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32117024 執行柴油車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及召回改正調查測試專案計畫 行政院環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油汽車污染管制,已訂定完整之各項污染管制法規,如「柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發撤銷及廢止辦法」等,藉由本計畫之執行,完成審查及核發柴油新車型合格證明函及合格證明,並執行新車抽驗、使用中柴油車召回改正調查測試、耐久審查及品質管制查核等工作,其中除永豐公司KIA PREGIO車型新車抽驗不合格,並依規定辦理撤銷合格證明外,餘均符合現有辦法各項規定。另為提昇行政效率簡化合格證明申請作業流程,配合WTO入會及順應法規調和之潮流等國內外情勢,本計畫適時增修訂相關法規、作業規定,並為因應電子化趨勢另行規劃柴油車審驗合格證明電子化作業軟體開發及上線測試準備。此外亦利用柴油車進行實車驗證測試,來修正及建立柴油汽車污染排放總量之推估模式,俾作為各項柴油汽車污染管制策略成效評估及決策之參考 Special Implementation Project for New Diesel Vehicle Model Certification, Conformity of Production Auditing and the Surveillance Test of Vehicle Recall and Correction Environmental Protection Administration has been strengthening the emission control over diesel vehicles in order to improve domestic air quality,and developing comprehensive regulations,such as 「The Procedure of Rebelling and Abolishing the Certificate of Emission Inspection for the Types of Diesel and other Alternative Fuel Engine Vehicles」.And enforcing regulations through the implementation of this project,including new diesel engine and vehicle certification approval、Conformity of Production 、In-Uesd diesel vehicle recall investigation test、durability approval and Conformity of Production,etc.Except for KIA PREGIO vehicle can’t compliance with Conformity of Production and the certificate were abolished,all the other were fitting with regulations. Models for estimating pollution from highway vehicles were studied and their basic methodology was referenced to set up the model for domestic diesel vehicles pollution estimation. The pollution estimation model was developed as a reference tool to evaluate the effectiveness of various diesel vehicle control strategies in the future. 093 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心
32117025 九十三年度資源回收費率審議運作、稽核認證團體監督查核評鑑、限制使用政策後續處理及回收處理業土地合法化諮詢工作計畫 環保署依據廢棄物清理法針對應回收廢棄物所發放之回收處理補貼費,在國內現行資源回收體系之運作扮演關鍵性的角色。本計畫之工作項目之一即為協助環保署監督委員會確實執行確保補貼費發放公正性的稽核認證制度之監督作業,並協助資源回收費率審議委員會進行費率審議工作。另為持續促進限用塑膠袋免洗餐具政策之執行成效,解決民眾及業者相關問題之疑惑,本計畫協助環保署執行限塑政策相關諮詢服務。而應回收廢棄物處理業者申辦相關證照過程中,常遭遇土地之合法使用申請作業流程之相關問題,而為協助業者相關法令及申請作業疑義之協助,本計畫即為提供諮詢管道協助業者及地方環保局排除相關困難。  本計畫共達成下列成果:1.完成協助稽核認證監督委員會實施9場次定期評鑑、18場次定期查核(以無預警方式進行)及2場次不定期查核作業,並協助歷次會議之紀錄彙整,以及稽核認證團體應改善事項之正式發文幕僚作業。2.完成協助資源回收費率審議委員會,針對九十四年度費率審議作業召開6次費率審議臨時會,並協助紀錄及資料彙整幕僚作業。3.完成限制使用政策案件之協答工作,總計協助處理160通來電諮詢及140封e-mail回覆。4.完成處理回收處理業土地合法化回覆諮詢電話20件,彙整縣市環保局對於土地合法化工作之審查進度468家,以及完成彙整應回收廢棄物回收業及處理業土地合法化申請所需相關資料製成網頁。 The plan assessment on the deliberation of recycling-related charges, the performance of inspection and certification party, limit use plastic bag as well as exempt washing tableware further processin According to the Waste Disposal Act, the recycled subsidy dispatching from EPA plays a very important role in financing the domestic recycling system in Taiwan. The inspection and certification party are assigned by EPA and dispatched to supervise the recycling processing units. As a result, one of the objectives of the project in this report is to assist EPA in revising the finance of this system and to assess these inspection and certification parties to ensure the effectiveness and fairness of this subsiding system.For the objective of assessing these parties, the project is to assist the assessing committee on the once or twice per year assessment. This report has finished this requirement by the contract on schedule for year 2004. Before completing the assessments, related works and activities were completed as well.With regard to revising the finance of the subsidy system, this project is aimed at discussing and establishing a model of operation for the financing of this system. We called for eleven formal meetings and one informal meeting in total. The agenda, conclusions and summaries of these meetings provide the basis for the financing of year 2004 and are listed in related tables. These data are also stored in the electronic form. In the future, this project will also assist in organizing other meetings and proposing applicable suggestions.And for the limit use of plastic bag and exempt washing tableware policy, one objective of this project is to provide consultation for populations. Which has assisted 160 phone and 140 association answers. In the process to apply for licenses of both recycling and processing industries, there are often several problems will meet. The other purpose of this project is to provide consultation for both industries and EPBs to remove these difficult. The grand total completed processing land legalization reply consultation telephone 20 cases, and collected to puts land legalization achieved progress 468 work. Moreover finished making the land legalization information 093 廢管處
32117026 一般廢棄物再利用產品流向調查與查核專案計畫 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為掌握焚化後灰渣上網申報量、廚餘收集量及兩者再利用去化通路之實況,並檢討現存再利用種類之管制條件或研擬可再利用種類,於是規劃本計畫。執行環保署補助興建大型垃圾焚化廠十九座運轉及小型一般廢棄物焚化爐三座運轉之灰渣上網申報其流向與運送飛灰、底渣之清運機具需完成即時追蹤系統裝置及廚餘、底渣進行查核了解其再利用產品流向及查核所填報是否確實之查核輔導,並擬定焚化底渣再利用貯存、清運規範與研訂其他有再利用價值之一般廢棄物類別及其再利用管理方式。 The Audit Plan for using Wastesrecycle Products Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan plans for this project in order to grasp the internetworking amount of ash after incineration, the collected amount of kitchen food residue, and the actual condition for the blow path for recycling of both substances, as well as to review the control condition of existing recycle categories or regulate recyclable categories. To audit the internetworking and blow path of ash generated by 19 large garbage incineration plants and 3 small common waste incinerators which were erected by the financial support of EPA. The disposal machines for transporting fly ash and bottom debris should get global positioning system. To audit the kitchen food residue and bottom debris to understand the flow path of wastesrecycle products, and audit whether the data is correct or not. To propose the recycle, storage, disposal criteria of incinerating bottom debris and regulate the categories of other recyclable wastes and their recycle management way. 093 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司
32117027 廚餘高溫生物醱酵及養殖藻魚之綠色產業技術開發計畫 本計畫以高溫厭氧醱酵之方式進行廚餘資源化再利用,在目前廚餘再利用以養豬為主,堆肥為輔之情況下,協助開闢多元化管道之出路。試驗現場位於台南縣七股鄉昭日環保健康世界股份有限公司(本計畫配合廠商)之生態農場,反應槽為一矩形不銹鋼製槽體,長×寬×高=4.55 m×1.80 m×1.80 m,內部分隔為前後二室,分別為酸化槽(1.2 m3)及醱酵槽(12.4 m3),透過加熱棒方式控制反應槽溫度於55℃,前後二槽均配有攪拌機以避免污泥的沈降,除溫度外,亦配備氧化還原電位(ORP)及pH計。系統啟動時以養豬廢水厭氧污泥植種,並逐漸增加廚餘進料,試驗前期曾因未能及時控制酸化槽及醱酵槽pH的下降,導致酸敗發生,因此補充約8m3之污泥再植種,待系統穩定後進料量逐漸由100L/d增加至試驗末期之500L/d(每週進料五天),系統之體積負荷介於1.1~4.3 kg TCOD/m3-d,水力停留時間則由68天逐漸降至27天,TCOD之去除率介於76.8~92.5%,SS及VSS之去除率則分別介於64.3~79.6%及73.1~85.4%之間,在500L/d之進料下每日產氣量約4000 L,甲烷約佔總產氣之52~66%。考慮到厭氧生物處理之可能抑制問題,鈉離子檢測結果均未達1000 mg/L,不過進料廚餘中油脂濃度高達約25000 mg/L,經酸化水解後仍有約14000 mg/L,出流濃度則約為3000-4000 mg/L,仍可能造成抑制現象。後續計畫在技術面,可透過MBR的應用提升系統內有效污泥濃度,增加體積負荷、降低水力停留時間,以減少硬體投資成本,使本工法更具商業推廣價值。不過在商業化之實場厭氧醱酵資源化利用場出現前,建議環保署以政策性之措施,建立示範場,作為各縣市推動廚餘資源化利用出路除養豬、堆肥之外的第三條通路。 Green Technology Development of Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion and Aquaculture using Kitchen Waste In this project, thermophilic anaerobic digestion of the kitchen waste was investigated. With the majority of the source separated kitchen waste is used in the feedstock of pig production and in composting, this project aims to provide an engineered option for kitchen waste recycling. The pilot plant is located in the farm in Tainan county. Dimension of the reactor is 4.55 m (L) x 1.80 m (W) x 1.80 m (H), and was separated into two compartments: the acidogenesis chamber (volume = 1.2 m3) and the methanogenesis (volume = 12.4 m3). Thermophilic condition of the reactor was maintained through the heaters installed in both chambers at about 55oC. In addition to the temperature and pH sensors, ORP sensor was also installed in the methanogenesis chamber. System was started with the seeding of the anaerobic sludge from a nearby pig farm. When the system became stable, influent of the kitchen waste was from 100 L/d and gradually increased to 500 L/d (with 5 days per week). Volumetric loading rates (VLR) of the system were between 1.1-4.3 kg TCOD/m3-d, and the hydraulic retention times (HRT) of the reactor was decreased from 68 days down to 27 days. Removal efficiencies of TCOD, SS, and VSS were between 76.8-92.5%, 64.3-79.6%, and 73.1-85.4%, respectively. Under the flowrate of 500 L/d, gas production was found to be around 4000 L/d, with the methane content between 52-66%. Sodium concentration in the reactor was found to be less than 1000 mg/L, but the O&G in the influent was found to be around 25000 mg/L, after the acidogenesis about 8000-14000 mg/L remained, and even in the methanogenesis stage about 3000-4000 mg/L of O&G was observed. When the O&G levels are higher than 20000 mg/L, retardation and possible inhibition might occur. It is suggested that the EPA should set up some demonstration plants to encourage local governments to adopt the TAnD approach as an option for kitchen waste recycling and reuse. 093 永續發展室 國立屏東科技大學創新育成中心
32117028 研擬低頻噪音管制規範及航空噪音監測紀錄提報規定 本計畫目的之一為研擬低頻噪音管制規範,以解決日益多的冷卻水塔、馬達及PUB營業場所低頻噪音陳情,這類依照「噪音管制標準」內方法所量測結果,多數都能符合管制值,當這類案例增多時代表著「噪音管制標準」內容無法達到這類環境的保護目的,必須要進一步的研究調整。本計畫蒐集了國外有關低頻噪音量測指標及方法與低頻噪音計規格,進行冷卻水塔、冷氣機、抽風機等設施及具重低音喇叭場所共一百處之低頻噪音實地量測,研擬出管制值、低頻頻率管制範圍、量測地點、量測方式、量測儀器等內容,並舉辦二場諮詢會議及乙場儀器廠商座談會,以廣納各界意見,研擬適合我國低頻噪音量測規範,環保署已將其納入噪音管制標準第三條及及第七條條文修正,並於九十三年底召開公聽會徵求各界意見。此外亦研擬出低頻噪音陳情處理之作業程序、相關紀錄和表單。在航空噪音監測紀錄規定方面,依噪音管制法第十一條規定,航空噪音監測設備之位置、數量及監測資料之格式、方法應符合中央主管機關之規定,本計畫與民航局溝通協調研擬出草案後,邀集民航局、國防部等軍民機場主管機關及操作維護廠商,研商草案內容,會後提出公告草案版本供環保署參考。在子法修正方面,除「噪音管制標準」外,另協助環保署完成「民用航空器噪音管制辦法」、「民用航空器噪音管制標準」及「軍事機關及其所屬單位之場所工程設施及機動車輛航空器等裝備噪音管制辦法」修正建議案之研商、公聽及公告事宜。執行期間亦邀集各縣市環保局噪音管制業務主辦人員及專家學者,舉辦全國性噪音管制工作檢討會,以交換噪音管制業務心得,使我國噪音管制業務順利推動。 The Study of Low Frequency Noise Criteria and the Code of Airport Noise Monitoring Report The low frequency (L.F.) noise complaints are more and more today. The existed noise criteria are not effective to such annoyance. The purpose of this study was to assess the L.F. noise and suggest the noise control criteria to authorities. And study the existed criteria and summit the criteria refined suggestion are also completed.Different national criteria such as Germany, Japan, Denmark, Netherlands for L.F. noise were compared . 100 complaints case have been measured and studied. The sources of suite were cooling tower, air condition etc. The draft of criteria was discussed on the committee. Finally, the L.F. frequency noise criteria ware completed to authorities and will amended in Noise Control Standard article 3 and article 7. The procedure of the L.F. noise assessment specifies how to measure and judge when there is a L.F. complaint. It’s well useful to local authorities to control L.F. noise problem.The study specified the format of airport noise report that the authorities of airport must summit those reports to the local environment authorities each quarter. The draft edition was discussed with CAA officers, Military officers and contractors of noise monitoring system of airports.Incorporated with EPA to modify the existed noise related regulation, such as aircraft noise limit and control, equipments noise control for military service etc. For aircraft noise limit, the study cited the ICAO Environmental Protection Annex 16 third edition 1993 to replace the word description with formula, amend the noise limit for propeller-driven aircrafts by mass and time of application for certificate of airworthiness for the prototype, add the noise evaluation measure of A weighting maximum and sound exposure level, add the noise limit of helicopters. The regulation of equipments noise control for military service was declared for article two by EPA .The study also hold a domestic environment noise meeting for all the environment authorities and the noise experts in Taiwan to share the noise control experience 093 空保處 中華民國音響學會
32117029 運用遙測技術應用於事業廢棄物管理 本計畫歷經6個月,為國內首創以遙測技術應用於事業廢棄物監測管理作業。除蒐集、整理目前國內事業廢棄物非法棄置事件類型與現況處理流程外,亦使用空間分析技術,探討非法棄置事件與道路、聚落的空間關聯性,包括95%棄置場址與道路交集均落於700公尺內;95%棄置場址與聚落交集均落於900公尺內。更進一步將事業廢棄物棄置類型分為6類、棄置方式分為3類,並歸納整理不同遙測方式之適用性,依據此適用性,與建議改良之非法棄置事件處理流程,建置事業廢棄物監測管理系統,系統內容包含三部分:事業廢棄物非法棄置偵測系統、事業廢棄物非法棄置通報系統與事業廢棄物非法棄置查報系統。除此之外,更針對試辦縣市桃園縣觀音鄉、大園鄉、蘆竹鄉以及龜山鄉進行事業廢棄物監測管理系統之試辦工作,空中勤務總隊(航空器)聯合稽查之效率為15,501公頃/小時;UAV稽查效率為317公頃/小時,地面影像解像力為12cm。由結果可知遙測立體監測體系(主以福爾摩沙二號影像、航空器、UAV與地面查報)確實有助於針對現在發生中(現行棄置區)以及未來可能發生(潛在棄置區)的非法棄置行為進行有效監測管理,亦藉此提高非法棄置行為成本,達到遏阻效果,降低事業廢棄物非法棄置事件發生率。至於過去許多非法棄置掩埋案件,亦可透過歷史航照,協助掌握與還原當時現況,以作為管理單位後續整治之參考。依本計畫執行結果,估算推行於桃園縣全縣之年度成本約需98.48萬元,推行至全省約為2166.6萬經費。 The application of remote sensing technology on industrial waste management This project has gone through six months and is the first management system project of monitoring industrial waste aided by remote sensing technology in Taiwan. This project has not only collected and sorted the types and procedures of domestic industrial waste cases, but also has utilized the spatial analysis skill to investigate the relation among roads, towns and dumping sites. The conclusion is 95% of dumping sites are beside located within 700M of the roads and 95% of dumping sites are beside located within 900M of the towns.Furthermore, dumped industrial waste has been classified by six types, the approaches of dumping has been sorted by 3 ways. The procedure of illegal waste dumping has been induced by various remote sensing skills and has developed an industrial waste monitoring system. This industrial waste system includes detecting system, promulgating system and reporting system.Moreover, this project aimed to test some regions in Taoyuan County, including Guanyin, Dayuan, Luzhu and Guishan, have been checked by the industrial waste monitoring system. The efficiency of execution by the aircraft of the Air Duty Police was 15,501 hectors per hour and by UAV was 317 hectors per hour. The resolution of ground image was 12 meters. This showed a positive result that remote sensing monitoring system is helpful for monitoring illegal dumping. Introducing the Formosat-2 satellite image, UAV and ground investigation help the management system to monitor the past, current and future illegal behaviors detecting. This system will raise the cost of illegal dumping, decrease the cases of industrial waste dumping. This system also helps to identify the existing illegal dumping sites through historical aero-images. The annul cost to carry out the conclusion of this project in Taoyuan County is around NTD 984,800 and NTD 21,666,000 in whole Taiwan. 093 廢管處 國立台灣大學
