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年度 2013
計畫名稱_中文 植物種苗研究團隊-果菜類作物品種改良及採種技術改進
計畫名稱_英文 Study on improvement of fruit vegetable varieties and seed production technology
計畫編號_中文 102農科-9.2.2-種-X2
計畫編號_英文 102AS -9.2.2-SS-X2
主辦單位_中文 品種改良保護課
主辦單位_英文 Plant Breeding Section
主辦人_中文 郭宏遠
主辦人_英文 Horng-Yeuan Kuo
中文摘要 本計畫之目的在育出高產量、高品質、耐熱和抗病之胡瓜、南瓜、苦瓜、番椒及茄子之新品種,並進行具番茄花粉保存及克服彩色甜椒高溫採種問題之研究。胡瓜育種目標為鮮食品質佳,高雌性及單為結果性穩定,主要病害露菌病、白粉病、病毒病等抗性基因導入等,育成適合設施栽培之F1品種。本年度進行高雌性雜交後裔F2~F3世代選育,並完成20個東南亞品系供選育自交之材料。另育成13個雜交組合進行品系比較試驗,經果品評估選拔出6個具高雌性及單為結果性之雜交新品系,將於下年度繼續評估。苦瓜為全球重要的葫蘆科蔬菜,在臺灣亦為常見的夏季果菜,主要產區為臺灣中南部地區,本場因地處苦瓜重要產區,為改善苦瓜果實品質與產量,增進農民收益積極進行苦瓜品種改良與栽培技術改進。本場於今年度完成130個苦瓜品系的性狀調查與自交純化,並參考苦瓜品系純化過程的生育特性與果實表現進行評估選拔。針對國內消費市場偏好以選出較優的自交系進行試交, 取得3 0 個試交組(101H01~101H30,其中包含100年評估之優良組合),於本年度定植評估,其中以101H05、101H06、101H16表現最佳。進行引種收集到4個南瓜商業品種,完成試種栽培性狀調查及自交留種。101冬-102早春栽培西洋南瓜201個自交系、102年春作栽培西洋、美國及中國南瓜157個自交系,秋作栽培121個西洋南瓜等F2-F8世代之品種及單果種子品系,進行性狀調查及自交純化。經評估選出西洋南瓜性狀較佳的56個品系繼續篩選後裔,增進世代。春作並選擇優良自交系進行試交組合24個品系,以及繁殖3個已評估為優良試交品系之種子。秋作栽培品系陸續進行栽培比較與性狀評估,選優留種於下一季種植增進世代。茄子育種目標以提高茄子產量和品質為主,期望選出豐產、抗病蟲、果型長直、品質優良且耐熱性強之品種。本年度將茄子12個自交系,其果實性狀為平均果長27~35公分,果徑25~38mm,果肉白色及淡綠色,果型介於中短胖至中長型,因品系尚未純化完全,持續進行單株選拔,挑選具優良性狀之品系純化。同時蒐集10個茄子新品種進行雜交後裔選拔,進行品種特性調查及雜交後裔選拔。本年度番椒春作進行15個品系、秋作進行48個品系之純化與性狀調查、選拔、留種。春作完成進行11個低辣辣椒新雜交組合進行比較試驗,篩選出102hp5、102hp6、102hp8、102hp12及102hp13等5個組合較佳,秋作完成新雜交組合及其親本種子之量產。彩色甜椒品系11077022-2、11077022-2×sp21及11077022-2×7510於採種期遇升溫時,以10 ppm GA3噴施父母本植株兩次後進行母本或雜交種子生產,提升優良種子數達16.5%以上。番茄雜交組合‘100ht23’父本於25/20℃下,以開花當日之花粉活力最佳,採種品質亦佳,而在較不適合之開花期溫度下,以液態氮保存後之花粉,其發芽率及授粉後之種子量與品質,均有優於新鮮花粉之趨勢。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this project is to breed for promising varieties with desirable characteristic, such as high yield ,superior quality, heat tolerance and diseases resistance, and to do the seed production tests for the potential new hybrids of cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, pepper and eggplant.The object of this breeding plan is to improve quality of cucumber. We will breed good quality F1 hybrid variety suit for cultivation in subtropical area. The method of breeding is to introduce gynoecious gene into monoecious cultivars and select plants resistant to downy mildew,powdery mildew and virus diseases. We evaluated and selected 13 lines for test crosses for breeding in the spring and combination ability. And through the mouth-feel evaluation, we selected 6 lines for test crosses for breeding in the fall and combination ability in next year. This year, we also bred 20 inbred lines and investigated 29 lines of Southeast Asia at the same time, asthe basisoftheimproved varieties.Bitter gourd are important vegetables in Taiwan. Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station (TSIPS) has bitter gourd inbred lines with good quality and high yield. For the collection and evaluation of germplasms ,130 lines accession of them were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of Bitter gourd. It showed significant difference among the gerplasms which revealed that the breeding program could be performed. We planted 30 test crosses in the farm this year. We compared those test crosses which are three lines(101H05、101H06、101H16) better than other lines.The collected 4 squash local and commercial varieties, cultivated and characters complete surveyed and produce inbred Seeds. Winter of 2012 to early spring 2013 cultivation pumpkin 201 inbred lines, in the spring of 2012 planting of 157 inbred lines , and in fall planting of 121 pumpkin varieties and single-fruit strains on F2-F8 generations, cultivated and characters complete surveyed and produce inbred Seeds. And 24 test cross lines are made in spring.Assessment of the spring cultivated selected 56 strains by the good performance and to enhance generation in next planting season. Fall planting for cultivar comparison and character will be surveyed. To complete the trial of best pollination time with 3 different female parent lines.The object of this breeding plan is to improve quality of eggplant. We will breed good quality F1 hybrid variety suit for cultivation in tropical and subtropical area. The method of breeding is introduce resistant disease-resistant gene and selected plants resistant to bacterial wilt and virus disease.This year, we bred 12 inbred lines of eggplant and investigated the fruit characters. The results were that the fruit lengths were between 27 to 35 cm, fruit diameters were between 25 ~38mm, white and light green flesh, fruit shape between the short to medium long. We will continue to breed high inbred lines and in the same time we also collected 10 new varieties of hybrid seed of eggplant.Fifteen lines (varieties) in the spring crop and forty eight lines (varieties) in the fall crop were evaluated and selected this year. 11 low-pungent hybrids selected last crop were also tested for field trial in the spring crop, and 5 (102hp5、102hp6、102hp8、102hp12及102hp13) among them were selected. In addition, new hybrids were crossed and the parental seeds were produced in fall crop. The results for seed production of sweet pepper lines 11077022-2、11077022-2×sp21 and 11077022-2×7510 in suitable season suffering suddenly high temperature showed that 10 ppm GA3 sprayed on parental plants twice could improve good seed number at least up to 16.5 % for mother plant and hybrid seed production. The pollen germination and seed quality of pollen parent and hybrid of tomato line ‘100ht23’ were better under 25/20℃ condition.The pollen germination percentage and seed number and quality were also better while using the pollen preserved in liquid nitrogen for pollination than fresh pollen during unsuitable temperature