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year 97年
title 中譯:客語「打」字構式群:論元體現與及物性之檢測
summary 本?文「客語「打」字構式群:?元體現與及物性之檢測」旨在運用Kay (1995)以及Goldberg (1995) 等學者所提出的構式語法觀點,對於客語中典型及物動詞「打」字極具廣泛的語意表徵、?元體現、以及其結構上之及物性程?與?道轉移現象進?檢視及探究。先前文獻普遍認為在動詞結構中,動詞是唯一可決定?元體現成分之主要角色。然而,藉由相關語言事實可以發現,除?仰賴動詞外,?元體現也必須靠結構?決定。這些由形式及語意組合而成的結構,亦各自帶有具區辨性之功能。後則採用Voorst (1996) 所提出的四種程?差?之及物性表徵,?進一步地對於詞組結構、?型結構、以及在言談中之?型變化進?討?。藉由檢視?法語意介面之結構?型,本研究將依據構式框架對於客語中「打」字結構群以及動詞「打」字在結構中的?元體現與及物性特徵提出完整縝密之分析。 In order to explore the comprehensive semantic representation of the prototypical transitive verb da2 (打) ‘hit’ in Hakka, this study, adopting the framework of Construction Grammar proposed by Kay (1995) and Goldberg (1995),examines the diversification of the structural types in Hakka da2 constructions. In addition, the facets of argument realization and transitivity which involves energy transfer and degrees of affectedness are probed into. In the previous literature, it is hypothesized that a verb is the center responsible for the argument realization of the verbal construction. The relevant facts, however, suggest that the argument structure integrates both the verb and the construction. Constructions —pairings of form and meaning — also carry their distinct functions. For a thorough consideration, the increasing level of closeness and intensity of transitivity offered by Voorst (1996) are applied to tackle not only phrasal but also sentential structures and the structural variations in discourse. In adopting these theories to examine the interaction of syntax and semantics, this paper draws on the constructional framework and attempts to capture both general and idiosyncratic properties with a fine-grained analysis for the family of da2 ‘hit’ constructions in Hakka.
author 葉秋杏
graduation_school 國立政治大學
graduation_department 語言學研究所
graduation_date 97.7
scholarship 5