32117030 購物袋使用費(稅)可行性分析與推動實施方案評估 「購物袋使用費」為第二階段「購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類免洗餐具限制使用政策」(簡稱限塑政策)的後續考量政策,其可行性與限用政策之成效有相當具體的關聯性。限塑政策成效顯著,然限塑之相關問題,如環境效果是否足夠明確?購物用塑膠袋不得無償提供的規定是否造成消費者需付費取得,而獨厚塑膠袋業者?是否應將紙袋一併納入限制範圍?以及限塑政策產生的經濟衝擊是否是社會可以容忍的範圍?而不致造成業者之抗爭行為等問題。直接或間接地促成了「購物袋使用費」政策在國內執行的可能性。然「購物袋使用費政策」是否足以減少上述爭議,有效地解決目前限塑政策所遭遇之問題,並進一步地發揮環境效果有必要進一步討論。換言之,必須有效釐清使用費政策在限塑政策下之可能環境效果,消費者進一步配合意願,以及經濟影響衝擊程度,才能判斷限塑政策之最適修改方向。本研究所討論之購物袋材質以塑膠製、紙製及生物分解材質為主,並以各種研究方法探討其環境效果、消費者配合程度,以及經濟影響層面。本研究先針對購物袋使用費政策之各國政策經驗、國內環境、消費者、經濟配合等可能情況進行描述,並提供「購物袋政策」政策可行性分析之結論與建議。 The Feasibility Analysis of Plastic Shopping Bags Policy The regulation prohibiting retailers and restaurants from offering customers free plastic bags constitutes part of the Second Stage of implementation of the government’s “Restricted Use Policy on Plastic Shopping Bags & Disposable Plastic Tableware” (also known as the “Plastic Bag Reduction Initiative”). How effectively this prohibition can be enforced will be a major determinant of the success or failure of the Restricted Use Policy as a whole. For the purposes of this report, the term “shopping bag” is used to refer to shopping bags made from plastic, paper or other biodegradable materials. A variety of different research methods are used to examine the environmental impact, consumers’ willingness to collaborate with policy implementation, and the impact on the economy. Other countries’ experience with requiring consumers to pay for shopping bags is reviewed, and a range of possible scenarios (with regard to the overall domestic environment, and the willingness of consumers and of the business community to collaborate on implementation) are outlined, providing a basis for the putting forward of conclusions and recommendations regarding the feasibility of achieving effective implementation of the government’s policy of restricting plastic shopping bag usage. 093 廢管處 中華經濟研究院
32117031 台灣地區各區域噪音特性調查及環境音量最佳品質之研究 國家環境保護計畫訂定以「環境音量不合格時段數百分比」作為噪音改善績效目標之衡量指標,並訂定中長程目標值,為達成該計畫目標,藉由本計畫之執行,來檢討環境音量相關內容。一、於全國共十一個縣市,依據噪音管制法施行細則第八條之規定,於各類噪音管制區適當地點,進行每季二次二十四小時環境噪音連續監測;總計十一縣市監測結果不合格時段數百分比為16.7%。二、 於台南市及桃園市各擇一地點,實施連續三十天環境音量之監測,分析長期監測時環境音量監測數據之變化,研擬代表日選取原則。三、 彙整全國各地方環保局自民國八十九年起至九十二年環境音量監測結果,並進行環境音量趨勢分析,各時段均能音量以第四類最高,第一類最低,而第二、三類則較為接近。四、研擬環境音量監測結果判讀及數據處理原則,供各縣市環保局參考,包括測值零值、過高(高於90分貝)或過低(低於20分貝) 、人為輸入錯誤等等。五、蒐集歐盟、美國及日本有關環境音量相關資料,比較包括噪音監測儀器、量測地點、量測高度、時段區分、評估值、氣象條件等之異同。六、辦理環境音量監測相關業務三場教育訓練會議或座談會,會中並進行噪音計實測業務操作,使各地方環保局人員瞭解最新噪音管制相關知識及儀器系統,有助噪音管制業務之推動。 The Study of Noise Survey and Environmental Noise Quality in Taiwan In the “Nation Environmental Protection Plan”, the index of noise improvement is the percentage of unqualified hour-interval environmental noise. This study was established to achieve the object with reviewing the environmental noise monitoring guidelines and make in situ environmental noise measurements among the eleven cities and counties in Taiwan.1. In this study, we selected proper places in every sorts of noise control district to measure the environmental noise for two 24-hours continuous measurement each season, the whole percentage of unqualified hour-interval environmental noise for the eleven cities and counties was 16.7%2. Two sites were chosen to measure for 30 days long to analyze the variation of noise for long-term situation. One was in Taoyuan and the other was in Tainan City.3. Reviewed the local governments’ monitoring data and analyzed the data from 2000 to 2003.4. Proposed the treatment guideline of environmental noise record. 5. Collected the environmental noise regulation and directive of European Union, U.S and Japan, then compared the equipment, measurement site, measurement height, time-interval, index and weather condition among Taiwan and them.6. Three training courses were hold in April, July and September for the officials who are in charge the noise affairs in every local government. It was effective to improve the knowledge and know-how of noise. 093 空保處 歐怡科技股份有限公司
32117032 環境資料庫標準系統推動、跨部會資料庫整合及環保知識庫規劃暨教育宣導計畫 本專案於93年度推動工作重點在於建立環境資訊標準系統、跨部會環境資訊資源管理與環境資訊品質系統、以及規劃環境資訊應用系統、並將成果進行教育宣導等重點工作。在環境資訊標準系統之推動工作上,以環境資訊標準登錄規劃、環境辭彙審核作業、環境資訊系統建置規範研擬為重點項目。本計畫將歐盟發展的GEMET詞彙資料庫中文化內容進行名詞以及定義的審核作業,完成2500筆環境辭彙;而環境資訊建置規範制訂的目的在於提供中央或地方環保機關,在推動環境資訊建置時,可遵循的基準。其內容共十七條,除一般規定外,主要包含內容、程序、與資訊公開等相關條文。藉由規範之制訂,未來不同環保機關所發展的系統,在整合上可能更有效率。在跨部會環境資訊系統管理規劃方面,本計畫提出環境資訊資源管理機制的檢討與修訂,包括資料整合之標準作業程序及流程規劃、以及跨部會環境資訊資源之整合示範系統規劃;而為了維護環境資訊品質,本計畫從專案管理與生命週期評估觀點,建立環境資訊品質的管理架構,以避免環境資訊於規劃、生產、儲存、交換與使用過程中發生可預期的錯誤,滿足各種決策程序對環境資訊品質的要求。在環境資訊應用系統之規劃上,包括國外環境資訊系統案例分析(包括美國環保署之EnviroFacts系統、加拿大環保署建立之NPRI系統、歐盟環保署建立之EPER系統),更進一步地﹐將國外案例與我國環境資料庫內容進行比較;另規劃永續發展指標應用系統中的『環境污染』與『都市發展』指標。為使相關業務單位能清楚明白本計劃推動之目的與目標,相關教育宣導工作亦於本年度的推動工作上持續進行,包括二場座談會以及一場研討會,整體而言,除達到計畫工作事項之要求外,並且逐步達成環境資訊庫觀念與應用的推廣。 The establishment of environmental information standard mechanism, the development of environmental information integration across government departments, planning environmental information applicatio The environmental database project of 2004 includes setting up environmental information standard mechanism, developing environmental information resource and data quality system across government departments, and planning environmental information application system, and advertisement, etc.There are environmental information registry flow design, environmental vocabulary review, and environmental information norms establishment in the task of environmental information standard mechanism. This project provides the 2500 environmental vocabularies including the Chinese version definitions of the term and explanation. The references include the European Union’s GEMET vocabulary system, and EPA statistics data & EPA Regulation of Taiwan, etc. The goal of the norms in environmental information developing is to offer basic requirements to the local or central environmental protection authorities that would develop the environmental information systems. There are 17 clauses in the proposed norms, except the general ones, the clauses can be divided into 3 parts, including contents, processes and public information. With the norms, systems developed by different authorities could be probably integrated more efficient in the future.There are two subjects for developing the environmental information management across government departments that are environmental information resource management and data quality system. This project proposes the standard procedure for build up the environmental information resource. In order to ensure the quality of environmental information, this project proposes a systematic framework based on life cycle assessment (LCA) to avoid the expected errors happened in the procedures including planning, production, storage, exchange and usage and to satisfy the requirement of data quality when making a decision. 093 監資處 國立中央大學環境工程研究所
32117033 環境資料庫地理資料蒐集建檔 環保署於九十年度起分階段進行環境資料庫建置之初步調查與規劃,第一階段初期環境資料庫推動計畫,初步主要鎖定五項重要工作重點,分別是環境資訊管理與資訊公開辦法之研擬、環境資訊標準、資訊品質驗證制度之規劃、環境資訊資源系統之規劃建置及教育宣導等。並自91年起亦依據推動計畫著手進行整合性環境資料庫實體建置工作,主要將環保署相關既有資料庫如空、水、廢、毒污染源資料庫、環境品質監測資料等陸續建立持續整合匯入機制,並持續開發環境資訊系統提供進行整合性資料庫之查詢及供應統一窗口,對外界提供資料庫及詮釋資料查詢等應用。由於各單位對於環境方面之空間地理資料庫之整合及建置工作日益有迫切之需要,基於整體運作方式之考量,因此環保署配合環境資料庫整體運作及需求等之考量以本計畫來執行空間地理資料庫之建置作業,以期能有效加速整合性環境資料庫之整體推動建置工作之落實。基於前述有關環境資料庫建置與推動之加速落實需求,本計畫主要目標包括:加速執行環保署環境資料庫建置推動方案、執行空間資料數化建檔,擴充環境資料庫之空間資料內容、及提供網際網路版地理資訊系統主題圖展示及圖層下載功能等三項,主要完成之工作項目包括:完成環境資料庫所需之地理資訊系統圖層資料數化建檔,共完成17個點狀及面狀圖層;完成國土資訊系統環境品質分組圖層目錄整理,共完成整理9437個圖檔整合建置成為508個向量圖檔及5886個影像式空間資料;完成環境地理資訊系統圖層主題圖展示系統開發建置,提供圖檔調閱管理及詮釋資料庫連結查詢調閱等相關功能。 The geography material collection construction for The environmental database Because various units and establish the work conformity of space of geography information database regarding the environment aspect to have the urgent need day by day, consideration based on whole operation way, therefore the environmental protection bureau coordination environment information database whole operation and the demand consideration the and so on carry out the spatial geography information database by this plan to establish the work, can effectively accelerate by the time integrated whole of impetus the environment information database to establish realization the work.States the related environment information database based on front to establish acceleration realization demand with the impetus, this plan essential target includes: The acceleration carries out the environmental protection bureau environment information database to establish the impetus plan, to carry out the spatial material number to construct the files, space of material content the expansion environment information database, and provides the Internet version geography information system subject chart demonstration and the chart level downloading function and so on three items, mainly completes the work project to include: Completes the environment information database to need the geography information diagram level material number to construct the files, altogether completes 17 spots shapes and the surface shape chart level; Completes the national territory information system environment quality grouping chart level table of contents to reorganize, altogether completes reorganizes 9,437 charts files conformity to establish into 508 vector diagrams files and 5,886 images type space material; Completes the environment geography information diagram level subject chart to demonstrate the system development establishes, provides the chart files to pull and read the management and the annotation information database links the inquiry to pull and read and so on the related function. 093 監資處 千一資訊有限公司
32117034 有害事業廢棄物固化處理廠及固化物掩埋場環境管理查核 本計畫完成現況調查及現場查核國內3家民營有害事業廢棄物固化處理廠,16座公民營焚化廠之固化處理設施,2個民營固化物掩埋場,15個公民營衛生掩埋場。除現場查核外,本計畫完成駐場查核3家固化處理廠。固化處理廠之查核範圍包括環境管理,進出廠管制,申報資料,及現場作業等。固化物掩埋場之查核範圍包括環境管理,進場管制,申報資料及現場作業等。本計畫針對不同養生階段及不同掩埋時間之固化物進行採樣,並做重金屬溶出試驗及單軸抗壓強度試驗,以了解其穩定性。本計畫收集國內外固化處理技術與環境相容性及可替代性技術之研究資料,並擬定「有害廢棄物固化處理設施管理規範(草案)」及「固化體獨立分區掩埋設施規範(草案)」。 Environmental audit on hazardous industrial wastes solidification plants, and landfills for solidified wastes This project accomplished survey and site audit on 3 commercial hazardous industrial waste solidification plants, 16 solidification facilities of public and private owned incineration plants, 2 commercial landfills for solidified wastes and 15 public owned sanitary landfills.In addition to plant audit, this project also conducted resident audit on operation of three solidification treatment plants for solidified wastes.The audit scope for solidification treatment plants includes environment management, gate control, report filing and site audit. The audit scope for landfills includes environmental management, entrance control, report filing and site audit.Sampling of solidified wastes of various curing periods and years in landfill was conducted to analyze the stability of solidified wastes with heavy metal leaching tests and single axial pressure tests.This project collect domestic and foreign solidification treatment technology, environmental compatibility and alternative technology, this project has drafted two guidelines such as “Draft guidelines for management of hazardous waste solidification facilities.” and “Draft guidelines for independent isolated landfill facilities.” 093 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司
32117035 垃圾焚化廠焚化灰渣中重金屬及戴奧辛成分分析計畫(第二年) 19座大型廠焚化底渣經TCLP溶出試驗溶出後,不合格之項目中以鉛為主,其不合格比率為5.26%,較92年之8.45﹪不合格率為低;小型焚化廠之底渣,不合格率達33.3%,與92年37.5﹪之不合格率相近﹔再利用機構之底渣則全數合於管制標準。19座大型垃圾焚化廠之底渣樣品中戴奧辛總量自1.1482至44.0668 ng I-TEQ/Kg 間﹔小型垃圾焚化廠底渣樣品中戴奧辛總量,自6.8735至1817.30 ng I-TEQ/Kg 間﹔底渣再利用機構之戴奧辛總量則在0.6669 至 10.7532 ng I-TEQ/K間。19座大型垃圾焚化廠之飛灰固化物,其TCLP溶出液中之重金屬不合格率為11.1﹪,較92年之不合格率14.9%稍低,其餘金屬則都能符合管制標準。飛灰固化物中之戴奧辛總量在3.8055 ng I-TEQ/Kg 至2224.15 ng I-TEQ/Kg 間。在飛灰部分,則所有採集之樣品,均需視為有害廢棄物加以管制,因為各廠各次採集之飛灰均超過溶出試驗之標準。各飛灰樣品中所含戴奧辛總量在23.1993 ng I-TEQ/Kg 至4206.58 ng I-TEQ/Kg 間。在兩年八次檢測之後,共有5座大型焚化廠各次底渣及飛灰固化物之檢測結果,均符合金屬TCLP之管制標準,在這5座大型焚化廠中,有4座之進料為單純之家戶垃圾﹔而在剩餘之14座大型焚化廠中,進料中含有一般事業廢棄物者計有9座,因而大致上可以推論,進料中含有一般事業廢棄物之焚化廠,需對其焚化條件加以妥善管理,或加強固化系統之功能。由各焚化廠戴奧辛異構物之3D圖可以看出,不論底渣、飛灰或飛灰固化物中,其戴奧辛之異構物以含七氯及八氯者為多數,低氯數戴奧辛之異構物則相對地含量偏低,同時也顯示?喃在底渣中出現之機會較高,而戴奧辛則在飛灰固化物中較高。1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF、1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF、2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF、1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF及 1,2,34,6,7,8-HpCDD等5個戴奧辛或?喃異構物,同時在底渣及飛灰固化物中有同時出現之現象,或許日後可用此一數據,作為判斷焚化廠之進料中是否含有一般事業廢棄物。19座大型焚化廠對於環保署工程處所擬之「一般廢棄物焚化處理廠廢棄物進廠管理規範(草案)」均已知悉,且多已詳讀並提出一些意見,而4座小型焚化廠之程序書相對就不夠完整或甚至付之闕如。除了外島之2座灰渣掩埋場外,其餘5座灰渣處理廠均已知道環保署所擬定之「垃圾焚化灰渣貯存清除處理規範」草案,且已有類似之程序對於進廠之灰渣進行紀錄、抽測檢驗、掩埋等工作。本計畫建置之「台灣地區焚化灰渣特性分析資料庫系統」,於93年間加強其查詢及展示之功能,使其可依「廠址區域別」、「是否處理一般事業廢棄物」、「處理每噸垃圾之底渣產量高低」、「焚化爐體製造廠商」、「廢氣處理單元型式」等分類方式輸出表單﹔亦可依各項檢測數據進行搜尋,並將不符法規管制標準之數據標示出﹔此外本系統規劃有圖表顯示功能,即經查詢點選欲查詢項目後,資料庫可輸出分析圖表,供使用者直接使用。根據本計畫連續2年之檢測及調查結果,建議持續對焚化廠焚化灰渣進行檢測工作,並藉數據進行其特性之分析、對固化廠之處理程序進行評估及監控、對小型垃圾焚化廠應將其列為長期輔導改善之對象,或考量將其關閉。而台灣地區焚化灰渣特性分析資料庫系統之數據資料庫,目前累積之數據尚不足以進行完整之資料分析,建議持續逐年增加數據並持續分析,以強化其功能。「一般廢棄物焚化處理廠廢棄物進廠管理規範(草案)」及「垃圾焚化灰渣貯存清除處理規範」需進一步修正並公告,以降低焚化進料中不可燃及不適燃之數量,進而降低焚化灰渣中之污染物含量。 Determining the level of heavy metals and dioxins in ash material discharged from municipal waste incinerators After eight tests over two years, five municipal incinerators produced satisfactory bottom ash and solidified fly ash test results, compliant with TCLP regulatory standards for metals. Out of these five municipal plants, four plants incinerated materials composed of only household refuse. In the remaining fourteen municipal incinerators, nine incinerated materials including general industrial wastes. From the above results, it can be deduced that if incinerators handling general industrial waste should properly operate its incineration process or to enforce its functions within the solidification system. From the 3D diagrams of dioxins and its isomers from incinerators, it is evident that 7 or 8 chlorinated dioxins and its isomers are of majority, regardless of its source: bottom ash、fly ash or solidified fly ash. Also, dioxins and its isomers containing low numbers of chlorine is comparatively less in abundance. It also leads to the deduction that the probabilities of furan appearing in bottom ash is significantly elevated, and that the probabilities of dioxin appearing in solidified fly ash is significantly elevated. The search and display functions have also been improved in the 「Database of the characteristics of ashes」to enhance analysis efficiency - now it is possible to sort spreadsheets by topics such as “Incinerators by region”, “Whether or not the incinerator treats general industrial waste”, “The amount of bottom ash produced per ton of waste treated”, “Manufacturers of incinerators” and “waste gas treatment systems”. The system also has incorporated a visual display function, once the enquired entry is clicked, the database is capable of displaying an analytical diagram for the direct use of the researcher. 093 廢管處 工業技術研究院 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
