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Title 環境資料庫標準系統推動、跨部會資料庫整合及環保知識庫規劃暨教育宣導計畫
Abstract 本專案於93年度推動工作重點在於建立環境資訊標準系統、跨部會環境資訊資源管理與環境資訊品質系統、以及規劃環境資訊應用系統、並將成果進行教育宣導等重點工作。在環境資訊標準系統之推動工作上,以環境資訊標準登錄規劃、環境辭彙審核作業、環境資訊系統建置規範研擬為重點項目。本計畫將歐盟發展的GEMET詞彙資料庫中文化內容進行名詞以及定義的審核作業,完成2500筆環境辭彙;而環境資訊建置規範制訂的目的在於提供中央或地方環保機關,在推動環境資訊建置時,可遵循的基準。其內容共十七條,除一般規定外,主要包含內容、程序、與資訊公開等相關條文。藉由規範之制訂,未來不同環保機關所發展的系統,在整合上可能更有效率。在跨部會環境資訊系統管理規劃方面,本計畫提出環境資訊資源管理機制的檢討與修訂,包括資料整合之標準作業程序及流程規劃、以及跨部會環境資訊資源之整合示範系統規劃;而為了維護環境資訊品質,本計畫從專案管理與生命週期評估觀點,建立環境資訊品質的管理架構,以避免環境資訊於規劃、生產、儲存、交換與使用過程中發生可預期的錯誤,滿足各種決策程序對環境資訊品質的要求。在環境資訊應用系統之規劃上,包括國外環境資訊系統案例分析(包括美國環保署之EnviroFacts系統、加拿大環保署建立之NPRI系統、歐盟環保署建立之EPER系統),更進一步地﹐將國外案例與我國環境資料庫內容進行比較;另規劃永續發展指標應用系統中的『環境污染』與『都市發展』指標。為使相關業務單位能清楚明白本計劃推動之目的與目標,相關教育宣導工作亦於本年度的推動工作上持續進行,包括二場座談會以及一場研討會,整體而言,除達到計畫工作事項之要求外,並且逐步達成環境資訊庫觀念與應用的推廣。
EngTitle The establishment of environmental information standard mechanism, the development of environmental information integration across government departments, planning environmental information applicatio
EngAbstract The environmental database project of 2004 includes setting up environmental information standard mechanism, developing environmental information resource and data quality system across government departments, and planning environmental information application system, and advertisement, etc.There are environmental information registry flow design, environmental vocabulary review, and environmental information norms establishment in the task of environmental information standard mechanism. This project provides the 2500 environmental vocabularies including the Chinese version definitions of the term and explanation. The references include the European Union’s GEMET vocabulary system, and EPA statistics data & EPA Regulation of Taiwan, etc. The goal of the norms in environmental information developing is to offer basic requirements to the local or central environmental protection authorities that would develop the environmental information systems. There are 17 clauses in the proposed norms, except the general ones, the clauses can be divided into 3 parts, including contents, processes and public information. With the norms, systems developed by different authorities could be probably integrated more efficient in the future.There are two subjects for developing the environmental information management across government departments that are environmental information resource management and data quality system. This project proposes the standard procedure for build up the environmental information resource. In order to ensure the quality of environmental information, this project proposes a systematic framework based on life cycle assessment (LCA) to avoid the expected errors happened in the procedures including planning, production, storage, exchange and usage and to satisfy the requirement of data quality when making a decision.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學環境工程研究所