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年度 2013
計畫名稱_中文 RFID技術應用於種子倉儲管理之研究與開發
計畫名稱_英文 Study and development on RFID technology for the seed storage management
計畫編號_中文 102農科-7.3.1-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 102AS -7.3.1-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 種苗經營課
主辦單位_英文 Seed & Seedling Management Section
主辦人_中文 許鐈云
主辦人_英文 Ciao-Yun Syu
中文摘要 種苗產業可包括種子產業及種苗產業,其中種子產業所佔的比值大於種苗產業,且種子的生產銷售亦較鮮果複雜許多。本場擁有9座種子冷藏庫,總計700坪冷藏庫設施,倉儲容量約260萬公斤,長年配合政府政策負責供應全省雜糧、綠肥及蔬菜作物種子,操作從契作生產及外購種子、調製、加工、倉儲、運輸至推廣銷售等一系列種子產銷流程作業。100年度目標針對種子倉儲部分建構「種子倉儲管理系統」部分,並結合無線射頻辨識(RFID)應用,達成種子倉儲流程作業電子化。去(101)年度第二期開發案擬擴大應用層面,於軟體系統方面將第一期開發的系統加以擴充,增加會計(含出納)功能。今(102)年度在種子供銷管理導入二維條碼技術,希冀建立完整二維條碼(QRCode)種子供銷鏈,並擴大系統功能建置,以前兩年系統為基礎,增加銷售管理部分功能。
英文摘要 Taiwan seed improvement and propagation station (TSS) has 9 seedrefrigerated storages and is responsible for the seed production of cereal, green manure and vegetable. Moreover, there are a series of seed producing and marketing procedure operation including producing,purchasing, processing, packaging, storage, transportation and marketing.In 2011, it’s aim to accomplishment of the efficient method of seed storage management by RFID technology in order to maintain the seed of quality, to decrease the waste of manpower and time and to enhance the check time of the inventory in the seed storage effectively. In 2012,it’s important to extend the capability of the system including accounting and cashier. In 2013, one side is to establish seed marketing management by QRCode technology, the other is to combine storage,accounting, cashier with marketing in management system.