32117036 化學製品及化學材料製造業之事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估計畫 本計畫係針對化學製品及化學材料製造業事業廢棄物清理現況進行調查評估,主要工作項目包括(1)針對化學製品及化學材料製造業產業體系進行問卷調查,建立事業廢棄物清理體系基線資料;(2)完成43家化學製品及化學材料製造業事業廢棄物清理現況現場訪查作業及10家處理或再利用機構之現場訪查作業;(3)評估化學製品及化學材料製造業事業廢棄物委託處理或再利用成效;(4)化學製品及化學材料製造業事業廢棄物處理技術、管制標準與政策管理建議;及(5)編撰化學製品及化學材料製造業事業廢棄物處理技術手冊及稽查作業手冊等。 Survey and Assessment of waste collection and Treatment Technology of the Chemical Products and Chemicals Manufacturing Industry. This project is to conduct survey and assessment of waste collection and treatment technology of the Chemical products and Chemicals manufacturing industry. The main tasks consist of (1) Survey on baseline data of industry waste management system of the Chemical products and Chemicals manufacturing industry. (2) Completion of plant audits on waste production, collection and treatment at 43 Chemical plants. (3) Plant audit and Chemical assessment of treatment efficiencies at 10 institutions for treatment or reuse of Chemical industry wastes. (4) Comments and recommendations on technology, policy, revisions or amendment on relevant regulations and criteria of treatment the chemical industry wastes. (5) Draft of a waste treatment technology manual and a plant audit manual for the chemical products and chemicals manufacturing industry. 093 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司
32117037 醫療廢棄物焚化爐附近環境及居民健康風險評估計畫-以雲林縣元長鄉日友環保科技股份有限公司為例 本計畫執行重點包括(1)日友公司醫療廢棄物焚化爐操作營運監督與管理作業評估包括定期查核(二次)、不定期查核及駐廠查核日友公司雲林一廠及雲林二廠,(2)廠址附近環境品質檢測及數據分析與評估(二季),包括周界空氣品質、固定污染源(煙囪)排氣、鄰近農地、地下水、飛灰及底渣, (3)廠址附近居民健康檢查,包括一般檢查、尿液、血液、肝功能、腎功能、胸部X光及血液重金屬等檢查項目。本計完成空氣品質、土壤污染及地下水污染對人體影響之健康風險評估,環境及居民健康風險評估。 Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment at the Vicinity of a Medical Wastes Incinerator – A demonstration project at the Sunny Friend Environmental Technology Co. Ltd. as an Example The main tasks of this project consist of (1) supervision on management and operation of two medical waste incinerators at the Sunny Friend Company in Yunlin , including two scheduled audits , unscheduled audits and resident audit at the Yulin Plants No. 1 and No. 2 , (2) analysis and assessment of the environmental quality at the plant’s vicinity , including two seasons data of vicinity air quality and emission at the point source (chimney) , vicinity farm lands , ground water , fly ash and ash residues , (3) health examination of residents at the plant’s vicinity , including regular health check-up , urine , blood , liver , kidney , chest X-ray and blood heavy metals , etc. . This project has accomplished risk assessment of the environmental quality and human health with respect to air quality , soil pollution and groundwater pollution . 093 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司
32117038 金屬表面處理業事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估計畫 本計畫係針對金屬表面處理業事業廢棄物清理現況進行調查評估,主要工作項目包括(1)針對金屬表面處理業產業體系進行問卷調查,建立事業廢棄物清理體系基線資料;(2)完成四十家金屬表面處理業事業廢棄物清理現況現場訪查作業;(3)評估金屬表面處理業事業廢棄物委託處理或再利用成效;(4)金屬表面處理業事業廢棄物處理技術、管制標準與政策管理建議;(5)蒐集國內金屬表面處理業推動清潔生產措施與成效,並建議清潔生產指標;及(6)編撰金屬表面處理業事業廢棄物處理技術手冊及稽查作業手冊。 Survey and Assessment of waste collection and Treatment Technology of the Metal Finishing Industry This project is to conduct survey and assessment of waste collection and treatment technology of the metal finishing industry. The main tasks consist of (1) Survey on baseline data of industry waste management system of the metal finishing industry. (2) Completion of plant audits on waste production, collection and treatment at 40 metal finishing plants. (3) Plant audit and assessment of treatment efficiencies at 10 institutions for treatment or reuse of metal finishing industry wastes. (4) Comments and recommendations on technology, policy, revisions or amendment on relevant regulations and criteria of treatment the metal finishing industry wastes. (5) Draft of a waste treatment technology manual and a plant audit manual for the metal finishing industry. 093 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司
32117039 環境水質北區採樣監測計畫 本計畫主要針對北區十縣市各類水體進行水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。本計畫河川水質計有36條河川主支流,134個監測站,於每月監測一次。監測結果顯示,除8、9月間各地河川由於受颱風降雨影響,有水質較濁之情況,另在基隆河上游則因有員山子分洪工程及護岸及河道整治工程進行,以及懸浮固體有明顯提升之情形外,其餘河川大多與以往類似,淡水河流域在上、下游有水質狀況差異明顯之情形,桃園、新竹地區河川則因多為工業廢水、民生污水之承受水體,水質狀況普遍不佳,新竹頭前溪流域及東部宜蘭、花蓮地區河川則水質狀況普遍較好。海域水質計有6個沿海區域,36個監測站,於每季監測一次。本次在各縣市沿海之各項監測結果均符合海域環境品質標準。近岸休憩海域水質計有2個休憩海域,6個監測站,自5月31日起至10月初,每兩週監測一次。本年度之監測結果,北部休憩海域水質除福隆海水浴場9月間之試分級屬於不符甲類標準外,其餘之水質狀況均屬優良。水庫水質計有34個水庫,47個監測站,於每季監測一次,本年度監測結果顯示,尤於受到豐水期降雨影響,本島水庫皆有水位上升之情況;而在水庫營養狀態方面,除翡翠水庫為為貧養,新山及西勢水庫為普養外,其餘水庫則皆屬於優養狀態。地下水水質計有7縣市,127個監測井,主要達第二類地下水監測基準之項目為氨氮、金屬錳及鐵。 The Enviromental Sampling and Monitoring of Water Quality Project.(Northern Reqion of Taiwan) The project is to monitoring water quality of various water bodies, so that the changes of water quality to the time and pollution assessment for those water bodies could be provided to the relevant environmental agencies for making a sound pollution control decision. There are a hundred and thirty-four sampling spots to monitoring the stream water quality including thirty-six streams and branches once every month. The result of the project shows a increasing of suspend solid concertinos caused by the rainfall of typhoon between August and September, and it also shows a major factor influenced the Keelung-river water quality was the engineering. Beside this, the water qualities of the other streams were similar as usual. A critical distinguishes between upstream & downstream was shown in Danshuei -river. The water quality was per-bad in Taoyuan & Hsinchu. On the other hand, the seasonal results of thirty-six coastal monitoring spots for the six marine water regions appear that none was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards. In addition, two recreational coasts has been intensively monitoring once every two weeks during summer period between June and September. Beside the Fulong beach was found exceeding the water quality standard on September, the water quality of these two coastal regions seems to be good. Regarding on the reservoir water quality, forty-seven monitoring spots for the thirty-four dams has sampled on a higher water level than the front 2 years. Among the 34 dams, Feitsui Reservoir was oligotrophic, reserviors in Keelung were mesotrophic, and the others were analyses to be on a situation of eutrophication. Finally, for those a hundred and twenty-seven ground water monitoring wells within seven municipal regions in northern Taiwan, NH3-N and Mn reach the Ground Water Monitoring Standard in second category. 093 監資處 精湛環境股份有限公司
32117040 九十二度事業辦理廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎評選行政作業及獲獎績優事業觀摩研討會計畫 為了鼓勵事業機構妥善清理廢棄物、資源減量、回收再利用,本署於民國九十一年公佈「事業辦理廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎勵辦法」,並於民國九十二年舉辦「九十一年度事業廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」及於民國九十三年舉辦「九十二年度事業廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」之評選。評分標準包含兩大項:●管理系統方面:包含廢棄物收集與處理、廢棄物減量、廢棄物管理及組織運作;管理系統包含審計與文件管控、操作與維修、以及員工教育訓練等。●績效表現方面:包含廢棄物減量、資源減量、回收及再利用、節能、設施投資改善情形、操作效能改善情形、研究發展、及其他具體優良事蹟。今(九十三)年由本署會同目的事業主管機關頒發「九十二年度事業廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」之獎項包括特優獎及優等獎。●特優獎:(1)農業組:台中縣中興合作農場、田酪堆肥場、花蓮縣花東有機肥生產合作社堆肥場(2)工業組:中華汽車工業股份有限公司新竹廠、台灣松下電器股份有限公司、國瑞汽車股份有限公司中壢工廠(3)教育組:國立屏東科技大學(4)科學園區組:聯華電子股份有限公司FAB6A廠、力晶半導體股份有限公司(5)廢棄物清理組:台灣美加金屬股份有限公司●優等獎:(1)農業組:葆南堆肥場、欣農堆肥場(2)工業組:台灣史谷脫紙業股份有限公司新營廠(3)醫療組:高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院本署為表揚獲得九十二年度特優獎之事業機構,特出版「九十二年度事業廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎優良事蹟彙編」,期能將其廢棄物減量、資源減量、回收及再利用之績效,藉由經驗分享及相互切磋推廣至其他事業。 Incentives and award rules for institutions with proven performance on waste management as well as resource minimization, recycle and reuse. In order to encourage various business sectors to implement proper waste management, resource minimization, recycle and reuse, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 2002 has promulgated the “Incentives and award rules for institutions with proven performance on waste management as well as resource minimization, recycle and reuse”.Since 2003 the EPA has implemented an annual performance award program to accept application for competing for last year’s performance on waste management, resource minimization, recycle and reuse.The criteria for the performance awards consists of two main parts : ●Management systems:Including policy , objectives and programs for waste collection and treatment as well as waste minimization , waste management organization, operation management system including audit and documentation control, operation and maintenance, and educational training, etc.●Performance records :Including waste minimization, resource minimization ,recycle and reuse, energy savings, investment and improvement in equipment and facilities, operation efficiency improvement, research and development and other proven performance records.The 2003 performance award winners have been announced by the EPA, which include :●Distinguished Performance Awards: (1) Agricultural Group: Chung Hsing Co-op Farm , Tan Low Composting Plant and Huadong Organic Fertilizer Cooperation Composting Plant (2) Industrial Group: China Motor Co.,Ltd.Hsin Chu Plant , Matsushita Electric (Taiwan) Co.,Ltd. and Kuozui Motor Co.,Ltd. Chung Li Plant(3) Educational Group: National Pingtung University of Science & Technology .(4) Science Park Group: United Microelectronics Corp. Fab 6A Plantand Powerchip Semiconductor Corp.(5) Waste Treatment Group: Taiwan May-Chia Metal Company , Ltd.●Excellent Performance Awards: (1) Agricultural Group: Pau Nan Composting Plant and Hsin Nuong Composting Plant(2) Industrial Group: Kimberly-Clark Taiwan Hsin-Ying Mill(3) Hospital Group: Kaohsiung Medical University Chun 093 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司
32117041 一般事業廢棄物最終處置場設置輔導推動專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為持續推動一般事業廢棄物最終處置設施之設置,於93年3月委託辦理「一般事業廢棄物最終處置場設置輔導推動專案計畫」之各項工作內容,期能持續推動一般事業廢棄物最終處置場之設置工作,整合各目的事業主管機關及縣(市)政府一般事業廢棄物處理及處置設施規劃及執行情形,定期彙整最終處置場設置計畫之推動成效提報行政院管考。 The Implementation Plan for Final Disposal of Non-hazardous Industrial / Institutional Wastes. The Environmental Protection Administration (hereafter called the EPA), Executive Yuan has continuously launched the establishment of the final disposal facilities for general industrial wastes. In March 2004, the EPA was commissioned to handle a variety of job contents for the “Project for Guidance and Promotion of the Final Disposal Ground Facilities for General Industrial Wastes,” with the hope to be able to continuously launch the establishment for the final disposal ground of general industrial wastes, integrate the general industrial waste disposal and disposal facilities planning and implementation for different target organizations governing the industries and other provincial (municipal) governments, regularly summarize the performance in launching the final disposal ground establishment plan, and then report the results to the Executive Yuan for regulation and reference. 093 廢管處 康城工程顧問有限公司
32117042 一般廢棄物清除處理工作之推動專案工作計畫 環保署為推動全分類零廢棄之政策,因而擬定了三年行動計畫,並委託執行多個研究調查計畫,以規劃執行方式並落實該方案,本計畫便是其中之一。本計畫經一年執行,在學者專家之指導、環保署以及地方環保單位的配合,本計畫各工作項目之成果如下1.一般廢棄物清運民營化:完成一般廢棄物清運民營化招標文件範本、契約書草案範本、清運作業技術規範、一般廢棄物清運民營化成本效益分析指引以及其他相關配套措施,包括了既有設備、人力運用方案、民營化之監督管理方案、臨時、緊急應變處理方案等。2.一般廢棄物處理費隨量徵收:篩選出可優先推動該政策之縣市建議名單、完成一般廢棄物清除處理費隨量徵收之標準作業流程與規範、一般廢棄物清除處理費隨量徵收之推動前、推動後及緊急狀況支援等具體因應措施,以及一般廢棄物清除處理費隨量徵收相關規定之研擬。3.一般廢棄物跨區合作:完成跨區合作範圍分區之建議、推動垃圾清理跨區域合作之互惠互助機制、誘因及相關配套措施,包括行政、技術帡]務等層面、三種垃圾清理跨區域合作契約範本之研擬,並建議跨區域合作機制,各級政府應扮演的角色功能。4.廚餘回收:完成推動廚餘回收短、中、長期推動策略之規劃、廚餘回收再利用計畫及成本分析、廚餘回收再利用設施及機具識別系統建議、各項設施經費分析、跨縣市廚餘回收協調機制之研擬。5.水肥處理:完成國內水肥處理設施現況調查、水肥清理短、中、長程計畫之規劃、水肥清理設施及機具識別系統之建議、跨縣市及跨部會清理水肥之協調機制研擬、並對水肥再利用可行性提出規劃。6. 全分類:完成各縣市之基線資料分析、一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄宣導網頁、整合之一般廢棄物申報系統, 10場次一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄說明會、三場次一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄學者專家諮詢會、一場次一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄業務檢討會,並完成未來20年一般廢棄物質與量之評估、以及推動全分類之政策及措施建議。7.底渣再利用:完成4座焚化廠、1座底渣再利用機構,一年四次、三種不同粒徑底渣中,重金屬含量及戴奧辛總量之檢測,除兩個樣品含有過量之鉛金屬,其餘樣品均能符合法規對金屬含量之要求。7氯及8氯戴奧辛異構物,對各樣品中戴奧辛總量之貢獻最大,完成底渣再利用產品所含重金屬等污染物質危害性評估,並對如何防止底渣再利用產品中重金屬及戴奧辛等有害物質造成二次污染提出建議。 The promotion plan for general waste transportation and treatment During a year’s study the following achievements may be drawn from this project.1. Privatization of waste collection and transportation:compiled a proposed document concerning the commissioning of collection and transportation of household waste to the private sector. 2. User-pays household waste policy:recommended a list of cities to lead the implementation and reinforcement of this policy, an instructive flowchart of standard working procedures and related practices for the user-pay system of waste collection and transportation. 3. Co-operation general waste collection and treatment:drafted practices in relation to the co-operative incineration of waste across districts including administrative, technical and financial issues. 4. Kitchen refuse:evaluated all available organic kitchen refuse collection and transportation apparatus, treatment facilities, capacities and the usage of the final recycled products across all districts in Taiwan, a planned short-term, mid-term and long-term promotional strategies for this project are recommended.5. Household aqueous waste:the treatment capacities of household aqueous waste have been surveyed, a planned short-term, mid-term and long-term promotional strategies for this kid waste are recommended.6. Zero Waste:the baseline data analysis undertaken for each district may be used as an reference to promote the “Zero Waste” policy, complete a website promoting awareness of the “Zero Waste” concept, set-up a waste report and feedback system, ten explanatory lectures, three consultant meetings with experts, a evaluative meetings on the “Zero Waste policy”, have all achieved the desirable outcomes.7. Reuse of incineration bottom ash:samples were taken from four incinerators and one bottom ash recycling plant to analyze its contents of heavy metals and dioxins, only 2 samples contained excessive amounts of the heavy-metal lead. The most significant contributors to the dioxin levels in all samples were formed from seven and eight chlorinated dioxin isomers. 093 廢管處 工業技術研究院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
