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年度 2014
計畫名稱_中文 優質番木瓜品種選育
計畫名稱_英文 Good quality varieties selection on papaya
計畫編號_中文 103農科-9.2.3-種-X1
計畫編號_英文 103AS -9.2.3-SS-X1
主辦單位_中文 屏東種苗研究中心
主辦單位_英文 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center
主辦人_中文 邱展台
主辦人_英文 Chan-Tai Chiu
中文摘要 本年度進行優良耐儲運品系f7選拔,並進行雜交,供選拔優良組合進行後續試驗。果皮光滑品系選育,係以Golden為親本之雜交第四代,進行選拔。其雜交後代的果皮生理性斑點仍相當多,經第3代分離,共選出14株果皮較光滑特性的單株。其著果數65-142粒果重314-890公克,總可溶性固形物11.5-15 %Brix,果實品質優良。耐儲運品系選育,以引進自東南亞的品系與本場育成之品系為雜交,經7代選拔之選拔純化,共選出12個品系,12個品系均為紅色果肉,果重327-1226公克,果實數目58-123果,多為西洋梨形之中小型果,果實總可溶性物11.5-15.4 % Brix ,採收5天後之果肉硬度以103- P16及103-O38之硬度最高。觀察14個耐儲運之新組合雜交一代其果實品質及儲運性均優於台農二號,但產量則低於台農二號,各項性狀仍需進一步觀察。
英文摘要 The resistant character of storage and transportation were selected.Hybrid combinations for subsequent comparison test had been done. Peel smooth, less flecks of strain providing isolation and selection for next year. Peel smooth breeding program utilize Golden variety for the parents, after separation of the fourth generation, were selected. The flecks of third generation were still severe. Fourteen lines with Peel smooth characteristic were selected. The fruits number are 6 5 to 142 per plant and fruit weight are 314 to 890 grams, total soluble solid are 11.5~15 Brix, good fruit quality. Breeding program of tolerant to storage and transportation was conducted, utilizing introduced strains from Southeast Asia. Through 7 generations, segregation and purification,12 lines were obtained. All 12 strains are red pulp, medium sized fruit of the pear-shaped, high sweetness. All twelve lines’ fruit have higher firmness and the flesh softens speed slower than the Tainoun No2.Observes 14 to tolerant the storage and transport the new combination.The fruit quality and the storage and transport character surpasses Tainoun no.2, but the yield is lower than Tainoun no.2, each character still had further to be observed