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Title 環境資料庫地理資料蒐集建檔
Abstract 環保署於九十年度起分階段進行環境資料庫建置之初步調查與規劃,第一階段初期環境資料庫推動計畫,初步主要鎖定五項重要工作重點,分別是環境資訊管理與資訊公開辦法之研擬、環境資訊標準、資訊品質驗證制度之規劃、環境資訊資源系統之規劃建置及教育宣導等。並自91年起亦依據推動計畫著手進行整合性環境資料庫實體建置工作,主要將環保署相關既有資料庫如空、水、廢、毒污染源資料庫、環境品質監測資料等陸續建立持續整合匯入機制,並持續開發環境資訊系統提供進行整合性資料庫之查詢及供應統一窗口,對外界提供資料庫及詮釋資料查詢等應用。由於各單位對於環境方面之空間地理資料庫之整合及建置工作日益有迫切之需要,基於整體運作方式之考量,因此環保署配合環境資料庫整體運作及需求等之考量以本計畫來執行空間地理資料庫之建置作業,以期能有效加速整合性環境資料庫之整體推動建置工作之落實。基於前述有關環境資料庫建置與推動之加速落實需求,本計畫主要目標包括:加速執行環保署環境資料庫建置推動方案、執行空間資料數化建檔,擴充環境資料庫之空間資料內容、及提供網際網路版地理資訊系統主題圖展示及圖層下載功能等三項,主要完成之工作項目包括:完成環境資料庫所需之地理資訊系統圖層資料數化建檔,共完成17個點狀及面狀圖層;完成國土資訊系統環境品質分組圖層目錄整理,共完成整理9437個圖檔整合建置成為508個向量圖檔及5886個影像式空間資料;完成環境地理資訊系統圖層主題圖展示系統開發建置,提供圖檔調閱管理及詮釋資料庫連結查詢調閱等相關功能。
EngTitle The geography material collection construction for The environmental database
EngAbstract Because various units and establish the work conformity of space of geography information database regarding the environment aspect to have the urgent need day by day, consideration based on whole operation way, therefore the environmental protection bureau coordination environment information database whole operation and the demand consideration the and so on carry out the spatial geography information database by this plan to establish the work, can effectively accelerate by the time integrated whole of impetus the environment information database to establish realization the work.States the related environment information database based on front to establish acceleration realization demand with the impetus, this plan essential target includes: The acceleration carries out the environmental protection bureau environment information database to establish the impetus plan, to carry out the spatial material number to construct the files, space of material content the expansion environment information database, and provides the Internet version geography information system subject chart demonstration and the chart level downloading function and so on three items, mainly completes the work project to include: Completes the environment information database to need the geography information diagram level material number to construct the files, altogether completes 17 spots shapes and the surface shape chart level; Completes the national territory information system environment quality grouping chart level table of contents to reorganize, altogether completes reorganizes 9,437 charts files conformity to establish into 508 vector diagrams files and 5,886 images type space material; Completes the environment geography information diagram level subject chart to demonstrate the system development establishes, provides the chart files to pull and read the management and the annotation information database links the inquiry to pull and read and so on the related function.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 千一資訊有限公司