. Presumably due to the typhoons and heavy rains before harvest caused reduce the sugar content and fruit quality in the first half of this year.3. Collected 20 original species of native tree this year. And 18 species of those species are transplanted into 6-inch pot.4. The collected 13 of the original species of Fagaceae plants. Species are Quercus glauca、Lithocarpus konishii、Quercus dentata、Quercus serrata var.brevipetiolata、Lithocarpus corneus、Lithocarpus lepidocarpus、Lithocarpus hancei、Lithocarpus kawakamii、Quercus pachyloma、Quercus spinosa、Quercus salicina、Quercus tarokoensis、Quercus variabilis。 Planting for species comparison and character will be surveyed. Quercus glauca used as test material, planted in 2 of culture media and 4 of nursery container, investigating seedlings growing conditions every stage. Overall performance, no significant differences between the two culture media processing ( organic medium, soil and organic medium mixing ratio 1:1 ). The nursery container processing, as of now, plants growth in hard plastic pots, black soft pots had better performance. Continue to investigate the performance of each treatment,looking forward to formulate a set of annual production of container seedlings of the standard modules.5.Biodiversity resources are abundant in Taiwan. We tried to employ the agriculture science and technology to promote ecological conservation and germplasm preservation. In this study, we first established and preserved about 650 varieties of Taiwan indigenous plants in demonstration field.Second, we selected 9 fragrant herb plants were analyzed for their antioxidation ability. The results indicated that Rosa and Viola odorata L.had the best anti-oxidation ability.
60665197 2013 有機團隊-蔬菜有機種衣劑及種子有機處理基準之研究 Establishment of vegetables organic coating material and organic processing benchmark in seedling 102農科-9.2.4-種-X1 102AS -9.2.4-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 洪建民 Chien-Min Hung 不公開 Not public
60665198 2013 有機團隊-番木瓜有機栽培及有機雜交種子生產研究 Study on organic cultivation and organic papaya seed production 102農科-9.2.4-種-X2 102AS -9.2.4-SS-X2 屏東種苗中心 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center 邱展台 Chan-Tai Chiu 本試驗擬於春夏季定植木瓜,以植株幼年期度過雨季避開疫病危害,並於冬春季果實炭疽病發生率較低時開始成熟採收。另以礦物油及煙草抽出液防治螨類及秀粉介殼蟲危害,並調查以有機肥料取代化學肥料的效果。試驗結果顯示煙草抽出液無法抑制螨類,窄域油於螨類發生初期可抑制滿類族群,使用2-3次後,即失去效果,只能作玉預防性噴灑。雨季木瓜成熟果實病害發生嚴重,窄域油無法克服只能以避病方式克服。 Papaya were planted on spring and summer respectinely , childhood spent the rainy season to plant to avoid disease hazards, and to begin to mature at lower incidence of anthracnose of fruits in winter and spring harvest. Extraction of mineral oil and tobacco extraction control of mites and scale insects, results of the investigation to be replaced by organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers. Test results exhibited that tobacco extract could not inhibit mites; narrow range oil can inhibit the full class in the early colony, after 2-3times, which no longer works,but jade preventive spraying. Rainy season mature fruit papaya disease seriously, narrow range oil failed to overcome the disease, can only be overcome by avoid disease.
60665199 2013 作物種苗病害防治技術之開發與應用 Development and Application of Crop Seedling Diseases Controlling Technologies 102農科-10.2.5-種-X1 102AS -10.2.5-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 袁雅芬 Ya-fen Yuan 本年度已取得27個南瓜品系共324個樣本進行白粉病原菌接種試驗;同時自不同地點收集白粉病原菌進行繁殖與保存;並建立南瓜對白粉病抗性之病害等級;本年度接種的品系皆為較感白粉病特性之品種。經16S rDNA 序列分析結果,鑑定101年度篩選出編號14-12與15-25的拮抗微生物均為巨大芽孢桿菌(Bacillus megaterium);測試11種培養基組合均未能使編號14-12與15-25拮抗微生物的細胞濃度達109/ml,但是由試驗結果可知添加適當鈣鹽有助於細胞生長。無性繁殖體在進行組織培養大量繁殖前,進行標的病害的檢測可確保繁殖體的健康,為生產健康種苗之基石。組織培養的標的病害包括病毒病、類病毒病以及菌質體病害,多以enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)、PCR(reverse transcription-PCR, RT-PCR),作為檢測植物病毒病之技術,其中ELISA仍是主要檢測植物病毒病之技術,血清為此技術之重要成本,因此本計畫擬以大腸桿菌表現轉殖之重組蛋白,作為生產標的病毒之蛋白來源,生產重要作物之檢測血清,本計畫於完成產馬鈴薯病毒PVS、PVX、PVY之抗血清之生產各80ml,力價稀釋可達8000-16,000倍。 Twenty-seven different pumpkin hybrid lines were screened to the powdery mildew -resistance which inoculum pathogen species. According the inoculum results showed that the virulence were different by the host hybrid lines. The hybrid lines were almost easy to infect by the powdery mildew in these year. We construct a grade of the powdery mildew –resistance in pumpkin.By 16S rDNA sequences analysis, antagonists No. 14-12 and 15-25 which were selected in 2012 were identified as Bacillus megaterium. We have tested 11 media formulas, yet non of them had the effect to make the cell concentration of antagonists No. 14-12 and 15-25 up to 109/ml. However,according to the results, it was found that adding suitable calcium salt could promote cell growth.Before enter a large number of plant tissue culture propagation, to detect the plant target disease can ensure a healthy production procedure. The specific pathogen free tissue culture units also are the cornerstone for the production of healthy seedlings. Tissue culture is the subject diseases including viral diseases, viral diseases and class mycoplasma disease. And techniques for detect these pathogen are enzymelinked immuno-sorbent assay, ELISA and Reverse transcription-PCR, RT-PCR.The cost of serum is the highest value of ELISA. This project is intended to express recombinant proteins in transgenic E. coli, the subject of the virus as a source of protein production, the production of important crops of the serum, the plans to complete the production of potato virus PVS, antiserum PVX, PVY of the production each 80ml, diluted potency up to 8000-16,000 times
60665200 2013 植物種苗研究團隊-種子(苗)有害生物診斷鑑定技術、檢驗技術驗證及防治技術之研究與應用 Establishment and Research of Seed and Seedling Certification Techniques and Regulations 102農科-10.2.5-種-X2 102AS -10.2.5-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 邱燕欣 Yen-Hsin Chiu 不公開 Not public
60665201 2013 耐溼冷馬鈴薯品種選育 Wet and cold resistant breeding for potato 102農科-14.1.2-種-X1 102AS -14.1.2-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 張勝智 Sheng-Chih Chang 因近年來全球氣候異常,造成溫度及雨量變化劇烈。台灣冬季為馬鈴薯栽培期,因異常的低溫高濕氣候,導致植株容易腐敗及病害發生嚴重進而減產,嚴重影響農民收益並造成生產成本增加。因此,本場利用所選育具優良生育特性之48個營養系,配合本地冬季低溫環境,進行低溫高濕的汰選評估,經100/101年期的汰選,於101/102年期進行11個具耐濕與高產生育特性的營養系(628、474、470、91A179、320、183、578、91N80、317、T75、462)與對照品種克尼伯進行耐濕冷特性、加工儲藏評估及晚疫病接種評估,完成選出5個分別(營養系470、628、91N80、320、462)具耐濕冷、生長勢強、高產、高耐病性(耐晚疫病)等特性之營養系。期許能協助農民或種苗業者克服因不良環境造成的減產問題以及農藥大量施用,所造成食品安全的問題。此外,亦可選育不同品種作為調適氣候變遷的影響,維持國內馬鈴薯生產的穩定。 The global climate change intensive recently. In Taiwan, intensive, heavy rains frequently during the winter, resulting soil wet and sticky, and thus bring down the quality of potato and decrease the yield. So the wet tolerance variety of potato is a greater demand. Screening out the wet tolerance strain of potato for producer, to enhance the competitiveness of potato industry in the future.In this project,we will select 11 clones (628、474、470、91A179、320、183、578、91N80、317、T75、462) with Kennebec (CK) in winter for field cultivation, to assess wet stress resistance and disease susceptibility .We investigate the potato characteristics, quality, yield and potato storage of survey. We select 5 clones (470、628、91N80、320、462) which have good characters. We hopethat we can assist farmers and seed industries overcoming the reduction of output and problem of food safety. In addition, we select different varieties to be adapt the weather and maintain the potato production in Taiwan.
60665202 2013 設施內茄科蔬菜利用蜜蜂授粉生產之研究 Study on honeybee pollination for Solanaceae vegetable production in the greenhouse 102農科-14.1.2-種-X2 102AS -14.1.2-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 利用蜜蜂於網室內高溫期進行彩色甜椒果實生產時,於植株第一朵開花前一星期將蜂箱放入網室內使蜂群馴化適應。網室內之光度及溫濕度影響蜜蜂離巢及訪花之頻率,以晴天高光度及非中午高溫期之時段離巢訪花頻率高。遮陰處理配合蜜蜂授粉之果形、果肉厚度、單果重及糖度均優於遮陰處理下自然授粉者。 Honeybee hive should be put into the net-house one week before anthesis of first flower for honeybee acclimation when sweet pepper fruit production in the net-house during high temperature period. Light,temperature and relative humidity in the net-house would affect the honeybee activities of leaving hive and foraging, the frequency of leaving hive and foraging was high when in high light intensity and nonhigh temperature period on sunny days. In addition, the fruit shape,flesh thickness, fruit weight and sweetness of fruit were better in honey bee pollination with shading treatment than those of self-pollinated with shading.
60665203 2013 應用綠肥營造環境親和型水旱田輪作經營模式 The establishment of environmental friendly crop rotation model usinggreen manure 102農科-14.1.3-種-X1 102AS -14.1.3-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 鄭梨櫻 Lee-Ying Cheng 為因應氣候變遷對台灣雜糧生產之考驗及現行耕作制度的衝擊,以飼料玉米品種選擇搭配環境親和型栽培方式,規劃2年1輪環境親和型水旱田輪作模式,規劃重點為輪作綠肥與水旱田輪作。試驗結果,輪作綠肥相較於對照組可減施化學肥料避免土壤酸化、提升土壤有效性磷含量及降低土壤電導度,減緩土壤鹽化。以土壤地力維護及輪作收益為評估指標,輪作模式B為較佳之輪作模式。 In response to the impact of climate change on the grains production and existing farming systems in Taiwan, applied different feed corn varieties with environment-friendly cultivation methods, planned for 2-years a round crop rotation patterns.The rotation patterns focuses on paddy field and dry land rotation and green manure application. The results showed that compared with the control , green manure application can reduce chemical fertilizer usage to avoid acidification, improve soil phosphorus content,,reduce soil EC value and slow down soil salinization.Soil fertility maintain and cash earnings of crop rotation for theassessment index, rotation mode B is the preferred mode of rotation.