32117043 調查評析國內工業污泥及廢蝕刻液再利用情形 隨著台灣經濟成長、產業升級、工商業長期蓬勃發展,廢棄物產出方式亦隨經濟體質的變化轉變為以事業廢棄物為主。事業廢棄物的主要來源包括工業、農業、醫療等事業機構,種類成份複雜、型式及來源也隨之變得十分繁多,而且數量龐大,數倍於一般廢棄物。事業廢棄物中又以工業廢棄物之問題最為複雜,且仍在陸續成長當中。此次現場訪查國內200家工業污泥及廢蝕刻液產源和再利用機構,發現目前國內的工業污泥再利用產品多為製磚、堆肥等技術性需求較低的產品,加上近年來再利用技術的推廣,目前國內的再利用技術已成熟,相對國外再利用技術無太大提升空間。由於工業污泥皆為買方市場,因此,再利用機構對於污泥的來源要求較鬆,所以需加強工業污泥的管理,防範有害事業廢棄物以各項污泥項目混入,做為再利用產品造成環境二次危害。而廢蝕刻液為有價物質,其部分再利用產品為有價金屬,所以皆為賣方市場,由再利用機構付費,因此,再利用機構對於廢蝕刻液來源及原料品質會有相對的品質要求,出廠的產品也有相對的品質標準及制度,目前廢蝕刻液的再利用市場有良好的循環體系及產銷管道,較工業污泥的再利用市場單純。就蒐集到的國外資料發現,國外並無針對工業污泥及廢蝕刻液的再利用行為作法規的規範,再利用行為僅對一般廢棄物作規範,並無規範事業廢棄物的再利用行為,而國外目前對於工業污泥的再利用行為都鼓勵其回收再作為原料之用。 Investigate on Reuse Situation of Domestic Industrial Sludge and Used Etch Liquid As the developing of economy in Taiwan, the industry transformed from agricultural to industry oriented. Followed the industrial waste become the major source of whole wastes.The industrial waste was mainly from commercial production, agriculture and medical treatment activities with various composition and large amount which is times to general living waste.There were 200 waste producers and reuse organization been investigated during the project proceed. The reuse of industrial sludge is generally for products with low technical demand, such as brick and compost. With the popularization of the technology in recent years, the technology is moisture and not to have large improvement space from foreign ones. Because the industrial sludge is belonging to a buyer’s market, cause the reuse organization relatively less requirement to the source of sludge. In order to prevent illegal reuse and further environmental damage, the project suggests strengthening the administration of industrial sludge.The used etch liquid is the price material, and the products are valuable, thus the market is belonging to a seller’s market. The situation cause the reuse organization with higher quality demand to both material (used etch liquid) and products. There is well performed reuse system and sell channel at present.The foreign regulation and reuse behavior were different to the domestic system. There is an only regulation to the reuse of general waste, not for industrial waste. The advance countries encourage using industrial sludge as the raw material, rather than regulate to only industrial waste. 093 廢管處 惠元環保工程顧問有限公司
32117044 事業廢棄物清除處理機構環評追蹤及事業廢棄物清理查核計畫 本計畫工作目標之一係為協助環保署執行追蹤開發單位的環評工作落實情形,藉由收集比對歷年的環境監測資料及現場操作紀錄,以進一步了解業者實際狀況,及其排放污染物可能對當地環境品質所造成之影響。  本計畫另一工作目標係針對兩縣市轄區的事業廢棄物清除處理機構及事業進行查核工作,以確實瞭解其廢棄物產出與流向平衡關係,廢棄物清除處理現況,以作為未來相關廢棄物管理政策研擬及追蹤考核之參考。  本計畫共達成下列成果:1.完成93年度13家公民營處理及清理機構環評追蹤工作,包括現地追蹤及彙整廠商改善計畫,以利後續環評追蹤工作之進行。2.完成高雄縣與台中縣二縣市共240家公民營廢棄物清除處理機構和事業之廢棄物清理查核作業。3.完成二場次廢棄物清理查核說明會及二場次查核成效說明會。4.完成之廢棄物清理查核資訊電子化作業。 Monitoring of environmental impact assessment work by waste clearance and disposal organizations One of the objectives of this project is to monitor for the EPA the progress of environmental impact assessment (EIS and/or EIA) carried out by development units. The actual condition of the units involved and the impact of their emission of pollutants are further ascertained by collecting and comparing the environmental monitoring data and site operation records over the years.Another objective of the project is to inspect the business waste clearance and disposal organizations and businesses of the relevant districts of the two counties, in order to ascertain the yield and flow of their waste as well as the progress of their waste clearance and disposal work. Such information can be used as reference in the formulation of the relevant waste control policies and follow-up examination in the future.The results of this project are described below:1.Accomplishment of the follow-up examination of the environmental impact assessment work carried by 13 publicly or privately owned clearance and disposal organizations, including site investigation and compilation of improvement plans proposed by the organizations, in order to facilitate future follow-up examination of environment impact assessment.2.Completion of inspection of the waste clearance and disposal work of 240 publicly or privately run waste clearance and disposal organizations and businesses.3.Completion of two presentations of waste clearance and disposal inspection work and another two on the inspection results.4.Completion of electronification of data relating to waste clearance and disposal inspection. 093 廢管處 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會
32117045 皮革業事業廢棄物清理技術調查及處理成效評估計畫 本計畫係針對皮革製造業事業廢棄物清理現況進行調查評估,主要工作項目包括(1)針對皮革製造業產業體系進行問卷調查,建立事業廢棄物清理體系基線資料;(2)完成二十家皮革製造業事業廢棄物清理現況現場訪查作業;(3)完成十家廢棄物清理或再利用機構現場訪查作業,評估皮革製造業事業廢棄物委託處理或再利用成效;(4)皮革製造業事業廢棄物處理技術、管制標準與政策管理建議;(5)蒐集國內皮革製造業推動清潔生產措施與成效,並建議清潔生產指標;及(6)編撰皮革製造業事業廢棄物處理技術手冊及稽查作業手冊。 Survey and Assessment of Waste Collection and Treatment Technology of the Leather Tanning Industry This project is to conduct survey and assessment of waste collection and treatment technology of the leather tanning industry. The main tasks consist of (1) Survey on baseline data of industrial waste management system of the leather tanning industry. (2) Completion of plant audits on waste production, collection and treatment at 20 leather tanning plants. (3) Plant audit and assessment of treatment efficiencies at 10 institutions for treatment or reuse of leather tanning industry wastes. (4) Comments and recommendations on technology, policy, revisions or amendment on relevant regulations and criteria of treatment of leather tanning wastes. (5) Draft of a waste treatment technology manual and a plant audit manual for the leather tanning industry. 093 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司
32117046 區域性地下水水質監測井網檢討計畫 本計畫主要針對已設置之431口區域性地下水水質監測井網進行檢討,並依工作計畫契約書之規定,由431口監測井之檢討結果,篩選61口井進行井下攝影及微水試驗工作,俾據以評估監測井之井況。本計畫共完成「評估與檢討區域性地下水監測井況」、「檢討區域性監測井分布之適宜性」、「評估地下水監測井水質自動監測之可行性」等三大工作項目之檢討,結果將可提供環保署作為後續工作執行之參考。針對各項工作成果說明如下:(一)評估與檢討區域性地下水監測井況本計畫乃彙整歷次監測結果及採樣等相關紀錄、現場實地巡查檢核結果,同時考量井體構造(含外觀)、水位異常(含長期無水、井內淤積)、水中含砂量及回水情形等特性,作為井況探討之依據,並由井況異常資料中,篩選61口井進行井下攝影及微水試驗,以更進一步了解井況及評估區域性監測井性能,最後針對已嚴重損壞或異常之監測井,包括井篩變形、阻塞、長期無水、遭破壞挖除或土石掩埋等,建議完井、廢井或原址重設。由井下攝影結果顯示,以井壁及井篩積垢或附著生物膜現象最普遍;有些可能因區域地下水位變化,造成水位下降或井篩位置問題,而造成長期無水;有7口井內有樹根伸入破壞井體,及2口井篩變形失去監測功能。擬定需重設之監測井有23口,包括井體外觀已遭破壞(含廢井或遺失者)11口、長期無水狀況5口、回水慢6口及高SS狀況之監測井1口;需執行完井作業之監測井有30口,並從30口完井名單中篩選10口井,執行完井作業之示範工作。經本計畫執行完井作業發現,除裕民國小與實踐國小回水狀況改善不明顯外,其餘8口井在完井作業後,回水狀況有明顯改善,顯示定期之洗井及井下攝影工作要需要的。(二)檢討區域性監測井分布之適宜性由歷次地下水水質等濃度圖,及濃度上升顯著監測井之空間分布狀況,利用Mann- Kendall趨勢測試評估監測井分布適宜性,並檢討地下水水質(總有機碳、硝酸鹽氮或重金屬)達第二類監測基準及有海水入侵趨勢情形,評估水質異常者共有75口測井,其間達第二類監測基準測站(以總有機碳、硝酸鹽氮或重金屬為指標)、水質濃度上升趨勢明顯及海水入侵測站之數量分別為36口、23口及16口監測井等,其中疑似海水入侵之監測井大部分近海邊,且部分地區如雲林口湖、屏東林邊地區可能因地層下陷造成海水入侵現象,部分如宜蘭冬山附近養殖業盛,且大量抽取海水養殖之結果,亦可能造成附近地下水鹽化之現象,另達標測井及濃度上升之現象,將可作為污染防治之參考,並從75口井中選4口進行即時取樣作業。經即時取樣發現水質異常之監測井,其污染大多來自鄰近污染源,如:排水幹管、排水溝、化糞池、廚房、或直接受土壤地質污染影響,其水質部分非具代表性。如:台北縣積穗國小監測之地下水,其實即為水溝水。台北市永吉國中之地下水,其實為早期基隆河支流河道之黏土泥水。因此對於監測井水位無明顯變化,且水質異常者,應優先調查地下水之代表性。(三)地下水水質自動監測評估在地下水水質之監測上,考量地下水水質非反映即時之污染現象,且受限於可測之水質參數不多,無法滿各種不同需求,故目前區域性地下水質監測方式,歐美國家仍採用人工現場採樣方式,以達到各種不同之監測目的與需求,因此,目前尚無地下水水質自動監測系統之案例。台灣目前僅水利署於地下水觀測井網,有設置地下水位監測系統,但考量該數據無即時性需求,乃採人工每月赴現場讀取一次數據之方式,因此,考量區域性地下水水質監測井之設置目的,在於了解各區域地下水水質基本特性,掌握污染概況,並作為污染防治、早期預警之依據。故初步評估在還沒有成功案例及詳細評估規劃前,台灣地區區域性之地下水水質監測井網,不應以自動監測系統取代人工採樣之監測工作,故現階段地下水監測井水質自動監測之可行性極低。 The Review of Regional Groundwater Quality Monitoring Well Network Plan The objective of this project is to review the existing 431 groundwater quality monitoring wells. There were totally three work items being fulfilled in this project, which include evaluating: (1) the existing conditions of the existing regional groundwater monitoring wells; (2) the adequacy of distribution of the regional groundwater monitoring wells; (3) feasibility of the automatic monitoring of the regional groundwater monitoring wells. The results of this project can be provided as the executive references for the EPA. The achievements of this project are described as below:1.Evaluation of the existing conditions of the existing regional groundwater monitoring wellBased on the summary of monitoring and sampling relative records, field auditing results, and well conditions, we selected 61 wells for under-ground photo and micro-water tests. Results show that the most common problems are coatings or biological films on the well walls and sieves. Study shows the importance of periodic well washing and under-ground photo to maintain adequate conditions of the water quality monitoring wells. 2.Evaluation of the adequacy of distribution of the regional groundwater monitoring wellsBased on water quality data , we utilize Mann-Kendall test to evaluate adequacy of the location distribution of the monitoring wells and to review the groundwater quality . A total of 75 monitoring wells show abnormal water quality. Which might due to sea water intrusion, ground settlement and nearby pollution sources. Therefore, we suggest first to investigate the representative of those groundwater monitoring wells with no obvious water level change but with abnormal water quality. 3.Evaluation of the feasibility of the automatic monitoring for the regional groundwaterDue to lack of water quality coefficients and can’t satisfy all of demand, the groundwater quality can’t reflect the instantly condition. Based on current international and domestic cases, we suggest not installing the automatic monitoring system. 093 監資處 平成股份有限公司
32117047 巴塞爾公約相關資訊蒐集分析與行政協助事宜及專家小組(第四年)計畫 本計畫之工作項目包括七大部分:(一)巴塞爾公約相關資訊蒐集及評析;(二)巴塞爾公約專家小組運作;(三)巴塞爾公約參與運作策略;(四)研析巴塞爾公約相關法律決議對我國之影響及因應措施;(五)協助參與巴塞爾公約手機和電腦夥伴計畫;(六)研析二項巴塞爾公約環境無害管理技術準則,暨我國執行檢討、建議;(七)教育宣導措施。(一)巴塞爾公約相關資訊蒐集及評析:1.公約秘書處的最新資料與我國密切相關者,為巴塞爾公約新定位(含括廢棄物回收、管理與處理處置,不再侷限於越境轉移),提出我國參與公約應定位在作為國內廢棄物管理成果展示,暨與各國中央環保單位與國際民間組織的資訊交流/問題溝通之平台;2.亞洲區域中心部份,今年度除延續有關中國大陸亞太/印尼/太平洋區域中心舉辦活動資料,主要是針對我國未來參與前述三個區域中心之方式與考量提出分析評估,配合我國輸往中國大陸有害廢棄物量的持續增加與國內需求,額外彙整有關廢棄物輸出入管理法規;3.國際間相關新聞及論文,除蒐集公約相關資訊,配合特定議題如國際間因應歐盟法規WEEE等議題進行追蹤、分析,以供國內施政參考。(二)在巴塞爾公約專家小組運作方面,完成討論並提出具體建議之議題包括:出席巴塞爾公約第三次開放式工作組會議與第七次締約國大會之交流重點、手機及電腦工作小組參與建議及未來規劃、區域中心我國參與運作規劃、海關人員處理廠商未取許可報運進口有害事業廢棄物之處罰法規依據等,可知本小組確可達到政策諮詢、協助部會橫向聯繫、整合國內資源的效果。(三)巴塞爾公約參與運作策略:1. 協助參與巴塞爾公約相關國際會議,除協助參與第三次開放式工作組會議(2004.04)與第七次締約國大會 (2004.10),並藉由與會期間和各國/單位代表之交流,了解國內關切問題如各國參採技術準則執行現況、環保單位涉入舊品管理程度等;2.第七次締約國大會(COP7)周邊活動之規劃辦理,本計畫首先針對議題篩選原則與可能議題提出初步建議,但於專家小組會議進行深度討論時,考量主辦之必要性不足、易觸及兩岸政治敏感問題,以及於COP7並無機會與其他國家或單位合作等因素後,決定暫緩辦理,以協助準備我國廢棄物輸出至馬來西亞案之中英文說明資料取代之。(四)在巴塞爾公約法律相關決議對我國之影響及因應措施研析方面:1.完成我國權宜向公約秘書處申報資訊系統之國際法基礎及研擬我國推動區域保單設計所需法規條件之初步研析。2.有關有害廢棄物運送責任保險架構,已擬具廢棄物越境運送之保險條款及相關法制研析,建議將本保險列為政策性保險,採用共保方式以分層承擔機制分散風險,並將保單設計成綜合責任保險型態,以求較為完備之保障。(五)協助參與巴塞爾公約手機和電腦夥伴計畫:本計畫團隊針對本項工作內容,配合國內需求分別於今年五月及十月份協助召開二場廠商說明會,持續以電子郵件形式不定期提供各界最新相關訊息。1.手機夥伴計畫:本計畫實質參與「廢手機再利用」及「手機綠色設計與使用」兩項子工作計畫,前者自2003年12月以來,共參加七次國際電訊會議,後者亦已提出我國業者對文件之修改建議。2.電腦夥伴計畫:該計畫最新規劃包含電腦及液晶螢幕,一旦成立對我國產業衝擊不小,是以本計畫團隊持續彙整分析相關訊息,並提出我國未來參與團隊組合、經費及議題考量具體建議。 3.在巴塞爾公約兩項技術準則方面,完成醫療廢棄物與有機溶劑之國內法規、產出量及處理概況彙整、兩項公約技術準則介紹,比較公約技術準則與我國現況之差異,提出國內具體建議。在醫療廢棄物部分:考量我國運作狀況良好,目前世界各國對於技術準則之態度參採程度不一,後續僅需就我國實際需求,考量參採公約準則相關規定;在有機溶劑部分:現階段我國管理運作較公約技術準則完整。未來可配合公約技術準則之修訂,提出我國執行建議;國內管理則可朝向源頭減量、加強混合及濃稠性廢有機溶劑管理等,持續努力。(六)教育宣導措施1.維護更新巴塞爾公約網站:結合事業廢棄物管制中心流量,平均每日上站瀏覽人數正持續增加中,已達每日52人。2.維護事業廢棄物判定網路相關資料庫:事業廢棄物判定手冊改成網路相關資料庫之形式後,更便於資訊之搜尋與查詢,由海關及環保人員之問卷結果顯示,對此一資料庫多予以正面評價。3.研習會:配合實際業務需求與承辦單位之同意,將此工作項目分為「巴塞爾公約手機、電腦工作小組運作說明會」及「廢棄物輸出入管理講習會」於2004年10月6日分上下午兩個場次舉辦。 2004 Basel Convention Project:Collecting and analyzing related information, providing implementation assistance and working with the Expert-Committee. *Collect and analyze information on Basel Convention (BC) The BC has set itself to new tasks, including recycle, management, and disposal of waste, not limited in trans-boundary transport. Therefore, participation in the BC for Taiwan should be the platform for waste information exchange and problem solving with the world.*Analyze the impacts of Basel Convention’s legal decisions to Taiwan and propose implementation measuresThe key issue is about the framework of insurance for hazardous waste transboundary movement. The related articles are drafted. The mentioned insurance should be based on a policy designed to allow the related stakeholders to share the risk.*Assist to participate the Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative (MPPI) and Computer Refurbishment and Recycling Working Group (CRRWG) of the Basel Convention1.MPPI:The project team has engaged in the Project 3.1 “Recovery and Recycling of End-Of-Life Mobile Phones” by participating teleconference among group members for 7 times. Suggestions were given by the industry in Taiwan for the draft document of Project4.1 “Design and Use of Mobile Phones”.2.CRRWG:The planned CRRWG includes computer and LCD-Monitor. The suggestion of the representative of the team, financial considerations and related issue are provided.*Analyze Two BC Technical Guidelines (Medical Waste and Waste Organic Solvents) for the Environmentally Sound Management and Review of Implementation Progress in Taiwan.*Assist in education-related mattersThe Basel Convention web-side and the waste identification database in Taiwan are maintained and updated continuously. Two workshops about MPPI/CRRWG for industry and the waste trans-boundary movement for customers are held. 093 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會
32117048 建置民眾檢舉使用中汽車排氣污染資料整合處理系統及鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車作業計畫 成功達成本年度14,848件民眾檢舉烏賊車案件,且以資訊化作業收錄,分類成不同受理來源,處理結果,回覆民眾及對優良檢舉人獎品及獎狀發放輔助自動化作業。完成九十三年度獎勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動,所有獎項為一千一百零貳個,中獎率高達百分之三十以上,總金額在七十萬元以上。配合本年度業務方針,完成多項系統功能增修,及標準作業手冊之編訂,系統增加功能部份包括縣市環保局網站連線作業、查證作業查證率自動計算、資料交換整合作業、環保局獎勵民眾發放獎品、獎狀輔助作業,SIP考核自動化作業等,使本年度業務改善可以迅速調整,達成預期目標。完成蒐集並了解縣市執行困難,並針對民眾進行宣導,以降低本項業務不同角度之落差,建立良好溝通均衡平台。完成使用中汽機車排氣檢測資料作業程序規範,並於台中縣成功示範使用。數據分析結果,顯示本年度污染物削減量為243Ton/yr,雖然削減量降低,但若以通知檢測且己結案之案件,做九十二年、九十三年之比較,則顯示九十二年不合格率佔1.3%,九十三年不合格率佔通知檢測且已結案案件3%,故在處理品質上已略為提昇,未來可以在品質提昇上繼續努力。 2004 Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system This project has accomplished successfully to accept 14,848 polluting vehicles report cases. All the report cases have been digitalized and orgonized systematically by the MIS to differentiate ways of source, kindslof handle result,responses to reporters,and awards to the excellent reporters.The award compaign of 2004 has been accomplished by Nov.11.This project is responsible for the provide of 1102 awards. The tatal value is over NT$700,000.The chance of picks is over 30 percentage.With the accordance to the strategy 2004,there are several functions and modes of system are accomplished. Also this project has edited EPBS’ standard handbook. The implementation of the system includes to unite the nationalwide epbs’ webs to receive report cases as one web. The checking and verification process and evaluation function was accomplished,. Data exchange and integration nationwide platform was built. The award recording and mailing system and self evaluation automatical system were well established. All the function and mode have improved the quality of handle process and made the strategy performed.This project has accomplished collection and rationalization of the epbs’ difficulties. Also provided the promotion program for people to know the report informantion and how to report.To accomplish the four-wheel gasoline vehicles emission inspection cross platform specification, and the package is examplified and function successfully in Tai-chung county .The analytical result presents the eliminating pollutant of this project 2004 is 243Ton/yr.The elimination amount is less than last several years .But if review the disqualified cases amout the inspection vehicles through this project,the percentage of year 2004 is 3 percents, the year 2003 is 1.3 percents Which indicates the handle quality is improved. This is main effort the project shall emphasize in the next year. 093 空保處 振興發科技有限公司
