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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 作物種苗微體繁殖技術之開發與改進-綠竹、鳳梨、春石斛及中草藥繁殖開發利用
計畫名稱_英文 The study of healthy seedling production by tissue culture
計畫編號_中文 103農科-9.1.1-種-X2
計畫編號_英文 103AS -9.1.1-SS-X2
主辦單位_中文 繁殖技術課
主辦單位_英文 Propagation Technology Section
主辦人_中文 張珈錡
主辦人_英文 Jia-Ci Chang
中文摘要 1.綠竹組織培養芽體形成於MS+0.1 mg/l NAA+3 mg/l of BAP,發根的誘導採用以2芽為一芽團培養於MS+0.01 BAP mg/L + 2.0 mg/L NAA,發根芽體於溫室中進行2週的馴化再移植至塑膠容器中培養,最後移至田間栽培,成活率100%。2.鳳梨組織培養可使用冠芽分生組織大量繁殖,試驗結果利用BAP及NAA不同組合在誘導芽體的增殖,最優化的培養基為MS培養基添加2.0 mg/L BAP。3.板藍根組織培養,以側芽為培植體進行增殖培養,其中培養三週後以1/2MS+2mg/L BAP+0.1 mg/L IAA,叢生芽體形成率高達95.2%,在1/2MS+4 mg/L BAP+0.1 mg/L IAA最高芽體形成率最高(98.5%)。4.地黃的根改改善便秘之動物模式評估,本研究以每日餵食地黃的根可否改善大鼠的便秘。結果顯示,餵食Loperamide 1% 及5% TP的處理對緩解大鼠便秘對糞便的乾重及其中水分含量並無影響。5.春石斛組培苗出瓶種植後之植株後續生長表現仍受到增殖階段培養基成分之影響,以低濃度MS基礎鹽類培養基(1/4MS)、高濃度馬鈴薯粉(2-4g/L)和蔗糖(20-30g/L)所增殖培養之組培苗,其植株後續生長表現較佳,顯示組培瓶苗之品質於栽培初期顯著的影響植株之生長表現。6.春石斛組培苗於不同月份種植,初步觀察對植株之成活率無顯著之影響。7.金童石斛萃取物緩解第二型糖尿病試驗中,因誘導小鼠產生病徵不穩定,,故無法作為給藥後觀察 。然另經動物細胞試驗,結果顯示金童石斛萃取物具有調節免疫系統,、抗發炎的功能。
英文摘要 1.In Bamboo (Bambusa oldhami Munro.), In vitro axillary shoot formation was successfully made in MS basal medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l NAA and 1.5 mg/l of BAP. Clamps of at least 2 shoots were used for root induction in MS medium with 0.01BAP mg/L and 2.0 mg/L NAA. Rooted plantlets were successfully acclimatized in green house for 2 weeks and then were transferred to the plastic container. 100% survival rate was recorded after field transfer.2.In vitro mass-propagation of Ananas comosus L. (pineapple) in tissue culture system was carried out using crown tip meristem. The result shows that the crown tip managed to induce shoots in different concentrations of BAP.3.Optimum shoot proiferation was obtained onto MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L BAP and MS medium containing 1.0 mg/L BAP/0.5 mg/L NAA.In vitro Isatis tinctoria L., Treatment of 1/2MS+2 mg/L BAP+0.1 mg/L IAA was found best in multiple shoots induction from lateral bud explants, induction percentage reached 95.2% , shoots were formed after culture for 3 weeks. The highest percent shoot formation which is 98.5% was found in the treatment of 1/2MS+4 mg/L BAP+0.1 mg/L IAA.4.Roots of Rehmannia glutinosa as a Diet for Improvement of Constipation in Rats. This study was conducted to determine effects of Rehmannia glutinosa roots (TP) as a diet for improvement of constipation in rats.Results showed that the rats treated with Loperamide and fed with 1% or 5% TP had no significant in fecal weight, dry stool weight and water content (%) of feces (P < 0.05) compared to the negative control.5.The growth performance of Dendrobium after planting in greenhouse still affected by shoot proliferation medium components in the tissue culture stage. The the plantlets cultured from shoot proliferation medium supplement with a low concentration MS basic medium (1 / 4MS), high concentrations of potato (2-4g / L) and sucrose (20-30g / L), its subsequent growth performed better, results showed the quality of tissue culture plants will significant effects on the growth performance in the early cultivation.6.There is no significant effect on the survival rate of Dendrobium plantlets that planting in different months.7.In this study, antiinflammation effect of ethanol extract of Den.Cassiope stem was evaluated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW264.7 cell lines further. Results show that the ethanol extract could reduce interleukin-6 (IL-6) and , tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)release, and lower nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) secretion in LPSactivated RAW264.7 cells.