60665204 2013 組織培養節能設備及技術之開發 Energy-saving equipment and technology development for tissue culture 102農科-14.1.6-種-X1 102AS -14.1.6-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 文紀鑾 Chi-Luan Wen 不公開 Not public
60665205 2013 健康種苗生產供應與健康管理體系之建立 Establishment of health seedlings production and health management system 102農科-14.2.2-種-X1 102AS -14.2.2-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 羅英妃 Ying-Fei Lo 一般認為芽菜為無土栽培之清潔蔬菜,但由於芽菜為時間與空間高密集周轉生產,故生產過程為抑菌、殺菌、促進下胚軸肥胖及抑制過多主根及鬚根生長,往往添加植物生長調節劑、漂白劑等,以致目前仍無相關符合生產履歷措施之作業與產品。本計畫調查台灣地區傳統市場、超級市場或量販店銷售之綠豆芽或黃豆芽,結果仍有二氧化硫、6-BA或2,4-D等添加物質之檢出。本計畫調查市售綠豆真菌汙染率為42% ,細菌汙染率為24%,以 70℃熱處理 30分鐘即可有效將綠豆種子的真菌汙染率下降至為25% ,細菌汙染率為5% ,並且不會影響種子之發芽率。後續配合業界將自有技術如芽菜加壓生產栽培箱,芽菜根部截切機械原型,建立無施用藥劑之芽菜安全生產流程,成功輔導1家豆芽生產安全無用藥廠商。完成馬鈴薯主要產區瘡痂病調查,食用薯調查結果顯示,使用通過驗證種薯田區瘡痂病發生情況減輕約55%,顯示使用健康種薯有助於降低瘡痂病害之威脅。另以非農藥防治管理栽培生產馬鈴薯種薯,種薯產量與品質與傳統栽培無差異,可減少化學藥劑使用之風險,栽培時建議將30-10-10肥料稀釋1000倍使用,以確保種薯產量與品質。本次蒐集之7個豇豆品種實生苗經ELISA病毒篩選,復於隔離網室栽培後,各品種間種子產量上似乎存有明顯差異。選擇萎凋病發生嚴重的產地田區進行嫁接苗耐病性測試,以直播苗為對照組,在田區第四次連作時,直播苗全數萎凋死亡,存活率0%,嫁接苗部分則仍有80%的存活率,產量部分,直播苗全數萎凋死亡,產量0%,嫁接苗部分則仍有665公斤/0.1ha的收成,顯示耐病根砧可以提高田間存活率並穩定產量。 This project investigated green bean or soybean sprouts bought fromtraditional market or supermarkets in Taiwan. Some added substances such as sulfur dioxide,6-BA or 2,4-D were detected. We also found out the rate of fungal and bacterial contamination of commercially available green bean seeds were 42% and 24% respectively. After 30 minutes heat treatment at 70℃, the contaminated seeds changed into clean effectively and did not affect the germination. We established a safe sprouts production processes by growth enviroment control and sprouts cultivated pressurized containers and sprouts rootscutting machine. This project advised a professional grower to produce safe sprouts without chemical or plant growth regulator. According to our survey at major potato production areas in Taiwan, common scab disease was decreased 55% by using certified seed potato. It shows that using healthy seed potato can avoid the risk of common scab disease. Compared non-pesticidal and non-fungicidial management with traditional management, the yield and quality of seed potato were no significant difference. The result shows that we can reduce the risk of using chemistry by non-pesticidal and non-fungicidial management. And we also recommend using 1000x the period of cultivation to get better seed potato.The results of preliminary experience show that the virus-free seedlings of 7 Asparagus been varieties planting in net house, there seemed significant differences in seed yield.sparagus bean (yard-long bean) varieties and one fusarium-resistant stock were tested in the study to evaluate the resistance of fusarium wilt in the field.The results showed of plant survival rate of seed seedlings and grafted asparagus bean planted in production field at 4th continuous cropping were 0% and 82% ,respectively. The yield were 0 kg and 655 kg/ 0.1 ha,respectively.
60665206 2012 植物種苗研究團隊-基因轉殖及非基因轉殖種苗驗證及共存體系之建構-基因轉殖作物認驗證與檢監測模式之建立 Construction of the certification and coexistence system for GM and non-GM seedlings 101農科-1.1.1-種-X1 101AS -1.1.1-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 沈翰祖 Han-Tsu Shen 基因轉殖作物檢監測體系由農糧署委託種苗改良繁殖場邀集農業試驗所、桃園區農業改良場、台南區農業改良場、花蓮區農業改良場、國立中興大學等單位建立「基因轉殖作物檢監測小組」,藉由「檢測技術建立」、「儀器與檢測精準度試驗」、「檢測樣品檢出能力試驗」、「能力試驗」等,已建立基因轉殖木瓜2個、玉米10個、大豆3個以及馬鈴薯1個品項之標準化檢測模式,其中大豆及馬鈴薯已向「財團法人全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, TAF)」之實驗室提出增項認證申請。本年度檢監測小組進行基因轉殖大豆3次、玉米2次能力試驗。核酸定量檢測之量測不確定度(measurement uncertainty, MU) 以bottom-up與topdown等兩種評估策略建立評估模式,以歐盟建議之試驗條件所得不確定度數值為30.6%,依儀器所提供條件所得不確定度數值為29.81%。已完成基因轉殖玉米與傳統農業共存栽培建議書與基因轉殖作物標準化取樣及監測模式,並以田間試驗模擬基因轉殖大豆花粉飄散趨勢,本年度春作試驗並未發生花粉污染之情形。已利用衛星定位(GPS)監測台灣水稻28個、油菜10個、馬鈴薯4個、玉米10個、大豆11個栽培區、野生大豆9個生長區等資料,且以地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)分析是否受到基因轉殖作物污染,並完成可攜式GIS系統。 The detection and monitoring system of transgenic crops in Taiwan was entrusted by the Agriculture and Food Agency (AFA), Council of Agriculture (COA) and the team member is Agricultural Research Institute,Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, National Chung Hsing University and Seed Improvement and Propagation Station (SIPS). Technique for detection of GM crops consists of four distinct steps, including detection capability, proficiency test, the standard detection and monitoring model. The biological area of detection laboratory at SIPS hasbeen accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025. There are several items to be accredited by TAF, including transgenic papaya (Papaya ring spot virus coat protein gene, prsv-cp gene; Papaya ring spot virus coat protein gene, PRSV CP gene;papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus, PLDMV~py16-cp gene), maize (TC1507, BT-176, BT11, MON810, NK603, 3272, MIR604, GA21,59122, MON863) , soybean (GTS 40-3-2, DP-305423-1, DP-356043-5) and potato (Event EH92-527-1). In addition, the literatures of measurement uncertainty (MU), the dispersal of pollen flow for maize and soybean, and the coexistence between conventional and transgenic maize and soybean have been collected and reviewed. The standard sampling and monitoring model was built up and a simulated study of dispersal of transgenic maize and soybean in the field to investigate dispersal tendency. GPS data ofmaize and soybean production farms in Taiwan was obtained and produced Geographic Information System (GIS) maps to analyze whether those production farms were polluted by transgenic species.
60665207 2012 植物種苗團隊-基因轉殖作物種苗檢測監測體系之建立 The establishment of detection and monitors system for genetically modified seedling 101農科-1.1.1-種-X2 101AS -1.1.1-SS-X2 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張珈錡 Jia-Ci Chang 持續執行基因轉殖作物種苗TAF檢測實驗室,於本年度進行一次監督評鑑、一次認證實驗室內部稽核與一次認證實驗室年度管理審查會議。另完成實驗室電腦條碼管理系統套裝化測試,與配合農糧署辦理二場基因轉殖作物檢測討論會。並利用Realtime PCR建立基因轉殖玉米TC1507、BT-176、Bt11、MON810、NK603、3272、MIR604、GA21、59122、MON863等品項、基因轉殖大豆GTS 40-3-2、DP-305423-1、DP-356043-5等品項之螢光快速檢測技術,R2均達0.9以上。 The increasing presence of transgenic plant in the international markets has provoked a strong demand for appropriate detection methods to evaluate the existence of transgenic plants. Technique for detection of GM crops consists of four distinct steps, including detection capability,proficiency test, the standard detection and monitoring model. The biological area of detection laboratory at SIPS has been accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025. There are several items to be accredited by TAF, including transgenic papaya (Papaya ring spot virus coat protein gene, prsv-cp gene; Papaya ring spot virus coat protein gene, PRSV CP gene;papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus, PLDMV~py16-cp gene), maize (TC1507, BT-176, BT11, MON810, NK603, 3272, MIR604, GA21, 59122, MON863) and soybean (GTS 40-3-2, DP-305423-1, DP-356043-5). The major objective of this study was to establish a rapid detection technique for the GM maize and soybean. For this purpose, some screening methods based on target gene and select marker was development. The results showed that the GM crops could be detected through Real-time PCR rapidly and the R2 above 0.9.
