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Title 93年中華民國環保義工日-環保帶動唱活動
Abstract 為慶祝93年度中華民國環保義工日,行政院環保署特舉辦「環保帶動唱活動」,期望透過舞蹈、歌聲及精心打扮的造型,唱出、舞出、表現出環保義工們內心愛護這塊土地、愛護自己的家園、愛我們後代的子孫及對大地的感謝地,凝聚環保義工之向心力,並且藉由活動的舉辦讓民眾更了解環境保護之重要性。本項活動計有團體組55隊及個人組33人參賽,於93年10月16、17、23日及31日分別在市民廣場/台北市政府、台中科博館、台南社教館、花蓮城垣藝文創意空間舉行地區競賽,共選出團體組優等獎12隊及佳作獎18隊、個人組優等獎10人及佳作獎10人。獲選優等獎團體組及個人組則於11月12日在台北市二二八和平紀念公園參加決賽,經評審結果選出冠軍團體組1隊及個人組1人、亞軍團體組2隊及個人組2人、季軍團體組3隊及個人組3人。93年度環保義工日環保帶動唱活動,不僅有近千位環保義工參與,地區競賽及決賽過程並獲得媒體報導,使本項活動能夠透過環保說唱表演方式,有效打入民心深入基層,提升環保概念,達成預期目標。
EngTitle Environmental Protection Action and Singing Party
EngAbstract To celebrate Environmental Volunteers Day of the Republic of China to be held in 2004, the Environmental Protection Agency of Executive Yuen had carried out “Environmental Protection Action and Singing Party” which showed the loves and wishes caring for the volunteers to our next generation and homelands. This action demonstrated gratitude of people to the motherland by events of dancing and singing. People participating the party have realized the importance of environmental protection by this event.During this event, 55 groups and 33 individuals have participated. The regional contests had been held on the dates of 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 31st of October 2004 at Civil Plaza (Taipei City), Science Museum (Taichung City), Social and Educational Hall (Tainan City), and Chengyuang Arts and Cultural Creation Center (Hualien City), respectively. At totals, 12 parties had won regional excellence awards and 18 parties had won regional honor group awards. In addition, 10 participants had won regional excellence individual awards, and 10 participants had won regional honor individual awards. The parties and individuals that won the regional excellence awards were eligible to participate the final contest to be held at Taipei’s 228 Memorial Park. The final results were placed as follows: one group championship and one individual championship, two group 2nd place awards and two individual 2nd place awards, and three group 3rd place awards and three individual 3rd place awards.There were more than a thousand people had participated the party and contest on the Environment Volunteers Day. The regional contests and final contests had also been reported on the mutli-media such that the messages of environmental protection had been effectively conveyed to the people in Taiwan. The dancing and singing of this party have been proved very successful and the objectives of this activity have been totally understood.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 力展創意整合行銷有限公司