32117049 九十三年度環保署社區環境改造技術服務團期未成果報告 本報告主要在紀錄朝陽科技大學通識教育中心接受行政院環境保護署委託,所執行九十三年度社區環境改造計畫技術服務團專案工作的作法、成果以及相關檢討建議。內容包括:一、媒合環境保護及環境教育領域的專家學者,針對61個社區的環境改造議題,提供具務實性及永續性的社區環境改造技術服務。二、針對社區環境改造的實際需求,提供具專業性、落實性、經驗性及創意性的環境改造理念與實務,在全國辦理十場次的社區環境改造創意環保培力研習以及兩場次實地的觀摩與現場指導的研習活動。三、提供有關環境保護的學習資訊,有機農耕的實作教學,以及協助社區綠色產業的推動等。四、彙整社區民眾參與環境改造的策略與機制,以及推動永續家園的行動紀實。 The Technical Consultation and Service Team for Environmental Improvements of Taiwanese Communities in 2004 The research, sponsored by Environment Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, was conducted by the Center for General Education in Chaoyang University of Technology. During 2004, the center carried out several projects concerning environmental reforms of communities. The technical support group provided useful services, refining results, as well as helpful recommendations. The finial results included as follows: 1) The center, focused on reforming issues of 61 communities, provided technical supports from scholars who concerned about environmental protection and environmental education. 2) The center, according to practical demands from communities, provided some experienced ideas by 10 workshops and 2 field tours. 3) The center provided useful information concerning about environmental protection, organic agriculture, and green industry movement. 4) The center categorized tactics and strategies from active residents of the communities who participated in environment reforms as well as conducted their records of promoting activities. 093 綜計處 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
32117050 環境水質(中區)採樣監測計畫 本計畫主要針對中區六縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質原有20條河川主支流,69個監測站,於每個月監測一次。自92年4月起,增加中港溪玄寶大橋及烏溪流域烏溪的中二高2個測站,共計71個監測站。自93年1月起,增加大甲溪迎賓橋、烏溪流域烏溪的清流橋及南港溪的新生橋,共計74個監測站。自93年4月起,停止監測中港溪玄寶大橋及烏溪流域烏溪的中二高2個測站,共計72個監測站。而烏溪的中彰大橋自92年5月底開始進行工程,附近並無適當替代點可供採樣;大甲溪石岡壩則在本年度7月份,因水災沖毀,管理單位於現場設置封鎖線,禁止人員進入而無法採樣。93年度污染較嚴重的河川有中港溪流域下游、大里溪、鹿港溪、新虎尾溪流域及北港溪流域。海域水質計有4個沿海區域,19個監測站,於每季監測一次,93年度季均能符合甲類海域環境品質標準。近岸休憩海域水質計有3個休憩海域,9個監測站,於6~9月每兩週監測一次。水庫水質原計有7個水庫,22個監測站,於每季監測一次,在93年度第3季時,增加大埔水庫及德基水庫(五表),計有8個水庫,24個監測站。霧社水庫、鯉魚潭水庫在第3季時上升為優養。此現象值得相關單位早日提出因應對策,以維護水庫水質。地下水水質計有6縣市,90個監測井,主要不合格項目以氨氮、錳為主。而在苗栗的成功國小、彰化的新寶國小、雲林的文光國小湖口分校及口湖國小青蚶分校,則特殊地質背景之可能。 The plan of sampling and monitoring with Environmental Water-Quality The project is focused on monitoring the water quality of all kind of water body of the central region of Taiwan (Included Taichung , MiaoLee , ChangHua , NanTou , YunLin etc.)The purpose of the project is to hold the change trend of water quality through the time. The results will be used to evaluate water body contamination. It can be references for EPA making environmental pollution prevention strategies.River:The total amount of monitoring station are 72.The Chung-Chang Bridge (ACROSS Wu-stream)was under construction from May,2003,there were no suitable. replaced location for sampling. During 2004,the results indicated that. the pollution situation of the dowastream of Chung-Kang-stream, Dn-Li-stream, Lu-Kan-stream, and Hsin-Hu-Wei stream, Pei-Kang-stream are more serious.Seawater:There are 19 monitoring stations for 4 off-store areas , and they will be taken samples every season . During 2004, the results (just included spring summer . Fall) were under the criterion of class a seawater quality.Beach:There are 9 monitoring station for 3 beach areas. Samples were taken biweekly from June to September.Reservior:There are 24 monitoring stations for 8 reserviors , and they were taken water samples every season. According to the monitoring results. The WuShe and LiYuTan reservoir has been observed from general-eutrophication to eutrophication during the third season and from eutrophication to general-eutrophication during the fourth season.Groundwater:There 90 monitoring well in central Region of Taiwan. Ammonia (NH3-N) and Manganese(Mn)were the major items . It may be caused by geology at ChengKung primary school (MaioLee), Hsin-Bao primary school (ChangHua), WenKuang primary school (YunLin , HuKou branch) and KouHu primary school (YunLin,ChingHan branch). 093 監資處 佳美環境科技股份有限公司
32117051 低污染車輛補助審查專案工作計畫 1.已受理及審核電動輔助自行車補助申請案件共計3,237件,撥款件數2,954件;已受理及審核低污染噴射引擎機車補助申請案件共計2,937件,撥款件數2,778件,合計受理件數6,174,撥款件數5,732件,現場查核件數為606件。2.完成相關受理案件資料之資料庫建檔,並定期向環保署提送月報表。3.辦理完成2場「電動輔助自行車審查及撥款說明會」及3場「汰舊換新購買低污染噴射引擎機車審查及撥款說明會」。4.建置完成「低污染車輛補助資訊網(」,並進行維護管理及更新。5.除設置免付費專用電話(電話號碼為0800200060)外,亦保留二線專線電話(電話號碼為02-27495140及02-27495149)供民眾使用,並由專人進行接聽及記錄。6.寄發電動輔助自行車問卷調查表3,013份及低污染噴射引擎機車2,535份,電動輔助自行車問卷回收率28.3%、低污染噴射引擎機車問卷回收率31.2%。7.每季定期於各充電站進行檢測維護。8.完成「購買電動機車之補助資料」、「購買電動輔助自行車之補助資料」、「購買低污染噴射引擎機車之補助資料」及「歷年補助機車汰舊換新資料」等資料庫作業系統之建置。9.於民國93年11月17日配合及協助環保署赴巨大機械工業股份有限公司進行新車抽驗。10.完成污染減量評估及補助成效之檢討。 Review of Subsidy Applications for Low-Pollution Vehicles 1. Completion of review and approval of two types of subsidy applications for 2,954 electrical bicycles and 2,937 low-emission jet engine motorcycles.2. Completion of filing the database on subsidy application cases and submittal of monthly reports to the Environmental Protection Administration on regular basis.3. Completion of two presentation meeting on 「Review and approval of subsidy application for the electrical bicycle」, three presentation meetings on 「low-emission jet engine motorcycles」4. Establishment of one website ( on「Low-emission vehicle information」 with regular maintenance and update.5. One free dedicated telephone lines were installed and operated by trained operators for assistance on subsidy application, the phone numbers are 0800200060.6. Posted 3,013 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical bicycles and 2,535 copies of questionnaires to the owners of low-emission jet engine motorcycles with return rates of 28.3 % and 31.2 %, respectively.7. Seasonal testing and maintenance has been performed at all charging stations. 8. Establishment database management systems for 「subsidy data for purchase of electromotorcycles」、「subsidy data for purchase of electrical bicycles」、「subsidy data for purchase of low-emission jet engine motorcycles」 and subsidy yearly data for replacement of old motorcycles.9. Assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in spot-checking new electrical bicycles on November 17 in year 93.10. Completion of review of subsidy efficiency and assessment of pollution reduction by low-emission jet engine motorcycles. 093 空保處
32117052 九十三年度各級環保機關執行公害陳情處理滿意度調查 行政院環保署於民國八十年七月二十日整合全國各級環保機關正式成立「環保報案中心」,並設置全國公害陳情專線「0800-066-666」與書面陳情報案,專責受理民眾公害陳情案件。為有效處理民眾公害陳情案件,提昇處理效率,環保署已經建立公害陳情電腦管制系統,並建立完整的管理作業模式,以分工、迅速、確實的方式處理民眾公害陳情案件。因此,本調查之調查對象為台灣地區,於九十三年一月至九月曾經使用全國公害專線電話(0800-066666)向環保機關公害陳情污染案件之民眾,成功訪問3,082個受訪者。本專案採取電腦輔助電話訪問(CATI,Computer Assisted Telephone Interview)方式進行,瞭解民眾對地方環保機關執行公害污染陳情處理之滿意度做一詳細調查,作為相關單位日後施政決策之參考。 The Post-Satisfaction Survey of Local Environmental Administration that Processing Citizen s Complains of 2004 Objectives: In order to process the case of citizen’s complains and grievances effectively, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has established the Center for Environmental Complains and created a completely management model since 1991. To understand the satisfaction of local environmental administration that processing citizen’s complains, the EPA has commissioned E-Strategy Research Center to investigate the satisfaction of different levels of environmental administration case in dealing with complains cases. Methods: The samples of this survey were collected from person who had called 0800-066666 to EPA during January to September in 2004 in Taiwan. And the total interviewers in this survey were 3,082 applicants successfully. During this investigation, CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) system is applied to survey the data. 093 管考處 異視股份有限公司
32117053 公共服務擴大就業計畫九十三年下半年後續配套措施--事業廢棄物源頭管理及末端處理管制計畫 行政院環境保護署為有效掌握事業廢棄物產出情形及提升上網申報率,以遏止不法情事發生,故於91年7月擴大公告網路申報家數及擴大公告應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業約二萬家以上。因擴大列管家數增加一倍以上,以地方環保機關現有人力尚難清查未上網申報之事業,故為促請該等事業上網申報。配合檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書分批送審自92年2月1日實施。本計畫主要紓解事業廢棄物管理人力不足的問題,協助達成擴大列管逾四萬家事業之清查並輔導上網申報與提報清理計畫書,使上網申報率、清理計畫書檢具率大幅提昇,並提升稽查成效,降低事業違法件數。因應九十一年度擴大列管事業,訂定需於九十三年底達到90%以上事業上網申報率及事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢具送審率,以掌握八成以上事業廢棄物產出量及清理流向。透過本計畫辦理應上網申報事業3183家次、應檢具清理計畫書事業960家次之清查輔導,截至九十三年底事業上網申報率已達96%,事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢具送審率達98%,皆已達年度目標值。在配合地方環保局執行事業廢棄物管制工作方面,本計畫共完成「協助全面進行事業廢棄物現場稽查、告發及處分」10449件次,有效提升稽查成效,降低事業違法件數;「協助建立事業廢棄物基線資料庫」28486件次、「協助辦理事業廢棄物電腦連線作業管制系統」27102家次,使事業廢棄物管制資料庫之資料更趨於完整;協助檢核10766家已解除列管事業是否符合解除列管條件,並完成19893事業UTM座標標定,使事業廢棄物管制資料更加詳實;配合督導焚化廠或掩埋場進場管制措施29982件次,有效杜絕資源回收物與不適宜進場物質進場,延長焚化廠或掩埋場使用壽命。此外並完成環保署各項交辦事項5730件次。經由本計畫執行,事業廢棄物管制資料建置已漸趨完整,未來對於已申報而勾稽異常之事業應加強稽查,增進事業廢棄物管制資料完整性,確實掌握事業廢棄物清除處理流向,避免事業廢棄物遭隨意棄置而無從追查情事發生。 The Extended Public Service Employment Program in 2004 – for industrial wastes sources and ultimate disposal control In response to the 2002 expansion of industrial wastes control, the interet reporting and declaring rate is set to reach over 90% by the end 2004 so as to hold control on over 80% of the industrial wastes flow. The following has been achieved through this project, consultation provided to 3183 factories mandatory for internet reporting and 960 factories mandatory for declaring. By the end of 2004, the reporting rate reached 96%, submision rate reached 98%, all of them fulfilled this years project goal.In cooperative with local EPBs routine industrial waste control, this project achieved the following: “full scale assistance to industrial waste field auditing and prosecution and penalty processing” 10449 times, elevating the control effectiveness and decreasing vilotion cases; “assist to set baseline for industrial waste data bank” 28486 cases; “assist building industrial waste internet connection and operation system” for 27102 factories to make the contro data more complete; assist to verify the information on 10766 factories whether they are truly released from the control; and completion of 19893 facrories UTM setup to enhance the detail on industrial waste control information; to assist waste entering incineration or landfill plant for 29982 cases to prevent improper materials from entering the plant for and extension of the incinerator lifetime. In addition, another 5730 cases of EPA instructed work items were done. Carry out via this plan, the undertaking offal controls the construction of the materials intactly gradually, to already declared but should be strengthened and checked to check the unusual undertaking to colluding in the future, promote the undertaking offal and control the integrality of the materials, really master the undertaking offal and remove and deal with flow direction, prevent the undertaking offal from being thrown aside at will but have no way of tracing the feeling thing and happenning. 093 廢管處 惠元環保工程顧問有限公司
32117054 應用於揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)回收之膜組初步開發 石化工業中常會產生具揮發性之有機化合物廢氣,若未經處理直接排放至大氣中,除了影響動植物健康外,亦造成資源與經濟的浪費,因此有必要加以回收。傳統VOCs處理方式有焚燒法、活性碳吸附、冷凝法等,雖可符合法規要求,但後續處理及成本花費仍有改善的空間。薄膜分離程序屬較新之清潔製程技術,若搭配冷凍技術,亦可達到法規要求,更可減低能源的消耗。薄膜有相當多種型態,其中模組化(module)的薄膜型式其處理面積高,可提升處理能力;常見的模組形式有板框式、中空纖維式與螺捲式等,在評估現有市場、欲處理物性質、處理效益等因素後選擇螺捲式模組做為本計劃的開發目標。為了解螺捲式過濾器(spiral wound module)內間隔網(spacers)構造對流體流動及分離效率的影響,本研究計劃委託中原大學薄膜技術研發中心以計算流體力學套裝軟體FLUENTTM來進行求解,並找尋出間隔網的最佳設計條件。本研究針對不同彎曲度、不同內外層纖維大小之排列方式、及不同孔隙度的間隔網和薄膜透過率進行探討。研究結果發現當間隔網彎曲度到圓心角60 o左右時,可以得到最小的壓降增加率和最大的剪應率增加率,顯示圓心角60 o為最佳設計曲率。另外並將研究對象由水相延伸至非水相之甲苯、異戊烷等流體,針對三種不同性質的流體在相同操作之壓力及薄膜透過率也就是薄膜孔徑大小下,探討滲透量及濃縮量和流體黏度之關係。當黏度越小,所獲得的透過量越大。流態呈現不穩定時,可藉由改變間隔網之立體結構進而達到改善之效果。計劃的執行過程裡,進行了單片不同大小的膜材的測試及模組組裝與實測。單片膜材測試的結果顯示在較低流速時油氣通過膜材的速度較載氣快約26倍(選擇率26),不過在較高流量的情況下膜材並無明顯的選擇性,此現象值得注意並探討;此外並完成了膜組的製備與模組的組裝與初步測試。以氣相層析儀分析的結果初步發現模組的削減率可達73.4%,而進料濃度在操作過後可增濃8.67%,但實際濃度有待以檢量線再確認。本計劃初步開發之模組主要是應用在油氣的回收程序上,但VOCs的種類相當多,且許多作業環境亦會產生VOCs,若針對不同作業環境設計系統與選用適當之物質製備薄膜(組),亦可應用在相關處理程序上。由此可知,此模組具有相當高的商業化潛力。 Membrane module develop in recovering volatile organic compounds The exhaust gas of petrifaction industry contain volatile organic compounds(VOCs),it is not only hurtfully to animals and plants without controlling but also lost lots of energy and cost,so it is necessary to be recovered. Membrane is a new technology in cleaning process,it have more effects ability to recover VOCs with condensation technology and reduce the cost and energy. Membranes in module type have high working area, simple operation and it can#t buy form the market easily,so the spiral wound module is our target to develop. The most important part in the spiral-wound module is spacer. The spacer serves both as mechanical stabilizer for channel geometry and turbulence promoters for reducing polarization phenomena near the membrane surface. A sub-project concerning spacer design has been delegated to the R&D Center of Membrane Technology,Chung Yuan University. Effect of spacer design on fluid flow and separation efficiency in a spiral-wound module was conducted using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) technique. Three kinds of fluids,water,toluene and isopentane are adopted for this study.Results showed that increase of the curvature of spacer will result in increase of pressure drop and shear rate.An optimum curvature of 60o of spacer provided a minimum pressure drop and a maximum shear rate at wall are suggested in designing of the spacer.Results also depicts that properties of fluid could affect the flow pattern and shear stress contour in spiral-wound module. Result shows that the selectivity is 26 in small flow rate system, but it is strength in high flow rate system. The concentration is reducing 73.4% in retentate side and increasing 8.67% in permeate side. We can use membrane technology in recovering VOCs process and it can also use in similar processes by changing different kinds of membrane module or adjusting operation system and conditions. 093 永續發展室 瑞弘冷凍科技股份有限公司
