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Title 災後環境汙染防治計劃及其實施機制之探討
Abstract 歷年來台灣地區不斷遭受各類天然災害侵襲,若就台灣地區天然環境而論,可歸因於台灣氣候、地質上的特異性,造成極高天然災害發生率。如從台灣板塊構造上看,台灣位於歐亞大陸板塊與太平洋的菲律賓海板塊交界之處,屬世界上有感地震發生頻率最高的地區之一。造山運動迅速、地震頻繁、河川坡度大;加上氣候原因,加速地表岩石的風化和侵蝕,也潛藏著許多造成民眾生命財產損失的天然災害危機;此外,地狹人稠的台灣,土地利用的需求已超出一般的開發,亦為台灣帶來更多的災害問題。重大天然災害發生後,環境污染物的急劇增加及造成環境髒亂情形,容易滋生傳染病甚至是對民眾健康、生態環境產生極大影響;災害善後處理上更是費時費力,且應規劃出復原過程中如何減輕對環境的衝擊,以避免後續的處理與污染。在重大天然災害發生後,災後污染防治工作第一時間所需人力、物力等資源在災害發生後更要能迅速估計調動,估計的工作仍需發展較簡易、快速的方法。鑒於上述天然災害後造成之環境污染,行政院環境保護署自去年度與今年度(九十二、九十三年度)委託本校 (國立高雄第一科技大學)執行「災害後環境污染防治計畫及其實施機制之探討(二、三)」專案研究計畫。本年度除完成年度的計畫內容,包括: 持續收集國內外災後環境污染防治、環境復原、應變計畫資訊,並持續草擬修正成適合本署之災害後環境污染防治計畫草案。 延續92年度工作內容,持續調查各地方環保單位辦理災後環境污染防治作業能力。 建立地震、寒害、土石流等災害的縣市環保單位適用之環保單位災害後環境污染防治實施作業說明書及標準作業程序。 完成建立震災、寒害、土石流等災害後環境復原監測指標之研究。 召開公開說明訓練講習會,訓練各級環保單位緊急應變連絡人員,正確使用本計畫所擬定之作業說明書及標準作業程序。 提供我國目前處理重大災害後環境污染防治實際經驗之檢討與改善建議。為配合兩個年度之結束,亦重新檢討災後污染防治工作之估算模式,提出一指數型模式,可簡易、有效與精確的估算水災、震災後之垃圾清運需求量與消毒需求量,並已整合至工研院災後污染防治資訊系統,提供決策系統之應用。期望藉由本計畫之成果,能達到有效提升、強化天然災害災後環境處理之工作,縮短災後處理時間及降低災後之污染。
EngTitle Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan after Disaster and its Execution Mechanism
EngAbstract Taiwan has been suffering from various natural disasters. The peculiar geological and metrological features of Taiwan has resulted in high frequency of natural disasters. Taiwan is located in between euroasia and Philippine continentals and is one of the highest earthquake occurring area. The sharp mountains and drastic changes in weather also results in great erosion of the surface rock and soil. All these have resulted in great risk potential for losses of people life and properties. Furthermore, the excessive utilization of land also resulted in more problem during a natural disaster.When a major disaster occurred, the pollutant increased rapidly and may causing environmental impact, affecting community health, and impacting the ecology. The recovery will take great time and efforts and thus planning is necessary for reducing the impact from these disasters. It is thus necessary to estimate the necessary resources for manpower and equipment at the time of disaster such that recovery work can use.The Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan has thus contracted the National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST) to perform the research projects - “Environmental Pollution Prevention Plan after Disaster and its Execution Mechanism (2,3)”. The project scopes included: Collect case studies from local and international information on pollution prevention, recovery and emergency plans.  Prepare standard operating procedures for earthquake, landslide, and cold weather disasters for local EPA on the pollution prevention. Proposed monitoring indicators for environmental recovery work.  Held training meetings with local EPA officers to explain how to use the standard operating procedures. Provide recommendation for the EPA for future disaster recovery planning.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 南區毒災應變諮詢中心