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Title 九十三年度環保署社區環境改造技術服務團期未成果報告
Abstract 本報告主要在紀錄朝陽科技大學通識教育中心接受行政院環境保護署委託,所執行九十三年度社區環境改造計畫技術服務團專案工作的作法、成果以及相關檢討建議。內容包括:一、媒合環境保護及環境教育領域的專家學者,針對61個社區的環境改造議題,提供具務實性及永續性的社區環境改造技術服務。二、針對社區環境改造的實際需求,提供具專業性、落實性、經驗性及創意性的環境改造理念與實務,在全國辦理十場次的社區環境改造創意環保培力研習以及兩場次實地的觀摩與現場指導的研習活動。三、提供有關環境保護的學習資訊,有機農耕的實作教學,以及協助社區綠色產業的推動等。四、彙整社區民眾參與環境改造的策略與機制,以及推動永續家園的行動紀實。
EngTitle The Technical Consultation and Service Team for Environmental Improvements of Taiwanese Communities in 2004
EngAbstract The research, sponsored by Environment Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, was conducted by the Center for General Education in Chaoyang University of Technology. During 2004, the center carried out several projects concerning environmental reforms of communities. The technical support group provided useful services, refining results, as well as helpful recommendations. The finial results included as follows: 1) The center, focused on reforming issues of 61 communities, provided technical supports from scholars who concerned about environmental protection and environmental education. 2) The center, according to practical demands from communities, provided some experienced ideas by 10 workshops and 2 field tours. 3) The center provided useful information concerning about environmental protection, organic agriculture, and green industry movement. 4) The center categorized tactics and strategies from active residents of the communities who participated in environment reforms as well as conducted their records of promoting activities.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心