32117055 災後環境汙染防治計劃及其實施機制之探討 歷年來台灣地區不斷遭受各類天然災害侵襲,若就台灣地區天然環境而論,可歸因於台灣氣候、地質上的特異性,造成極高天然災害發生率。如從台灣板塊構造上看,台灣位於歐亞大陸板塊與太平洋的菲律賓海板塊交界之處,屬世界上有感地震發生頻率最高的地區之一。造山運動迅速、地震頻繁、河川坡度大;加上氣候原因,加速地表岩石的風化和侵蝕,也潛藏著許多造成民眾生命財產損失的天然災害危機;此外,地狹人稠的台灣,土地利用的需求已超出一般的開發,亦為台灣帶來更多的災害問題。重大天然災害發生後,環境污染物的急劇增加及造成環境髒亂情形,容易滋生傳染病甚至是對民眾健康、生態環境產生極大影響;災害善後處理上更是費時費力,且應規劃出復原過程中如何減輕對環境的衝擊,以避免後續的處理與污染。在重大天然災害發生後,災後污染防治工作第一時間所需人力、物力等資源在災害發生後更要能迅速估計調動,估計的工作仍需發展較簡易、快速的方法。鑒於上述天然災害後造成之環境污染,行政院環境保護署自去年度與今年度(九十二、九十三年度)委託本校 (國立高雄第一科技大學)執行「災害後環境污染防治計畫及其實施機制之探討(二、三)」專案研究計畫。本年度除完成年度的計畫內容,包括: 持續收集國內外災後環境污染防治、環境復原、應變計畫資訊,並持續草擬修正成適合本署之災害後環境污染防治計畫草案。 延續92年度工作內容,持續調查各地方環保單位辦理災後環境污染防治作業能力。 建立地震、寒害、土石流等災害的縣市環保單位適用之環保單位災害後環境污染防治實施作業說明書及標準作業程序。 完成建立震災、寒害、土石流等災害後環境復原監測指標之研究。 召開公開說明訓練講習會,訓練各級環保單位緊急應變連絡人員,正確使用本計畫所擬定之作業說明書及標準作業程序。 提供我國目前處理重大災害後環境污染防治實際經驗之檢討與改善建議。為配合兩個年度之結束,亦重新檢討災後污染防治工作之估算模式,提出一指數型模式,可簡易、有效與精確的估算水災、震災後之垃圾清運需求量與消毒需求量,並已整合至工研院災後污染防治資訊系統,提供決策系統之應用。期望藉由本計畫之成果,能達到有效提升、強化天然災害災後環境處理之工作,縮短災後處理時間及降低災後之污染。 Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan after Disaster and its Execution Mechanism Taiwan has been suffering from various natural disasters. The peculiar geological and metrological features of Taiwan has resulted in high frequency of natural disasters. Taiwan is located in between euroasia and Philippine continentals and is one of the highest earthquake occurring area. The sharp mountains and drastic changes in weather also results in great erosion of the surface rock and soil. All these have resulted in great risk potential for losses of people life and properties. Furthermore, the excessive utilization of land also resulted in more problem during a natural disaster.When a major disaster occurred, the pollutant increased rapidly and may causing environmental impact, affecting community health, and impacting the ecology. The recovery will take great time and efforts and thus planning is necessary for reducing the impact from these disasters. It is thus necessary to estimate the necessary resources for manpower and equipment at the time of disaster such that recovery work can use.The Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan has thus contracted the National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST) to perform the research projects - “Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan after Disaster and its Execution Mechanism (2,3)”. The project scopes included: Collect case studies from local and international information on pollution prevention, recovery and emergency plans.  Prepare standard operating procedures for earthquake, landslide, and cold weather disasters for local EPA on the pollution prevention. Proposed monitoring indicators for environmental recovery work.  Held training meetings with local EPA officers to explain how to use the standard operating procedures. Provide recommendation for the EPA for future disaster recovery planning. 093 毒管處 南區毒災應變諮詢中心
32117056 93年中華民國環保義工日-環保帶動唱活動 為慶祝93年度中華民國環保義工日,行政院環保署特舉辦「環保帶動唱活動」,期望透過舞蹈、歌聲及精心打扮的造型,唱出、舞出、表現出環保義工們內心愛護這塊土地、愛護自己的家園、愛我們後代的子孫及對大地的感謝地,凝聚環保義工之向心力,並且藉由活動的舉辦讓民眾更了解環境保護之重要性。本項活動計有團體組55隊及個人組33人參賽,於93年10月16、17、23日及31日分別在市民廣場/台北市政府、台中科博館、台南社教館、花蓮城垣藝文創意空間舉行地區競賽,共選出團體組優等獎12隊及佳作獎18隊、個人組優等獎10人及佳作獎10人。獲選優等獎團體組及個人組則於11月12日在台北市二二八和平紀念公園參加決賽,經評審結果選出冠軍團體組1隊及個人組1人、亞軍團體組2隊及個人組2人、季軍團體組3隊及個人組3人。93年度環保義工日環保帶動唱活動,不僅有近千位環保義工參與,地區競賽及決賽過程並獲得媒體報導,使本項活動能夠透過環保說唱表演方式,有效打入民心深入基層,提升環保概念,達成預期目標。 Environmental Protection Action and Singing Party To celebrate Environmental Volunteers Day of the Republic of China to be held in 2004, the Environmental Protection Agency of Executive Yuen had carried out “Environmental Protection Action and Singing Party” which showed the loves and wishes caring for the volunteers to our next generation and homelands. This action demonstrated gratitude of people to the motherland by events of dancing and singing. People participating the party have realized the importance of environmental protection by this event.During this event, 55 groups and 33 individuals have participated. The regional contests had been held on the dates of 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 31st of October 2004 at Civil Plaza (Taipei City), Science Museum (Taichung City), Social and Educational Hall (Tainan City), and Chengyuang Arts and Cultural Creation Center (Hualien City), respectively. At totals, 12 parties had won regional excellence awards and 18 parties had won regional honor group awards. In addition, 10 participants had won regional excellence individual awards, and 10 participants had won regional honor individual awards. The parties and individuals that won the regional excellence awards were eligible to participate the final contest to be held at Taipei’s 228 Memorial Park. The final results were placed as follows: one group championship and one individual championship, two group 2nd place awards and two individual 2nd place awards, and three group 3rd place awards and three individual 3rd place awards.There were more than a thousand people had participated the party and contest on the Environment Volunteers Day. The regional contests and final contests had also been reported on the mutli-media such that the messages of environmental protection had been effectively conveyed to the people in Taiwan. The dancing and singing of this party have been proved very successful and the objectives of this activity have been totally understood. 093 綜計處 力展創意整合行銷有限公司
32117057 固定污染源空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、帳目核對暨分析計畫 本計畫於環保署指導下順利推動空污費徵收作業,完成諮詢服務窗口之建置提供多元化便民服務,並辦理十場次空污費申報作業宣導說明會。另派駐專業人力執行空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、帳目核對暨分析作業,充分達成精省行政資源、簡化徵收作業,彰顯政府施政效能之目標。本計畫迄今共受理四季空污費申報案件建檔初審作業計20,856件,其中包括採書面申報方式15,146件及網路申報方式5,710件,統計本年度全國平均到繳率達94.8%,實收金額為1,425,239千元。為維護徵收制度之公平性,本計畫協助各縣市加強辦理催繳作業,配合本計畫建置之「空污費申報管理系統」即時篩選各季尚未申報之公私場所名單,協助地方環保局執行催繳作業,並依據收費辦法之規定篩選各季空污費指定查核名單共4,474件轉由查核單位進行複審現勘作業,以確保申報資料之正確性。此外,本計畫亦完成研訂500大公私場所排放係數,並針對優惠費率之適用條件提出建議方案,作為後續政策研修之參酌。本計畫延續歷年執行之成功經驗,整合網路傳輸及系統介面之各項工作平台加速整體作業效能,並建置完成網路審查傳輸系統。經由電腦系統之更新作業,可提供即時線上申報狀況查詢及相關資料統計分析,亦能與環保署相關網站線上系統結合更加緊密,以利執行行政管制作業。 The Data Establishment, Primary Review, Account Verification and Analytic Plan of Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Fee Declaration The project teams, under the supervision of the Environmental Protection Administration, have successfully implemented the air pollution control fee declaration, completed the establishment of consulting service offices to provide diversified convenient services to the people, and organized ten air pollution control fee declaration promotional seminars. Up to date, this plan has accepted a total number of 20, 856 applications for the data establishment and primary review of air pollution control fee declaration for four quarters (one year.) Among them, 15,146 applications were filed by written documentation whereas 5,710 applications were filed by the Internet. The annual average collection rate reaches 94.8%, and the premium collected is NT$ 1,425,239 thousands. In order to put the levy system into practice, this project teams assist different counties and cities with the consolidation of payment reminder operations. Moreover, pursuant to the stipulations governing the procedures for payment collection, a total number of 4,474 cases for different quarters were screened for the designated air pollution fee audit list, which was then transferred to the audit units for re-examination, to ensure the accuracy of the filing data. In addition to this, this project also completed the study and formulation of the emission coefficients for 500 major public and private institutes, and then suggestions were proposed in accordance with the applicable conditions for special fee rates, for the reference of follow-up policy research. Hence, this plan has repeated the successful experiences of the past years by integrating a variety of operating platforms for the Internet transmission and systems interfaces, thereby speeding up the overall operations performance. 093 空保處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司
32117058 93年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫 計畫成果摘要本計畫工作包括攔巡查10,500輛次,二行程機車攔檢3,500輛次,逾期二次通知到檢20,000輛次,大型宣導活動1場次,小型宣導活動2場次,宣導免費檢測2,000輛次,每月查核檢驗站乙次,每季實施氣體比對乙次。說明:1.機車攔巡查作業截至93年12月31日已完成16,668輛次,進度達成率為158.7%。2.二行程機車攔檢作業截至93年12月31日已完成4,072輛次,進度達成率為116.3%,不合格數為1,389輛,不合格率為34.11%,已完成複驗為1,218輛,複驗率為87.7%。3.檢驗站查核評鑑截至93年12月31日已完成300家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。4.逾期二次通知到檢截至93年12月31日已完成20,000份通知到檢,已回覆數為8,693輛,回覆率為43.47%。5.檢驗站儀器氣體比對截至93年12月31日已完成6次150家次之儀器氣體比對,進度達成率為100%。第1次比對有9家、第2次比對有2家、第3次有2家、第4次比對有3家、第5次比對有5家、第6次比對有7家經實施重新校正後全部合乎規定值。6.宣導活動作業截至93年12月31日已完成1場次大型宣導活動及5場小型宣導活動,共計免費檢測2,250輛次,不合格390輛次,複驗372輛次,複驗率為95.4%。7.問卷調查截至93年12月31日3次執行成果問卷調查,回收有效問卷1,086份。8.93年度工作績效考評表依據93年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫工作執行績效考評自評表空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評指標及評分標準,在移動污染源機車部份可掌握分數應得8.5%,目前實得8.77%。 The Mobile Source Air Pollution Audit Monitoring Program of Chiayi City in 2004 The scopes of work of the Mobile Source Air Pollution Audit Monitoring Program include the 10,500 motorcycles road blockade inspections, 3,500 2-stroke motorcycles inspections, one major and two minor promotion events, 2,000 motorcycles promotion oriented free inspections, the low pollution injection engine promotion exhibition, the monthly audit on each emissions inspection station, and the seasonal standard gas configuration practice. Till the 12 31, 2004, the following items have been accomplished, 1.The 16,668un-inspected motorcycles road blockade inspections that reaches the 158.7% of the planned progress, 2.The 4,072 2-stroke motorcycles road blockade inspections that reach the 116.3% of the planned progress, which includes 1,389 unqualified vehicles and makes the unqualified ratio up to 34.11%. Among the unqualified vehicles, the 1,218vehicles were re-inspected with the re-inspection rate of 87.7%, 3.To audit the 300 emissions inspection stations achieved the 100% of the planned progress rate, 4.The equipment standard gas configuration practice has been accomplished three times and reaching the 100% of the planned progress, 5.One major and five minor promotion events, in which 2,250 motorcycles received the promotion oriented free inspections. Among them, the 390 vehicles were unqualified. The 366 vehicles were re-inspected with a re-inspection rate of 93.8%, 6.To distribute the promotion pamphlet in every events in the Chiayi City together with the enforcement of the motorcycles annual emissions inspection and the injection engine motorcycle promotion to enhance the policy of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and to gain the supports from the general public, 7.To process the public survey, separately with a total of 1,086 valid survey samples. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 行政院環保署 空保處、嘉義市環保局第二課
32117059 93年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫加強街道揚塵洗街計畫 對於都會區之浮微粒污染,車行揚塵為最主要之貢獻源,因此僅仰賴固定源之控制效果不顯著,故藉由街道清洗作業以減低懸浮微粒污染。嘉義市環境保護局為降低本市道路揚塵量及維持市區道路之整潔,使市區內空氣品質不再日益惡化,故申請環保署補助辦理嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),希能透過街道清洗作業達到改善街道市容之整潔及提升空氣品質之目的。本計畫自93年1月1日,本工作團隊即行洗街作業之執行,每週進度均能依原先之規劃進行,預計洗街長度為12,000公里,而截至12月共完成15002.7公里之洗街長度,累計洗街長度達成率為125.02%。本計畫也已完成洗街車行車管理系統之建置工作,並作為每日稽查洗街路線是否正確、執行里程及車速查核之依據,洗街平均車速約為13.4km/hr,可符合環保署15km/hr以下之標準,每公里平均用水量約為1.18公噸/公里。每月亦進行洗街稽核,使嘉義市道路之缺失逐月減少。另亦完成284.5公里道路普查,達成率為100.9%,其中A級有141.6公里,B級有103.6公里,C級有39.3公里。直至第4季之複查成果,A、B、C級道路分別為233.6、41及9.9公里,改善率為35.3%。本計畫目前已配合環保局辦理洗街前、中、後TSP長時間檢測六點次。經彙整分析後,隔天與洗街前約同一時段之測值比較,削減率約介於9.7%-57.4%間,平均則約有31%之下降率。問卷調查前後期分別237及246份,結果初步顯示嘉義市民眾對空氣品質及街道揚塵之感受程度,屬尚能接受,但仍需努力改善,並約有98%民眾認為洗街有助於改善空氣品質。 Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2004 In order to reduce the fugitive dust quantity and to maintain the hygienic of the city street, the Environmental Protection Department of Chiayi City (EPD) applied for a subsidy from the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to implement the Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan to improve the street environment and the air quality.The plan started on 1 1, 2004 since the Bureau executed a contract to wash the street of 12,000 kilometer in length. Until 11, 2004, a total of 15002.7 kilometer street has been processed. It has reaches the 125.02% of the planned progress. Meanwhile, the Street Wash Vehicle Management System was set up in order to monitor the street wash schedule on daily basis.A series of four Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) Testing were conducted prior to, during, and after the fugitive dust improvement processes. The results showed that the fugitive dust has been reduced with a ratio somewhere between 9.7% ~ 57.4% by street washing task. The 483 public survey samples showed that the general public felt that the air quality and the fugitive dust on the street were more acceptable than before. There are over 98% residents who support this street washing plan. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局
32117060 九十三年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度『移動性污染源稽查管制計畫』執行期程自九十三年三月一日至十二月三十一日止,主要針對未定檢機車攔巡查、機車排氣路邊攔檢、宣導活動之舉辦,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行 Control of Mobile Sources of Air Pollution none 093 台中市環境保護局
32117061 台中市機車定檢站品質查核管理計畫 台灣地區經過多年的全民努力,創造了經濟奇蹟,因國民生活水準提高促使經濟全面繁榮。然而由於台灣地狹人稠,工廠密度偏高,加上機動車輛的高度成長,能源消耗與污染對環境品質造成嚴重的衝擊。台灣地區近十年來人口增加200萬人,成長了11%;車輛增加700多萬輛,成長 76%;工廠增加 2.4萬家,成長31%;能源消耗量增加34.2百萬噸油當量,成長87%,尾隨帶來污染更是不容忽視。   最近10年來國內機動車輛逐年快速成長,至1998年底機動車輛總數為1596萬輛,約為1988年總數(893萬輛)的1.78倍。機動車輛中以機車最多,為1055萬輛(87年底),占機動車輛總數的66.1%。而機車持有率則由1988年每千人342輛增至1998年的483輛,平均年成長率為3.5%。但以小客車而言,其成長率較高,平均年成長率為6%。1998年平均每千人汽車持有率為247輛,約為1988年(74輛)的3.3倍,平均年成長率為12.8﹪。顯示由於所得增加,購買力增強,造成汽機車持有率逐年上升。相形之下,大眾運輸系統的客運人數卻逐年下降;如何有效提高大眾運輸的使用,成為大家探討的重要課題。因此有必要建立起機車的定期保養檢驗制度。  由於國人使用機車不注重平時保養調修,只在車輛出現故障或事故時才前往檢修,往往使車齡尚短時即排放較多的污染物,其造成的空氣污染甚鉅,因此有必要建立起機車的定期保養檢驗制度。   環保署為加強機動車輛污染管制,自八十七年元月起於全台灣二十三縣市全面實施機車定檢制度,目前台中市境內共有機車排氣定期檢驗站114站,專責檢測稽查本市轄區內機動車輛,而為提升民眾機車定檢定保觀念,環保局亦不遺餘力的藉由移動污染源稽查管制計畫加強推動機車定檢作業,整體定檢到檢率在近三年來均維持在全國前三名的榮譽;有鑑於現階段定檢業務日漸繁重,分工亦越異精細,特將定檢站品質查核及管理從九十三年度劃分為一獨立業務。 Motorcycle-emissions-tester quality management and auditing 093 台中市環境保護局