60665208 2012 植物種苗團隊-植物種苗產業發展服務平台 Development and Service Platform forPlant Seed/Seedlings Industry 101農科-1.1.2-種-X1 101AS -1.1.2-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 李美娟 Mei-Jiuan Lee 不公開 Not public
60665209 2012 植物種苗團隊-番木瓜種苗七號全兩性株調控基因分析與產業應用 Analysis of regulation genes of allhermaphrodite papaya cv. TSS No.7 and its application on industry 101農科-1.1.2-種-X2 101AS -1.1.2-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 李美娟 Mei-Jiuan Lee 不公開 Not public
60665210 2012 種子檢查技術研習 Study on seed testing technology 101農科-4.2.1-種-X1 101AS -4.2.1-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 今年度本場派員1名參加國際種子檢查協會(International Seed Testing Association, ISTA)認證實驗室(Accredited Laboratory)舉辦之種子活力檢查(Seed Vigour Testing)及種子發芽率檢查(Seed Germination Testing)研習課程,出國期間為101年9月8-21日。其中,種子活力檢查研習係20/20種子檢查室(20/20 Seed Labs Inc.)於愛特蒙頓舉辦;種子發芽率研習係加拿大食品檢驗局(Canadian Food Inspection Agency, CFIA)於薩斯卡通舉辦,本研習計有加拿大、美國、英國 、德國、法國、荷蘭、澳大利亞、日本及我國等國家種子檢查人員參加。此次研習內容主要包含ISTA及種子檢查規則簡介、種子活力檢查方法(電導度法、胚根觀察法、人工老化法)、種子發芽率檢查方法(單子葉及雙子葉作物種子實習)、品質保證、ISTA檢驗證填寫及參觀加拿大食品檢驗局(Canadian Food Inspection Agency)種子實驗室及國家種子標本館(National Seed Herbarium),並於課後請CFIA潔淨度人員講授禾穀類作物、豆科作物及十字花科作物種子潔淨度分析操作流程。 In this year, one researcher of TSS attended two ISTA workshops on 8-21 Sept.,2012 in Canada . The Seed Vigour Testing workshop was hold by 20/20 Seed Labs(Accredited Code: CA10) in Edmonton, and the Seed Germination Testing workshop was hold by Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) (Accredited Code: CA08) in Saskatoon. The participators in these ISTA workshops came from Canada, U.S.A., U.K., Germany, France, Netherlands,Australia, Japan, Taiwan, etc. The programs in these ISTA workshops include the introduction of ISTA and ISTA rules, seed vigour testing methods (Conductivity Test, Radicle Emergence Test, Controlled Deterioration and Accelerated Ageing Tests), seed germination testing methods (monocotyledon including wheat, canary grass, tall fescue, cornand dicotyledon including soybean, sunflower, lentil, alfalfa, flax canola, lettuce), quality assurance, how to fill out the ISTA certificate, visit the CFIA’s seed testing laboratory, visit National Seed Herbarium, seed purity analysis methods (cereals, pulses, brassica crops)
60665211 2012 赴荷蘭研習健康種苗產程管理系統中產品品質與病理管控點之設立 Establishment of verification techniques and critical control points for healthy seedling management system from Netherlands 101農科-4.2.1-種-X2 101AS -4.2.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 袁雅芬 Ya-fen Yuan 台灣現階段驗證檢查架構以生產期間之控管為主。除了在行政架構上兩國極明顯不同,荷蘭在馬鈴薯種薯生產策略與產程管理上與我國現行系統不同,尤其在於收成後庫存管理、批次管理與認證追蹤上皆有技術及系統建立,相較目前於台灣並無此管理系統,實值得向荷蘭借鏡,作實地參訪與學習。與荷蘭相關單位接洽,完成行程安排與規劃重要行程: 1. 建立雙方在健康種苗驗證制度上技術經驗及資訊上交流之管道。2.提升我國在健康種苗產程管理執行之技術。 The health seedling supply system is the most basement of agriculture production. Taiwan, small but densely populated, has excellent location as an International Transportation Center in Southeast Asia. Our government needs to plan the trend and development for agriculture to focus at soft power including excellent traditional breeders and high biotech genetic-engine researchers as backing to develop the seeding industry and make the seed industry refined and internationalization in Taiwan. The future goal is to make Taiwan as the Asia-Pacific Plant Seedling Centre, which constructed for the export market-oriented. To construct the healthy seedling procedure management system is one of the nucleus strategies to make Taiwan as the Asia-Pacific Plant Seedling Centre.TSS starts to construct the whole R & D production procedure of health seedling, healthy seed production system process control and industrial applications.And TSS also make connection and meet the demands of the international validation and certification system.The Netherlands is internationally renowned for its practical approaches and applications in the seedling industry since the first bulb test laboratory was set up. Cooperation between public (Plant Protection Service, PD) and private sectors (including: Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture;Naktuinbouw, NAKT; Flower Bulb Inspection Service, BKD; Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Seed) has resulted in innovative developments in breeding and variety development,seed production, storage, seed certification and marketing. The Dutch approach to seed sector development and worldwide partnerships provide new insights and knowledge for the sustainable development of seedling supply systems in developing countries or countries with an economy in transition.In Taiwan, in order to prevent the spread of pests, to assist producers in improving the quality of plant seeds, seedlings and their products,and to protect the consumers’ interests, the guidelines are hereby established by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter called BAPHIQ) for setting up the system to verify the pests free status of plant seeds and seedlings for decades.The crops include Oncidium, green bamboo, bean (Vigna unguiculata),citrus, potatoes, sweet potatoes and orchids. Government uses this kind of system to supply the healthy seedling to the beginning source of the production procedure as encourage and help the farmers in adopting healthy seedlings.Nowaday the certification and validation of healthy seeding production system in Taiwan still focus at the period of the growing period. Take potato seed production as an example to compare the differences between Taiwan and Netherland.The strategy of production procedure (fig.2) and the management of production procedure of NAK of Netherland are different from seedling production in Taiwan. The system of the postharvest management (table 1.), the lot management and the trace system of certification of potato seeding in Netherland are well established which we do not have such system in Taiwan. It is worthy to learn such experience from Netherland by field trip inspection
60665212 2012 赴荷蘭研習利用分子標誌進行花卉及蔬菜品種鑑(檢)定 The study on molecular marker and DUS test techniques used for plant variety protection in Netherlands 101農科-4.2.1-種-X3 101AS -4.2.1-SS-X3 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang Naktuinbouw為荷蘭執行植物品種檢定的專責機構,亦負責歐盟成員國數種作物品種申請案件之檢定工作,具相當豐富的品種檢定業務經驗及人力。本年度於8月19日至9月1日前往Naktuinbouw進行研習,研習內容主要分為:一、蝴蝶蘭、其他蘭花(萬代蘭、文心蘭)、飄香藤等重要經濟作物之品種檢定,透過實質檢定、雙方檢定技術交流、性狀調查表開發及結果討論;二、蝴蝶蘭SSR分子標誌分析方法比較與討論、研擬未來雙方可行之合作方式與DNA資料庫的建立方法等。透過與其技術人員的交流與經驗分享,可在往後操作上更加留意一些可以增加準確度的地方,進而調和雙方技術與檢定結果。除前述技術之實務操作與討論,建立雙方溝通及交流管道外。並蒐集有關Naktuinbouw之品質監管及作業程序等資料訊息,期有助於促進國內檢定技術的提升及經驗之累積。 Naktuinbouw is the only authorized organization in the Netherlands which is responsible for DUS – testing of all varieties of ornamental,vegetable and agricultural crops. And Naktuinbouw is not only responsible for domestic applications but also for applications in EU. The study was mainly done in Naktuinbouw from Aug. 19th to Sep. 1. This study included doing the descriptions, learning how to develop a test guideline and revise it by discussions and operations. The learning was especially involved in Phalaenopsis, other orchids and other ornamentals. And the study also included visiting the Laboratories, to use the same SSR primers and DNA of Phalaenopsis cultivars registered in Taiwan to do experimental analysis, and then discuss some questions based on the experimental results. To enhance the standardization and authority of the technologies which were established through cooperation and technical exchange of both sides.
60665213 2012 植物種苗農業職能及訓練管理成效之研究 The study of competency standard and training management in plant seedling industry 101農科-5.2.2-種-X1 101AS -5.2.2-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 鍾依萍 I-Ping Chung 教育訓練的目的是要增強農民的能力、提升農民解決問題之技能,使達到降低生產成本,以及提高作物品質之目標,除積極生產及管理技術之訓練外,對於訓練之成效以及推廣服務品質並應持續給予評估與改進。本計畫在「種苗生產暨管理技術輔導訓練」辦理種苗技術訓練班10梯次(入門4梯次、初階1梯次、進階4梯次、高階1梯次)、種苗專題講座6場、發行種苗科技專訊4期(7,200本)。在「在訓學員訓練發展及成效評估」針對入門4梯次、初階1梯次、進階-組培班3梯次進行訓練考評調查,學員在反應層次評估,各項評估非常好及好者皆有85.70%以上;在學習層次評估方面進行進階班學員受訓前與後之測驗,得分由58.68分進步至78.51分進步程度達134%,顯示訓練後有能力改變之情形。問卷分析得知,各階段學員來受訓的目的不同;未來投入或繼續從事農業工作的意願方面,願意者皆有9成以上,想投入或想繼續從事農業工作的原因,皆是以「個人興趣」最高、其次為「家中有農地」或「看好農業前景」,顯示學員對農業有高度的興趣並看好其前景與發展。在「結訓學員追蹤調查」部份,是以電訪方式調查98~101年參加本場進階訓練班-組織培養訓練、穴盤育苗課程之結訓學員從農情形,有從農者佔79.55%、兼農者佔18.18%、未從農者佔2.27%;從農的年齡分佈集中於41-60歲(58.33%)。建議未來在課程規劃上能多吸引青年人加入,並持續提供現有從農學員所需課程與輔導,調查與關注學員從農面臨的問題,讓有意從農與仍在從農的學員能更積極地投入農業。 The aim of educational training is to enhance the farmers’ abilities in problem solving. In addition to the energetic production and the training of management skill, the training results and service qualities should be evaluated and improved continuously. This project conducted 10 training courses of seeding skill and divided 4 different levels courses, which included 4 periods of entry, 1 period of beginners, 4 periods of advanced and 1 period of high-level. Also, it conducted 6 seeding subject workshops and published seasonal seeding journals which issued 7,200 volumes in total.According to evaluation questionnaires of the training courses in the level of entry, beginners and advanced, more than 87% of the trainees have shown both great and good in reaction. Moreover, the evaluation of learning in advanced shown that the test results from before to after training has progress 134%, which scores from 58.68 to 78.51. Based on the learning evaluation indicate that the training courses have improved famers’ abilities. Furthermore, according to the questionnaires, the trainees in each level have different training purpose. There have 90% of trainees will join or continue a career in agriculture. Firstly, most trainees willing to work in farm industry are because of personal interests. Secondly, having own farms and the expectation of farming are the reasons of working in agriculture. Therefore, those reasons revealthat the trainees have highly interest and brightly prospects in farm industry.According to telephone interview of trainees, who finished the training courses during the year from 2009 to 2012, there have 79.55% of trainees are working in the farm industry. Also, their age distributes from 41 to 60 years old (58.33%). Hence, the agricultural training courses are suggested to invite more young people to accede, and also provide required courses and guidance to trainees. Moreover, we should investigate and concern about trainees, who have some problems of working in the agriculture, and encourage more people to join in the farm industry
60665214 2012 建構亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台 Construction for Asia Pacific Seedlings Industry Services Platform 101農科-7.2.1-種-X1 101AS -7.2.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 蔡瑜卿 Yu-Ching Tsai 一、 亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台之建置完成亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台之建置,進行系統安裝及測試、相關文件編撰,本場既有10個資料庫進行資料整理共轉錄5,016筆、新增資料452,313筆至新建置的亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台,並完成2場教育訓練課程、本服務資訊平台營運模式規劃報告、植物種苗產業之育種領域技術計量分析報告各一份。二、蝴蝶蘭品種影像辨識輔助系統開發建置自動化的蝴蝶蘭品種檢定影像辨識系統,首先必須對蝴蝶蘭花朵的上萼瓣、下萼瓣、翼辦及唇瓣做影像的色彩、形狀、紋理特徵擷取。利用這些特徵向量查詢比對資料庫中每一個既有的蝴蝶蘭資料與待檢定之蝴蝶蘭的相似度,如此一來,鑑定人員可以輸入想要檢定的蝴蝶蘭品種之影像,系統會將所輸入之蝴蝶蘭影像與資料庫中已登錄的蝴蝶蘭品種進行比對,然後輸出排名前幾名的結果相似的品種(由高分到低分)回傳給檢定人員參考,以此來協助檢定人員判斷此蝴蝶蘭影像是否為新品種。 1.A study of Constructing Asian Pacific Seedlings Industrial Information Services Platform Since the technology of information and communication and seedling industry are developing rapidly, the agricultural public sector must be able to provide further depth and breadth of real-time industrial information services for seedling industry towards highly refined and international development. However, information scattered, repetitive or uneven quality problems will be encountered while the amount of information is continuous increasing. Therefore, to plan and constructs an integrated industrial information services which providing diversified industrial information services to satisfy the information needs of the seedling industry should be an important research issue. The research used the methods of content analysis, interviews, questionnaires and expert panels; it firstly investigated 10 database resources and nine related domestic industrial service information platforms to study the current status of industrial information resources and services. It followed conducted a questionnaire survey and interviews to understand the requirements of information services from users of seedling industry so as to plan and construct the industrial information services platform. The general construction of the Asian Pacific plant seedling industrial information services platform contains platform purpose, contents and functions. One of the functions of the "Industrial Services" covers a variety of information, technical services, marketing, seedling community, intellectual property protection and industry databases; organized panels of experts after the planning were completed and collected expert views as reference to amend the planning. The platform is expected to be accomplished in 2012; it will provide comprehensive reliable and real-time of seedling industry competitive information for policy decision makers, researchers and seedling suppliers. The outcomes of this research can be available to industrial information services planning for the agricultural public sector.2.Development of Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition Programs for Similarity Evaluation on Phalaenopsis Flowers Using image processing methods, build an automated Phalaenopsis species verification System. First, we apply the image processing method using Phalaenopsis of Dorsal sepal, Lateral sepal, Petal and Lip images to do the Phalaenopsis image color, shape and texture feature extraction.Using these feature vectors can be query comparison the similarity between database information of each existing Phalaenopisis data and test Phalaenopisis data. Then, the identify staff can input the new Phalaenopisis image test data to the system, the system will compare the input data and database data and output top result (from high score to low score similarity) to the identify staff for reference. This will assists identify staff to judge this Phalaenopsis image whether is the new variety.
