
診療項目代碼 中文項目名稱 英文項目名稱 健保支付點數 價格參考起日 價格參考迄日 備註
59975616 64192B 肌腱轉移或移位 Tendon transposition or tendon transfer 2975 2004/7/1 2910/12/31 每增加一條加 one added。(每增加一條加報本項一次)
59975617 64193B 肌腱放長術 Tendon lengthening 4207 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975618 64194C 肌腱黏連分離術 Tenolysis 4000 2002/5/1 2910/12/31
59975619 64195C 肌腱或韌帶完全切斷修補 Tendon or ligament repair (complete disruption) 5236 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975620 64196B 肌腱或韌帶修補,囊內 Tendon or ligament repair 7640 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975621 64197C 肌腱切開或筋膜切開 Tenotomy or fasciotomy 5038 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975622 64198B 人工關節移除 - 股、肩、膝 Removal of prosthesis - hip, shoulder, knee 6000 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975623 64199B 人工關節移除 - 腕、踝 Removal of prosthesis - wrist, ankle 2890 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975624 64200B 人工關節移除 - 指、趾 Removal of prosthesis - finger, toe 2540 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975625 64201B 人工全髖關節再置換 Revision total hip replacement 24984 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975626 64202B 人工全膝關節再置換 Revision total knee replacement 24984 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975627 64203B 髖關節切除成形術 Girdlestone procedure of hip 9830 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975628 64204B 惡性骨瘤廣泛切除(一次) Wide excision-bone tumor,malignant 21167 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975629 64205B 惡性骨瘤二次廣泛切除 Wide excision-bone,soft tissue,tumor, malignant, two stage 25574 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975630 64206B 良性骨瘤刮除術及骨移植 curettage and bone graft 9830 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975631 64207B 軟組織惡性腫瘤廣泛切除 Wide excision - soft tissue,tumor,malignamt 17183 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975632 64208C 軟組織良性腫瘤切除術,大或深 Excision of soft tissue tumor, benign, large or deep 9080 2002/5/1 2910/12/31
59975633 64209B 上肢廣泛性肩關節截除術 Forequater amputation 23460 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975634 64210B 跟鍵斷裂重建術 Rupture of achilles tendon reconstruction 6780 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975635 64211B 臏骨韌帶斷裂重建術 Rupture of patella tendon reconstruction 6780 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975636 64212B 膝內外側韌帶修補術 MCL, LCL repair 6780 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975637 64213B 膝內外側韌帶重建術 MCL, LCL reconstruction 9100 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975638 64214B 踝前脛腓韌帶重建術 ATF reconstruction 6780 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975639 64218B 半月軟骨部分切除或修補術 Partial menisetomy or meniscus repair 8000 2004/7/1 2910/12/31 含內視鏡費在內
59975640 64219B 復發性肩關節前脫臼,開放性復位及關節囊成形術 Recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation capsular shift procedure 7900 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975641 64227B 拇指基關節置換術 Prothetic arthroplasty of basal joint 6050 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975642 64228B 區域筋膜切除術 Regional fasciectomy 4971 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975643 64229B 島狀根帶蒂皮瓣移植 Island pedicle flap 9200 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975644 64230B 游離骨骼肌肉移植術 Free vascularized bone graft, free muscle graft 18930 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975645 64231B 拇指重建手術 Pollicization 17952 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975646 64232B 掌側板關節成形術 Volar plate arthroplasty 7760 2003/4/1 2910/12/31
59975647 64233B 人工肌鍵植入術 Tendon prosthesis implant 5310 2003/4/1 2910/12/31
59975648 64234B 遠端橈尺關節重建術 Distal radio-ulnar joint reconstruction 6040 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975649 64235B 近關節肩岬骨骨折開放性復位術 Open reduction for scapula fracture juxta-articular 5839 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975650 64236B 髖臼骨折開放性復位術 Open reduction for acetabulum or hip socket fracture 8000 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975651 64237C 骨骼外固定器裝置術 Application of external fixation appratus 4597 2004/7/1 2910/12/31 1.未作開放整復手術逕行裝置之患者按支付點數金額給付。2.如併行開放整復手術之患者依各該手術項目申報。
59975652 64238B 股骨頭壞死鑽洞手術 Cord decompression for ANFH (trephing) 6371 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975653 64239B 開放性或閉鎖性肱骨粗隆或骨幹或踝部骨折,開放性復位術 Open reduction for closed or open humeral fracture; tuberosity, shaft or coudyles 8000 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975654 64240B 骨整形術 - 縮短 Osteoplasty - Shorting 11000 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975655 64241B 骨整形術 - 延長 Osteoplasty - Lengthening 12000 1995/3/1 2910/12/31
59975656 64242B 橈骨頭切除術 Excision,radial head 4827 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975657 64243B 關節鏡手術 - 關節鏡探查手術,併施行滑膜切片,灌洗,清創 Arthroscopic surgery-Arthroscopy with synovial biopsy,irrigation & larvage ,debridement 3000 1995/3/1 2910/12/31 含鏡檢費用。
59975658 64244B 關節鏡手術 - 關節鏡下關節面磨平成形術,打洞,游離體或骨軟骨碎片取出手術 Arthroscopic surgery-Arthroscopic shaving or abrasion arthroplasty,drilling or pinning or removal of loose body or osteochrondral fragment 8000 2014/12/1 2910/12/31 1.含鏡檢費用。2.64244B內含一般材料費及單一使用拋棄式刮刀及磨刀,得另加計103%。
59975659 64245C 骨內固定物拔除術 - 骨盆,髖骨,肱骨,股骨,尺骨,橈骨,脛骨 Removal of internal fixator 4182 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975660 64246B 骨內固定物拔除術 - 脊椎 Removal of internal fixator 6000 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975661 64247C 骨內固定物拔除術 - 其他部位 Removal of internal fixator 3589 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975662 64248C 尾胝骨骨折及脫位徒手復位術 Close reduction for fracture or dislocation of coccyx joint 680 2004/7/1 2910/12/31
59975663 64249B 膝蓋骨切除術 Patellectomy 4480 2003/12/1 2910/12/31
59975664 64251B 龐氏杵狀足矯正術 Clubfoot Ponseti manipulation 4940 2012/1/1 2910/12/31
59975665 64254C 貝克氏囊腫截除術 Baker's cyst excision 2030 2003/12/1 2910/12/31
總共 5160 筆,顯示第 2851 到第 2900 筆