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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 提升具競爭力外銷型農糧作物產業價值鏈之研究
計畫名稱_英文 Study to make Industrial value chain more competitive for expert in the agricultural seedlings industry
計畫編號_中文 103農科-9.2.9-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 103AS -9.2.9-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 繁殖技術課
主辦單位_英文 Propagation Technology Section
主辦人_中文 文紀鑾
主辦人_英文 Chi-Luan Wen
中文摘要 本計畫擬在國內組織培生產設施,首次導入國際品質管理認證(ISO 9001:2008)系統,強化品質管理能力並作為其他組織培養場推動參考,藉此平台與國際接軌,提升產業之國際競爭力。通過TAF(全國認證基金會)驗證稽核,並取得證書。核發領域為彩色海芋組織培養苗之生產。組培專業證照訓練規劃透過「問卷調查」與「實地或電話訪談」兩方式,針對無菌操作台大於50台以上組培廠商其「基層技術人員」,以及「基層管理人員」,調查其職能需求,並將從中獲得之質性與量性調查結果,進一步進行統計分析,再將初步統整之調查結果,提交於內部意見交流會議討論,以凝聚未來組培專業技術士訓練制度規劃共識。運用種子品質快速檢測技術-Q2種子活力測定儀(Q2)進行番茄種子不同活力種子檢測,透過和標準發芽試驗比較,Q2可有效於14天內判別小果番茄’台南亞蔬6號’及大果番茄’花連亞蔬18號’之不同活力種子品質情況,因此Q2種子活力測定儀可有效判定番茄種子活力品質。以‘臺農2號’商業果實之F2種子為材料,先探討番木瓜種子發酵程度對種子儲藏後發芽率之影響。發酵4日內,無論是新鮮種子或調製後種子,種子活力及活勢並未改變;隨著發酵程度提高,種子活力及活勢會下降,隨著發酵時間越長,而下降程度越大。10oC儲藏3個月種子發芽率也沒有明顯變化。關於調製溫度及含水率對種子儲藏後發芽率之影響,預備試驗中,提高種子調製溫度,不影響含水率30%以下種子發芽率,對於調製溫度 (15、25、35℃) 及含水率 (15%、10%、7.5%) 對番木瓜種子發芽率之影響的試驗,仍在進行中。以防雨之設施栽培健康之種苗,並建構無病毒種苗之驗證體系,建立商業量產之草莓無特定病原健康種苗,避免使用非健康種苗造成的損失,進而建立完整的草莓健康種苗生產系統。於葉長、葉寬部分,組培苗及其走莖繁殖苗之葉片大小平均較農民自行留種苗的小,顯示組培苗的生長式較弱,且具有叢生現象。果實之型態與品質方面,農民自行留種苗之果實於結果初期果實較大,畸形果之比率略隨著組培走莖繁殖苗代數而減少,甜度方面則無明顯差異,故在栽培上,以組培走莖繁殖二代苗以上較有利。以ELISA篩選無特定病原芋頭種苗,並以組織培養建立芋頭健康母瓶。比較4種芋頭增殖培養基,不同IAA濃度對芋頭瓶苗增殖倍率與發根情形等影響並不顯著,然以MS培養基添加IAA 0.01 mg/L之芋頭瓶苗根長最短,對於繼代培養快速增殖操作較為便利。本年度協助業者出具ISTA橙色檢驗證種子計有西瓜、南瓜、胡瓜、辣椒類、番茄、甘藍、菜豆、萵苣、玉米、茄子、花椰菜及青花菜等12種作物共66件,總重16,327.5公斤,ISTA藍色檢驗證種子計有有白菜、油菜、莧菜、芹菜、芥菜、玉米及花椰菜等7種,共17件,國內市售種子品質與標示查驗,抽驗322件樣品中達標示之發芽率以上者有305件,未達標示發芽率者計有17件,送檢樣品符合標示發芽率者為95.8%。
英文摘要 The plan proposed tissue culture production facilities in Taiwan,first time into international quality management certification (ISO 9,001:2008) system, strengthening quality management and training as other organizations promoting references, use this platform with international standards, and enhance the international competitiveness of the industry. Through the TAF (National Foundation for authentication) validation audit, and acquired the certificate. Issue areas for the production of micropropagated seedlings of calla lily. Group culture professional certification certificate according to training planning through \\"questionnaire survey\\" and \\"field or phone interview\\",for Laminar Flow is greater than 50 Taiwan above group culture manufacturers its \\"technicians\\", and \\"manager\\".The study is aim to test the different vigor of tomato seeds byQ2 Scanner and try to find rapid seed vigor testing method. Compared to traditional germinations, Q2 scanner can identify the different vigor of cherry tomato seed ’Tainan AVRDC No. 6‘ and tomato seed ‘Hualien AVRDC No. 18‘ in 14 days. Consequently, it’s effective for Q2 Scanner to identify the vigor of tomato seeds.The objective of this study was first focused on the effect of fermentation on seed viability and vigor in F2 papaya seeds of ‘ Tainun No.2’. The seed germination was not affected by 4 days of fermentation regardless the adjustment of water content. For the fermentation exceeded 4 days, the seed germination declined as the fermentation days increased.The seed viability and vigor was not altered by 3 months of storage at 10oC. As for the effect of drying temperature and seed water content on seed germination, the preliminary experiment revealed seed germination was not altered when seed water content was below 30%. The seed germination of 3 water content achieved by 3 drying temperature was under investigation.Planting healthy seedlings in greenhouse and construct the virusfree seeding verification system. Establish commercial production of strawberries specific pathogen free healthy seedlings to avoid the damage by use non- healthy seedlings. Establish a healthy strawberry seedlings production system. The characteristics of plant were measured in different generations. In leaf size part, plant tissue culture and tissue culture propagation of runner seedlings relatively small compared withthe size of the leaf farmers seedlings. The results showed that the growth potential of plant tissue culture is weak. In fruit quality part,seedlings of farmers in the early production of fruit is large, with the increase in plant tissue culture propagation of seedlings generations deformed fruit production ratio has decreased, there was no significant difference in sweetness. In the use of second-generation seedlings cultivated plants produce more than favorable.In this study, we selected Specific-pathogen-free taro plants by ELISA test, and established tissue culture mother stock of taro. We compared 4 medium with different IAA concentration for taro propagation.There is no obvious difference on shoot multiplication rate and rooting.However, taro plantlet has the shortest roots length on MS medium with 0.01 mg/L IAA and it is easy to be operated in subculture.This year to help the industry certificate of inspection issued by ISTA orange seeds namely watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber, peppers class,tomato, cabbage, beans, lettuce, corn, eggplant, cauliflower and broccoli and other 12 kinds of crops, total amount of 66 items and total weight of 16,327.5 kilograms. ISTA blue seed of certificate of inspection has chinese cabbage, rape, chinese spinach,celery, leaf mustard, maize and cauliflower and other seven kinds of total 17 amaount, Domestic commercial seed quality and labeling inspection, sampling and testing up to 322 samples indicated the germination rate that have 305 amounts,marking the germination rate less than 17 amounts namely,and submission of samples labeled germination rates were in line with 95.8%.