60665215 2012 RFID技術應用於種子倉儲管理之研究與開發 Study and development on RFID technology for the seed production and marketing management 101農科-7.3.1-種-X1 101AS -7.3.1-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 種苗場擁有9座種子冷藏庫,長年配合政府政策負責生產供應全省雜糧、綠肥及蔬菜作物種子,操作從契作生產及外購種子、調製、加工、倉儲、運輸至推廣銷售等一系列種子產銷流程作業。去(100)年度針對種子倉儲部分建構「種子倉儲管理系統」部分,並結合無線射頻辨識(RFID)應用,達成種子倉儲流程作業電子化,除可供本場內部良好管理,增加種子倉儲管理透明性及即時性,此外結合RFID監控倉儲溫溼度環境情況,同時亦減少種子損耗,降低購買者損失。本(101)年度擴大應用層面,於軟體系統方面將第一期開發的系統加以擴充,增加會計(含出納)功能。 Taiwan seed improvement and propagation station (TSS) has 9 seed refrigerated storages and is responsible for the seed production of cereal, green manure and vegetable. Moreover, there are a series of seed producing and marketing procedure operation including producing,purchasing, processing, packaging, storage, transportation and marketing.In last year, it’s aim to accomplishment of the efficient method of seed storage management by RFID technology in order to maintain the seed of quality, to decrease the waste of manpower and time and to enhance the check time of the inventory in the seed storage effectively. In this year, it’s important to extend the capability of the system including accounting and cashier.
60665216 2012 植物種苗團隊-作物特定性狀分子標誌建立及選殖 The establishment and application of specific molecular markers for the crops trait 101農科-9.1.1-種-X1 101AS -9.1.1-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 孫永偉 Yung-Wei Sun a.番茄抗斑點萎凋病毒基因型之分子鑑定:番茄斑點萎凋病毒病,為番茄溫室栽培的主要病害之一,近年更有蔓延的趨勢。危害症狀變化大,從苗期到成株各部位均可感染呈現症狀,Sw5抗性基因控制下接種TSWV的反應呈現無病斑或僅限制性過敏反應。本試驗完成在Sw5基因位置上建立分子標誌並建立Multiplex RT-PCR (含TSWV/Sw5)可同時檢定番茄抗斑點萎凋病毒病的同質抗性、異質抗性或感病性及是否帶有TSWV的病毒。利用F2族群分析抗性基因之分離情形,結果栽培種中之Sw5a與Sw5b抗性基因表現在栽培種中呈現不分離情形,分離比為1:2:1並已運用於大量樣品基因型檢定。利用ELISA及RT-PCR檢測接種TSWV病原植株,以檢定番茄抗斑點萎凋病毒病的同質抗性、異質抗性或感病性的抗病能力,結果同質抗性、異質抗性或感病性檢出病原的比例分別為0%、1.26%及41%。b.木瓜性別相關基因及其分子標誌之建立:由DNA層次進行分子標誌的篩選工作,希望能獲得與木瓜全兩性性狀相關之分子標誌。經過多組的SSR及SCAR引子PCR試驗篩選,電泳分析發現:目前所設計之引子對在各試驗材料間,在全兩性株及一般兩性株材料間,並無篩選出具可鑑別全兩性性狀之差異性條帶。進一步將增幅出的條帶進行序列分析,由序列上發現全兩性株與一般兩性株/雄株之間,同個增幅條帶內具有單個核甘酸的差異。這些單個核甘酸的差異是否可發展為SNP或CAPS分子標誌,而應用於全兩性性狀的判定,則需再進行試驗進行篩選測試後,方能由實驗結果來印證。c. 番茄抗黃化捲葉病毒分子標誌之建立:番茄黃化捲葉病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)是由粉蝨傳播的嚴重病害,台灣主要有2種,ToLCTWV (mono-partite,台灣種) 及TYLCTHV(bi-partite,泰國種)。本研究與亞蔬中心合作利用不同育種者之抗感病番茄品種為試驗材料,主要目的在建立黃化捲葉病毒及番茄抗病基因(Ty-3a、Ty-5)分子標誌。結果顯示,引子BGVs可擴增Begomovirus屬病毒(含ToLCTWV及TYLCTHV) 1.6 kb之DNA條帶,引子TY-TH與TY-TW可分別擴增TYLCTHV與ToLCTWV病毒1.6 kb之DNA條帶。近年致病力較強之泰國種病毒發生率呈明顯上升趨勢。已建立抗病基因Ty-3a及Ty-5之SCAR分子標誌,引子Ty3可分別擴增抗病Ty-3、Ty-3a基因320、500及感病ty-3基因250 bp之DNA條帶,引子Ty5可擴增抗病Ty-5及感病ty-5基因750及650 bp之DNA條帶。上述分子標誌可協助育種者早期篩選抗病植株、確認抗病基因型(R/R、R/S、S/S)及病毒感染情形,提高育種效率。 The projects of this program have three components including. The first is the establishment and application molecular markers of the resistance to sport wilt virus in tomato analysis system. Specific markers SCAR-Sw5-1313 and SCAR-sw 5-676 were developed for differentiating allelic variation at Sw5 locus. It amplifies fragments from both resistant and susceptible tomato accessions with different molecular sizes that corresponding to the presence of Sw5/Sw5, Sw5/sw5 and sw5/sw5 alleles.This year we also merged SCAR-Sw 5-1313, SCAR-sw 5-676 and TSWV as Multiplex-PCR through once RT-PCR, detecting Sw5/Sw5, Sw5/sw5, sw5/sw5 and TSWV simultaneously. Sw5a and Sw5b are resistance genes to sport wiltvirus in chromosome 9 of tomato. Genes (Sw 5a and Sw 5b) could beidentified by molecular markers Tss#Sw5a and Tss#Sw5b, respectively. F2 segregation rate of Sw5aSw5b /Sw5aSw5b, Sw5aSw5b/sw5 and sw5/sw5 was 1:2:1. Inoculation experiment of TSWV to 2 F2 populations showed superiority of homo-resistance genotype and hetero-resistance genotype to susceptibility genotype.The second is establishment the molecular markers for sex determination in Carica papaya L. (papaya) by using SSR and SCAR analysis. In SSR-PCR and SCAR-PCR analysis, we didn't found the maker was specific to allhermaphrodite character. Most of these primers can get a band in male,hermaphrodite and all-hermaphrodite materials. The sequence analysis results of the band were showed single nucleotide differences in male/hermaphrodite or hermaphrodite/ all-hermaphrodite materials. These single nucleotide differences might be applied to SNP or CAPS molecular markers which can detected the all-hermaphrodite character. But it is needed further experimental results to prove it. Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is a serious constraint to the production, often causing 100% yield loss. In Taiwan, the disese is caused by the monopartite Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus (ToLCTWV) and the bipartite Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (TYLCTHV). The main disease resistance genes identified include Ty-1, 2, 3,,3a, 4 and 5. In this study, we have developed the method with AVRDC for specific detection of TYLCTHV and ToLCTWV, and molecular markers for resistance genes Ty-3a and Ty-5. The results showed we has been established BGVs,TY-TH, TY-TW molecular marker could be amplified Begomovirus, ToLCTWV and TYLCTHV virus 1.6 kb of DNA band. Primer Ty3 could amplify resistance genes Ty-3 and Ty-3a 320 bp and 500 bp and susceptibility gene ty-3 250 bp of DNA bands. Resistance gene Ty-5 and susceptibility gene ty-5 could be amplified by Ty5 molecular marker 750 bp and 650 bp of DNA bands. The molecular markers could help breeders early screening and confirmation disease resistant plant genotypes (R / R, R / S, S / S), helping to accelerate the breeding and promotion of disease-resistant tomato lines.
