Sheets (2466)
  • 102年50-69歲民眾最近兩年內接受大腸癌篩檢率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過大腸癌篩檢人數 / 當年12月50-69歲人口數。 2.2010年起,全面提供50-69歲民眾2年1次糞便潛血檢查。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014. Note:1.Colorectal cancer screening rate: Percentage of people aged 50-69 reporting at Least 1 iFOBT in the past 2 years. Note:2.Screening policy: The government has incorporated colorectal cancer screening into preventive health care services for people aged 50-69 with at least 1 iFOBT within the past 2 years.
  • 102年65歲以上老人過去一星期從事運動比率-依縣市別分 (20) 資料來源:本署健康危害行為監測調查。 備註:百分比經加權調整。 Source:Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System. Note:All percentage were weighted.
  • 102年主要死因標準化死亡率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因檔,本署重新計算。 備註:1.表內數值為每十萬人口標準化死亡率,標準化死亡率以2000年W.H.O.世界人口年齡結構為基準。 2.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。 Source:Re-calculated from the Death Certificate Data by Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare. Note:1. Standardized Mortality rate are based on 2000 W.H.O. World Standard Population. 2. Mid-year Population is calculated by year-end population.
  • 102年乳癌篩檢陽性個案追蹤完成率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.陽性個案轉介完成率=陽性個案已追蹤完成數/陽性個案數。 2.乳癌篩檢陽性個案定義為:乳房攝影篩檢結果為「0、4、5」,且受檢日期介於2012.10.01-2013.09.30。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014. Note:1.Follow up rate for positive cases=Positive cases who complete full length follow up / positive cases. 2.Definition for positive breast cancer cases are: Breast cancer screening result is「0 or 4 or 5」, and screening procedure dated between 2012.10.01-2013.09.30.
  • 102年參與母嬰親善醫療院所認證機構之出生數涵蓋率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署母嬰親善醫療院所認證計畫。 備註:1. 涵蓋率係指於該縣市參與認證之母嬰親善醫療院所之活產數/該縣市活產數。2. 分析結果經加權調整具全國及縣市代表性。 Source:Baby-Friendly Medical Care Institutions Certification Project, HPA. Note:1.Coverage rate is defined as percentage of births born in the Baby-Friendly Medical Care Institutions. 2.All percentages were weighted with national and city-county representative results.
  • 102年口腔癌篩檢陽性個案追蹤完成率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.陽性個案追蹤完成率=陽性個案已追蹤完成數/陽性個案應追蹤數。 2.陽性個案追蹤完成定義為確認診斷結果已填報。 3.口腔癌陽性個案追蹤完成數(2012.10.1-2013.9.30)的定義為(篩檢日期)且(檢驗日期)為3個月內的個案完成追蹤人數。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Note:1.Follow up rate for positive cases=Positive cases who complete full length follow up / positive cases. 2.Definition for follow up completetion is based on completed submission of difinitive diagnosis. 3.Follow up rate for positive cases=Positive cases who complete full length follow up between 2012.10.1-2.2013.9.30/ positive cases.
  • 102年各縣市所屬機關學校公教人員官等別性別-按各縣市所屬機關分 (305) 各縣市所屬機關學校公教人員官等別及性別統計
  • 102年各縣市所屬機關學校公教人員官等別、性別---按機關分類 (25) 各縣市所屬機關學校公教人員官等別及性別統計
  • 102年國中生吸菸率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署青少年吸菸行為調查(GYTS)。 備註:吸菸率定義:過去30天內曾經嘗試吸菸,即使只吸一、兩口。 Source:Global Youth Tobacco Survey. Note:The smoking rate was defined as having tried smoking over the previous 30 days, even if it was just one or two puffs.
  • 102年國科會研究計畫清單 (87) 國防大學102年申請國科會專題研究計畫清單