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年度 2013
計畫名稱_中文 仙履蘭及熱帶球根花卉品種改良與種苗生產技術開發
計畫名稱_英文 Improvement on slipper orchid and tropic bulb flowers breeding and establishment the seedling production
計畫編號_中文 102農科-9.2.2-種-X3
計畫編號_英文 102AS -9.2.2-SS-X3
主辦單位_中文 品種改良保護課
主辦單位_英文 Plant Breeding Section
主辦人_中文 劉明宗
主辦人_英文 Ming-Chung Liu
中文摘要 依照仙履蘭育種四大目標進行雜交授粉工作,102年進行仙履蘭雜交授粉11組合,出瓶約300株瓶苗移苗栽培工作,目前後裔植株栽培生育中。從雜交組合中以PA94002雜交組合後裔之不同單株具有Paph. primulinum品種多花特性,亦有單花的後裔出現,且花朵會同時開放或者接續開放,因此可再從這些後裔中,篩選單花或雙花特性之後裔單株,PA95016雜交後裔組合,花期約3-4月間開花,花朵顏色為粉紅色,單梗雙花、上萼辦呈橢圓形、翼辦長舌渾圓、整體花型優美,易於栽培,可做為組合盆之用。球根花卉品種選育方面,已篩選具潛力孤挺花單株2株,皆為重瓣具雙梗,未來用途為盆花及切花;孤挺花香味育種方面,在未發育完成之胚珠已成功利用胚挽救技術,獲得50株雜交後裔單株,未來將持續觀察後續生育情形。在彩色海芋方面,94及95年雜交後裔中已篩選具潛力彩色海芋單株3株,為金黃色、紫色及紫黑色。花朵數2-3朵,其中紫色單株花莖較短,可為盆花,其餘為切花。在宮燈百合無性繁殖與實生苗種球養球初步試驗結果,利用自然子球與種子播種而得之實生種球進行比較試驗,結果在三種重量分級中,均以自然子球較實生苗種球重量較重,但均能成功養球。金花石蒜利用無菌播種或胚培養皆可使萌芽率達100%,利用一般播種方式萌芽率僅達65.2%,且栽培一年後,地上部之葉片數則以無菌播種移出種植所生長之葉片數較多達2.01片,一般播種僅1.02片葉。以此推估可縮短養成開花球之年限。
英文摘要 According to four goals in slipper orchids breeding, we have selected superior progenies ‘PA94002’ and ’PA95016’ with multifloral, good flower shape and color characteristics. Bulbous flowers in calla lilies breeding, we have selected 3 potential progenies with good horticultural characteristics. They can be used as cut flower or pot flower. In amaryllis, we have selected 2 potential hybrid progenies of doubleflower.Sandersonia tubers from seedling or natural daughter-tuber were planted in mix soilless material under protec ted net greenhouse, which were tested for growing flower tubers. The result is flowering tuber is better which were from natural daughter-tuber. The germination rate of spider lily (Lycoris aurea Herb.) is 100% from aseptic and embryo tissueculture but the germination rate is 65.2% from common sowing. Using embryo tissue culture seedlings will be considerable to shorten flowering tubers grown.