60665217 2012 植物種苗團隊-作物種苗微體繁殖技術之開發與改進 The study of healthy seedling production by tissue culture 101農科-9.1.1-種-X2 101AS -9.1.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 陳哲仁 Jen-Ren Chen 本試驗建立春石斛9117品種組織培養繁殖技術及植株苗期肥培管理條件。使用添加細胞分裂素BA或TDZ之培養基,可顯著的促進芽體增殖數,以B4、T2培養2個月每培殖體平均可形成3.12芽、3.23芽,顯著高於對照組之1.6芽。增殖之芽體經移至添加NAA和香蕉粉之培養基培養,具有誘導根系形成之效果,以N1B3培養基培養2個月後根數達5.6根,根長達4.1 cm且發根率達100.0%為最佳。將組培苗出瓶種植10個月之植株,進行不同氮、磷、鉀比例之營養液處理,試驗對其苗期生長、開花表現之影響,結果顯示,苗期植株外表性狀之生長以低量的磷、鉀肥處理(N1-P1-K1、N1-P2-K1)較佳,然後續之開花表現則以苗期施用中量之磷、鉀肥(N1-P2-K2)之表現最佳。訪視春石斛蘭業者,確認主要病害為炭疽病及葉斑病。採樣病株,進行組織分離,得到4株炭疽病菌,並回接5品種石斛蘭葉片,確認病原性。本研究為探討3品種鳳梨不定芽形成,以0.5 mg/L TDZ 處理之側芽培植體癒傷組織誘導率最高,為80%,培養3 週後已有不定芽形成。而不定芽形成率則以添加3.0mg/L BA最高,為98%。在不定芽誘導發根試驗結果顯示以2.0 mg/L NAA或IAA之發根率95% 為最佳,平均發根數有2.1根形成。種苗金皇一號石斛冷水萃取物可以活化小鼠巨噬細胞(RAW264.7 cells)促進NO的釋放,而且也可以明顯促進TNF-α 和IL-6的釋放。 An efficient in vitro propagation protocol for nobile-type dendrobium was established. In this study, a shoot proliferation medium supplemented with different concentration of cytokinins (BA or TDZ) was evaluated its effect on shoot proliferation. The results indicated that using shoot proliferation medium B4 or T2 were optimal for shoot proliferation with shoot proliferation number per explant of 3.12, 3.23. The rooting rate of plantlets were 100% after two months rooting in the rooting medium –N1B3, the average root number and root length of plantlets were 5.6 and 4.1 cm, respectively. In addition, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of fertilizers with different rate of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) on the growth and flowering of the nobile-type dendrobium. The results show that treatments of N1-P1-K1 and N1-P2-K1 were optimal for growth, but the N1-P2-K2 treatment was optimal for flowering.We have visited 2 Dendrobium entertainments, confirming the maindiseases are anthracnose and Pseudocercospra leaf spots. By sampling diseased plants and tissue separating, 4 strains of Colletotrichum spp.were obtained. Leaves of 5 Dendrobium varieties were inoculated with these strains for making sure their pathogenicity.The objectives of the present study were to develop culture method for shoot formation in 3cultivars of pineapple. Treatment of 0.5 mg/L TDZ was found best in callus induction from lateral bud explants, induction percentage reached 80% , shoots were formed after culture for 3 weeks.The highest percent shoot formation which is 98% was found in the treatment of 3.0 mg/L BA. In addition, treatment of 2.0 mg/L NAA or IAAwas found best in root formation from shoot, formation percentage reached 95% , the average roots formed per shoot were 2.1。A water-soluble crude extracts was obtained from Dendrobium Taiseed Tosnobile by cold water extraction(CWDTT). The data was showed the activities to stimulate macrophages and enhanced the release of NO from RAW264.7 macrophages. Furthermore, the concentration of Interleukin-6(IL-6) and TNF-α were significantly stimulated after exposed to CWDTT
60665218 2012 植物種苗團隊-仙履蘭產業技術開發及應用 Paphiopedilum industry technologydevelopment and application 101農科-9.1.1-種-X3 101AS -9.1.1-SS-X3 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 廖玉珠 Yu-Ju Liao 不公開 Not public
60665219 2012 建立飼料玉米種子籌供體系 Establishment of hybrid corn production and supplying system 101農科-9.2.1-種-X1 101AS -9.2.1-SS-X1 農場 Research Farm 陳學文 Hsueh-Wen Chen 台南24號親本花期配合間隔(ASI),父本開花期較母本吐絲期約晚3.51天~5.92天;果穗結實粒數為粒552.06~591.42粒;而果穗結實率則介於85.6%~92.7%;台農1號親本花期配合間隔(ASI),父本開花期較母本吐絲期約晚0.44天~4.73天;果穗結實粒數為粒299.11~309.22粒;而果穗結實率則介於82.7%~94.67%,玉米台南24號以栽植密度25公分之結實率最高,台農1號以栽植密度15公分之結實率最高。台中地區春作玉米台南24號及台農1號春作皆以栽植密度15公分之結實率最高。台中地區秋作因生育期尚未結束,依目前數據分析,台南24號親本花期配合間隔(ASI),父本開花期較母本吐絲期約晚3.8天~5.1天;台農1號親本花期配合間隔(ASI),父本開花期較母本吐絲期約晚1.4天~3.8天。101年春作計觀察12項飼料玉米品種,觀察結果以台南24號及103對銹病抗性最佳,葉枯病則各品種罹病情形相近。台農1號、2#及台南20號最早熟,104最晚熟。單株產量以104、933及008最高,台農1號最低。 The objectives was established appropriate planting date for seed production of hybrid corn Tainan no.24 and Tainon no25cm sowing was higher. The results of Tainon no.1 found that male parent anthering date later 0.44 to 4.73 days than female parent silking date. The numbers of corn grains were 299 to 309. The rates of seed set were between 93.7%-94.7%, which the 15cm sowing was higher in Pingtung. The rates of fertility were between 82.7%-90.8%, which the 25cm sowing was higher in Taichung.From the investigation of spring season, the rates of seed set of Tainan no.24. was increased with the planting density increased, and TN no.1 wasn’t in Pingtung.There are the rates of fertility of Tainan no.24.and Tainon no.1 were increased with the planting density increased inTaichung.We suggested that the indirect effects of planting density seed yield. It also shows that the overall performance of the crop, non-single factor can be decided, such as fertilizers applied planting time, soil properties is also extremely important, and this need to be further explored.The collection of international evaluation and utilization of twelve feed corn varieties were observed in the spring of 2012, the results showed that 103 and Tainan 24 had the best performance on rust resistance and leaf blight resistance are similar among varieties.TNG1,2# and Tainan20 were most early flowering while 104 the latest. 104 and 008 had the highest yield per plant, while TNG1 the lowest. This study has completed three seasons observations and according to the results ,we selected three new varieties(103 、104、 008)expected to be tested for large-area test production in 2013.
60665220 2012 雜糧作物種子調製倉儲技術改進研究 Improvement of Seed process and storage techniques 101農科-9.2.1-種-X2 101AS -9.2.1-SS-X2 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 洪建民 Chien-Min Hung 本研究所調查及紀錄調製過程中不同乾燥作業環境和種子水分變化與油耗量關係之數據,期望能建立視不同的乾燥作業環境需求,供現場操作人員判斷及採取最適乾燥操作策略,以達到最省能源、最短乾燥時間、最佳能源利用效率等研究目的。研究資料顯示:乾燥期間大氣日平均溫度範圍12.1O C~20.7O C;日平均相對溼度:59%~94%時,種穗水分含量由30.7%降至17.8%需72小時,油耗量1,090公升。大氣日平均溫度範圍7.5~16.5 OC、日平均相對濕度58~96%時,種穗水份含量由30.5%降至18%需75.4小時,油耗量為1,127公升。由研究資料得知,玉米種穗和種粒之減乾率和乾燥效能受乾燥期間大氣溫、濕度變化影響。 This research investigated the relationship of the operated environment in different dry conditions, the changes in seeds moisture, and the consumption of diesel oil. The object of the research was to establish the strategy of the best operation to dry seeds to short the energy and drying time. When the average temperature was 12.1-20.7 OC and the average RH was 59%~94%, it cost 72hr to decrease the moisture of the corncobs and seeds from 30.7% to 17.8% and the consumption of diesel oil was 1090kg. When the average temperature was 7.5-16.5OC and the average RH was 58%~96%, it cost 75.4hr to decrease the moisture of the corncobs and seeds from 30.5% to 18% and the consumption of diesel oil was 1127kg.The difference rate of moisture of the corncobs and seeds and efficiency of drying seeds were directly influence by the change of temperature and RH during the drying time.
60665221 2012 優質番木瓜品種選育、採種及栽培技術改進 Good quality varieties selection and improvement the technology ofcultivation and seed production on papaya 102農科-9.2.2-種-X1 102AS -9.2.2-SS-X1 屏東種苗中心 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center 邱展台 Chan-Tai Chiu 不公開 Not public
60665222 2012 植物種苗團隊-蔬菜品種改良及採種技術研究 Study on improvement of vegetable varities and technology of seed production 101農科-9.2.2-種-X2 101AS -9.2.2-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 本計畫之目的在育出高產量、高品質、耐熱和抗病之胡瓜、南瓜、苦瓜、番椒及茄子之新品種,並進行具潛力新品系之採種技術研究。 The main purpose of this project is to breed for promising varieties with desirable characteristic, such as high yield ,superior quality, heat tolerance and diseases resistance, and to do the seed production tests for the potential new hybrids of cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, pepper and eggplant.
60665223 2012 仙履蘭及熱帶球根花卉品種改良與種苗生產技術開發 Improvement on slipper orchid and tropic bulb flowers breeding and establishment the seedling productiontechnique 101農科-9.2.2-種-X3 101AS -9.2.2-SS-X3 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 劉明宗 Ming-Chung Liu 依照仙履蘭育種四大目標進行雜交授粉工作,101年雜交授粉9組合,本年挑選出多花及較耐熱性之親本進行雜交,但授粉成功機率低,有可能是亞屬間雜交及夏季溫室溫度較高之因;從仙履蘭雜交組合中以PA94002雜交組合後裔之不同單株具有Paph. primulinum品種多花特性,花朵會同時開放或者接續開放,且有的後裔也有單花的出現,因此可再從這些後裔中,篩選單花或雙花特性,並可同時開花為佳。球根花卉品種選育在彩色海芋方面,94及95年雜交後裔中已選出具潛力單株共4株,進行單株性狀比較,褐黑色系列中以品系95069具有花色特殊之優點,花莖較長之優點,單株95036-a是所有單株比較中不論花莖及花苞皆最長,且花苞形狀較適宜切花包裝。孤挺花新品種選育中,從孤挺花優良雜交單株進行性狀比較觀察,獲得具潛力單株4株,其中白色系以24X76表現最佳,花梗長約38.2公分,具有種球小即可順利抽梗之特性。單株D94001之花色表現較佳,為鮭魚色,重瓣化明顯,適合做盆花用途;單株H912003為紫紅色,顏色亮麗,可作為切花與盆花用途。以孤挺花新品種種苗一號-粉珍珠及種苗二號-紅豔之小鱗球為材料,進行開花球養成之肥培管理試驗,試驗結果顯示供試之不同施肥頻度在葉片數差異不大,但是葉長與葉寬方面則以高頻度施肥(每週施肥一次)似乎較佳,而對種球是否有影響,則必須待種球採收後才能得知。宮燈百合定植田間網室,進行不同肥料比例試驗,以N-P2O5-K2O﹦30-10-10之肥料比例,對於植株地上部之生育較佳;施用N-P2O5-K2O=20-20-20之肥料比例進行施肥濃度試驗,結果以肥料稀釋1000倍,對地上部生育較佳。 According to four goals in slipper orchids breeding, we have selected superior progenies ‘PA94002’ with Paph. Primulinum’s multifloral characterestics. Bulbous flowers in calla lilies breeding during in 2005 and 2006 hybrids, we have selected potential progeny of ‘95069’ with dark-purple spathe and good horticultural characteristics. It can be used as cut flower. Another potential progeny of ‘95036-a’ with long spathe and peduncle length, and good spathe shape which is easy packed .Bulbous flowers in amaryllis, we have selected 4 potential hybrid progenies of double-flower. The white line of ‘24X76’ the best performance of flower shape, salmon color line of ‘D94001’ is better performance for the double tepals and purple-red color of ‘H912003’ is bright color of flower. For the fertilization frequency test in amaryllis of TSS No.1-Pearl and TSS No.2-Red Splendor, the results show the different fertilization frequency is no significant difference on leaf number. The leaf length and width is better on high frequency fertilization.Sandersonia tubers were planted in soil under protected net greenhouse,which were tested different fertilized formula. The result is fertilized formula N-P2O5-K2O=30-10-10 better for sandesonia plants growth
60665224 2012 花卉團隊-以化學性誘變法進行馬拉巴栗新品系選育 Breeding of Pachira macrocarpa via chemical mutagenesis 101農科-9.2.2-種-X4 101AS -9.2.2-SS-X4 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭孄婷 Lan-Ting Kuo 將採收之馬拉巴栗果實剖開,取出種子,以NaN3不同濃度進行浸種,分別為0 mM、0.5mM、1mM及2mM,浸種24hr、48hr,計算其發芽率並觀察誘變之結果,0 mM、0.5mM、1mM及2mM NaN3處理24hr,種子之發芽率分別為11.43%、10%、22.86%及11.76%,處理48hr後,種子之發芽率分別為0%、0%、1.52%、12.12%。目前已有三株變異株,變異之性狀分別為葉脈中間具有淺色斑紋及節間短縮,葉形細長捲曲。組織培養建立方面,未成熟種子切段進行癒合組織誘導,可觀察到各段節於傷口處有癒合組織產生,以含2,4-D 1mg/L之培養基效果較佳,2,4-D 2mg/L之處理,其培殖體易褐化,部分處理則有子葉轉綠之情形,逆分化效果較輕微。所產生之癒合組織多發生於切口處,呈現鬆散狀,無觀察到擬胚的產生,需進一步調整培養基,若以含2,4-D及2ip之培養基繼代培養,癒合組織可持續生長。 The seeds of Pachira macrocarpa were collected, and treated with 0mM,0.5mM, 1mM and 2mM for 24hrs or 48hrs. After treatments, the hygrochastic seeds were planted apart. Then counted the germination rates of seeds and observed if there was mutation. The germination rate of hygrachastic seeds treated with 0, 0.5, 1, 2mM NaN3 for 24hrs were 1.43%, 10%,22.86% and 11.76%. After 48hr, the germination rate were 0%, 0%, 1.52%,12.12%. There have been three mutated plants induced by NaN3 treatment.One is with leaf variegation along the central vines and the others are with thinner and undulated leaves. As to callus induction, medium with 12,4-D 1mg/L had the best effect on callus induction, and 2,4-D 1mg/L caused browning frequently. Under the other treatments, explants grew greenly and had less calli. Most of calli formed from the cut places of explants, and were friable without embro-like body. Calli subcultured in medium with 2,4-D and 2ip can keep growing, but still without embryo-like body.
