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year 99年
title 客語兒向言語的字調聲學研究
summary Speech has been shown to be modified to meet the communicative and emotional needs of the target audience. One clear example of such modification is Infant-Directed Speech (hereafter IDS). Caretakers dramatically alter their voices when speaking to infants. As a result, IDS has a unique acoustic quality that is distinct from Adult-Directed Speech (hereafter ADS). In Sino-Tibetan languages, tone plays a key role in distinguishing the meanings of words and offers essential prosodic information for speech perception. Albeit a small number of IDS studies have explored acoustic modifications in tone languages,research on Hakka IDS is unheard of. The present study adopts an acoustic and statistic approach to investigate the phonetic realities of the lexical tones in Hakka IDS. Its aim is to explore the possible adjustments of the lexical tones in Hakka that mothers make when addressing their infants compared with when addressing adults.
author 張國志
graduation_school 國立聯合大學
graduation_department 客家語言與傳播研究所
graduation_date 99.5
scholarship 7