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年度 2013
計畫名稱_中文 耐溼冷馬鈴薯品種選育
計畫名稱_英文 Wet and cold resistant breeding for potato
計畫編號_中文 102農科-14.1.2-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 102AS -14.1.2-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 品種改良保護課
主辦單位_英文 Plant Breeding Section
主辦人_中文 張勝智
主辦人_英文 Sheng-Chih Chang
中文摘要 因近年來全球氣候異常,造成溫度及雨量變化劇烈。台灣冬季為馬鈴薯栽培期,因異常的低溫高濕氣候,導致植株容易腐敗及病害發生嚴重進而減產,嚴重影響農民收益並造成生產成本增加。因此,本場利用所選育具優良生育特性之48個營養系,配合本地冬季低溫環境,進行低溫高濕的汰選評估,經100/101年期的汰選,於101/102年期進行11個具耐濕與高產生育特性的營養系(628、474、470、91A179、320、183、578、91N80、317、T75、462)與對照品種克尼伯進行耐濕冷特性、加工儲藏評估及晚疫病接種評估,完成選出5個分別(營養系470、628、91N80、320、462)具耐濕冷、生長勢強、高產、高耐病性(耐晚疫病)等特性之營養系。期許能協助農民或種苗業者克服因不良環境造成的減產問題以及農藥大量施用,所造成食品安全的問題。此外,亦可選育不同品種作為調適氣候變遷的影響,維持國內馬鈴薯生產的穩定。
英文摘要 The global climate change intensive recently. In Taiwan, intensive, heavy rains frequently during the winter, resulting soil wet and sticky, and thus bring down the quality of potato and decrease the yield. So the wet tolerance variety of potato is a greater demand. Screening out the wet tolerance strain of potato for producer, to enhance the competitiveness of potato industry in the future.In this project,we will select 11 clones (628、474、470、91A179、320、183、578、91N80、317、T75、462) with Kennebec (CK) in winter for field cultivation, to assess wet stress resistance and disease susceptibility .We investigate the potato characteristics, quality, yield and potato storage of survey. We select 5 clones (470、628、91N80、320、462) which have good characters. We hopethat we can assist farmers and seed industries overcoming the reduction of output and problem of food safety. In addition, we select different varieties to be adapt the weather and maintain the potato production in Taiwan.