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Title 一般廢棄物再利用產品流向調查與查核專案計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為掌握焚化後灰渣上網申報量、廚餘收集量及兩者再利用去化通路之實況,並檢討現存再利用種類之管制條件或研擬可再利用種類,於是規劃本計畫。執行環保署補助興建大型垃圾焚化廠十九座運轉及小型一般廢棄物焚化爐三座運轉之灰渣上網申報其流向與運送飛灰、底渣之清運機具需完成即時追蹤系統裝置及廚餘、底渣進行查核了解其再利用產品流向及查核所填報是否確實之查核輔導,並擬定焚化底渣再利用貯存、清運規範與研訂其他有再利用價值之一般廢棄物類別及其再利用管理方式。
EngTitle The Audit Plan for using Wastesrecycle Products
EngAbstract Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan plans for this project in order to grasp the internetworking amount of ash after incineration, the collected amount of kitchen food residue, and the actual condition for the blow path for recycling of both substances, as well as to review the control condition of existing recycle categories or regulate recyclable categories. To audit the internetworking and blow path of ash generated by 19 large garbage incineration plants and 3 small common waste incinerators which were erected by the financial support of EPA. The disposal machines for transporting fly ash and bottom debris should get global positioning system. To audit the kitchen food residue and bottom debris to understand the flow path of wastesrecycle products, and audit whether the data is correct or not. To propose the recycle, storage, disposal criteria of incinerating bottom debris and regulate the categories of other recyclable wastes and their recycle management way.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司