32117062 大氣污染物長程傳輸衝擊評估及酸雨監測分析 本研究計畫目標為建構跨國大氣長程輸送模式整合系統,掌握、預警及評估台灣空氣品質及環境受境外輸送之衝擊,提供環保署及地方環保單位進行空氣品質管理決策之參考。並對空氣品質異常偶發事件時,修正空氣品質統計數值。規劃與建立酸雨監測網,並進行長期監測與資料分析,建立酸沈降臨界負荷指標,評估台灣地表環境對酸沈降之緩衝能力,研擬酸雨防制策略。最後將積極推動及參與跨國大氣污染相關議題之國際合作與技術交流,更新與維護台灣酸雨資訊網,強化環境教育與新知傳播。期末成果如下:1.我國酸雨計畫第一階段為1990-2000年,為因應時空的變遷,自2003-2004年開始第二階段的酸雨監測網的調整。經國內外酸雨專家之討論與提供意見,建站目的及功能性與監測方法需具新思維,目前已將第二代酸雨監測網與國際合作,採用全球相近之乾濕沉降採樣方法,以獲得國際認同之數據品質。2004年酸雨樣本可用率達87%,較美日規範要求之75%為高。2.北部仍是主要酸雨區,發生頻率在70%以上,且北部三站(彭佳嶼、鞍部以及台北站)於2003年冬季的酸雨頻率幾乎都高達100%,冬季明顯受到長程輸送污染物的影響。3.在2004年沙塵暴事件期間,對降水化學組成有明顯的改變,其會升高pH值(由4.5升高至7.6),中和雨水酸性外,也會大幅提升鈣離子在雨水中所佔的百分比(由平均之2%提升至22%)。4.福山夏季HNO3、SO2的季平均乾沈降通量為1.43與1.31 kg ha-1,而 NH4+、SO42-、NO3- 的季平均乾沈降量分別是0.69、2.42及0.42 kg ha-1,遠低於溼沈降量。福山夏季乾沉降量中氮及硫的含量和氣體貢獻所佔的比例(%)的比較,氣體所貢獻的氮約佔34% 左右;氣體所貢獻的硫約佔45%左右。此結果顯示固相粒狀物主宰乾沈降,控制懸浮微粒排放則對降低乾性酸沈降較具效益。5.吾人已建立即時的大氣環境模擬系統,並進行2001年全年之氣象場模擬,以作為酸沉降模式之氣象場,並選取長程輸送與本地生質燃燒個案,以做為情境資料庫。模擬顯示台灣北桃地區48%的硫沉降來自於境外移入。6.本研究所評估的六個森林生態系,其硫酸根的沉降量均遠超過模式所估算的臨界負荷。其中福山(134 kg ha-1 yr-1),更超過了沉降臨界負荷(8 kg ha-1 yr-1)10倍以上。若酸性沉降確會影森林的健康,則此六森林生態系已受酸沉降的潛在威脅。7.2004年空品監測資料,經扣除沙塵影響PM10修正後,可扣除PSI>100之站日數為21個站日數。此外,當PM10扣除後,O3仍大於120為 2個站日數, 純粹由O3造成PSI大於100有7個站日數。8.國際合作推動上,日本酸雨所將協助我國藉由學術交流與合作研究,參與國際酸沈降監測網,進而建立環太平洋酸沈降資訊中心,以強化提升國際環保科技之參與和能見度。此外,我方與香港進行資料交換。 Impact study of the long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants and acid rain monitoring network The goals of this study are (1) to establish an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to predict and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to the EPA and local EPB for air pollution management, (2) to correct the PSI when abnormal air pollution events occur, (3) to plan maintain the new acid rain monitoring network and analyze the precipitation chemistry data, (4) to develop a localized critical loading of acid deposition for assessing the buffering capacity of the soil in Taiwan, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote international collaborations. To date, our achievements are highlighted below:1.The modeling system has integrated the meteorological data from CWB and NCEP, and subsequently performed daily simulations. Predicted trajectories originated from the major source points of air pollutants in East Asia have been provided on the website for precaution of the long-range transport. Meanwhile, backward trajectories starting at four locations of Taiwan are also provided for tracking the potential source regions.2.Based on a statistic model, the PSI during the abnormal event of the year of 2004 has been recalculated in consideration of Asian dust impact on PM10 measurements.3.The new acid rain monitoring network consisting of 12 sites has been operated using a new sampling protocol since January 2004. Two dry deposition sites have also been established. Our network is also extended to collaborate with EANET, NADP and CAD.4.The web site ( of Taiwan acid rain study has been updated with more information. 093 空保處 國立中央大學大氣物理所
32117063 臺中縣監督辦理焚化爐或掩埋場資源回收物質進場管制措施委辦計畫 「監督辦理臺中縣焚化爐及掩埋場資源回收物質進場管制措施計畫」執行以來,相關人員及作業均詳實規劃並落實執行。本計畫執行自93年10月12日至93年12月31日止之作業成果摘要說明如下:一、針對臺中縣轄內14座掩埋場及兩座焚化廠進場的管制進行廢棄物進焚化廠或掩埋場之管理及檢查作業,並輔以車輛進場頻率來分配檢查頻率。於計畫執行之初,已訂定進場(廠)檢查標準作業手冊,並依執行情形進行修正以符合現況。相關成果包括:1. 焚化廠及掩埋場現場勘查及訪談:於執行計畫初期,已完成臺中縣轄區中的后里、烏日焚化廠及14座掩埋場現場勘查作業。2. 進焚化廠或掩埋場之廢棄物之稽/檢查作業,已完成檢查共3,632車次,各廠場之違規狀況為后里焚化廠不合格率25.1%,烏日焚化廠不合格率14.5%,掩埋場整體不合格率24.0%;而現場檢查執行落地檢查率達8.12%。針對違規物質出現次數進行統計,以塑膠類577次最高,紙類及鐵類次之。 recycle RECYCLE 093 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
32117064 空氣品質長期趨勢分析與年報編撰 本計畫自九十三年四月二十日起開始執行,於十二月提出期末報告,共完成基本資料蒐集,台灣地區空氣品質長期趨勢分析,九十二年度空氣污染總年報編撰,空氣品質跨年度時間、空間趨勢分析,重要事件日空氣品質分析及彙整,及環保署相關委辨計畫成果等項工作。茲分別簡要說明本計畫之執行摘要如下:1. 基本資料之蒐集方面:完成環保署九十二年空氣品質監測資料彙整及PSI統計分析,空氣品質監測資料品管品保方法及世界主要城市空氣品質資料分析。同時完成世界各國2002年空氣品質統計分析結果。2. 完成台灣地區九十三年度環竟白皮書有關空氣品質部分之撰寫:本項工作於四月二十二日完成,並提交空保處進行編撰。主要內容包括:(1) 第二節 實質環境、(2) 空氣品質監測站說明、(3) 九十二年台灣地區空氣污染指標PSI值統計、(4) 長期空氣品質趨勢、(5) 空氣污染物濃度、(6) 區域空氣品質狀況。 3. 台灣地區空氣品質長期趨勢分析:完成台灣地區五種污染物八十三年至九十二年監測結果長期性分析,季節性變化分析。4. 台灣地區九十二年度空氣污染總年報編撰:七月底提出初稿。主要內容包括:空氣品質現狀,空氣污染物濃度現況,相關法規政策及世界主要城市空氣品質彙整。5. 台灣空氣品質跨年度時間、空間趨勢分析:完成空氣品質PSI長期性趨勢分析,針對O3及PM10進行空氣品質空間趨勢分析。由空間趨勢分析顯示台灣地區PM10濃度變化與季節性和該區人口密度關係密切,濃度最高主要發生於春冬兩季,在七大空品區中以中部、雲嘉南、高屏空品區的濃度最高,花東及宜蘭空品區的濃度最低。台灣地區臭氧濃度變化則受季節性、季風、該區域地形及人口密度等因素影響。由等濃度圖可以看出臭氧濃度較PM10濃度更有地域性的差異存在。在主要都市中,台北市之臭氧濃度以春夏較高,冬季較低;高雄市之臭氧濃度以秋季較高,夏季較低;而花東地區之臭氧濃度以春秋較高,夏季較低。6. 重要事件日區域性空氣品質分析:針對O3及PM10造成之空氣污染事件日,進行七大空品區空氣品質影響分析,探討空氣品質區域變化可能之污染來源。PM10事件日分析結果顯示,台灣地區春、冬季較易發生高PM10濃度,中部空品區各季主要風向變化,造成竹山測站其懸浮微粒在冬季、春季時均較其他測站有顯著惡化情形。南投縣空氣品質惡化原因是因南投縣在台灣盛行東北季風期,低層氣流受中央山脈阻隔,成為背風區,空氣下沈穩定,下雨機會不多,有利污染物累積,加上濁水溪河谷裸露河床、砂石業、小型木類加工廠及部份可能來自台中地區之污染源,導致南投縣空氣品質不良比率遠高於其他中部縣市。7. 彙整九十二年度環保署委辦計劃及施政成果:針對綜合計劃、固定污染源、移動性污染源及國際環保事務等相關計劃,彙整其成果摘要及計劃成效。 Long-term Trends Analysis and Annual Report Editing of Air Quality This project began from April 20, 2004, and finished at the end of December of 2004. During this period, the project had finished: (1) Basic data collection, (2) Long-term air quality trend analysis of Taiwan area, (3) Editing the annual report of air quality maintaining strategy of year 2003, (4) Air quality time and space trend analysis, (5) Major air quality episode analysis, (6) Editing the related reports of research projects of the Department of air quality and noise control of 2003.1. Basic data collection.2. Long-term air quality trend analysis of Taiwan area:The project had finished the long-term trend analysis from 1994 to 2003 of five mayor air pollutants, including the long-term trend and seasonal variation.3. Editing the annual report of air quality maintaining strategy of year 2003:The draft report was submitted to EPA in the middle of August, and the finial report was submitted at the end of September after the review and revise of EPA. The major contains include current air quality, current concentrations of major air pollutants, relative regulations and strategies.4. Time and space trend analysis of air quality:The project had finished the long-term trend analysis of the air quality pollutants standard index (PSI). The space trend analysis of O3 and PM10 were presented also. From the concentration variation of PM10 in Taiwan area, the results showed the concentration had close relation with seasonal variation and population densities. 5. Major air quality episode analysis:From the results of PM10 episode analysis, high PM10 concentrations occurred in spring and winter in Taiwan area. From the results of O3 episode analysis, high O3 concentrations occurred in spring and summer in Northern and Chu-Miao air quality basins. In Central and Yun-Chi-Nan air quality basins, high O3 concentrations occurred in summer, autumn and winter. In Kaoping air quality basin, there were high O3 concentrations occurring every months during the year. 093 空保處 國立聯合大學 環安系
32117065 廢機動車輛回收獎勵金審核執行專案工作計畫 本計畫工作目標:環保署以回收獎勵金發放措施,鼓勵民眾將報廢車輛經由合格回收商進行資源回收作業,並確保廢機動車輛回收獎勵金申請件審查工作順利完成,且依公告回收獎勵金數額撥付予車主,將申請件之詳細資料建檔,以備查驗,另針對回收獎勵金無法順利寄達遭退回之申請件,進行後續追縱處理。本計畫工作內容:1.辦理廢機動車輛回收獎勵金之審查、建檔及造冊。2.辦理廢機動車輛回收獎勵金申請件之車籍資料查詢業務(向監理單位查詢車籍狀態),並針對重複申領(與環保署回收獎勵金歷史資料庫比對)或失竊車輛,需列管及自申請件中予以剔除。3.處理廢機動車輛回收獎勵金支票退回(含支票逾期、支票未寄達、支票誤植等)及匯款失敗之申請件複查及列印支票重寄明細表,並將資料函送環保署及回收獎勵金撥款銀行,辦理支票重寄或重匯工作。4.針對廢車回收商等相關人員舉辦廢機動車輛回收程序及廢機動車輛回收管制聯單使用規定說明會(至少四場以上)。5.建置廢車回收獎勵金申請件處理情形查詢網頁,其內容包含回收獎勵金申請相關規定、申請流程、回收商資料及審查核撥款進度等,並定期維護更新。6.設置專線電話,解答民眾有關申請回收獎勵金等相關問題。7.擬定廢機動車輛回收獎勵金支票退回,無法寄達件之解決方案及回收獎勵金之成本效益分析。8.駐署兩人,協助辦理統籌、聯繫及彙總統計分析工作,並對相關案件資料進行立即性之建檔維護。9.輔導回收商協助民眾辦理回收獎勵金申請相關事宜。10.辦理廢機動車輛回收管制聯單印製(由廠商負擔)、發放、控管、回收及建檔等作業。11.依環保署「高污染老舊機器腳踏車汰舊換新購買低污染噴射引擎機器腳踏車作業要點」之相關規定,辦理回收獎勵金歷史資料庫車籍資料比對,申請件須無重複申領且非失竊車輛,經審核、比對通過以列冊方式提報環保署。 Discarding the motor vehicle recovery premium examines to carry out the project This content of planning job: 1.Carry out the reviewing of discarding the motor vehicle recovery premium and create file and build the volume. 2.Carry out the car book stuff search business of discarding the motor vehicle recovery premium application piece, and apply for receiving(recover the premium history database ratio paraquinones with EPA) or steal the rolling stock to repetition, needing the line to take care of and the auto - applies for to pick and get rid of in the piece. 3.The treatment discards the motor vehicle recovery premium check to send back and the application of the remittance failure checks and prints out the check heavy send the detail table, and send letter of stuff to EPA and recovery premium appropriation banks, carrying out the check heavy send or heavy remit the job. 4.Aim at to discard the car recovery the business waits for the related personnel to hold to discard the motor vehicle recovery procedure and discard the motor vehicle recovery control duplicate usage specified instruction meeting. 5.The establishment discards the car to recover the premium to apply for a treatment situation to search the web page, its content includes to recover the premium to apply for related rule, apply for the flow process and recover business stuff and investigate to allocate funds the degree of progress etc., and periodical maintenance renewal. 6.Establish the special line telephone, answer the people the relevant application recovery premium waits for the related question. 7.The draw-up discards the motor vehicle recovery premium check to send back, can#t send to attain the solution of the piece and the cost efficiency analysis of the recovery premiums. 8.Halt two people of the office, help to carry out the orchestration, contact and gather to statistics the analytical job, and carry on to the related case stuff immediately the sex creates file the maintenance. 9.Guide to recover the business to help the people to carry out to recover the premium to apply for the related affair. 093 基管會 玖揚環保工程實業股份有限公司
32117066 九十三年度「觀音廢機動車輛粉碎廠委託營運作業及廢機動車輛回收處理輔導」專案工作計畫 本計畫之工作項目包括二大部分,共十四項工作項目分別為:(一) 觀音廢車粉碎廠監督管理作業,包含按「觀音廢機動車輛粉碎分類廠委託營運契約書」之規定,協助環保署監督委託營運單位依約執行、審查營運單位所提各項營運資料、進行營運單位所提之環保檢驗結果審核、監督並輔導營運單位並將工作過程及結果作成書面紀錄與提出營運監督服務工作季報、協助評估觀音廠委託營運契約金額之估算、協助環保署觀音廠委託營運招標文件之討論及修正以及就觀音廠未來五年市場價值變化進行估算。(二) 廢車回收處理體系檢討作業,包含廢車粉碎衍生廢棄物ASR之物理成分分析、廢車回收拆解等組成分析、車輛報廢量、處理量、回收率探討、廢車通路市場調查、歷年廢車回收率變化原因分析、廢車處理成本和處理量關係分析以及國內廢車處理廠現場輔導作業。相關成果可歸納為:(一) 觀音廢車粉碎廠監督管理作業1.協助環保署監督委託營運單位依約執行各項要求事項,共計完成自93年1月至93年12月之營運資料統計,並訂定相關監督與統計分析流程。總計自93年1月至93年12月共處理廢車殼55,765公噸,碎鐵、ASR、非鐵金屬產比例分別為:碎鐵67.86%;ASR31.01%;非鐵1.13%。2.完成24項委託營運合約要求事之彙整與查核,針對92年度之年保證處理量與備用地磅啟用建立標準作業程序,並針對營運單位之環保檢驗結果進行審核,完成92年度之噪音與廢氣檢驗結果審核並將90、91、92等三年度之檢測結果進行彙整。本年度共完成二次監督營運工作季報之提送,並按經營運轉、設備機具、緊急事故等說明各季之要事與處理情形。3.為因應下一期委託營運計畫之辦理,完成各項前置準備作業之執行,包括年租金的估算與招標文作之研擬。除分別依對現有市場之影響、回收建廠成本與實際鑑價結果等因素考量外,並依市場公平性與設備維修保養之實際需要估算。另外依促參法之精神研擬下一期委託營運契約內容,完成包括招商文件與契約書範本之擬訂。而觀音廠實廠鑑價作業之執行則為年租金之估算提供參考依據。(二) 廢車回收處理體系檢討作業1.完成三家廢車粉碎廠各一場次之ASR採樣分析作業,與廢汽車與廢機車各6輛次之拆解分析作業,除彙整分析結果,並探討未來車用材料的演變將對廢車回收作業產生重大影響。2.在報廢量、處理量、回收率之分析探討方面,本年度參考日本對廢車回收率之計算方式,採持有數估計法進行計畫與比較,發現整體廢汽車與廢機車回收率將分別達到71.1%與67.8%。3.在廢車通路調查分析、歷年廢車回收率變化分析與廢車處理成本和處理量關係分析等工作則因延續至下一年度,因此本年度主要針對歷史資料與現況進行彙整。4.完成三場次之廢車粉碎廠現場輔導作業,各場次均由環保、工安、廠務管理、機具設備等四領域之專家對廢車粉碎廠提供專題演講與改善建議。 Kuan-Yin ELV Shredding Plant Operation Monitoring and ELV Recycling System Reviewing Project The purpose of this project is to assist and monitor the contracted operation of Kuan-Yin Auto Shredding Plant. Also in this project, the research team was required to prepare the call-for-tenders documents and help transferring the operation right of Kuan-Yin Plant in 2005. Besides, in order to promote the ELVs recycling in Taiwan, another major task in this project is reviewing the performance and functions of the elements in the system including car-recycling rewards, take-back and processing logistics and subsidy receptors. The research results are intended to support future environmental policy of Taiwan EPA.Based on the operating records of Kuan-Yin Plant in 2004, Kuan-Yin Plant processed 55,765 tons of car hulks. The results indicate the Plant has achieved the requirement set by Taiwan EPA on the Plant operation. In addition, according to the monitoring results of noise and air pollution, this Plant met environmental regulations from year 2001 to 2003. In 2004, the research team completed two seasonal status reports including the overall operation, machinery equipment and emergency reacting processes. The call-for-tenders document, new rent calculation for the next-term operation, new lease forms and three appraisals for potential property values of Kuan-Yin Plant were also conducted.On the system reviewing side of this project, the research team completed the physical analysis of the ELV in the current waste stream, physical analysis of ASR, the reviewing of ELV collection rates and three educational workshops for the employees of the three shredding plants in Taiwan. The collection rate for waste cars is about 71.1% and 67.8% for waste motorcycles based on the estimation of the 093 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會
32117067 加油站設置真空輔助式油槍油氣回收設備功能抽測計畫 本計畫主要工作內容分別為:(1)執行加油站設置油槍油氣回收設備功能抽測;(2)油氣回收相關宣導工作;(3)協助推動加油站油氣回收相關政策。200站氣油比檢測結果,油槍平均合格率為69%,其中有31%(58站)之氣油比檢測完全符合標準。52站氣漏檢測,有47站合格,合格率為94%。對於檢測不合格者,已發文要求加油站於期限內完成改善,並請加油站回覆改善結果及回傳設備廠商維修單,調查檢測不合格原因,以皮管積油(25%)為主要原因,其次則是馬達功率異常(17%)與馬達故障(13%)。50站協助改善成果,加油槍平均合格率由25%提升為98%:而氣漏協助改善共進行3站,全部合格。加油站改善合格最多之原因為清除皮管或加油槍積油與馬達或電子板吸力調整,其他原因尚有更換馬達皮帶與矽鋼片、更換故障油槍、更換皮管內之氣管、調整出油速度、清潔馬達、調整氣閥、更換脫離器與清除地下管線積油。200站氣油比檢測前後,VOCs之減量成效有203公噸/年。聯盟減量協商會共辦理11場,會中進行問題溝通與協調,聯盟均表示肯定環保署努力與支持政策推動,協商成效良好,對於聯盟公司提出之問題與建議將列入後續管理辦法編修之重要參考。而針對聯盟之管理方式分析比較,建議聯盟成立維護小組,並具備合格證照人員與檢測儀器,至少每3個月進行全系統之維護工作、自我檢測工作與站長教育訓練,對於相關文件有效彙整與建檔,針對缺失加強維護,並正確操作設備,定可使設備維持70%以上的合格率,及減少維護成本支出。10場次觀摩訓練會總計有312站/333人次參加,訓練會進行設備原理簡介、維護保養問題及排除方法、正確加油觀念及維護管理建置之建議,並至加油站現場進行檢測之訓練與故障排除示範。成果觀摩會改以計程車駕駛員為主要宣導對象,製作11萬張宣導單、541張宣導海報及警察廣播電台交通網進行電台宣導,宣導內容包含:認識強迫加油、加油槍自動跳停即加滿油及強迫加油危害環境與健康等觀念。依現場調查、檢測與本計畫執行成果,更新環保署加油站設備暨監測資料庫(與油氣回收宣導網站( GROUP/people.htm),提供一般民眾、環保局、加油站業者與相關人士之查詢。蒐集國外油氣回收設備最新發展及國外油氣回收政策推動法令和管制罰則等相關資料,並調查統計國內油氣回收設備效益及使用性,以提供環保署擬定有效管制策略與作為,改善加油站揮發性有機物逸散之問題。 The Operation Performance Test of Phase II Vacuum Assist Vapor Recovery System in Gasoline Stations (1)To execute the random check on the equipment efficiency test of Phase II vapor recovery facility from 200 Gasoline stations:The average qualified rate is 69% for gasoline nozzle samples. As to the test result of Air Leak check, there are 47 out of total 52 stations qualified for this check. The qualified rate is 94%. Inspecting the reason of disqualification, 25% of the failure results from the plugged vapor path by residual gasoline in the hoses, then 17% from motor power deficiency and 13% from motor failure. After the improvement measurement of the failure facilities are recommended and conducted by 50 stations’ assistance. The average qualified rate of gasoline nozzle samples is increased from 25% to 98%. The total reduced volume is 203 tons/year after these 200 stations’ assistance. The Alliance of Reducing Gasoline Stations’ Vapor Emissions arranged 11 Coordination Meetings for participants to understand more about government policies. All proposed issues and suggestions will be put into the important reference for the later amend on the public regulations and managements. (2) The related propaganda of this subject matter There are 10 Vapor Recovery Policy Guidance and Training Courses held for 312 stations/333 attendees. These courses even had the demonstration on site leak check training and trouble shooting.The main educated objects were taxi drivers who were guided by several public media channels such as leaflets, posters, Police Radio Station on Traffic Network for this topic. (3)To assist public section to implement Gasoline Vapor Recovery Control PolicyFor this part, it is expect to collect related regulations and working experience from foreign countries that have implemented the vapor recovery control policy and regulated the control policies for punishment. In addition to this, it will plan and prepare the guidance and documentation for TEPA to implement vapor recovery policy and the related measures in working schedule. 093 空保處 祥威環境科技有限公司