60665225 2012 植物種苗團隊-植物品種檢定流程分析、人員訓練及分子標誌開發 plant seed/seedling team – Analyzing the examining process flow, training faculty members and developing molecular marker of plant variety right 101農科-9.2.3-種-X1 101AS -9.2.3-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang (a) 重要蘭科花卉品種分子標誌技術開發:將成功大學、桃園場、臺南場及本場所開發之多組可應用於蝴蝶蘭(包括朵麗蝶蘭)商業品種之SSR引子,以24個共同試驗材料(12個原生種及12個商業品種)進行鑑別能力的篩選與測試。分析結果顯示有14組引子對具有較高的多型性與鑑別能力。並進一步以相似度高的20組品種權品種與對照品種進一步測試後,發現僅有大白花的旭東威士忌與V3無法鑑別,其他各組登記品種與對照品種,在單組或多組SSR分子標誌組合後,皆能被鑑別。未來將進一步由此14組SSR引子對中,挑選更佳之引子組合,並建立此分子鑑定系統的參考品種,並將試驗方法撰寫為成熟的標準試驗方法。(a-1)委託成功大學生物科學系吳副教授文鑾針對鑑別蝴蝶蘭(Phalaenopsis spp.)品種分子標誌技術進行整合。本年度利用一套共同的試驗材料,透過雙方共同測試比較SSR分子標誌之鑑別力,選出其中十組高可擴增率且高度鑑別力的SSR分子標誌,其PIC (polymorphism information content)值介於0.877 (NCKU4)至0.941 (NCKU3)之間。另外,分析十組SSR分子標誌出現頻率最高的61個對偶基因,並選定可涵蓋這些對偶基因的十個蝴蝶蘭品種,作為未來基因型鑑定流程的參考品種,以確認每次鑑定流程的結果可重複性。(b) 檢定人員訓練及植物品種權教育推廣:已於2012年10月31日舉辨「2012年作物新品種檢定講習會」,參與人數共計101人。本次研習會講題除介紹一些新作物檢定方法外,亦介紹「蝴蝶蘭品種影像辨識系統」及「數位影像編輯軟體GIMP」之使用方式,為應用於檢定作業及性狀表開發的輔助工具。另外,更以「蝴蝶蘭品種權之國際合作」一題,詳細的介紹並說明臺灣的品種權將以蝴蝶蘭為首開展國際合作,提供有興趣的業者相關資訊,也促進檢定人員了解國際合作的概念及發展方式。(c) 木瓜三倍體選育運用於品種保護研究:以上年度利用秋水仙素1.5%處理幼苗莖頂,以流式細胞儀測定認定為4倍體植株後,定植於田間,進行自交及雜交,其自交一代及雜交一代經流式細胞儀檢測獲得10株4倍體植株,再經壓片鏡檢只有1株確認為4倍體。 The projects of this program have three components. One of the components is to establish varieties identification through SSR molecular marker of new and/or commercial varieties of Phalaenopsis. Ten out of 33 polymorphic SSR markers developed from NCKU(National Cheng Kung University), TDARE(Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station), TDARE(Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station) and TSS (Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station) were selected through testing the transferability and discriminative power among 12 Phalaenopsis species and 12 Phalaenopsis cultivars, and the PIC(polymorphism information content) ranged from 0.69 (Pm4077) to 0.94(NCKU2, NCKU3, NCKU9). The results showed that these 14 SSR markers can be used to complement the DUS test for identifying varieties with similar morphology effectively. The second is to training the faculty members to know the relative technologies of DUS test and system of plant variety protection through technique short-term training and keynote speech.The other one is tripolid papaya selection and improvement. Last year use of colchicines over 1.5% top of seedling stems, by flow cytometry after the determination deemed to be tetrapolid of plant, planting in the fields, selfing and hybridization, self-generation and their hybrids through flow cytometry detection. There were 10 plants multipolid and then confirmed by microscopy only 1 for tetrapolid.The results of this program will provide helpfully informations of plant variety protection.
60665226 2012 植物種苗團隊-植物品種開發及種苗驗證之應用研究-植物種苗認驗證體系建構 Establishment of the Accreditation system for plant seedlings 101農科-9.2.3-種-X2 101AS -9.2.3-SS-X2 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 莊淑貞 Su-Jean Chuang 1.種苗檢測技術認驗證TAF實驗室設備建構及維護:本年度實驗室之儀器建置與驗證。新購置儀器(包括核酸定量儀、聚合酵素梯度溫度連鎖反應儀、植物生長箱、微量分注器以及桌上型離心機)符合TAF檢測實驗室需求之確認及各廠牌測試比較,並已完成採購及驗收程序。完成實驗室已設置儀器(包括ELISA讀值儀、微量分注器、酸鹼度計及聚合酵素溫度連鎖反應儀等)之年度校正維護,以符合TAF檢測實驗室管理。2.瓜類退綠黃化病毒及草莓潛隱輪斑病毒驗證體系建構:參酌國內外文獻,已完成瓜類退綠黃化病毒(Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus,CCYV)與草莓潛隱輪斑病毒(Strawberry latent ringspot virus, SLRSV)之檢測技術盤點。瓜類退綠黃化病毒目前檢測技術主要有:RT-PCR、Western blotting、ELISA及Immunoelectron microscopy;草莓潛隱輪斑病毒目前檢測技術主要有:RTPCR、IC-RT-PCR、ELISA與病徵判別。以不同的樣品進行各種檢測方法的方法測試,挑選最適合的檢測方法做為標準檢測流程。3.種子(苗)品質純度分子檢測技術研發及標準化:種子公司番茄品種植體材料(雜交一代及父、母本親),及種苗場番椒新品種種苗2號及4號,共3組9個材料。番椒共篩選出8/100組有用引子,11個識別片段。番茄共篩選出7/100組有用引子,7個識別片段。經回收、定序、解序及重新設計條帶專一性引子,番茄SCAR標誌7組增幅出6個專一性條帶,番椒SCAR標誌10組增幅出6個專一性條帶。以番茄採種種子為材料,及以5個番茄識別標誌,進行F1種子純度分子檢測。檢測結果,顯示2個雜交種子其花粉為來自外來花粉非雜交種之父本親,本批番茄採種種子的F1種子純度為97.6%。4.十字花科種子健康檢查驗證體系之建立:本計畫目的係為準備種子檢查室十字花科種子黑腐病菌檢測認證工作,已依國際種子檢查協會規定之檢測方式建立適合本實驗室之十字花科種子黑腐病菌檢測流程。實際以人工汙染種子進行檢測流程的測試,可於FS及mCS20ABN兩種選擇性培養基上觀察到測試菌落的標準型態;在病原性測試也可將分離出之黑腐病菌菌株接種於甘藍葉片上顯示出典型病徵;靈敏度測試結果亦可測得達0.02%的帶菌率。 The purpose of this plan first is to promote the plant pathogens detection and isolation efficiency of the laboratory. This year,regarding TAF-certification for laboratory equipment, design and layout of the laboratory has already been completed and laboratory bench and instruments have been acquired, calibrated and approved for operations.Second purpose of this plan, with reference to published literature,detection methods for Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus, CCYV and Strawberry latent ringspot virus, SLRSV have been researched and cataloged. Current detection methods regarding Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus, CCYV include: RT-PCR, Western blotting, ELISA, and Immunoelectron microscopy; for Strawberry latent ringspot virus, SLRSV, current detection methods include: RT-PCR, IC-RT-PCR, ELISA as well as symptom diagnosis. Utilizing various detecting methods on different samples, the most suitable detection method will be chosen as the standard detection procedure. One required index of high quality of seed/seedling is genetic purity, especially for hybrid seed. Genetic purity in a commercial hybrid of solanaceous crops is very important. This year, we setup this quality control mode by using molecular markers in seed production system of the crops of tomato and pepper, last year we did some part work in tomato. We obtain seven sets of SCAR primer for six specific DNA fragments in tomato and ten sets of SCAR primer for six specific DNA fragments in pepper,they can identify hybrid from parents. The SCAR primer can have the sharp and easy-read DNA fragment after PCR amplification and electrophoresis.We will collect these SCAR primers as members of data base for testing F1 hybrid seed purity in tomato and pepper till year 2013. Last object of this program is for the ISTA accreditation on the seed testing of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) which causes black rot of crucifers. The Xcc testing procedure which conforms to ISTA rules has been established. Artificial infested seeds were adopted to check the Xcc testing procedure. On FS and mCS20ABN selective media, Xcc showed individully pale green and pale yellow mucoid colonies. The cabbage leaves that were stab-inoculated with Xcc showed typical yellowing necrotic V-shaped symptoms in pathogenicity test. The Xcc-carried ratio of 0.02% could be detected in sensitivity test.
