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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 建構亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台
計畫名稱_英文 Construction for Asia Pacific Seedlings Industry Services Platform
計畫編號_中文 103農科-7.1.1-種-X2
計畫編號_英文 103AS -7.1.1-SS-X2
主辦單位_中文 技術服務室
主辦單位_英文 Technical Service Section
主辦人_中文 蔡瑜卿
主辦人_英文 Yu-Ching Tsai
中文摘要 亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台目前共累積512,663筆資料,瀏覽人次866,103人次。本年度配合本場辦理教育訓練、展示會、觀摩會等各項活動積極宣傳行銷本平台,增加本平台曝光率;使用者意見回饋分析顯示功能使用上多集中在最新消息與最新科技成果兩大單元。透過技術盤點與文獻分析了解目前國內外相關種苗知識缺口與技術重點,其分析結果除可供國內相關技術研發考量外,現以「產業分析專欄」與「重要專利情報」兩種形式,供亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台會員市場面之參考。蝴蝶蘭品種性狀影像辨識系統為協助提升植物品種智慧財產權性狀檢定效能之輔助工具,目前已輸入約400筆以上品種影像資料,隨著資料量越多,系統之辨識效能也會隨之提升,對業務效能之協助提升也更具助益。
英文摘要 Pacific plant seed industry information platform for a cumulative total of 512,663 documents , visits 204,238 people in 2014. Function uses the latest news and more concentrated in two industrial services unit,which shows the current platform is still aware of the low, should take a more active growth platform for exposure. Inventory through technical understanding and knowledge gaps in the current focus on domestic and foreign technology, in addition to its analysis of the results of research and development of related technologies available for domestic considerations, the present in two forms, \"industry analysis column\"and \"important patent information\" for the Asia-Pacific plant seed industry market information platform serving member of the reference plane. Future technologies are expected to be applied to the theme of the series of textbooks, social networks and text mining platforms such as value-added services. Phalaenopsis species traits image recognition system to help enhance the intellectual property rights of plant species traits test the effectiveness of aid, Currently 400 species have entered the image data, With more data volume, identification systems will also enhance the effectiveness of assistance to improve business effectiveness is also more useful