32117068 固定污染源空氣污染防制費查核、分析及監督管理計畫 為實現「污染者付費」之社會正義原則,並且以經濟誘因方式,促使公私場所主動減少污染排放量,進而達到改善空氣品質之目標,行政院環境保護署自八十四年七月一日起開始徵收空氣污染防制費。環保署經檢討空污費徵收與審查架構後,將審查管制流程區分為「建檔篩選」、以及「複審查核」等兩大段落之工作。本年度在書面複審部分,完成1,679件審查,符合合約規定之工作量1,600件之進度要求;現場查核部分,已完成943件之現場查核工作,符合合約規定之工作量900件之進度要求;無異常案件應補繳金額為19萬3仟元、異常案件應補繳金額為1,859萬8仟元及CEMS申報案件須補繳金額高達2,851萬元。在配合之CEMS現場查核工作部分,發現各業者出現之問題,主要仍集中於「監測數據未能落於全幅設定值之20~80%之間」、「全幅偏移計算錯誤」、「監測儀器失控或停爐定義不明確」、「污染源廢氣引流無申報」、「監測設施未進行乾濕基校正」、「DAS系統電腦時間不符」、「儀器裝設可變電阻」、「流率監測位置設置錯誤」、「量測數據小於儀器偵測極限」以及「系統性偏差」等問題。在研修固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收審查制度方面,提出「評估低污染性氣體燃料徵收作業之可行性」、「評估以排放係數法取代檢測申報方式的可行性」、「評估CEMS以『月平均排放濃度』為費率基準之修訂案」以及「評估以排放量作為費率級距」等空污費制度之修改;空污費法規之修改包括「以CEMS申報之案件應每季提送申報資料,並進行全面性審查」、「新增鋅及鋁二級冶煉澆鑄成型設備的係數」、「收費辦法中有關檢測排放量之計算方式規定宜一致」及「以排放量大小作為費率調整之依據」;並針對美國聯邦政府及部份已建立完整收費架構之州及地方政府,摘要解析排放收費制度相關內容,以供台灣地區研修空氣污染防制費制度之參考。本年度尚針對縣市召開空氣污染防制費申報現場查核作業訓練、考評各縣市執行空氣品質維護或改善工作之績效、空氣污染防制費申報書面及現場查核成效檢討會等;另外針對環保技術面、經濟面、法規面等問題進行三場專家學者諮詢會,以彙整各分面對於目前空污費收費制度的意見,內容包括:(一)連續自動監測設施現場查核問題及解決方案;(二)空污費檢測申報問題及解決方案;(三)空污費徵收作業制度檢討。 Examine, analyze and supervise in air pollution control fee of stationary pollution source In order to realize "the pollution to pay fee" the social just principle, and by the economical inducement, urges the public and private place initiative reduction pollution emission, then achieved objective of the improvement air quality.In the written reexamination part, had completed 1,679 examinations; In the scene checks part, had completed 943 scenes to check the work, both of them had conformed to contract work load. At the exceptional case to be more paid 193 thousand dollars; At the unexceptional case to be more paid 18 million 598 thousand dollars and the CEMS case estimate must more paid 28 million 51 thousand dollars.At work in coordination with CEMS’s plan, detect some problems in CEMS. Like “monitor data is not between 20 and 80 percent in fully scale”; “fully scale deviating is an error of computation”; ”monitor device uncontrollable”; “pollution source bypass”; “monitor device doesn’t correct by dry-wet base”; “flow rate’s monitor is wrong” and “systematicness deviation”.The research of the air pollution fee system, included “the feasibility study of levying on the clean fuel”; “the feasibility study of using stack test to substitute for emission factor ”; “using the monthly mean concentration for the fee level of CEMS”; “using the emission quantity for the fee level ”; “the cases of CEMS need to be examined each season ”.Furthermore, convened three conference to get the suggestion and the opinion from the professors, the content includes the problems and the solutions in the scene checks about the CEMS cases, the problems and the solutions in the stack test for the air pollution free, and a review of the taxation system of air pollution. 093 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
32117069 行業別固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物管制作業推動計畫 本計畫係協助環保署進行VOCs管制推動及相關作業規劃,主要內容分為四大項工作:包括石化業、半導體業、光電業及膠帶業等法規研修工作、HAP計算篩選原則建立及五種行業HAP試算工作、美國面源資料建立之制度研析及農藥、消費性商品兩項國內調查對象及管制措施建議、建物塗裝管制建議、10場次之廢水場排放調查及相關成效整合工作等項工作。主要成果包括1.預計四項法規之修正可增加17,686公噸之排放減量,以91年所建立之空氣品質模式預估臭氧平均濃度之改善比例可達0.61%。2.根據美國排放係數圖譜資料及現有之VOC排放量申報資料試算光電、半導體、汽車表面塗裝、膠帶、石化等行業之有害空氣污染物排放量,並納入環境濃度限值考量,估算有害權重強度,初步建議之重要物種包括苯乙烯、甲醛、丙醇、間/對-二甲苯、異丙醇、甲苯及二氯甲烷等項可納入未來優先管制物種之參考。3.參酌美國經驗,規劃VOCs面源管制架構,在考量行政可行性、成本有效性、技術可行性等因素下評估優先管制對象類別,並針對農藥、消費性商品及建物塗裝等類完成管制策略研析。4.健全排放量資料,建立廢水處理場及面源之排放調查方式,改善排放清單正確性,作為未來法規研訂及落實推動之基礎。 Individual industry VOCs control planning The project assisted EPA to implement regulations and related planning work of VOCs control. These include fours highlighted work: to amend VOCs rules to petrochemical, semiconductor, TFT-LCD, and adhesive tape industries; to establish the selection criteria for HAP calculation and to complete HAP calculation programs in 5 industries; to study the US area source inventory system and to do some domestic survey work and give control measure suggestions in pesticide and consumer product categorized industries; to hold 10 meeting about emission inventory survey and related integration works to wastewater treatment plants. The chief achievements for this project are: 1. By adopting the amended 4 relevant rules, under this project estimation there will be 17,686 tons emission reduction and 0.61% enhancement of average ozone concentration by using the air quality modeling system built in 2002; 2. By referring to the US emission factors from illustrative data and current VOCs emission registry records, the project took the environmental threshold limit values into account, calculated the emissions of toxic air pollutants in the TFT-LCD, semiconductor, automotive coating, adhesive tape, and petrochemical industries, estimated the toxic intensity, and finally concluded the suggested prior control pollutant- styrene, formaldehyde, propanol, m/p- xylene, isopropanol, toluene, and dichloromethane - to the future regulation; 3. The project planned the framework of VOCs control in area source from US experiences. In addition, by considering the administrative feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and technical feasibility, it also provided the prior regulated categories after finishing control measures assessment in pesticides, consumer products, and building coating; 4. The project improved the accuracy of emission inventory and established the survey process to area source and wastewater treatment plant pollutants 093 空保處 財團法人中技社
32117070 因應蒙特婁議定書策略研擬計畫 我國政府基於身為地球村一員,並保護國內產業免受蒙特婁議定書貿易限制條款制裁,決定遵守議定書對已開發國家的管制規定,同步削減我國破壞臭氧層物質(Ozone Depleting Substances;簡稱ODS)的消費量,善盡臭氧層保護之責任。本計畫係協助政府因應蒙特婁議定書持續修正的管制規定,三大工作主軸為:(1)建立對外溝通管道與加強國際交流;(2)協助研擬因應策略與行政支援;(3)傳播臭氧層保護相關資訊,加強教育宣導。本年度達成工作計有:(1)完成提報我國2003年蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質消費量資料予聯合國環境規劃署臭氧秘書處(UNEP Ozone Secretariat);(2)辦理ODS管制核配作業,包括氟氯烴(HCFCs)、庫存氟氯碳化物(CFCs)、溴化甲烷(Methyl Bromide)等列管化學物質,達成2004年削減35% HCFCs消費量之管制目標,並召開六場次核配審議小組會議及兩場次全體廠商核配會議;(3)實地訪查國內18個使用或替代ODS之場所,包括HCFCs核配使用廠商及替代溴化甲烷燻蒸之熱處理設備廠商;(4)派員出席3場次2004年召開之臭氧層保護國際會議,包括11月22-26日在捷克布拉格召開之「蒙特婁議定書第16次締約國大會」、7月13-16日在瑞士日內瓦召開之「蒙特婁議定書第24次工作小組會議」、以及4月13-15日在美國華盛頓首府召開之「第15屆Earth Technology Forum」,宣揚我國臭氧層保護成果及維繫國際交流管道;(5)蒐集研析國際最新替代技術與管制策略,包括汽車空調與冰水機等替代冷媒/技術發展、ISPM-15對溴化甲烷需求之影響等,藉以掌握歐美日等國之最新因應措施;(6)辦理臭氧層保護資訊教育宣導工作,發行3期中英文電子季報、更新維護本署臭氧層保護資訊網站,編撰完成溴化甲烷核配作業須知手冊,並完成編排印製2份我國臭氧層保護執行成效之中英文宣導品(Ozone Layer Protection: What Taiwan is Doing)。本計畫也協同財政部關稅總局與行政院海洋巡防署調查我國過去緝獲的ODS非法走私案例,編撰於1份緝私成果文宣品及印製發送ODS緝私指導手冊。另舉辦北中南三區之6場緝私人員辨識ODS訓練講習課程,據以培訓基層緝私人員之專業能力,確保我國管制成效及遵守公約的良好形象。 Developing national strategy in response to the control measures of the Montreal Protocol This Project is to act as the main policy and measures implementing support of Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency in response to the Montreal Protocol regime on ozone depleting substances (ODSs). Three major tasks are:1) establishing international communicating channels among the ozone family, 2) supporting drafting of domestic policy and measures in management of the substances, 3) disseminating information related to the ozone layer protection and strengthening the relevant personnel training. 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32117071 推動含氟溫室氣體產業排放減量 國際間對高溫室潛勢氣體(PFCs、HFCs及SF6)的管理要求日趨積極,在國內產業使用量亦逐年昇高,實有必要進行適當的使用管理及排放減量。此三種含氟溫室氣體(GHG)在國內多使用於經濟發展重點產業,包括半導體、光電、電力設施及鎂合金等產業,但由於其屬於較集中排放產業,因此若能有效管理,對於我國執行GHG排放管制措施,將會有顯著的成效。本計畫主要執行內容為推動我國使用含氟GHG相關產業之自願排放減量工作、協助建立本土化含氟GHG排放減量技術,並推廣國內相關產業使用管理及教育宣導工作。本年度達成工作計有:(1)環保署署於93年8月27日與台灣薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業協會(Taiwan TFT-LCD Association, TTLA)簽訂「全氟化物PFCs排放減量合作備忘錄」;(2)派員陪同我國產業協會出席全球光電及半導體產業協會工作小組會議,提供技術與管理策略相關諮詢協助,另配合我國代表團出席聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第十次締約國會議時,由TTLA發表我國產業自願減量成效;(3)蒐集研析國際政府部門及產業別之最新發展資訊,並派員出席於4月13-15日在美國華盛頓首府召開之「第15屆Earth Technology Forum」及12月1-3日在美國Scottsdale, Arizona召開之「the 3rd International Conference on SF6 and the Environment」,並發表我國含氟GHG產業概況及自願排放減量績效;(4)完成我國2003年含氟溫室氣體(PFCs、HFCs及SF6)進口、使用及排放量調查工作,掌握歷年成長趨勢及產業因應脈動;(5)實廠測試評估SF6替代品可行性,可由HFC-134a來替代SF6的使用,並實地訪視國內6個SF6使用排放場所;(6)辦理PFCs排放技術國際研討會及國內專家學者座談會,並於北中南三地舉辦三場次電力事業SF6使用排放減量觀摩會;(7)發行三期中英文電子季報(台灣含氟GHG排放減量成效),完成編撰印製三份含氟GHG技術手冊。建議仍應持續推動與台灣半導體產業協會簽署PFCs自願減量協議,並擴大SF6回收再使用的推廣工作,舉辦產業說明會加強電力事業對SF6的回收利用,並深入了解鎂合金新興產業的SF6使用排放,研擬適當排放減量措施。而對於資訊的收集與擴散更不可缺,協助國內相關產業掌握最新國際趨勢,並將國內動態及成果向國際社會宣揚。 Promote fluorinated gases emission reduction The requirements for the management of high green house potential gases(PFCs, HFCs and SF6) has gradually become more aggressive internationally. The utilization amount by the domestic industries is also increasing year after year. It is necessary to conduct suitable application management and emission reduction actually. These three fluorinated green house gases(GHG) are often used in major industries of economic development, including semiconductor, photoelectric, electric facilities and magnesium alloy industry etc. Because they belong more centralized emission industries, if they can be managed efficiently, it will have significant achievement for our country on executing GHG emission control measurement. The major execution content of this project is to motivate the voluntary emission reduction task for related industries using fluorinated GHG in our country, to help to create the domestic fluorinated GHG emission reduction technology, and to promote the utilization management and educational advertisement task for the domestic related industries.It is recommended to motivate for signing PFCs voluntary reduction agreement with Taiwan semiconductor industry continuously, and to expand the promotion task for the recycling and reclamation of SF6. To hold industrial demonstration seminar to enhance the recycling and reuse of SF6 by electric industry, and to deeply understand the utilization and emission of SF6 for new magnesium alloy industry, and to propose suitable emission reduction measurement. It is required for the collection and diffusion of information, to assist domestic related industries to grasp the newest international trend, and to advertise the domestic status and achievement to the international society. 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32117072 總量管制制度建置計畫 本計畫為以高高屏為示範之二年之總量管制施政計畫,本計畫主要針對高高屏地區之基線認可、指定削減,與空氣污染防制計畫等內容進行規劃。本年度計畫完成之工作項目,執行成果摘要如下:(一)彙整縣市空氣污染防制計畫書成效並提出未來規劃執行建議(二)檢討修正總量管制配套法規並評估總量管制實施優選污染物(三)進行高高屏地區基線認可與指定削減試算作業(四)研訂指定削減準則(五)研擬高高屏地區減量目標與期程與空氣污染防制計畫(六)辦理排放量認可與指定削減作業講習與研商會議(七)空保處網頁維護,針對空保處網頁進行及定期維護網頁正常運作。 Total Air Emissions Control Project This is a two-year project, which has taken Kao-Kao-Pin Air Quality Management District (KKPAQMD) as an example to implement the total air emissions control scheme. For this first year, the main purposes of the project are to formulate and to prepare the draft rules and relevant documentary and procedure work of the emission inventory baselines, Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT), and the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP).The following summarize work that have been done in this year: (1) to review State Implementation Plans (SIP) and to provide the advices to states for their SIP preparation, (2) to review and amend the total air emissions control rules under the EPA’s Air Pollution Control Act and to determine the ranking of regulated pollutant, (3) to complete the pilot work of baseline emissions approval and the trial calculation tasks of RACT for NOx to the three counties in GGPAQMD, (4) to draw up the RACT draft rules, (5) to formulate the emission reduction goals and terms in GGPAQMP, (6) to hold the related conferences, seminars, and working group meetings about the emission baselines and the RACTs, and (7) to maintain the website for Department of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control. 093 空保處 財團法人中技社
32117073 溫室氣體減量彈性方案及成本分析 一、我國CO2排放最大影響因素為GDP,我國單位GDP之CO2排放量亦高於全球平均值與OECD平均值。政府已制定非核家園目標,在現有技術條件下,未來化石能源仍為主要能源,CO2排放降低程度有限。因此研定我國未來溫室氣體減量目標時,朝向GDP排放密集度目標方向思考對我國較有利。二、以「臺灣能源工程模型」評估五種後京都期減量承諾方式技術面、成本面及行政執行面之影響,評估項目、內容與結果如下:(一)減量情景:包括延續京都議定書情景、密集度情景、約束與收斂情景、三層疊架法情景(Triptych approach)、政策措施(policies and measures)。(二)評估內容1.定量分析:各種減量承諾方式之減量幅度與成本。2.定性分析:以公平、環境效益、經濟衝擊、執行技術等原則評析各種減量承諾方式。(三)評估結果若以「成本」作為篩選減量模式之標準,GHG密集度情景-阿根廷模式對我國較有利。若以環境保護及國際談判成功率為篩選減量模式之標準,約束與收斂情景較有可能獲得國際支持,但我國邊際減量成本高於附件B國家,我國需進一步評估該情景對經濟之影響,研擬經濟工具配套措施,以降低成本負擔。三、本計畫國際建構模型經驗交流目的本計畫模型功能拓展作業與研究議題與國際接軌。本計畫與國際5個機構聯繫結果如下:(一)可建立區域MARKAL模型與其他模型相結合,共同進行區域性溫室氣體減量策略評估。(二)本計畫建置之電力部門溫室氣體前驅物資料庫之方式與國際相類似。四、本計畫評估我國實施碳稅對能源系統技術效率提升效果。由本計畫48、120美元/噸CO2等二種碳稅模擬結果顯示:高效率技術提前於2020年進入能源系統者包括:煤炭氣化複循環發電技術(發電效率50%)、電弧爐效率提升20%、鍋爐效率提升5%、製程熱效率提升7~15%。 Greenhouse gas reducing flexible plans and cost analysis 1. GDP is the most important factor for Taiwan’s CO2 emissions. Given the target of “Nuclear-free Homeland” set by the government, mitigation of CO2 emissions will be difficult for Taiwan in the future. 2. This project has evaluated five Post-Kyoto targets, including the Continuing Kyoto target, GHG Intensity target, Contraction and convergence target, Triptych approach, and Coordinated Policies and measures. The marginal mitigation cost for the GHG Intensity target is lower than the others.3. So far as many as five international institutions have been approached in efforts to expand the current model capability. The methodology of the electricity department GHG forerunner database, established by this project, is similar to those developed by international institutions. It was suggested that the “TAIWAN-MARKAL” could be linked to those models to shape the regional GHG mitigation policies in the future.4. The effects of carbon tax were assessed under conditions of US$48/tCO2 and US$120/tCO2. It was shown that conducting the measure of carbon tax could facilitate the entrance of advanced technologies into market. The following technologies are accelerated entering into market prior to 2020: IGCC plant with 50% efficiency, arc furnace with 20% efficiency improved, boiler with 5% efficiency improved, and heater with 7-15% efficiency improved. 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 1 到第 50 筆