60665227 2012 植物種苗團隊-種子品質及處理技術研發 Developement for the seed processing techniques to promoting seed quality 101農科-9.2.3-種-X3 101AS -9.2.3-SS-X3 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃玉梅 Yu-Mei Huang 不公開 Not public
60665228 2012 植物種苗團隊-植物新品種檢定技術之開發與執行 Plant Seed Group-The Technical Development and DUS Test Execution ofPlant Variety 101農科-9.2.3-種-X4 101AS -9.2.3-SS-X4 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 安志豪 Chih-Hao An 本年度已完成草擬藍眼菊、觀音蓮及草擬修訂茼蒿品種性狀表與試驗檢定方法初稿。關於蝴蝶蘭及文心蘭等作物資料庫建立方面,已收集15個蝴蝶蘭及5個文心蘭商業品種並完成品種性狀調查及資料庫建置。本年度受理新品種性狀檢定工作計蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭126件、文心蘭3件及玫瑰1件;正進行性狀檢定中之案件為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭30件及文心蘭2件;檢定完成資料整理中為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭20件;檢定完成且審查結束為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭37件、文心蘭2件、蕙蘭1件、捧心蘭1件及玫瑰1件。 The purpose of this project is to establish the test guidelines and execute DUS tests. We modified the test guideline and table of characteristics of osteospermum, alocasia and edible chrysanthemum. We also collected 15 commercial varieties of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis,and 5 commercial varieties of oncidium, and investigated their characteristics for establishing variety database. We accepted 126 cases of phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 3 cases of oncidium and 1 case of rose to execute DUS tests for protecting the breeder’s rights this year. 30 cases of phalaenopsis and 2 case of oncidium have been executing DUS tests. 37 phalaenopsis and doritaenopsis, 2 oncidium, 1 cymbidium, 1 lycaste and 1 rose have been granted to be new varieties
60665229 2012 植物種苗量產體系建立 Establishment of mass production system of plant seedlings 101農科-9.2.3-種-X5 101AS -9.2.3-SS-X5 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 王至正 Jhih-Jheng Wang 不公開 Not public
60665230 2012 植物種苗團隊-亞太地區植物種苗產業研究與應用 Studying and application on Vegetable plant seed industry in Asia-Pacificregion 101農科-9.2.3-種-X6 101AS -9.2.3-SS-X6 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 周明燕 Ming-Yenn Chou 不公開 Not public
60665231 2012 作物遺傳種原收集、保存與利用 Preservation, collection and application of germplasm 101農科-9.2.3-種-X7 101AS -9.2.3-SS-X7 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 林正雄 Cheng-Hsiung Lin 1.完成82個豇豆品種、10個西瓜品種及25個萵苣品種等,合計117個蔬菜種原之更新與繁殖。2.本年度蜜雪梨收穫量為6140.7公斤,果品糖度平均為10.8Brix,較歷年來偏低,推測原因為今年採收前颱風及豪大雨所致造成蜜雪梨果品糖度及品質不如歷年來的好。3.收集20種本省原生綠化苗木,每品種至少保存20~50株,植株生育健壯後,再調查每品種生長狀況及性狀等以待品種保存用。 1. We had renewed 25 species of lettuce, 82 species of cowpea, and 10 species of watermelon in this year. In the meanwhile, we had completed the characteristic investigation of all.2. Not only maintained the original parent species of Tainung No.2 pear, but had harvested 6,000Kg fruits in this year.3. We had collected 20 original species of tree this year, and had propagated 20 trees per species at least.
60665232 2012 台灣香藥草植物資源開發利用 Development and utilization of indigenous aromatic herbs resources in Taiwan 101農科-9.2.3-種-X8 101AS -9.2.3-SS-X8 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 羅英妃 Ying-Fei Lo 不公開 Not public
60665233 2012 有機農業團隊-蔬菜種子有機種衣劑與種子有機處理基準之研究 Establishment of vegetables organic coating material and organic processing benchmark in seedling 101農科-9.2.4-種-X1 101AS -9.2.4-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃玉梅 Yu-Mei Huang 1. 以高嶺土:滑石粉1:1混合後添加一層機能性資材於茄科種子以紙上法進行發芽試驗在下列濃度下不影響發芽率:番茄種子施用75%甲殼素、25%木黴菌及海草粉,茄子種子施用全量甲殼素、木黴菌及75%海草粉,甜椒種子施用全量甲殼素、75%竹碳粉、木黴菌及50%苦茶粕、海草粉,辣椒種子施用全量竹碳粉、75%甲殼素、苦茶粕、木黴菌及50%海草粉。但以高嶺土加滑石粉做為底衣粉配方結果顯示在茄子、甜椒及辣椒上皆會影響發芽天數,因此另以麥飯石粉及皂土為底衣粉配方可縮短發芽天數,但與未披衣及60℃烘乾20分鐘之種子做對照,結果顯示目前的烘乾溫度會明顯影響茄子平均發芽天數,故未來將以不同烘乾方式減少對披衣種子發芽之影響,其苗期試驗仍在進行中。另外,萵苣種子以高嶺土:滑石粉3:1做為底衣粉及10%阿拉伯膠為底衣液時不影響發芽率,未來將進一步進行添加一層機能性資材之試驗。2. 溫度等九種之種子物理處理中技術與資材應符合現行有機規範,而滲調常使用之鹽類如聚乙烯二醇(PEG)並不符合。溫湯處理55℃明顯降低十字花科萵苣種子發芽率,溫湯處理60℃明顯降低六種十字花科種子發芽率,乾熱處理60,65,70℃則不影響種子發芽率。溫湯處理60℃明顯降低茄科辣椒種子發芽率,乾熱處理60,65,70℃則不影響種子發芽率。十字花科甘藍與青花菜種子經接種黑腐病菌(Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris.)後,乾熱處理60,65,70℃後培養基上的種子仍有菌落的產生,但不影響其發芽率。 Solanaceae seeds were first coated with kaolinite and talc powder mixed of 1:1 and then added one layer of functional materials. When added 75% chitosan,25% Trichoderma and seaweed powder in tomato seeds; 100% chitosan, Trichoderma and 75% seaweed powder in eggplant seeds; 100% chitosan,75% biocarbon powder and Trichoderma, 50% tea seed pomace and seaweed powder in sweet pepper seeds; 100% biocarbon powder,75% chitosan,tea seed pomace, Trichoderma and 50% seaweed powder in pepper seeds, the germination rate were not influenced in top paper experiments. But when using the coating powder of kaolinite and talc powder, the germination date were delayed in eggplant, sweet pepper and pepper. Using maifan stone powder mixed with bentonite could shorten the germination date than the original coating power. After checking with no coated seeds by dry heat at 60℃in 20 min, the germination date were delayed significantly in eggplant. We will use another way of dry heat in the future to reduce the influences. The experiment of added functional materials of coated seeds in field is still under investigation. Kaolinite and talc powder mixed of 3:1 combined with 10% arabic gum were suitable in lettuce seeds. We will add functional materials in further experiments.Temperature and nine seeds physics processing treatment and materials should be consistent with the existing organic standards, and Priming adjustment often used salts such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) does not comply. Warm water treatment 55 ℃ significantly reduce cruciferous lettuce seed germination rate, treated of 60 ° C significantly reduced rate of six kinds of cruciferous seed germination, 60,65,70 ℃ dry heat treatment did not affect seed germination rate. Warm water treatment 60 °C significantly reduced the Solanaceae pepper seed germination rate,60,65,70 ℃ dry heat treatment did not affect seed germination rate.Cruciferous cabbage and broccoli seed after inoculation black rotbacteria (Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris.), Dry heat treatment 60,65,70 ℃ colonies still produce on seed in medium, but does not affect the rate of germination
60665234 2012 作物種苗病害檢測、驗證及防治技術之開發與應用 Application and development of detection, certification and control of crop diseases 101農科-10.3.1-種-X1 101AS -10.3.1-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 袁雅芬 Ya-fen Yuan 本年度已取得15個南瓜品系共216個樣本進行白粉病原菌接種試驗;同時自不同地點收集白粉病原菌進行繁殖與保存;並建立南瓜對白粉病抗性之病害等級;目前接種的品系中,僅少數品種為可能較具抗白粉病特性之品種。以濃度為108CFU/ml的西瓜果斑病菌汙染乾淨的西瓜種子,發芽後種子置床於72穴穴盤中,並以不同編號的根圈微生物菌液,澆灌處理上述接種的西瓜幼苗,篩選出的拮抗細菌編號15-7、15-8、15-9及15-10可使西瓜幼苗存活率較對照組增加3倍,可做為生物農藥開發之用。委託廠商依序列合成之馬鈴薯病毒peptide經Western blotting 反應無法以商業生產之抗血清檢測,仍須以病毒鞘蛋白全長序列選殖,並誘導表現之重組蛋白生產血清較佳。胡瓜栽培期間以亞磷酸溶液處理,調查對露菌病防治之影響,由調查結果顯示,使用亞磷酸溶液500倍與1,000倍噴施皆具有減緩或抑制露菌病發生的效果,但以亞磷酸溶液500倍處理之效果優於亞磷酸溶液1,000倍,且以連續噴施對抑制胡瓜露菌病發生的效果較為持久。而在使用窄域油300倍、500倍及苦棟油300、500倍對於葉蟎發生率的調查結果顯示,雖然以窄域油及苦棟油處理對於葉蟎發生率皆具有抑制的效果,但防治效果較為短暫。 Fifteen different pumpkin hybrid lines were screened to the powdery mildew -resistance which inoculum pathogen species. According the inoculum results showed that the virulence were different by the host hybrid lines. There were a few of hybrid lines resistant to the powdery mildew. We construct a grade of the powdery mildew –resistance in pumpkin.Watermelon seeds inoculated with 108CFU/ml Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli were planted in 72-cell plug after germination. The seedlings were poured with culturing media of different rhyzosphere bacterial. By this method 4 antagonist bacterial : No. 15-7, 15-8,15-9 and 15-10 were screened. They made the survival rate of watermelon seedlings increasing 3 times than the control. These bacterial may be used to develop microbial pesticides.The amino acid sequences of potato viruses coat protein were analyzed by a contractor. However the synthesized peptides were not detected by western blotting with commercial antiserum anti PVS, PVX, PVY. It is necessary to clon full-length coat protein genes of viruses. Then inducing expression of recombitant proteins for antiserum production is better.The cucumber treated with different concentrations phosphorous acid,investigated the effect for the downy mildew during cultivated period.Result showed that the different concentrations phosphorous acid was effective on the cucumber downy mildew. The phosphorous acid applied at 2g/l was better than at 1g/l, and the effect was better while applying continuously. The spider mites could be control by treated with the narrow range oil(2㏄/l, 1㏄/l) and China-berry oil(2㏄/l, 1㏄/l) but the effect was temporary
60665235 2012 花卉團隊-生產蕙蘭無特定病毒之種苗檢測系統之建立 The establishment of detection system of Cymbidium Specific-Pathogen-Freeseedling 101農科-10.3.1-種-X2 101AS -10.3.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 邱燕欣 Yen-Hsin Chiu 為防止蘭花病毒藉由蕙蘭種苗散佈蔓延,以ELISA法檢測種苗業者生產之蕙蘭種苗病毒ORSV、CymMV之發生率,期能提升蕙蘭種苗之品質,以維護消費者的權益,並進一步提升蕙蘭種苗內外銷市場競爭力。 To prevent virus diseases from spreading through Cymbidum seedlings, we plan to drive and carry out a health certification system for Cymbidum seedlings which is expected to improve the quality and the market competition strength of Cymbidum seedlings for furthur export trade.
