
診療項目代碼 中文項目名稱 英文項目名稱 健保支付點數 價格參考起日 價格參考迄日 備註
59975516 64082B 肌炎手術 -腰肌炎、臂肌炎或大腿肌炎 Myositis - myositis of positis , gluteal or femural 4162 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975517 64083B 肌炎手術 - 其他部位 Myositis - other myositis 3274 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975518 64084B 斜角肌切斷術 Myotomy of scalaneus muscle 3963 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975519 64085B 斜頸手術 Operation for torticollis/wry neck 5977 2013/1/1 2910/12/31 本項102年支付標準調整按衛生福利部1031260015號函公告,西醫基層自103年1月1日起實施。
59975520 64086B Excision of cervical fistula, cervical cyst ^頸部廔管、頸部囊腫摘出術 ^1.「廔」,應為病字旁,但電腦無此字。2.本項102年支付標準調整按衛生福利部1031260015號函公告,西醫基層自103年1月1日起實施。 ^ 5861 2013/1/1 2910/12/31
59975521 64087C 腱鞘囊摘出術、液囊腫瘤摘出術 Excision of ganglion or hygroma 2765 2013/1/1 2910/12/31
59975522 64088C 腱、韌帶皮下斷裂縫合術 Subcutaneous tenorrhaphy 4807 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975523 64089B 腱、韌帶皮下切斷手術 Subcutaneous tenectomy 2727 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975524 64090C 肌腱修補術 - 單腱 Tendon repair - single 4874 2013/1/1 2910/12/31
59975525 64091C 肌腱修補術 - 每增加一條 Tendon repair - one added 1871 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975526 64092B 指關節側韌帶切除術 Capsulectomy of digital joint 4540 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975527 64095B Gillie氏手術 (瞼外翻手術) Gillies' operation 2754 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975528 64096B 顴骨,封閉性復位 Zygoma,close reduction 3010 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975529 64098B 顴骨, 開放性復位 - 簡單 Zygoma; open reduction - simple 3750 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975530 64099B 顴骨, 開放性復位 - 複雜 Zygoma; open reduction - complicated 8250 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975531 64100B 顎骨、口蓋、舌良性腫瘤摘除術 Extirpation of benign tumors on palate or tongue 2603 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975532 64101B 顎骨骨折開放手術 - 單一骨折 Open reduction for fracture of palate - single 4010 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975533 64102B 顎骨骨折開放手術 - 複雜骨折 Open reduction for fracture of palate - multiple 5530 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975534 64103B 下顎骨斷離術 Mandibular osteotomy 5861 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975535 64104B 下顎骨切除術 - 邊緣切除 Resection of mandible - marginal 4280 1995/3/1 2910/12/31 全切除比照筋骨手術收費申報
59975536 64105B 下顎骨切除術 - 部份切除 Resection of mandible - partial 6367 2004/7/1 2910/12/31 全切除比照筋骨手術收費申報
59975537 64106B 下顎骨切除術 - 半切除 Resection of mandible - hemi-resection 6820 1995/3/1 2910/12/31 全切除比照筋骨手術收費申報
59975538 64107C 下顎骨脫位復位術 Reduction of dislocation of mandibular 2805 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975539 64108B 下顎骨骨折開放性復位 ( 簡單 ) Open reduction of mandible(simple) 6664 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975540 64109B 上顎骨懸掛式鋼絲 Maxilla suspension wiring 5440 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975541 64110B 上顎骨簡單開放性復位 Maxilla open reduction, simple 4200 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975542 64111B 上顎骨複雜開放性復位 Maxilla open reduction, complicated 8901 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975543 64112B 眼眶底開放性復位術 - 矽板植入 Orbital floor open reduction - silicon sheet implant 7411 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975544 64113B 眼眶底開放性復位術 - 自體植入 Orbital floor open reduction - autograft 9700 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975545 64114B 上下顎間鋼絲固定 Inter-maxillary wiring(Inter-dental wiring) 6160 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975546 64115B 顎關節強直解除術 Release of T.M. joint ankylosis 5780 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975547 64116C 頸部良性腫瘤切除,簡單 Benign neck mass excision (simple) 4150 2002/5/1 2910/12/31
59975548 64117C 跟腱斷裂縫合術 Rupture of achilles tendon primary suture 6491 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975549 64118B 臏骨韌帶斷裂縫合術 Rupture of patella tendon repair 5263 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975550 64119B 雙頭肌腱斷裂縫合術 Rupture of biceps tendon repair 5493 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975551 64120B 四頭肌腱斷裂縫合術 Rupture of quadriceps tendon repair 5862 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975552 64121B 肩旋轉袖破裂修補術 - 小破裂 Rotator cuff tear repair - small 5534 2012/1/1 2910/12/31
59975553 64122B 肩旋轉袖破裂修補術 - 大破裂 Rotator cuff tear repair - large or massive 7070 2012/1/1 2910/12/31
59975554 64123B 臀大肌,肩三角肌纖維化(攣縮)鬆弛術 Gluteal deltoid muscle contracture or snaping hip release. 5210 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975555 64124B 肩峰成形術 Acromioplasty 3765 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975556 64125C 脛骨粗隆結節切除術或骨融合術 excision 5008 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975557 64126B 臏骨半脫位外側放鬆術 Patella subluxation lateral release 4853 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975558 64127C 臏骨軟骨軟化症造孔術 Chondromalacia of patella(drilling or shaving) 4980 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975559 64128B 足踝韌帶修補術 Repair of ankle joint ligaments 4940 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975560 64132C 大腳趾外翻 Hallux valgus(McBride procedure) 4904 2014/2/1 2910/12/31
59975561 64133C 大腳趾外翻( 截骨術 ) Hallux valgus (Chevron) 5275 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975562 64134B 拇指基關節韌帶成形術 Ligament reconstruction of basal joint 8587 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975563 64135B 拇指基關節韌帶植入術 Ligament interposition of basal joint 7230 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975564 64136B 掌骨肌膜植入術 Fascial interposition for carpal bone 11371 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975565 64137B 手部根蒂皮瓣移植術 Regional hand pedicle flap 5186 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
總共 5160 筆,顯示第 2751 到第 2800 筆