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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 仙履蘭產業技術開發及應用
計畫名稱_英文 Development and application of Paphiopedilum industry technology
計畫編號_中文 103農科-9.1.1-種-X3
計畫編號_英文 103AS -9.1.1-SS-X3
主辦單位_中文 繁殖技術課
主辦單位_英文 Propagation Technology Section
主辦人_中文 廖玉珠
主辦人_英文 Yu-Ju Liao
中文摘要 1.建立仙履蘭maudiae type 品系之微體繁殖體系,以仙履蘭開花株之分蘗芽或花苞等部位誘導出之芽體探討繼代增殖及發根之最佳培養條件 。以綠maudiae typy 'The Queen'之分生苗增殖階段每代培養時間對增殖倍率之影響—培養時間長增殖倍數有較高之趨勢,以每次繼代培養時間為2.5、3、4、4.5個月,結果顯示:以培養4個月之增殖倍數最高,分別為1.93、1.51、2.83、2.4。另於發根階段培養於含鉀濃度20mM之培養基中,不論在株高、葉幅、根數、根長表現最佳。若鉀濃度提高至40mM根長明顯下降顯示根的生長受到抑制。2.以Comple type 4266及Maudiae type 4321為材料於不同溫控溫室栽培1年後,以栽培於一般溫室的對照組生長稍佳。在高溫30/28的處理下生長狀況最差,而Maudiae type 4321較能耐受高溫的處理,Complex type則相對較適應大溫差環境。在不同溫控溫室及海拔栽培下,Complex type 4518開花率可達76.7%且開花較整齊,高溫差或較涼溫的環境下,有加速開花之作用,但相對栽培於梅峰、春陽其敗育率也較高,而Maudiae type-4321則開花較不具一致性,二者之開花與溫度處理似乎無直接關聯性。分析其糖類成分與開花的關係,可觀察在9月花苞形成的月分,會消耗大量性可溶性糖類,但是C/N易受環境影響,因此目前並不適用為仙履蘭花朵誘導指標。3.以葉面施肥方式每週施用不同濃度之N(0、50、100、200、400 mg.L-1)、P(0、25、50、75、100 mg.L-1)、K(0、50、100、200、400 mg.L-1)營養液,評估對仙履蘭maudiae type 9905品系植株初期生長(1-6個月)之影響。試驗顯示,仙履蘭初期生長仍以低肥料濃度為佳(50 mg.L-1N、25 mg.L-1P和0 mg.L-1K),但較高之肥料濃度(400mg.L-1N、100 mg.L-1K以下)對植株之地上部和地下部之生長亦無顯著的抑制作用。因此,採用葉面噴施低濃度營養液之肥料施用方法,應可作為仙履蘭種苗栽培初期肥培管理之參考。
英文摘要 According former researches, It is difficult in vitro propagation between Interspecies of slipper orchids. To establish in vitro propagation for subgenus of Paphiopedilum will be done.To improvement Paphiopedilum in vitro propagation system.Complex type 4266 and Maudiae type 4321 seedlings cultured in different day-night temperature after 1 year, the result indicate that the growth coefficient of control group is better and cultured in 30/28 day-night temperature, made both of two type growth worse.In the result,Maudiae type4321 also showed a better tolerence to high temperature,while Complex 4266 could adapted large temperature variation than Maudiae. In addition, cultured under different day/nigh temperature and high altitude, the flowering rate of Complex type 4266 could up to 76.7%,and with a better uniformity. The flower of Complex type 4266 also developed more quickly under larger temperature variation or cooler temperature but aborted more easily (in Mei-feng and ChunYang).Meanwhile, Maudiae type 4321 has a ununiformed flowering habit. Due to the result, seems both of their flowering habit do not have directly relationship with temperature. As to the testing of total soluble sugar,the result indicates that flowering in september may raise sugar consumption. From now on, the data showed that the C/N is not sutible for using as Paphiopedilum (plants from seed) flower initiation index.In this study, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were tested in separate experiments, nitrogen and potassium rates were 0, 50, 100, 200,and 400 mg.L-1, phosphorus rates were 0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg.L-1. To evaluate its effect on seedling growth (1-6 months) of Paphiopedilum maudiae type (line:9905). Results showed that lower nutrient solution concentration (50 mg.L-1 N, 25 mg.L-1 P and 0 mg.L-1 K) for seedling growth of Paphiopedilum is better, but a higher concentration of nutrient solution (400 mg.L-1 N , 100 mg.L-1 K below) have no significance inhibitory effect on the growth of aboveground and underground parts of plant. Therefore, using a foliar spray fertilizer application methods and lower nutrient solution concentration could be used in the seedling cultivation of Paphiopedilum maudiae type