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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 原鄉地區原生種作物選育改良、改進作物栽培技術-原鄉馬鈴薯栽培試作及原生豇豆之應用
計畫名稱_英文 Study on improvement of native cropvarieties and crop cultivation technology in indigenous area-Test cultivation of potato and application of native asparagus bean in indigenous area
計畫編號_中文 103農科-9.2.10-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 103AS -9.2.10-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 繁殖技術課
主辦單位_英文 Propagation Technology Section
主辦人_中文 羅英妃
主辦人_英文 Ying-Fei Lo
中文摘要 國內8-11月是有機及鮮食馬鈴薯缺貨的季節,原住民部落可利用海拔高度栽培馬鈴薯,以供應夏季的有機鮮食市場。於高海拔設施栽培可以在梅雨季節開始栽種並於8-9月採收,設施栽培薯球產量比露天栽培多一倍,露天栽培則建議於梅雨季節過後,於9-10月採收。中海拔(700m)栽培馬鈴薯比高海拔(2100m)露天栽培產量來得低,於中海拔地區進行不同克尼伯品系營養系的單株產量大約分佈在145-279公克之間,其中以101A、及101G品系之產量表現為最佳,此外,在原鄉部落收集到2個品系,採集後移至本場溫室栽培,在高溫的環境下可以順利產生種薯。原生豇豆以綠皮的品系1產量最高,建議部落種植時將此品系單一種植或混合其他品系種植,可達到較佳的產量。種植原生豇豆品系,期間並無灌溉、施肥及噴化學藥劑,進行粗放栽培即有產量,為省工栽培的有機產品開發,故原生豇豆有機栽培在原鄉部落是具有可行性的。
英文摘要 Market is short of organic and fresh potatoes from August to November in Taiwan. Therefore, some aboriginal people can produce potatoes for fresh organic market in summer by taking advantage of higher altitude where they cultivate. People can plant potato in the facility in high land during the rainy season and harvest in August to September, which produce twice as yield as those grown in the open field. It is recommended to begin to plant potatoes in the open field after the rainy season, and harvest in September to October. Additionally, the yield of potato grown in an altitude of 700m in the open field is lower than that in 2100m above the sea level. In the meanwhile, the yield per plant of different Kennebec clones grown in the elevation of 700mwas different between 145 and 279 grams, which clone 101A and 101G had higher yield. Furthermore,we collected 2 potato clones in the tribal homeland and successfully produced tubers after moving to the greenhouse in our station under high temperature environment. In another experiment, native green-skin cowpea strain 1had the highest yield among test strains, and we recommended to plant the strain singled or mixed to get the higher yield when grown in the indigenous tribe area. Planting native strains of cowpea with no irrigation, fertilization and spraying chemicals could successfully harvest pods, which is low input for organic production. So, organic native cowpea cultivation is feasible in the tribal homeland