60665236 2012 植物種苗團隊-動植物有害生物診斷鑑定技術及種子苗病害驗證技術之研究與應用 Establishment and Research of Seed and Seedling Certification Techniques and Regulations 101農科-10.3.1-種-X3 101AS -10.3.1-SS-X3 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 邱燕欣 Yen-Hsin Chiu a.符合目標市場外銷國之種子苗驗證技術盤點與研發文獻搜尋並比較國際試驗室間檢測番茄嵌紋病毒(Tomato Mosaic Virus,ToMV)的檢測方式保括ELISA、RT-PCR、ICRT-PCR等檢測技術,本計畫前期合成針對ToMV專一之引子對以及植體之Internal control primer set, 可建立RT-PCR偵測受檢檢體內之ToMV,確定檢測之正確率。101年擬定檢查流程文件-番茄植體檢測番茄嵌紋病毒作業標準一式,並通過財團法人全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation,TAF)技術認證。b.外銷重要蔬菜番茄及甜椒種子處理技術之研究本計畫利用氯化鉀電解水、熱水及殺菌劑等方法,研究最適處理條件進行種子滅菌處理,以減少茄科細菌性斑點病之種傳情形與其初次接種源。以HClO濃度50 ppm以上的氯化鉀電解水處理5分鐘以上即可有效除滅甜椒種子與番茄種子上的病原菌;45°C熱水處理30分鐘以上可明顯降低甜椒種子上的帶菌情形,甚至50°C熱水僅處理10分鐘即可完全除滅甜椒種子上的病原菌,同時不降低種子發芽率。殺菌劑試驗中以0.6%漂白水滅菌效果最好,而嘉賜銅處理,除有效降低帶菌情形、甚至完全除滅病原菌外,同時也不會降低種子的發芽率。c.外銷蔬菜種子品質提升技術研究 (委辦)本研究的目的在開發不影響種子發芽率之種子殺菌技術,以防治十字花科黑腐病。應用100年度建立之條件『3% H2O2浸漬30秒再以70℃熱風烘乾種子30分鐘』處理1Kg天然帶黑腐病菌種子,結果顯示雖然可以完全殺滅黑腐病菌,但種子發芽率由80%降低至45%。考慮種子原先品質對試驗結果之影響,本年度改用發芽率95%以上之花椰菜及甘藍菜種子,經Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestri (XCC1-1 strain)污染作為本試驗帶菌種子材料,殺菌處理分別為:『3% H2O2浸漬30秒再以70℃熱風烘乾種子30分鐘』、經70oC乾熱處理7天,及熱硫酸鋅,種子處理後分裝儲藏於防潮箱,每月追蹤其發芽率及帶菌情形。結果顯示所有處理對發芽率皆無顯著不良影響,發芽率穩定維持在95%以上,滅菌效果則以70oC乾熱處理7天為最佳,連續6個月種子洗出液之XCC1-1皆維持零檢出,其他處理之殺菌效果較不完全、也較不穩定。因此,本試驗的結論是『70oC乾熱處理7天』處理為最佳條件方便於大量種子處理,對發芽後兩週幼苗之外觀沒有影響,但估算其狀苗指數,對甘藍沒有影響,但對花椰菜則會降低,因此後續對成株之影響仍需評估。d.建立重要蘭花病毒ORSV、CymMV新檢測技術建立胜肽親和性篩選系統(peptides 12)對於標地蛋白之親和性汰選技術,建立及生產與CymMV病毒鞘蛋白具親和性之噬菌體,篩選出可利用於ELIS檢測CymMV之噬菌體。e.建立苦瓜種子發芽檢查程序研究 (委辦)苦瓜種子種皮厚且硬,會妨礙水分吸收及氣體交換,發芽過程中常有發霉的現象,造成種子發芽率不佳及不整齊等問題。本實驗以四品種苦瓜為研究材料,結果顯示苦瓜種子發芽最適溫度為30℃,最適發芽前處理為60℃溫湯浸種10分鐘,並且以紙間法加入4 c.c.發芽水促進發芽效果最佳,可提高苦瓜種子發芽率80%以上。為符合國際ISTA規範,將苦瓜種子依照發芽率高、中、低三等級,委請三個實驗室進行發芽試驗。統計分析三個實驗室發芽數據確定三批發芽活力之差異性未超過容許度,顯示所建議苦瓜種子發芽前處理之方法可推薦給ISTA之種子檢查規則使用。 a. 符合目標市場外銷國之種子苗驗證技術盤點與研發By papers literature research, we selected the RT-PCR as the major tech as our TAF testing method for Tomato Mosaic Virus. At the first we design a set of RT-PCR primer for ToMV specific primer set. We also design the internal control primer set for more reliable detection result. In 2012,the stand operation procedure of ToMV detection of Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) was established. ToMV Detection of Tomato leaf in-House Method(Document No.:No.WI33).b. 外銷重要蔬菜番茄及甜椒種子處理技術之研究The methods including electrolyzed KCl water solution, hot water and bactericides were adopted to study the seed disinfection treatments for decreasing the seed transmission and primary inoculum of bacterial spot of tomato and sweet pepper. The electrolyzed KCl water solution with fifty ppm and above of HClO concentration were effectively to disinfect the artificial infested sweet pepper and tomato seeds that were treated five and above minutes. The treatments of thirty and above minutes with 45°C hot water obviously decreased the Xv-carried ratio of artificial infested sweet pepper seeds. The treatment of ten minutes with 50°C hot water could totally disinfect the Xv on artificial infested sweet pepper seeds and, meanwhile, that did not reduce the germination rate. In the trial of varied bactericides, the treatment with 0.6% sodium chloride showed the best disinfection on artificial infested sweet pepper seeds,and the treatment with Kasugamycin and copper oxychloride could effectively reduce Xv-carried ratio and even thoroughly disinfect the artificial infested sweet pepper seeds without diminishing the germination rate.c. 外銷蔬菜種子品質提升技術研究 (委辦)The objective of this study was to establish a disinfection method for seeds of Crucifer vegetables for preventing black rot disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestri (XCC). As applied the previous established protocol of ‘ 30 seconds of 3% H2O2 followed by heated dry at 70oC for 40 min’ to large scale experiment (1 Kg seeds) could completely disinfect the pathogen carried seeds; however, the germination rate dropped from 80% to 45%. Considering the seed quality per se, the seed materials were switched to high quality seeds of cauliflower and cabbage with germination rate higher than 95%. Those seeds were first contaminated with Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestri (XCC1-1) before disinfection treatments including ‘ 30 seconds of 3% H2O2 followed by heated dry at 70oC for 40 min’, ‘heated at 70oC for 7 days’, ‘hot ZnSO4’ , and the seeds were storage at electronic dry cabinet. The germination rate was maintained rather constant at 96% for 6 months of monthly check, which indicated that seed germination did not significantly influence by all the treatments. For the XCC1-1 disinfection, the treatment of ‘heated at 70oC for 7 days’ was the best for the seeds’ wash-through remained 0 detection for 6 months of monthly check. The results of the other 2 treatments were not as complete and constant. Therefore, we concluded that ‘heated the seeds at 70oC for 7 days’ was a valuable methods, which is simple and easy to apply to large amount of seeds. The morphology of the seedlings evaluated 2 weeks after germination was normal but the seedling index was smaller in cauliflower but not cabbage; therefore, further growth should be evaluated for the side effect on mature plants.d. 建立重要蘭花病毒ORSV、CymMV新檢測技術By phage display system, there were three kinds of phage library being selected by affinity panning selection using the phage-12 library. In the phage-12 library system, there were 20 phage populations being selected to do the indirect ELISA test for CymMV coat protein. By the ELISA test result, the specific peptides regions of these 6 phage populations were sequencing.e. 建立苦瓜種子發芽檢查程序研究 (委辦)Bitter gourd seed has a hard and thick seed coat which is impervious to water and gases exchange that result in un-uniform germination, low germinates rate, and fungi infection. This study evaluated the effects of warm water soaking, running water immersion, germination temperature, and media on germinating bitter gourd seeds. Results indicated that significant improvements in germination rate were observed for 60 °C warm water soaking for 10 min as compared with running water immersion. The optimum seed germination temperature was 30 ℃. The germination rate was increased to 80% when using between of paper treatment with 4 c.c. imbibition water. We sent three level vigors of bitter gourd seeds to three different laboratories. Analyse the data and results were within the tolerance range. It suggested that the pre-germination treatment of bitter gourd seed was suitable for International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) accreditation to update the germination rule for improving the germination test for bitter gourd
60665237 2012 應用綠肥營造環境親和型水旱田輪作經營模式 The establishment of environmental friendly crop rotation model using green manure 101農科-14.1.2-種-X1 101AS -14.1.2-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 鄭梨櫻 Lee-Ying Cheng 為降低氣候變遷對台灣飼料玉米生產之衝擊,調整玉米品種並利用輪作綠肥設計低投入環境親合型輪作模式,評估各模式對土壤環境及農民收益之效力。試驗結果,輪作綠肥可提升土壤有效性氮含量並降低土壤總體密度,所增加之氮素可讓後續作物減施化肥,甚而因土壤肥力改善而提高後續水稻產量,雖然減少一個期作現金收入而降低收益,惟其整體效益仍待後續評估。 To reduce climate change impact on Taiwan feed corn production, adjust the corn varieties and use green manure to design low-input environmental friendly crop rotation model, assessing the effect of modes on soil environment and farmers ' income. The results indicated green manure rotation will increase effective nitrogen content in soil and reduce soil density, the increase of nitrogen for subsequent crop fertilizer reduction, even increased follow-up of rice production due to improved soil fertility.Although one less as cash income while reducing total income, but their overall benefits remain to be follow-up assessments.
總共 178 筆,顯示第 51 到第 100 筆