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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 健康種苗生產供應與健康管理體系之建立
計畫名稱_英文 Establishment of health seedlings production and health managementsystem
計畫編號_中文 103農科-14.2.2-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 103AS -14.2.2-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 繁殖技術課
主辦單位_英文 Propagation Technology Section
主辦人_中文 羅英妃
主辦人_英文 Ying-Fei Lo
中文摘要 本年度進行一般芽菜與安全芽菜生產流程分析、成本分析,並於06月26日舉行安全芽菜生產技術示範觀摩會,經由成本分析及問卷調查顯示,目前安全芽菜售價偏高為反應成本,於各場展覽會場安全芽菜的產品通路詢問度高,顯示消費者對於安全生產的重視性提高。本試驗開發馬鈴薯台農一號種基本種薯與克尼伯種原種薯非農藥防治管理技術,生產之種薯品質與傳統栽培無差異。食用薯生產方面,使用認證健康種薯並以傳統農藥管理產量較佳,單株產量達730 g,但非農藥防治管理可減少化學藥劑使用之風險,提供消費者食用安全。豇豆為台灣夏季重要蔬菜之一,近年受到病毒病及萎凋病影響栽培面積漸漸減少,利用商業品種嫁接耐萎凋病根砧可有效減少萎凋病發生,為了解豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗之最適肥培管理模式及土壤有益微生物對其生育之影響,本年度於栽培期使用不同施肥量及施用不同有益微生物並調查豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗之產量及品質,試驗發現使用N:P2O5:K2O施用量12:10:10公斤/分地時豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗果莢數為594、總產量18.6公斤為最高,且略高於對照組(’三尺青皮’自根苗),使用豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗不需增加施肥量即可提升35%-47%之產量,每公頃可增加新臺幣154,303-207,018元收益;有益微生物部分,枯草桿菌及木黴菌的施用對豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗之果莢數、總產量、單果莢鮮重及果莢長度無顯著影響,可能與處理時期較晚及施用化學肥料有關,試驗結果顯示有益微生物的施用對豇豆耐萎凋病嫁接苗生產助益較小。
英文摘要 We compared the cost and market sold prices of sprout production procedures between the traditional and safety methods. The meeting of safety sprout production be held on 26th June this year. Participates showed their high interesting to this program. Even the prices of safety sprout products are not as cheap as traditional products. The safety issues of sprout still are concentrated by customers. In this study, we developed the non-pesticidal and non-fungicidial management techniques of ‘Tainon No.1’ basic seed potato (G1) and ‘Kennebec’ elite seed potato (G3). Compared non-pesticidal and non-fungicidial management with traditional management, the quality of seed potato were no significant difference. In table potato production period, there are more yields to select certified seed by traditional management, and the yield of single plant is 730g. However, we can reduce the risk of using chemistry by nonpesticidal and non-fungicidial management, and provide a food safety choice to customer. Asparagus bean is one of the important summer vegetables in Taiwan. Virus and Fusarium wilt result tin decreasing of cultivation area in recent years. Asparagus bean grafting Fusarium wilt resistant seedlings can efficiently reduce Fusarium wilt occurred.In order to study the suitable fertilizer managements and also the effect of effective micro-organisms on Asparagus bean grafting Fusarium wilt resistant seedlings’ development and yield, different fertilizer managements and effective micro-organisms were used in the trails.120:100:100 (N:P2O5:K2O) kg/ha had the highest pod number (594) and total yield (18.6 kg). Compare to the CK, total yield of asparagus bean grafting Fusarium wilt resistant seedlings increased 35%-47%. Effective micro-organisms had no significant effects on pod number, total yield,fresh weight per pod and pod length. It might be related to the treatment timing and using of chemical fertilizers