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年度 2013
計畫名稱_中文 作物種苗病害防治技術之開發與應用
計畫名稱_英文 Development and Application of Crop Seedling Diseases Controlling Technologies
計畫編號_中文 102農科-10.2.5-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 102AS -10.2.5-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 繁殖技術課
主辦單位_英文 Propagation Technology Section
主辦人_中文 袁雅芬
主辦人_英文 Ya-fen Yuan
中文摘要 本年度已取得27個南瓜品系共324個樣本進行白粉病原菌接種試驗;同時自不同地點收集白粉病原菌進行繁殖與保存;並建立南瓜對白粉病抗性之病害等級;本年度接種的品系皆為較感白粉病特性之品種。經16S rDNA 序列分析結果,鑑定101年度篩選出編號14-12與15-25的拮抗微生物均為巨大芽孢桿菌(Bacillus megaterium);測試11種培養基組合均未能使編號14-12與15-25拮抗微生物的細胞濃度達109/ml,但是由試驗結果可知添加適當鈣鹽有助於細胞生長。無性繁殖體在進行組織培養大量繁殖前,進行標的病害的檢測可確保繁殖體的健康,為生產健康種苗之基石。組織培養的標的病害包括病毒病、類病毒病以及菌質體病害,多以enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)、PCR(reverse transcription-PCR, RT-PCR),作為檢測植物病毒病之技術,其中ELISA仍是主要檢測植物病毒病之技術,血清為此技術之重要成本,因此本計畫擬以大腸桿菌表現轉殖之重組蛋白,作為生產標的病毒之蛋白來源,生產重要作物之檢測血清,本計畫於完成產馬鈴薯病毒PVS、PVX、PVY之抗血清之生產各80ml,力價稀釋可達8000-16,000倍。
英文摘要 Twenty-seven different pumpkin hybrid lines were screened to the powdery mildew -resistance which inoculum pathogen species. According the inoculum results showed that the virulence were different by the host hybrid lines. The hybrid lines were almost easy to infect by the powdery mildew in these year. We construct a grade of the powdery mildew –resistance in pumpkin.By 16S rDNA sequences analysis, antagonists No. 14-12 and 15-25 which were selected in 2012 were identified as Bacillus megaterium. We have tested 11 media formulas, yet non of them had the effect to make the cell concentration of antagonists No. 14-12 and 15-25 up to 109/ml. However,according to the results, it was found that adding suitable calcium salt could promote cell growth.Before enter a large number of plant tissue culture propagation, to detect the plant target disease can ensure a healthy production procedure. The specific pathogen free tissue culture units also are the cornerstone for the production of healthy seedlings. Tissue culture is the subject diseases including viral diseases, viral diseases and class mycoplasma disease. And techniques for detect these pathogen are enzymelinked immuno-sorbent assay, ELISA and Reverse transcription-PCR, RT-PCR.The cost of serum is the highest value of ELISA. This project is intended to express recombinant proteins in transgenic E. coli, the subject of the virus as a source of protein production, the production of important crops of the serum, the plans to complete the production of potato virus PVS, antiserum PVX, PVY of the production each 80ml, diluted potency up to 8000-16,000 times